The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 88: Old Man Hwang (2)

Chapter 88: Old Man Hwang (2)

Ugh. Every time Gi-Gyu heard new information about the basement, he would feel that atrociously horrid pain. The pain from the penalty made him groan, worrying Old Man Hwang. Are you okay?

I am okay P-please continue Gi-Gyu bit his lips again and groaned. A drop of blood trailed down his face and fell on Old Man Hwangs forehead. The blacksmith murmured appreciatively, Thank you.

Old Man Hwang was thankful Gi-Gyu was willing to listen to his story. But Gi-Gyu wasnt enduring this pain just to appease the blacksmith.

A different world

As expected, the Tower had many secrets. Gi-Gyu guessed that Soo-Jung, Tae-Shik, and the others refused to tell him these deep secrets because they knew about the penalty. So this was his chance to find out as much as he could.

Old Man Hwang continued, Like a vagrant, I roamed in this new world.

What was it like down there? Gi-Gyu asked as he poured more potion into the elderly mans mouth. The potion was doing nothing more than temporarily prolonging the blacksmiths life, but that was enough. Gi-Gyu kept giving him small doses to keep him alive and fulfill his dying wish.

Burning lands Lifeless desert It wasnt a beautiful world, answered Old Man Hwang.


When Lou made a noise, Gi-Gyu asked silently, Whats wrong? Do you know this place?

-Just listen for now.

It looked like Lou also had something to say about this place. The elderly man continued, I explored that place for a long time, but I couldnt find anything special. It felt like I was wandering through an endless gate It felt useless. After spending a long time there without finding anything, I decided to return home. But on my way back

Fear crawled on Old Man Hwangs face as he said, I met a monster. It was a creature with dozens of arms and Mind you, I was a pretty powerful player then, but this monster was much stronger than me. It played with me as a cat does with a yarn ball. I was being ripped apart when

The fear receded, serenity took over, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. It told Gi-Gyu that he was thinking about something pleasant.

Old Man Hwang continued, Thats when I met her.


Indeed. Old Man Hwangs simple smile turned bright and innocent as he added, My wife.

Yearning matured over years of separation floated in the old mans eyes. Strangely, the statement made Gi-Gyu uncomfortable; he asked, with a tense face, Was she a player?

His wife saved him in this new world? Wait! Was she even human?

No She was Khoff, khoff! Old Man Hwang coughed up more blood.

Sir! Gi-Gyu yelled, seeing the last of his vitality fading away. Tears rolling down his cheeks, the blacksmith whispered, "No, I cant die like this Min-Su will be left all alone

Old Man Hwang always looked so strong and stubborn, but even he couldnt face his death calmly. As sadness filled Gi-Gyu, Old Man Hwangs face brightened, and he said, Wait! You can make Egos You cant create weapons, but just like how you gave Brunheart a new life...

Quickly realizing what the blacksmith was talking about, Gi-Gyu became pale. Old Man Hwang begged, We dont have much time left. The elderly man looked up at Gi-Gyu with determination and asked, You must turn me into an Ego.


Ive heard the rumors that you can egofy the dead.

But it isnt always a success.

Old Man Hwang forced his mangled hands to move and held Gi-Gyus hand. Ill die either way, so dont you think its worth a try?

-No way! If the egofication fails, his soul will be torn apart. Hell never ever be resurrected then.

Gi-Gyu relayed Lous warning to the elderly blacksmith, but Old Man Hwang was, once again, adamant.

Im begging you. The elderly man looked at Gi-Gyu desperately, making Gi-Gyu call upon Lou for help.

-I hate humans.

Lou answered in frustration. Gi-Gyu asked, Lou, is there a way to increase the success rate of an egofication process?

-Cannibalism isnt something you can control. Everyone must accept the fate given to them based on their qualifications. I cant guarantee you anything.

Suddenly, Old Man Hwang grabbed Lous blade, staining it with his blood. The elderly man already had enough wounds, and grabbing a sharp sword's blade did him no favors. But, his nerves were already too dull to feel pain; he slowly pulled Lou toward his chest and murmured, P-lease Do this for me

The problem here wasnt only the success rate. Even if the egofication was a success, Gi-Gyu had no weapon to incorporate the Ego in. It might be a dying mans wish, but Gi-Gyu still had a full shell.

So, even if everything worked out perfectly, Gi-Gyu couldnt immediately converse with the egofied Old Man Hwang. Gi-Gyu had to gain as much information as possible right now. Where is Min-Su?

The 1st floor of the Tower. The door to the basement T-take this with you. Old Man Hwang let go of Lou to rummage for something in his pocket. He took out a keychain-sized hammer and a crumpled piece of paper. Gi-Gyu accepted them and asked, Are you saying Min-Su is inside the Tower?

T-thats right. You must rescue Min-Su. Min-Su will become a blacksmith much more powerful than me Min-Su He was kidnapped, so you must

Gi-Gyu shook his head, unable to understand what the old man told him. Sadly, Old Man Hwangs hour had come, and he was at peace with it now. When Gi-Gyu looked him straight in the eye, Old Man Hwang smiled.

Gi-Gyu murmured, I hope I will see you again

Thank you.

Lou pierced the elderly mans heart.

[Cannibalism is being activated.]

The system announcement made Gi-Gyus heart heavy, and sadness engulfed him slowly.


There were too many confusing pieces to this puzzle.

