The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1109 The End Of The Long Battle

The dark creatures suddenly lost all of their strength the moment the sun rise up therefore they easily slaughter like grass by the cultivators while the Hybrid Beasts also weakened some of them even dying along together with the demon parasite, in a short moment the long battle finally abruptly came to an end.

The remaining humans looked at each other with confused faces, which turn into doubt before changing into great relief immediately they all cheered with utter joy and then hugged each other without a care who the person next to them, even the Emperor himself has thrown his position as he embraced his loyal subordinates who fought alongside him.

"Sister Lan, we win!" Jin Hua jumped while hugging Lan Hua tightly.

"Sister is over!" Guan Yi Jue and guan men Niang hugged each other while crying tears of joy.

Shin Jiu threw his fist into the air excitedly "See what I said! Master and Milord can't lose!"

Tian Meng Ji laughed and patted Shin Jiu on the shoulder "Didn't you have a little doubt before?" Tian Meng Ji scoffed.

"Impossible!" Shin Jiu rebuked.

Mu Jang Ge arrived then looks anxiously around him but then his face quickly brighten up when he found Tian Meng Ji alive and well "Hey, old man you are not dead yet?" he approaches him while throwing a sarcastic joke like always.

"No way, I can't possibly die before you, right!" he scowled but his eyes shone with relief and joy.

"Oh, let's go find madam Lory and Milord then we can celebrate this winning!" Mei Gui pulled Cha Hua and Shui Xian with him.

"Oh yeah, we have to find the four kings' palace too!" Lan Hua clapped her hands "Hopefully they're okay, they cannot die just after they found a wife, right!" she express her thoughts loudly.

"True, they cannot become a virgin ghost, that be so sad" Mei Gui chimed in.

"They are virgins?" everyone was surprised.

Yuan Xue An, Guan Men Niang, and Jin Hua's faces were involuntarily red as people looked at them expectantly as if saying 'Go, get them!'

Meanwhile, Ming Yue Yin, Yuan Shao, the four King's palace, and the Mong Brothers searched for Lory and Zhao Li Xin's whereabouts, they believed they would be alive maybe resting somewhere as the two of them were known as very carefree, and insensitive people, therefore everyone continue to search for them as they were sure that the two of them must be fined cause how could they be not? They believe this will end with a happy ending like Lory always wanted it.

The days continued to change as part of the Hwang Wu continent was damaged, and many people stayed behind to help, such as the people of Guan Niang and Yuan Xue An, along with members of the Hei Shen sect, Ju Yun, Liang Zu empire and tribesmen from the Zhuang dong continent, helping thousands of people who were injured during disasters, they also help find missing people, bury their dead, and clear damaged buildings and roads to make movement easier.

News of what happened in the Chang Lan Kingdom soon spread throughout the world and the less damaged kingdoms kindly sent aid such as the Jiang Wei empire, and the Yun Mo empire, who felt indebted to Zhao Li Xin and Lory as sects. The big companies also sent aid because they knew that many influential groups were involved in that battle even the ancient beast Hwang Shen Zi appear in that battle, therefore, they didn't dare to act ignorant besides they were all curious about what kinda disaster that could wreck half the massive continent like Hwang Wu continent.

However at the present, no one cares to bother to explain nor care to answer their curiosity as they are all focused on looking for Lory and Zhao Li Xin even though they were confident before but after weeks of searching, they couldn't find them anywhere they begin to afraid, they even found Jiang Jin Wei missing sword but still there was no any sign of Lory and Zhao Li Xin anywhere.

As time went on, Jin Hao, Bei Li Yan, and the others become more and more anxious, even though they tried not to show it, still, the heavy aura around them was apparent and it was evident in their unusual behavior, like Jin Hao, who love cleanliness had not taken a bath for more than a week despite how dirty his robes become and the normally chatty Bei Li Yan has become utterly quiet he hasn't said anything this past few days.

The same thing happened to Mong Ki, Mong Yi, Wu San Bo, Jiang Jin Wei, and others soon the weeks have become a month still they cannot find Lory and Zhao Li Xin but they refused to accept the possibility of Lory and Zhao Li Xin perished with Lazarus.

The pregnant Yang Xi Ying was forced to rest by Ming Yue Yin and Li Mo Zhen after participating in a search for three days non-stop, and finally, with a heavy heart, Yang Xi Ying returned and rested in the relatively modest building that Emperor Chang Lan had given them for temporary residence. the truth is the house was not so bad but because all members of the Hei Shen and Jiu Yun sects stay in the same house because of it the house become awfully cramped but is not the emperor's fault cause most buildings had either been destroyed or were used as emergency shelters or temporary hospitals for treating injured people.

