The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1120 The Saintess

Zhao Li Xin didn't pry any further he didn't want to stir up her emotions even though Lory looked calm from the outside but he knew full well that her emotions were still heavily affected after seeing her brother again.

[Then who is the person close to your little brother? are they your friends you used to tell about?] Zhao Li Xin deliberately diverted their conversation.

The dark clouds covering her purple eyes were dissipated and replaced with joy, Lory replayed the video and stopped it as Lucas and the others stood in front of the palace gates.

[This big one, his name is Fargo, he who trained me to fight he is also a womanizer, I can't count how many times I have to help him hide from the women who are chasing him] Lory shook his head,

[Oh, and the dark brown-haired guy beside Fargo is Fredhardt, I call him Fred. regardless of our wishes, he makes himself to be our private tutor. Still, I have to thank him because he is the only reason my ranking in school is always in the top three even though I often skip school...] Lory's eyes flash mischievously then continue to move the cursor on the screen.

[And the yellow corn hair man over there is Jay, his real name is Justine but we called him Jay because he is loud and noisy like a bird, this guy is the same age as me and Lucas and he is my partner in crime...] Lory grinned from ear to ear [Whenever I got a crazy idea and wanted to do something crazy or dangerous he would be the first I called to and after that, we work together to persuaded Lucas to join us, oh and the man with reddish hair is Radcliff and we called him cliff, unlike jay he was very serious but very warmed hearted, he always tries to stop us whenever we do naughty things yet he always ends up following us out of worry for us and because of that he got punished together with us] Lory chuckles as she reminisces all the stupid thing they do.

Zhao Li Xin eagerly listens to Lory's story [You sounds very naughty when you were young]

Lory propped her chin feeling nostalgic all of a sudden [I guessed more than I have to, but sometimes you wanted to break out from all the duty, the responsibility, and everything else just  for a moment and  acted like a normal kid...]

Lory blows her cheeks and then continues her search, she then stumbles another headlined soon after her eyebrows furrow.

[Who is that?] Zhao Li Xin was amazed to see the moving picture change to another still picture in one click, as an armament master he was curious about how this object worked.

[She is the Saintess that people talking about] Lory scrolls down to read more news.

Zhao Li Xin got curious as to why Lory paid intention to this woman called Saintess, [Why do you care about her?]

[I am just curious who is this girl and why she works for S.A.I.N.T organization] Lory propped her chin while her other hands were busy moving the mouse

[Organization? Is it like a sect?] Zhao Li Xin asks.

A smirk spread across her face [You can say that…]

Zhao Li Xin could feel that Lory didn't like this organization, so Zhao Li Xin's interest was resentment [What kind of organization is that?]

Lory opened a new tab then news about the S.A.I.N.T organization popped up then he showed it to Zhao Li Xin [It was a righteous organization that worked a lot around charity like giving donations to people in need, giving disaster relief regardless of which country it happened, then helping to bring up important matters that many people avoid talking about, and many other good things, overall they really made a meaningful impact on the first]

[Then it's changed?] Zhao Li Xin could guess.

Lory clicked her tongue [An organization is ultimately formed to gain influence and power if not it's hard to accomplice anything as a result they inevitably have to put aside their ideals to gain some influential people's favor, they have to bend the truth, lie and tolerating some things to please the people in the high place, feign ignorant to the truth and  eventually it becomes 'normal' after that it didn't take long until the whole organization become dirty and corrupt]

[Normally, starting at the top and then trickling down, corruption can only take root when the leader gives 'somewhat' concessions, and when it's like that it's difficult to change them back] This wasn't the first time Zhao Li Xin saw an organization deviated from its original purpose.

[Yes, and got worse under Alexander Behrenn the leader of the Sacred Council] Lory clicked a picture and it popped off the screen.

Zhao Li Xin narrowed his eyes as she examined the face of a middle-aged man who smiled kindly in the photo, the white robe he was wearing made him emit a pure aura like a gentle kindhearted old man that not affected by the world's desire however it was not difficult for Zhao Li Xin to recognize the deception hidden neatly under the old man gentle blue eyes.

