The Prince of Heaven's Gate - Last Stand At World's End

Chapter 202 Twilight Rain’s Next Target

“A vacation to play with your sisters?”

“Yes, Master. However, if it is too presumptuous of me to request such a thing, feel free to ignore it.”

“It’s fine,” Lux said with a smile. “You can have a week off after we deal with the Beast Tide. Until then, please do your best to assist me.”

Sid respectfully bowed as he firmly knocked his fist against his chest. “Thank you, Master. I am very grateful for your mercy.”

Lux nodded. “How are your sisters doing in Leaf Village?”

After hearing about Sid’s and his sisters’ circumstances, Lux decided to do his new servant a favor and allow him to take his sisters to Leaf Village, where they would be properly cared for by the brave and caring Grandma Annie, who had helped Lux several times in the past.

“Grandma Annie was very happy to have them, and my sisters were also very happy to have a kind Grandma as their guardian,” Sid replied with a relaxed smile on his face. “I’m just a bit worried that they will eat all the candies in Grandma Annie’s shop because they said that they taste good.”

Lux chuckled after hearing Sid’s report. “Don’t worry. Knowing Grandma Annie, she would teach your sisters the recipe for making the candies. Perhaps, she might even teach them how to become Alchemists like her.”

“That will be wonderful. Both of my sisters have good memories and are fast learners.”

“Looks like their future is bright then.”

Lux then shifted his attention to Emma, who was also seated on the table in front of them. The pretty Dwarf gradually turned into the Half-Elf’s secretary, instead of a bodyguard, which made things easier for him.

Right now, Emma was busy placing colored beads on the map, showing Lux the locations of where the various guilds would be deployed during the Beast Tide.

Scarlet, who was also in the same room as them, looked at the map with a serious expression.

“Twilight Rain has two guilds that are collaborating with them here in Whitebridge City,” Scarlet said as she pointed at the two beads that represented the guilds of Twisted Destiny and Arcadian Lords. The roles they play are very subtle, so only the higher ups are aware of their existence.

“I am only able to learn this information through my grandfather, who told me that if I ever needed help in Whitebridge City to assassinate you, I can come to these two guilds for help.”

Lux nodded in understanding. This was also why he had decided to choose Scarlet to become the Slayer Candidate instead of Sid. As long as she was the mole he planted inside Twilight Rain, even the secrets known only to the Elders would pass through her ears.

“Master’s plan is brilliant and, if executed well, would definitely work wonders,” Scarlet said with a smile. “However, the problem is executing the plan. We can’t do it too early because you intend to help Eternal, so you need points in order to make that happen.

“Also, we can’t do it too late. I’m afraid that we might miss the right opportunity to carry out the mission.”

“Exactly,” Lux commented. “Although the plan is good, there’s a lot of variables on the battlefield. So I want you to improvise to the best of your ability.”

“I will do my best, Master.”


Emma looked at Lux with admiration. She never expected that he could even turn two outstanding Reapers from Twilight Rain as his subordinates. Because of this, she became more confident that staying with Lux was the best choice that she had made in her life.

“Master, two days from now, the vanguard of the Beast Tide will appear,” Emma explained after she finished arranging the beads on the map. “I don’t know if the arrangements were decided at random, but the Eternal Guild is stuck between Twisted Destiny and Arcadian Lords.”

“The two other Silver-Ranked Guilds, Crescent Vanguard and Thunder Oath, are located on the outer perimeter. If these two Twilight Rain affiliate guilds were to sabotage Eternal, no one would notice their attempts.”

Lux rubbed his chin as he stared at the map.

Aina’s guild, Eternal, was at the very center of the defensive perimeter. This was an ideal location in order to allow them to kill as many monsters as possible, but it also had its drawbacks.

For example, since they are at the very center of the formation, it also meant that it was highly possible that they would have to face the main bulk of the Beast Tide, as well as the strong monsters leading the pack.

Also, at the heat of the battle, it would not be impossible for the two collaborators of Twilight Guild to play some dirty tricks during the siege.

Although rules and other precautions were set, it was still possible for loopholes to be exploited, which could spell bad news for the guild of the doll-like beauty, who cared for the lives of her guild members.

‘I need to tell Aina about Twisted Destiny and Arcadian Lords,’ Lux thought. ‘Eternal is the only ally I have in Whitebridge City, so it’s best to keep them as safe as possible.’

While Lux was deep in his thoughts, Sid lightly tapped the table, pointing at the bead that represented Eternal.

“According to the person that recruited me to Twilight Rain, after your assassination, the next high-profile target is Aina Van GoldenSlayer,” Sid said. “It is highly possible that Twilight Rain will use this opportunity to send someone to assassinate her during this Beast Tide.”



Lux frowned after hearing this report. Aina was Colette’s sister, and, if something happened to her, the adorable little Dwarf girl would be devastated.

“Understood,” Lux said after a minute of thinking. “I was only going to assign you to help kill some monsters during the Beast Tide to rack up points, but if her life is really in danger, you are to silently protect her from the side.”

“Yes, Master,” Sid nodded. “I will do my best to accomplish my mission.”

“Good.” Lux gave him a brief nod of acknowledgement.

Scarlet didn’t participate in the discussion because she didn’t care whether Aina lived or died. The only thing she cared about was becoming a Slayer Candidate by following Lux’s brilliant plan to make her name known to the upper echelons of Twilight Rain.

“Sid and Scarlet, before the start of the defense against the Beast Tide, I want you to scour this place and look for suspicious individuals,” Lux ordered. “If you see any of the Reapers…”

Lux paused, which made everyone inside the room look at him with their undivided attention.

“Kill them, and leave no traces behind.”

“”Yes, Master!””

Lux would not allow anyone to make the little Dwarf, whom he treated like a little sister, cry because of the schemes of Twilight Rain.

If only he had the strength to uproot this threat by himself, he would have taken action already.

Sadly, he was still an insignificant Apostle in the grand scheme of things. The only thing he could do was tell Aina about the dangers that lurked around her, and hope that the Warrior Princess would make the necessary preparations to protect her life, against those who wished her dead.

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