The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 71: The Calm Before the Storm (2)

Chapter 71: The Calm Before the Storm (2)

Sung-Hoon groaned as he murmured, So that man is Go Hyung-Chul

However, neither Gi-Gyu nor Go Hyung-Chul paid him any attention. Go Hyung-Chul murmured again, So you have the evil eye.

No wonder he is the legendary paparazzo Go Hyung-Chuls familiarity with the evil eye surprised Kim Gi-Gyu. After Lou awakened as the Emperor of Black Magic, Gi-Gyus violet eye, a gift from Lucifer, turned into an evil eye. Awakening an evil eye was no cakewalk, but Lou helped Gi-Gyu awaken it.

The evil eye had a simple function: It helped Gi-Gyu see right through someone for what they were. As he became stronger, it could also help him see a persons name, dispositions, and other characteristics. But for now, all he could see was the persons name.

Go Hyung-Chul announced, I ready for a deal.

So youll accept my request? asked Gi-Gyu.

Yes, but you must pay more. The risk involved and my pay arent comparable.

You were going to sell my information and photos to the highest bidder, werent you? Why dont you do this for me, and well call it even. When Gi-Gyu offered, Go Hyung-Chul yawned and replied, Youre funny.

Rumor had it that Go Hyung-Chul was close to becoming a high ranker; he belonged to the assassin category. The rumors seemed true because Gi-Gyu couldve never deduced the contact was Go Hyung-Chul if not for the evil eye. Even his improved magic sense failed to pick up the strength hidden by the assassin category.

Not too long ago, Go Hyung-Chul sold a photo of Gi-Gyu exiting the Yeosu Gate to the media. Gi-Gyu thought he could guilt trip this man into helping him, but Go Hyung-Chul didnt seem apologetic.

Gi-Gyu asked, So what can I give you instead?

This was a crucial deal for Gi-Gyu, so he needed Go Hyung-Chuls help, especially now that he had disclosed his request. If they didnt make a deal and Go Hyung-Chul disclosed his request, it would have disastrous consequences.

Go Hyung-Chul studied Gi-Gyu with interest. His eyes smiling, the paparazzi asked, Tell me about your relationship with Lucifer. And what can the evil eye do?

Revealing such sensitive information could land him in hot water with Lucifer, but he promptly replied, I am Lucifers pupil, and the evil eye allows me to look right through a person.

Go Hyung-Chuls bored expression turned into shock, and he murmured, Youre crazy Why would you tell me something like that straight on?! Haa I guess youre at least telling me the truth. Unlike what the rumors suggested, Go Hyung-Chul wasnt omniscient. Gi-Gyus relationship with Lucifer was news to him, and the ease with which he got the news shocked him.

Hahaha! Go Hyung-Chul laughed loudly and said, I will consider myself paid. I guess Ive to accept your request now. Once I find the information, I will contact you.

And with that, Go Hyung-Chul disappeared into thin air.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Sung-Hoon muttered, Ha! I dont even know what to think. Gi-Gyu's reply was a simple, bitter smile.


After meeting Go Hyung-Chul, Gi-Gyu sped up the cogs in his plan. He still had three months, but Gi-Gyu knew in his heart of hearts that was anything but enough. Gi-Gyu knew he would have to spend every waking moment working to achieve what he wished.

His destination after meeting Go Hyung-Chul was Suk-Woos guild. When he arrived at the 30+ story building, a security guard stopped him at the entrance.

Do you have an appointment? the security guard, wary.


... The security guard didnt reply. Instead, he picked up the phone and asked Gi-Gyu, Your name, please?

Kim Gi-Gyu.

The guard made a quick call. After hanging up, he bowed deeply to Gi-Gyu and announced, Someone will be down to escort you upstairs shortly. The person on the other end must have told the guard something about Gi-Gyu because his attitude did a complete 180.


Then, Gi-Gyu heard the elevator door open and saw several people exit it. One of them yelled in excitement, Player Kim Gi-Gyu!

Player Do Bong-Gu! Hello! Gi-Gyu waved his hand toward the familiar figure. Do Bong-Gu was the Cain Guilds guide he helped in the Tower fight against the Smurf Guild. Soon, Do Bong-Gu and five other players scampered to Gi-Gyu.

Other guild members walking nearby saw the interaction between Gi-Gyu and Do Bong-Gu. They seemed very interested as they murmured among themselves.

Whats going on over there? one player asked.

Wow! Thats the head of the guides, Player Do Bong-Gu, right? another exclaimed with excitement.

Whos he talking to? a guild member nearby whispered.

Gi-Gyu ignored the audience and asked Do Bong-Gu, I guess you got a promotion?

Yeah, it just happened, Do Bong-Gu replied shyly as he scratched his head.

Is your leg all right? Gi-Gyu remembered Do Bong-Gu losing a leg during that Smurf Guild fight. Thanks to Yoo Suk-Woos special skill, his amputated leg was found among the numerous pile of limbs. Since he was walking without a limp now, Gi-Gyu suspected the leg was reattached successfully.

Do Bong-Gu replied, Yes. I would like to apologize for not thanking you properly that day. Most of our guild members returned home safely because of you, Player Kim Gi-Gyu.

The lobby was filled with people, but Do Bong-Gu didnt care and bowed deeply, followed by the other five players behind him.

This resulted in an even louder chatter from the passersby. After all, the Cain Guild was now a top ten guild, so they wondered who commanded such respect from Do Bong-Gu, the head of all Cain Guild guides.

Still ignoring their audience, Gi-Gyu, Do Bong-Gu, and his entourage, got on the elevator.