[What a troublesome old man and very greedy too] Zhao Li Xin said in a bored tone, she had seen too many people like this in his life that he wasn't impressed at all.

[You can see it too, huh?!] Lory was not surprised by Zhao Li Xin's sharp assessment.

Zhao Li Xin suddenly lose interest, [Lory, you continue your work I will meditate for a while] Zhao Li Xin felt that she would better use his time channeling the Qi flows within his body.

Lory was amused by his sudden change of attitude but she understood that because Zhao Li Xin must have met someone like Alexander too many times that he could guess what kind of person Alexander was without further explanation.

Lory also agrees that Zhao Li Xin rather be cultivating, luckily the place was relatively empty so no one would pay attention to them, at most some people would think he was sleeping.

[Okay, I wake you up when I'm done]

Zhao Li Xin didn't do anything weird he just leans his back on the chair and then closed his eyes while controlling his breathing if anyone saw him they will think he feel asleep. Meanwhile, Lory continues to read about the Saintess.

From her biography Lory found out the Saintess' full name is Allina Lisandra Miza, twenty years old, country of birth of Dolza, she was found by Salvo de Rova when she was seventeen while fainted after saving her friend who was dying in a street market.

Lory clicked on the name Salvo de Rova who turned out to be the chief supervisor of the S.A.I.N.T organization, also Allina's right-hand man and a mentor.

'What a busy man'

The S.A.I.N.T organization that she knows is just like any other organization. They have their own discourse of interests, one of which is to form a religious state, although it's not a bad thing, the problem is they want to divide the world according to existing religions that joining their organization so that little by little they will be able to insert their own ideology and world view into the rest of the world which means they will be able to expand their power and influence, in fact, they have been trying this for a long time and they would have succeeded had Lucient not existed.

For a very long time, people had worshiped the Lucient family, especially people in Harlan. The legend and myths surrounding Lucient had been pervading every children's book and world history so it was difficult to get rid of the name Lucient from people's minds completely especially after the dark age war that cause the Lucient name to soar even higher than ever before.

This must make many people, especially the leaders of the S.A.I.N.T organization, they must be very upset and she can imagine how they racked their brains to find a solution to overcome this.

Then all of a sudden, a Saintess who has powers like her appears out of nowhere so Lory feels there is something fishy about this.

Lory clicked on a video when the Saintess visited a remote town that seemed to get the most impact after the Dark Ages war, in the podium stood Allina accompanied by her right-hand man Salvo and several other S.A.I.N.T members.

The girl had long, wavy platinum blonde hair that reached just below her shoulders and covered her chest, her beautiful hooded blue eyes appeared to be nervous in front of the exciting crowd, the little girl fidgeting just like a little dear in the zoo.

Allina turn her head at Salvo and the man smile gently at her soon after Allina looked more relaxed and she became less nervous.

Lory raised her brows, it seems the Saintess and her right-hand man is very close, and a knowing smile bloom on Lory's face.

Actually, Lory wouldn't think badly of the young Saintess if she wasn't working for the S.A.I.N.T organization and Lory was fine knowing someone other than herself had healing powers in fact she actually wanted more people to have powers like her so that way more people could be saved besides the world is so big and there was no way Lory alone could save everyone, heck, she could barely save half of Harland's citizens when the war broke out therefore if there were more people with her power it will automatically lighten her burden.

The healing power took too much mana which caused her to fall into a coma even worse she could die hence this ability was deliberately hidden from the world until Nazareth appeared.

Lory watched the video of how the Saintess showed her strength by touching the stump's leg then a golden light appeared from her hand and then it was absorbed in the person's leg, soon the stump grew into a full leg and everyone gasped in shock, including Lory.

Soon everyone was clapping and cheering happily while shouting out the Saint's name hysterically, and the girl look to be overwhelmed by the jubilant crowd in front of her, but she still answered with a shy smile.

"Wow...." Lory widen her eyes in disbelief, not even her healing power could do that! "Growing limbs, huh...that's new" Lory mumbled to herself, no wonder people raining praises for the Saintess, turns out she's a miracle worker

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