The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 95: Hwang Min-Su (4)

Chapter 95: Hwang Min-Su (4)

For several days, a constant hammering sound rang in Gi-Gyus basement. Thanks to the soundproof barrier, his mother and sister didnt hear it from upstairs; unfortunately, he couldnt avoid the incessant noise with his sensitive player ears.


Gi-Gyu quickly became sick of the continuous bangs and clangs and went to the basement. Min-Su was sculpting something out of the stone coffin; the boy honestly had terrific stamina and power as he kept hammering the coffin day in, day out.

Isnt sculpting done with a hammer and a chisel? Gi-Gyu thought in confusion. Surprisingly, Min-Su managed to shape the coffin using just the hammer, making Gi-Gyu doubt his knowledge. However, he soon realized that Min-Su was just unique.

Gi-Gyu watched as Min-Su split the stone coffin in half, shaping it delicately without a chisel. Watching Min-Su work was like watching a magic show: Every time he brought down the hammer, the coffin broke exactly how and where he wanted.

-Its because hes Paimons descendant.

When Lou explained, Gi-Gyu asked, Sounds like you were fond of Paimon?

Usually, when Lou talked about the other demons, including Baal, Gi-Gyu could tell Lou didnt like them. However, Lou seemingly had a sort of affection toward Paimon.

-He was one of the few demons that didnt betray me.

Hmm. Gi-Gyu didnt reply since he could hear the longing for his old life in Lous voice.


The hammer went down again, and Gi-Gyu continued watching Min-Su work.


I might end up being arrested for child abuse, Gi-Gyu muttered. Indeed, if someone saw Min-Su right now, Gi-Gyu would be reported to the police for possible child abuse. Currently, Min-Su was sleeping on Gi-Gyus lap; the week-long hammering had given him blisters and mild fever.

Gi-Gyu tried his best to stop the boy, but Min-Su refused to take a break. The kid had actually created a weak barrier around him to gently push Gi-Gyu away. Realizing this was what Min-Su needed and wanted, Gi-Gyu stayed away.

The result was Min-Su sleeping with uneven breathing on Gi-Gyus lap.

Maybe I shouldve tried harder to stop him, Gi-Gyu muttered, feeling guilty. Admittedly, a part of why he didnt try harder was selfishness. He remembered what Old Man Hwang told him before his death and wanted to see if it was true.

Min-Su will become a blacksmith much more powerful than me.

He felt apologetic for his selfishness, but when he turned toward Min-Sus work, it reminded him he had made the right choice. Studying the coffin's new shape in awe, Gi-Gyu whispered, It was all meant to be.

Just as Old Man Hwang claimed, Min-Su had a great potential to be an excellent blacksmith. One may wonder how being a good sculptor translated to becoming a good blacksmith, but Gi-Gyu knew better. The stone coffin barely took any damage from the giant magic explosion back then, but Min-Su shaped it into something utterly different. What was it if not raw talent?

I wonder if potions would work on him. Gi-Gyu reached toward Brunhearts gate, and a skeleton walked out and handed him several potion bottles politely. Needless to say, Gi-Gyu was now using his gate as a bag.

Thanks, Hart, When Gi-Gyu thanked the lich, the monster replied.

-I am always at your command Grandmaster

Gi-Gyu closed the gate and picked up the potion. Min-Sus aura was utterly different from players, so he knew Min-Su wasnt a player for certain. However, Min-Su entered the Tower, a place only players could enter, and sculpted the stone coffin. So, he knew it was worth a try.


After Min-Su gulped a few drops, his face became less pale. Encouraged, Gi-Gyu poured the same potion on Min-Sus damaged hands.

Its working! The potion was visibly healing Min-Su.

Mmm Dad? Min-Su slowly opened his eyes and mumbled.

Are you awake, Min-Su?

Ye yeah, Min-Su replied weakly.

You must be hungry, huh?

Uhm, When Min-Su murmured, Gi-Gyu promised, Lets just finish this part, and well get you some food.

The potions relieved Min-Sus fatigue, so he remained awake. Patting the boys head, Gi-Gyu lifted Min-Su. Since the little boy worked so hard for him, it was now time for him to reward Gi-Gyu.

In what order should I go about this? Gi-Gyu murmured as he walked toward the sculpture. The sculpture was glowing brightly, gleaming on Gi-Gyus face.

When Gi-Gyu stood in front of it, Min-Su asked weakly, Dad What are you going to do with it?

With a smile, Gi-Gyu raised his hand to summon the status screen. He announced, Combination. Hwang Ji-Chuls fragment. Ego fragment.

Old Man Hwangs real name was Hwang Ji-Chul. The sub-material Gi-Gyu chose for the Combination was an Ego fragment. Old Man Hwangs egofication had failed back then, but

I know it wont be perfect, but close to perfect is possible, Gi-Gyu murmured with hope. After spending hours studying this process with Baal, they had come up with the best possible solution.

Golden pieces appeared from Lou and Gi-Gyu and mixed into one in midair. Watching this process intently, Gi-Gyu ordered, Nine!

A skeleton soldier exited Brunhearts gate and handed Gi-Gyu a sword glowing in dark and murky green light. While the golden pieces of light mixed, there was something Nine needed to do.

Now in his sword form, Lou clashed into Nine, followed by a system announcement.

[Hwang Ji-Chuls fragment is being accepted by Nine.]

