The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1019 Loyalty

The battle grew fiercer, Zhao Li Xin and the four palace kings attacked the giant tree that had turned into an iron monster with a body completely covered with something that looks like impenetrable armor.

Meanwhile, Lory watched from afar trying to find the creature's weakness, Zhao Li Xin's immortal flame was actually strong enough to melt the iron on the creature's body but the creature managed to quickly recover the damage in its body so Zhao Li Xin's repeated attacks didn't mean too much.

[Any ideas, little girl?] Girsha knew Lory must have had an idea in her head.

Lory crossed her arms in front of her chest and her eyes narrowed and a sly smile grew on her pretty face, [I...have one]

Lory take a quick dive in the air at the same time she summoned a chain from her spatial ring then wrapped it around the creature's leg then threw the other end of the chain around the giant boulder.

"Everyone use chains to restrain the monster's movements!" Lory commands the four kings' palace.

without further ado Jin Hao and the other followed Lory's orders, each summoned a long iron chain from their spatial ring and then wrapped the tree monster limbs then pulled it with all their might.

Lory gripped the chain then Lory's purple eyes shone and then suddenly the chain on her hand froze and the ice spread to the creature's legs and continued in rapid speed untill below the creature's waist, as a result, the tree movement stopped.

Seeing this, without needing to be told he understand what Lory's plan was, Zhao Li Xin used the firestorm art, he gather all the flames into his hands and then formed a golden chrysanthemum made of flames, the more Zhao Li Xin gathered her Qi.

The bigger the flower became. after the flower became bigger than Zhao Li Xin herself, the flower petals flew rapidly in a circular motion like a drill and then attacked the creature's chest, at first the attack was blocked by the creature's iron skin but Zhao Li Xin's fire continued to drill into the creature's chest until finally the iron in the creature's chest slowly melted.

Feeling the pain, the creature struggled to free itself from its bonds, but the four palace kings tightened their grip on their chains using their Qi to the maximize their strength, only that way they were able to withstand the monster's movements.

Suddenly Lory's ice started to crack before long Lory's chains broke and the ice at one of the creature's feet shattered but Lory didn't let the creature free for too long.

Lory opened her arms soon a cold wind blew from behind her and then froze the creature's legs this time the ice spread all over the creature's body and head except around the chest that was drilled by Zhao Li Xin's fire, from the outside is like an ice mountain pierced by a giant fire drill needless to say it was a sight to be seen.

"HOLD ON!" Lory screamed.

​ The flames swirled faster and faster until they pierced through the creature's chest, soon after the light in the creature's eyes dimmed before long the ice-covered creature's body shattered into pieces, the four palace kings stagger as the chain on their hand also got broken only after the glittering ice fell they realize it's over, Jin Hao and the others look up and the ice fall upon them like crystal dust.

Lory heaved a sigh of relief, a few seconds later Zhao Li Xin landed beside her, "Are you okay?" Zhao Li Xin's eyes carefully examined Lory's condition.

"I'm fine how about you?" Lory was worried about him too.

Zhao Li Xin smiled gently, "It's nothing"

The four palace King approached Zhao Li Xin and Lory at the same time, Lory turned a worried look at them, "Are you guys okay?"

Jin Hao gulped down some recovery pills and God's knows what, then casually said to Lory, "We'll be okay?" he's not joking because the color of his face is gradually improving

"Yeah, we just need some time to catch our breath," Wu San Bo reassured Lory, he also looked better after taking a few pills.

Bei Li Yan also grinned widely, "Yeah, don't worry about us, we can fight an enemy much stronger than this!" he said boldly while put his hands on his waist in a playful manner.

Jin Hao then sent a warning look to Bei Li Yan "Hey, don't Jinx it!"

Bei Li Yan rolled his eyes as usual then suddenly he saw black clouds rumbling in the distance and it getting closer and closer as if it was alive then they heard a high shrill sound from a distance immediately everyone become alert again.

"I think Li Yan is really jinx it…" Jiang Jin Wei stared helplessly into the distance and a deep sense of unease held him rigid.