Suk-Woo was buried in piles of documents as he sat at his desk. When he saw Gi-Gyu enter, he greeted, Hey, Gi-Gyu.

Wahh! You do this much work every day? When Gi-Gyu exclaimed in shock, Suk-Woo replied with a tired grin, It cant be helped. At least not for a while

Until his guild became secure in its new place, Suk-Woo knew he would be swamped with never-ending work. Because everything happened so fast, Suk-Woo didnt get the time to employ people who could help him with the workload. Consequently, he was stuck with most of the paperwork for now.

Suk-Woo apologized, Could you give me a minute to finish this? When Gi-Gyu nodded, Suk-Woo continued on with the documents. He was working at an incredible speed, but Gi-Gyu knew this wouldnt lead to an oversight.

Hes such a workaholic. Gi-Gyu shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment. While he waited patiently, he remembered the first time he met Suk-Woo. Back then, they were both going through a difficult phase: Suk-Woo was looking for a better life, and Gi-Gyu was trying to climb out of poverty. Because of this similarity, Suk-Woo and Gi-Gyu quickly became friends.

Suk-Woo really considers his guild his family. While Gi-Gyu had his family, Suk-Woo had his guild. A long time ago, he told Gi-Gyu that although he had a family, he didnt stay in contact with many of them. So the Cain Guild was basically Suk-Woos family.

After finishing his paperwork, Suk-Woo finally looked up and apologized, Im really sorry for making you wait. Then, he joined Gi-Gyu on the sofa.

Gi-Gyu replied, No worries. Im sure youre really busy, so I should be apologizing for bothering you.

Before coming here, Gi-Gyu had already told Suk-Woo on the phone what he wanted. Now, it was time to hear Suk-Woos answer.

Gi-Gyu muttered, So, what do you think?

Suk-Woos face turned rigid as he contemplated. The decision he was about to make could ruin his precious guild beyond repair. This was why Gi-Gyu made a business offer rather than ask Suk-Woo as a friend.

Gi-Gyu reminded Suk-Woo about what he offered, If you agree to this, there will be two main benefits to your guild. First, after the Iron Guild branch is destroyed, most of its rights will be re-routed to the Cain Guild. Second, I will do you one favor without question in the future.

Gi-Gyu asked the Cain Guild to fight the Iron Guild with him because Suk-Woo was vital to his plan. In return, the Cain Guild would obtain significant benefits.

And what you need me to do is Suk-Woo trailed off before continuing, Deal with the Iron Guild branch members? Just the regular players and not the elite ones?

Yes, that will be a huge help.

After a few moments of silence, Suk-Woo nodded and replied with a smile, All right. I guess this means the Cain Guild and the mercenary Morningstar are allying.

Gi-Gyu smiled as well as he stood up. He offered his hand and said to his friend, Thanks, Suk-Woo. They shook hands, and the alliance was officially formed.


Gi-Gyu was relieved after completing two of the most important tasks. Firstly, he found Go Hyung-Chul and had him research the Angela guild. Secondly, he ensured the Cain Guild players would take care of the Iron Guild branch players.

At first, Gi-Gyu considered using his gate monsters to deal with the Iron Guild players, but he needed his skeleton soldiers for something else. So, all in all, everything was working out as he wished.

His last task for that day required him to go to the association building. This time, he wasnt here for Tae-Shik; he was here to ask for help from KPAs president, Oh Tae-Gu.

Come in, Tae-Gu announced when he saw Gi-Gyu standing outside his office; Gi-Gyu entered with a smile.

You surprise me every time I see you, Young Man. Tae-Gu sat on the sofa and added, Soon, youll be able to use your code name Morningstar more openly. Im sure well have much to talk about then.

Gi-Gyu knew instinctively that the president was talking about him becoming a high ranker soon.

Oh Tae-Gu asked, So is your plan going well?

Yes, replied Gi-Gyu.

You have chosen such a hard path to follow.

I had no other choice.

Their conversation was as vague as it could be.

Oh Tae-Gu explained, As you mustve already heard from Sung-Hoon, the association will act as a bystander once all hell breaks loose.

Acting as a bystander would free the KPA (Korean Players Association) of all responsibilities. Sadly, this was the best KPA could do for Gi-Gyu since a countrys association branch couldnt bully the little guy, which were the guilds in this case. All countries association branches had some say in which foreign guild could enter their land. However, once inside, the association couldnt interfere with the foreign guild unless they were ready for an international conflict. In the worst-case scenario, there could be significant bloodshed.

Gi-Gyu replied, Thats exactly what I need, Sir. He felt so relieved that he didnt have the association as his enemy. Just having the association turn a blind eye would be a huge help to him.

But there is one more thing I need, Sir.

Hmm Tae-Gu moaned a little and asked, And what would that be?

I need you to provide absolute control over the area, replied Gi-Gyu.

Absolute control?

Currently, the association was helping Gi-Gyu move secretly while protecting his identity. But Gi-Gyu wanted more from the association president.

Gi-Gyu explained, I want a wide perimeter around the Iron Guild branch headquarters to be blocked completely. Evacuate all citizens and make sure no other guild can enter this area. Will this be possible?

When Gi-Gyu asked cautiously, Tae-Gus face remained emotionless. The president murmured, That kind of control

After a sigh, Tae-Gu continued, It wont be easy unless there is a gate break To be honest, I wouldnt even try because I know it wont be successful.

Tae-Gus answer was firm. His eyes a little darker now, Gi-Gyu asked quietly, Then let me ask you a different question.

His eyes unwavering, he continued, If there is a gate break in the area, will you be able to block the perimeter completely?

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