Then, Lou let Nine absorb his stats despite being capable of absorbing Nine itself. It was a controlled process; once Nine had absorbed a bit of Lous stats, Gi-Gyu stabbed it into the giant golden light storm.

Ugh. Gi-Gyu groaned from the pressure. The energy Nine absorbed left the sword and was absorbed into the mixture of golden lights.

Admiring, Min-Su murmured, It looks so pretty.

The unexpected strain this process put on Gi-Gyu made him sweat bullets; however, it was just a beautiful scene with firefly-like particles and intense lights to Min-Su.

Gi-Gyu couldnt tell how much time had passed when he heard the sudden system announcements.

[Combination was a success.]

[Hwang Ji-Chuls fragment has transformed into Ego Hwang Ji-Chul.]

It worked. Finally, his day-long discussions had yielded successful results: He had succeeded in turning a fragment into an Ego.


Gi-Gyu wanted to stay and complete the rest of the process, but he couldnt because of Min-Su. The potions healed the boy physically, but they weren't enough to treat Min-Sus psyche. Min-Su collapsed after watching the beautiful mix of lights for a few minutes.

When Gi-Gyu brought Min-Su upstairs, Yoo-Jung glared at him and accused, Oppa, what have you done?! Gi-Gyu only scratched his head awkwardly, failing to find an excuse.

While Min-Su slept soundly in Gi-Gyus bed, Gi-Gyus mother suggested, How about we give Min-Su a room?

When Gi-Gyu first introduced Min-Su to his mother, he briefly explained the boys situation. He told his mother that Min-Su had lost his family, and because he knew the boys grandfather, he decided to take care of the now orphaned child.

They had plenty of rooms in their spacious home, but Gi-Gyu shook his head after hearing his mothers suggestion. Not yet. I want to observe his situation for a bit longer, Mother.

Hmm I dont know what youre waiting for, but please dont take too long. Even a child needs his own space, Su-Jin said with a nod.

All right. Gi-Gyu had already thought of giving Min-Su a room; for now, he needed more time to think.

Mmmm When Min-Su moaned, Su-Jin patted his head and asked, Oh, are you awake, Min-Su?


Hahaha, Su-Jin chuckled.


Hearing Min-Sus stomach growl, Su-Jin quickly stood up and announced, Lets get some food into you. How could you stop eating for a week, silly boy?

Yoo-Jung glared at Gi-Gyu, who sighed, Haa

There were believable excuses; then there were facts that sounded like excuses. Gi-Gyu knew no one would believe Min-Su had stopped eating of his own volition, let alone his family.


Tae-Shik clenched his fists; his palm bled as his nails dug into his flesh. I cant believe this.

Kim Tae-Ohs family was starving to death, and they didnt know where Kim Tae-Oh was either. Sung-Hoons face was filled with rage as he reported to Tae-Shik.

While investigating Kim Tae-Ohs whereabouts, Sung-Hoon learned about his familys situation: They were in dire straits after Kim Tae-Oh joined the Caravan Guild.

Tae-Ohs family situation was similar to Gi-Gyus old life: A family of three with an unwell mother and a younger sibling. His family had been waiting for Kim Tae-Ohs return all this time. They were living their last days; thankfully, the association found them.

All right Just help them get on their feet, Tae-Shik ordered bitterly. The guilt was crushing him.

Of course, Sung-Hoon replied with a nod and left the room.

After learning about Andras, Tae-Shik knew this demon brainwashed Caravan players never to leave the guild. Consequently, all Caravan players suddenly disappeared, abandoning their families. The families of financially stable players survived, but families like Tae-Ohs waited for their loved ones till death.

A crimson flash of anger appeared in Tae-Shiks eyes. You better not underestimate us humans.

Their hunt for the Caravan Guild had just begun. Lucifer and Baal were out hunting, which meant Tae-Shik could no longer stay idle. It was time for him to make his move as well.


After Min-Su recovered, he returned to the basement. Of course, Gi-Gyu went with him.

Min-Su asked, Dad, what will you do today? Will I get to see the pretty lights again?

Well I dont think it will be pretty, but youll see something important, Gi-Gyu patted Min-Sus head and replied. Due to the stone sculptures shape, he was certain Min-Su would be ecstatic to see what was about to come.

I guess Min-Sus subconscious made him shape the sculpture after his grandfather.

When Gi-Gyu first saw the final result, he couldnt hide his shock. The stone coffin had transformed into a sculpture that looked exactly like Old Man Hwang. It looked like a younger and stronger version, but there was no mistake that it was Hwang Ji-Chul in a stone form. It shone with golden light, looking otherworldly.

Gi-Gyu said to Min-Su, You really are an incredible blacksmith.


Gi-Gyu still couldnt believe how a sculpture, not a weapon, could shine like an Ego. Old Man Hwang alluded that Min-Su would be Gi-Gyus greatest asset; now, it was time for him to give the little boy a gift.

Gi-Gyu placed his hand on the sculptures chest and announced, Sync.

Based on Baals calculation, Gi-Gyus shell could still accept a few more Egos.

[You have successfully synced.]

The sculpture wasnt a full-fledged Ego; it was just a fragment. With how far Gi-Gyu had come, no Ego fragment would refuse to sync with him. A bright light appeared along with the status screen, but Gi-Gyu dismissed it and shouted, Grant!

He selected Hwang Ji-Chul as the Ego

The man known as Old Man Hwang

The greatest blacksmith Gi-Gyu knew.


The blacksmiths Ego entered the sculpture with a blinding flash.

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