So Min-Su was kidnapped. The kidnapper also fatally wounded Old Man Hwang, stole all the weapons, and escaped to the Tower.

What confused Gi-Gyu was the part about Min-Su.

How did Min-Su enter the Tower? And that boy will become a greater blacksmith than Old Man Hwang?

Min-Su was not a player, so how did he enter the Tower. Did he receive an invitation since the last time Gi-Gyu saw him?

When Gi-Gyu opened the crumpled piece of paper Old Man Hwang gave him, he gasped.

This is Gi-Gyu immediately recognized it. In fact, he suspected not many in the entire world knew about it better than he did: It was a detailed map of the 1st floor. The only thing new to Gi-Gyu was a hand-drawn door.

This must be the entrance to the basement? Gi-Gyu murmured. Surprisingly, it was in a spot that other players usually overlooked and rarely visiteda familiar spot.

Could it be?


Gi-Gyu wasnt given much time to contemplate. He picked up his cell phone and answered, Hello?

-Did something happen?

Sung-Hoon replied without greeting Gi-Gyu. The association agents from before must have contacted him.

Gi-Gyu replied, Nothing important. Im going to the Tower right now; I need to get there as quickly as possible, so

-Got it. Ill have everything arranged to keep interferences to a minimum.

Sung-Hoon could hear the sorrow in Gi-Gyus voice, so he promptly reassured Gi-Gyu and hung up, making Gi-Gyu smile.

Haa Gi-Gyu took out the small hammer Old Man Hwang gave him. For now, he had no idea how to use this item.

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed deeply once more before heading out.


True to his urgency, Gi-Gyu moved like lightning. All the emotion felt a little overwhelming, but the wind slapping his face helped.

I wonder what this other world is like.

Conspiracy theorists believed the Tower and the gates were separate worlds, different from ours. And according to Old Man Hwang, there indeed was a different world beneath the Tower. It took a strong and open mind to accept this theory.

Lou! El! Is there anything you know about this?

-Well, I wonder if youll be penalized again if I tell you.

When Lou murmured, Gi-Gyu paused and shivered. He was somehow able to endure the pain while Old Man Hwang told him his story, but he wasnt sure he could do it again.

So much agony for so little information. Thats a shitty bargain.

-You better believe it. I bet most other players wouldve died. You a freak! Most likely, either your willpower or your evil eye kept you going. But Im telling you that you almost died back there. Probably, Old Man Hwang didnt expect you to get this penalty. Else, he also wouldnt have spilled the beans like that.

Gi-Gyu agreed with Lous assessment. After gulping loudly, he asked, You can tell me. Just do it.

Just in case the incredible pain returned, Gi-Gyu stopped moving. After a short hesitation, Lou replied.

-Idiot. You could die, you know. Ill just give you the safe information.

Lou paused, wanting to see if the penalty was activated. When nothing happened, he continued.

-Yes, different worlds exist. Many different worlds exist. There are many El or I dont even know about. As for the Tower

Suddenly, a mild ache appeared in Gi-Gyus head. A sign of the penalty beginning. Realizing what was happening, Lou stopped. He muttered instead,

-There is no need for you to rush like this. Just wait until you reach the 50th floor.


Gi-Gyu continued to sprint after he entered the Tower. He briefly considered asking others for help, but that would mean sharing too many secrets. This situation involved a completely different world. In addition, Min-Sus safety was at risk. Min-Su could be the next best Ego blacksmith; revealing this to others could create problems for Gi-Gyu.

Gi-Gyu also felt confident he could take care of himself. He was much stronger now, so he was confident he could get out of any problem alive.

In the worst-case scenario, I can just escape.

Fortunately for Gi-Gyu, this confidence didnt come from arrogance.

Gi-Gyu hurried toward the location marked on the mapthe familiar spot.

I cant believe its here.

When he worked as a guide, Gi-Gyu visited this spot every day for five years. Yet he never noticed anything odd. He still couldnt believe that the basement door was located there.

The surrounding scenery changed quickly. Since the assimilation grade increased, Gi-Gyus speed went up another notch. Most players on the 1st floor were newbies, so they couldnt even perceive him.

Phew Gi-Gyu suddenly stopped. It felt like he was going around in circles for some reason. The other players might not have noticed it, but something wasnt right. Gi-Gyu knew exactly where he needed to go, and he shouldve arrived by now.

I think there is a barrier around here, he muttered. Inside the Tower, all barriers became stronger, so Gi-Gyu could tell he was standing before one.

Evil eye. He activated his skill silently. His right eye turned light violet, allowing him to see through the magic. The increase in assimilation grade also gave him his evil eye back. With it, Gi-Gyu quickly discovered a transparent membrane.

Two barriers? Cognitive impairment barrier and an entrance limitation barrier.

When Gi-Gyu put his hand on it, it bounced back.

Somethings definitely happening inside, he muttered. The problem was that he had no idea how to break it. Did he have to get help from the other after all? Gi-Gyu was thinking of possible solutions when he suddenly remembered something.

-Yeah, there is a very good chance this is the key.

Then, Gi-Gyu took out the mysterious small hammer Old Man Hwang gave him before his death.


When it reached the barrier, a small portion of the transparent membrane ripped. The opening was just big enough for Gi-Gyu to enter. The hammer wasnt a one-time use item since it remained perfectly intact in Gi-Gyus hand.

Putting it back in his pocket, Gi-Gyu sighed deeply. A sudden tension-filled him as he took a step forward.

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