But then again, no one cared about their living condition they had no time to rest anyway and Yang Xi Ying was too anxious to worry about these trivial matters.

One day in the middle of the night Yang Xi Ying had trouble sleeping again because of severe insomnia even though she never has insomnia before, therefore to help her Yuan Xue An used acupuncture to relieve the stress from her so Yang Xi Ying could rest still is not worked very well, so, as usual, Yang Xi Ying awoke from her restless sleep feeling drowsy and tired Yang Xi Ying take a sit on the chair while staring out the window.

Soon her thoughts wandered thinking about Lory. It has been three weeks had passed and they still couldn't find any trace of Lory and Zhao Li Xin, not even the piece of cloth as if they disappeared into a thin air, even so, she couldn't believe they were dead, and she wasn't the only one who thought like that.

Yang Xi Ying took a deep breath then suddenly she saw a purple light flickering flying towards her. Yang Xi Ying felt strange seeing the soft purple light dance in front of her before she realizes it was a firefly, but since when a purple firefly exist why she has never seen it before all of a sudden Lory's face flashed in her head, is this a coincidence the firefly reminds her very much with Lory.

Yang Xi Ying gently cupped her hands around the firefly to catch it, she thought she wanted to show it to Ming Yue Yin when she returned but suddenly the light from the firefly shine brighter and brighter startling Yang Xi Ying.

Yang Xi Ying reflexively opened her palm then she was surprised to see the firefly turned into paper.


Yang Xi Ying's heart was pounding as she slowly read the words written on the paper and a few seconds later her eyes widened in shock and her whole face become tight.

As if she forgot that she was pregnant Yang Xi Ying jumped from her couch and rushed to the garden in front of her room then hastily released a flare sign into the sky soon the bright red light illuminated the night sky.

Early Morning Li Mo Zhen, Ming Yue Yin, Yuan Shao, the four King palace, the Mong brothers, tian Meng ji and many more gather in the small hall of the temporary residence that was given by the emperor for yang Xi Ying recuperated while Li Mo Zhen and the other searching for Zhao Li Xin and Lory.

"Xi Ying, do you have important news, why did you summon us all?" Li Mo Zhen swiftly held her arm so she wouldn't fall since her stomach has become bigger.

Everyone looked at Yang Xi Ying wondering what kind of important news it was that they had to postpone their search.

Yang Xi Ying reached into her sleeves then showed them and said "I got a letter from Lory"

They simultaneously look at Yang Xi Ying, their expression changing from shock to joy, relief, and then curiosity.

However, the one who make the first reaction was Ming Yue Yin, after she heard the news she approach Yang Xi Ying excitedly, "A letter? Did Auntie tell us where she is now? why only letters?" Ming Yue Yin got so many questions but then Yang Xi Ying's handed the letters to Ming Yue Ying to read, at first she read the letter ecstatically, but later on, the joy on her face turned into an inexplicable expression.

"Empress Ming, what madam said?" Mong Yi asked curiously.

"Did madam tell Milord's condition?" Jin Hao asked with a rare impatient demeanor.

"Where are they?" Tian Meng Ji also can't hold his patient.

"I....." Ming Yue Yin bit her lip, She had an expression of sad confusion on her face then handed the letter to Yuan Shao that stood next to her.

Yuan Shao took the letter and then skimmed through the contents of the letter then his gaze swept over the worried faces of the people in the room with heavy expressions. Yuan Shao took a deep breath and then read out the contents of Lory's letter loudly for everyone.

"We won right?! I'm sure we won!"

The sound in the room was as if sucked in even the sound of breathing was not heard as everyone fell silent, unmoving.

"Forgive me for giving the news late because my magic only will work after my existance in this world completely disappears.

But, worry not, just because I say I'm not in this world anymore doesn't mean I'm dead, well, actually I'm not sure either but please think positively okay!

And that is the only bad news, I hope. Anyway, I hope you all are alright cause I will be sad if one of you got hurt so I wish all of you doing okay, and that including my dear husband but I wonder if he will be there with you all cause honestly I don't know the outcome of our winning but if Zhao Li Xin isn't there then probably he was with me, who knows if he got stubborned and decide to search for me and I am sure he finds me soon or later since all of you know how persistent he could be..."

A faint smile flashed across the four Palace Kings and the Mong brothers as they recalled how Zhao Li Xin had searched for Lory without ever seeing her face or knowing her name and it took two whole years before she accidentally found her.

"And for all of you who are still there please don't be sad for me, because I'm not, actually I'm very happy cause I can protect the world where my friends lived, a world that I never thought I would I consider to be my second home. Honestly, I never thought that I will have a strong attachment to this world but then I met Zhao Li Xin, and then I met you all.