Bei Li Yan's eyes flutters, a few quick beats to make sure he seen the real thing, unfortunately he did, Bei Li Yan then muttered regretfully, "Sorry everyone...."

Soon the wings that were sharp like a bat's wing but covered with short, coarse dark red feathers that split the dark cloud like a hot knife on the butter the next thing happened a  giant bird appeared then the creatures make a ear-shattering squawk, Lory and the others quickly cover their ears.

Bei Li Yan then quickly raised his hand, "I know this become old, but what the heck is that thing Lory?!" Bei Li Yan pointed at a creature that was similar to a bird but had long horns that curved at the ends of its head and a tail that was sharp like a lizard but cover with sharp thorns like a knife.

"Well, the simple explanation is, it's a hybrid beast" Lory pulled out a sword from its ring.

Bei Li Yan then shook his head "No-no-no, I need a full explanation Lory"

"Me too, ma'am." Jiang Jin Wei also raised his hand.

While Wu San Bo didn't say anything, however, his eyes waited for Lory expectantly.

Lory was speechless, they might not believe it, but she didn't have all the answers about how the beast mutated after eating some of Lazarus. After all, there wasn't much research on demon blood in her old world other than what she had learned from rumors and old books, and even if there were, they weren't deep, and mostly just theories because no one had ever met a real demon.

"Hey, I have an even crazier assumption" Jin hao suddenly said everyone turned their eyes towards Jin Hao at the same time. Jin Hao looked closely at the strange bird while frowning, "You remember the phoenix that Jin Kai gave to Lao Min Na?"

Wu San Bo widens his eyes in disbelief "You don't say!"

Jin Hao rubbed his cheek while saying "It got the same feather, same beak, the same posture if you ignore the horns, wings, and strange tail"

"That's almost all of it, are you sure?" Wu San Bo wasn't sure.

"I guess so..." Jin Hao shrugged "But I got the strong feeling about this"

"No matter what creature it was before, we must kill it," said Zhao Li Xin.

Jiang Jin Wei suddenly cupped his hands and saluted Zhao Li Xin "Milord, leave this creature to us, please go to Yi Shan Mountain first."

Lory furrowed her brows in disapproval "Hey, we're not leaving you guys!"

Jiang Jin Wei smiled "I grateful for your concern madam but it looks like Lazarus and Lao Min Na deliberately try to delay your moves, I'm afraid they will get the sword before us, and if that happens..." Jiang Jin Wei didn't need to continue his sentence everyone knew when it all happened will be late.

Lory and Zhao Li Xin looked at each other, Lory clearly hesitated and Zhao Li Xin didn't seem happy about this idea either. Jin Hao suddenly cupped his fists and said: "Madam, my Lord please trust us!"

Bei Li Yan and Wu san Bo also cupped their fists and bow their head deeply and they speak in tune "Please, trust us!"

Lory bit her lip with an expression that clearly showed reluctance unfortunately they didn't have time to hesitate anymore as the monster flew closer and closer towards them.

"Madam, my Lord, PLEASE!" the four palace kings pleaded together.

Zhao Li Xin clenched her jaw, for after a long time Zhao Li Xin's way of thinking was always effective and efficient this was the first time he found it difficult to make a decision, even though the answer was clear, there was no need to be a genius to find out Lazarus was trying to block their way, he most likely wanted to get ahead of them to get the sword and if Lazarus' intentions were fulfilled then all their efforts would be in vain.

"Lory, leave it to them..." Zhao Li Xin holds Lory's hand tightly.

"But…" Lory looked at Zhao Li Xin with a 'Are you sure' expression.

"I believe in them, I believe they will be fine..." Zhao Li Xin then shifts his sharp gaze at the four king palaces "You guys won't be defeated by that ugly creature right?!" his voice sounded more like a command than a question.

But the four king palace understood that this was Zhao Li Xin's way of showing his concern, they smiled secretly smile then replied in unison, "We won't Milord!"

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