Together we've been through a lot of ups and downs, some good some bad some very bad cause we almost died e few times, but we can't deny that they were all fun and irreplaceable memories that I will take with me wherever I go.

So stop crying! especially you Xi Ying, remember you carry my nephew there so take care of yourself, Li Mo Zhen you must take care of Xi Ying! don't forget about it!"

Li Mo Zhen gently wiped Yang Xi Ying's tears and hugged her.

"And as for Jin Hao, Bei Li Yan, Wu San Bo, Jiang Jin Wei, my last request is... please get married! Seriously you guys are too handsome and rich to be bachelors, MARRIED this year, please! You too, Mong Ki, Mong Yi, don think I forgot about you, find someone!"

The four Palace Lords and the Mong brothers looked at each other with mirthless smiles.

"Also please take care of my cute disciple, I feel bad that I haven't taught him anything useful so please help him for my sake, I know he will become a great force for our sect

And as for Ming Yue Yin, I hope you have a happy life with Yuan Shao, I hope you can create the happy family you have always wanted and I hope you stop doubting yourself.

You are a great woman and a great ruler, confident because I believed in you and learned to share your burdens with your subordinates whom you can trust, I know taking the path as ruler will not be easy but that doesn't mean you have to walk this path alone"

Ming Yue Yin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes while trying to stay strong but when she almost broke down Yuan Shao intertwined his fingers with hers and then clasped their hands together tightly while Yuan Shao continue to read the letter.

"Finally, for the people I didn't mention yet never forgotten, from the bottom of my heart I wanna sincerely said, thank you very much.

Thank you for accepting a stranger like me to be part of your world, thank you for believing in me though I know it was hard, thank you for staying by my side until the end, and most of all thank you for being my family.

Even though our time together was fairly short yet I feel so lucky, cause even in this strange world I still have a lot of things that make saying goodbye so hard, therefore I have a definite conclusion that I have a blissful life.

Okay, that's all from me, Let's get up and celebrate this winning!

The letter ended, faint sobbing sounds in the awfully quiet room and everyone was at a loss as to what to say as they had never prepared themselves for the possibility of Lory and Zhao Li Xin leaving despite all the obstacles that stood in their way, deep down they still believed that Lory and Zhao Li Xin would emerge victorious as they always did, but how come...

Unable to take the news of Jin Hao leaving the room without a word, Jin Hua saw his elder brother leave but then he saw Bei Li Yan looking devastated he was also confused at having to accompany Yuan Xue An who thanked him to chase after Jin Hao and Jin Hua was relieved to see it.

Immediately Bei Li Yan left the room and Jin Hua followed with a worried face, after that Wu San Bo and other Hei Shen members left the room one by one.

Meantime, Shin Jiu stood still like a dead statue, the world seemed to collapse, he found it hard to breathe but then he felt a soft pat on his shoulder, when he lifted his chin he saw Jiang Jin Wei's smile however Shin Jiu could see His eyes are shining with the threat of tears for some reason Shin Jiu feel better knowing he's not the only one feel this way perhaps some of them feel worst than him, Later on, Jiang Jin Wei left with Shin Jiu and Lan Hua.

Meanwhile, Tian Meng Ji who was slumped in a chair suddenly look aged decades in an instant, Mu Jan Ge then sat beside him without saying a word, knowing that there were no words to comfort his old friend.

"Let's eat" Yang Xi Ying grab Li Mo Zhen's sleeve, "Lory said, I must take care of my child so I should..." tears roll down her cheeks.

Li Mo Zhen's eyes turn misty he lift his head trying to stop tears from falling from his eyes, it took a lot of him to control his emotion only then he nodded at Yang Xi Ying and softly said "You want to eat a dessert after that"

Yang Xi Ying nods profusely "Yes!" she answers in a choked voice.

Everyone knows Lory has an unhealthy obsession with desserts and sweets so it's become a running joke between them but now she has a real craving for sweets.

"Xi Ying, can I join in?" Ming Yue Yin suddenly asks with a croaky voice.

There was no need for words between them, perhaps no one understood her grief more than Yang Xi Ying. Ming Yue Yin could barely restrain herself when Yang Xi Ying gave a knowing smile and opened her arms, Ming Yue Yin broke out into tears she took long strides then threw herself into Yang Xi Ying's arms and they cried together.

Yuan Shao and Li Mo Zhen could only watch their wives venting their grief without saying anything because they knew that no words were enough to ease their grief, soon a great sense of loss swept over them sucking their energy and tearing their hearts apart.

'It's not fair' they all thought but what is fair?

'Everything has a cost' as Lory used to say and she had foreseen this from the start, which was why she had prepared the letter as a comfort to those she had left behind. Something she didn't do for the people in her old world, so if they look at it from a different perspective, they were pretty lucky, arent they?

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