The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 7: Lou (3)

Chapter 7: Lou (3)

How am I supposed to use this?! Gi-Gyu muttered in frustration. After entering the Tower, he tried everything he could think of, but he still couldnt make his ability work. There was no information on using his so-called Link ability or the assimilation skill that awakened due to his new job. Like a malfunctioning robot, Gi-Gyu kept trying to summon the skill. Pity, nothing happened.

Feeling defeated, Gi-Gyu sat down on the ground and muttered, What am I supposed to do? Was that boy I named Lou, not the Ego?

As if just waiting for that statement, a blue marble suddenly appeared before his eyes.

[Ego Lou is being summoned.]

[Nonphysical form of Ego Lou has been summoned.]

[Lou failed to create his physical form.]

[Lous physical form will be chosen randomly due to the players lack of ability.]

[Lous physical form will be formed by absorbing random materials.]

Its working!

Finally, Gi-Gyu realized the summoning only worked when he called out the Egos name. However, the rush didn't last long as the systems announcement began ringing bells in his mind.

Absorb random materials?



While he was still reeling from the announcement, a vortex suddenly surrounded the blue marble and began absorbing everything in its surroundings.

No! Gi-Gyu screamed. Before he knew it, the vortex had sucked in his sword, his dagger, and the bag hanging around his waist. Gi-Gyu tried his best to grab onto his bag, but all that was left in his hands were the bags straps.

Gi-Gyu yelled in panic, Arghhh! That bag is worth five million won! On top of being extortionately priced, the bag also held potions, expensive disposable items, and some very pricey pieces of equipment.


Also, the bigger problem right now was that the vortex was also sucking in his clothes. At this rate, he would become the weakest exhibitionist.

Haa Before long, Gi-Gyu was just in his underwear, and this realization stressed him to no end. Even though the vortex, thankfully, didnt suck him in, he could only watch in despair as it slowly sucked in the only article protecting his dignity.

[Lou has absorbed enough materials.]

[Lous physical form will be decided.]

Suddenly, the space around him began to shake. The blue marble changed its shape randomly before both the vortex and the marble came to a sudden halt.


It was then that Gi-Gyu heard the bratty boys voice.


So youre Lou? Gi-Gyu asked.

-Of course. Forgot you gave me that name or something? Anyway, how often do I have to repeat myself before you finally get it?

The imp of a kid was now wearing a blanket he got from god knows where. As Gi-Gyu tried to hold a civil conversation with Lou, he had to use every bone in his body not to get angry at the boys impertinent tone.

I have a question.

-Now what? If its anything dumb, I wont dignify it with an answer.

Gi-Gyu was currently holding a sword that he had never seen in his entire life.

It was an entirely crimson sword.

Lous current physical form was this red sword. Gi-Gyu asked, What exactly is an Ego? Is it like a soul?

-Hmm... Not dumb. Okay. Its not a soul.

Then what is it?

-Like I would know.

Haa Gi-Gyu could only sigh deeply in response to that answer. The information Lou possessed seemed limited. Gi-Gyu asked another question, Does an Ego hold the same abilities as the player?

-I dont know what a player is. But if youre referring to levels, skills, or abilities, we certainly have them too.

That was the most shocking fact Gi-Gyu learned that night. And that was after seeing a blue marble turn into a crimson sword. He couldnt understand how this physical form was decided. He was even more confused about what the blue marble deemed absorbable. Another surprising thing was that the red sword he held had its own status screen.


[Level 1]

[Power 1, Speed 1, Stamina 1, Magic 1]


One thing was for surethis sword could level up like players.

So this is like a growing item?

The sword had growth potential; it was definitely a unique item because Gi-Gyu had never heard of anything like this before.

-Idiot! What are you doing? Are you gonna continue fondling me like a pervert?


Gi-Gyu couldnt hide his frustration anymore. He has been patient with this sword until now, but it was time to teach it a lesson. Gi-Gyu cherished his mental health, and this act would definitely only be for his health; there was no way he would derive pleasure from it. However, he had to act nice for a bit more since he still had some questions for the mouthy, bratty, insolent sword. Gi-Gyu took a deep breath and asked, Can you move by yourself?

-Hmm... Not now, but probably in the future.

Can you break the link and find a new master on your own?


Please answer the question? Gi-Gyu prodded in a friendlier voice.

-An Egos master can break the link, but the Ego cant do it independently.

Oh! Then my next question is this: Could you harm me after becoming mobile?

-I can certainly attack you. But if you die, the Ego linked to you will perish as well, so I suppose an Ego cant kill its master.

These were all handy pieces of information. More importantly, the answers were exactly what Gi-Gyu hoped to hear. A slow smile appeared on Gi-Gyu's face as he asked his last question, Can you feel pain too?

-What? Hmm An Ego is a great being; therefore, it can feel all emotions, including pain! Also, you can fine-tune an Egos perception of any and all emotions, bu

Is this how its done? Gi-Gyu interrupted Lou and summoned the system.

[Would you like to turn on Lous pain sensor?]

The system voice asked immediately. Without hesitation, Gi-Gyu turned on Lous pain sensor.

-W-what do you think youre doing?!




The red sword was thrown to the ground hard. It crashed into the rocks on the ground, making Lou scream.

-I asked you what youre doing! Put that down! I said, put that thing down right now!

I heard earlier that you can heal from most wounds. Am I right? Gi-Gyu asked. To his surprise, Lou could repair itself.

I guess Ill save on the repair fee.

Gi-Gyu picked up the biggest rock he could find and walked toward Lou. He then began disciplining the red sword without hesitation.


-That hurts! I said it hurts! Stop!

You! Gi-Gyu emphasized each word.




To learn some manners!

Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!

This is Korea, where good manners are a virtue! You jerk! Gi-Gyu yelled as he continued to beat the red sword with a rock. Every time he hit the sword, a small scratch appeared on Lou.

If you continue to act this rudely, its going to be a problem.

-Im sorry! Sorry! It hurts! I said it hurts!


Sorry? Youre sorry? It hurts? Gi-Gyu repeated Lous words sarcastically.

-I apologi

When Lou saw Gi-Gyu raise the rock again, it screamed in panic.

-I apologize. Ive been alone for so long that I lost my mind.

Gi-Gyu finally grabbed the scratch-covered Lou and replied, Good. Lets hope we get along well from now on, Lou!


Why arent you answering me?

-I-I apologize.

Gi-Gyu finally grinned. Lou was the very first item he received after his unique ability was revealed. In his heart of hearts, he knew he wouldnt have thrown it away even if it had remained brash. Thankfully, after a brief disciplining session, his mental stability and the unique item were secured. Gi-Gyu had to admit he partly took out his lifelong frustration on Lou, but he didnt feel guilty. He said to the sword, I hope youll answer my questions politely from now on. Do you understand?


Answer me.


Its never a good idea to be informal in a situation like this.

-Yes, Sir!

Gi-Gyu was satisfied with Lous military-style answer. He was reminded again how pain was always helpful in correcting bad manners.

Do you know what a link is? Gi-Gyu asked.

-A link is something that makes an Ego belong to its master. It connects an Ego to its master and allows its assimilated master to use the Egos abilities, skil

Do I detect a hint of impudence?

-N-no, Sir!

Gi-Gyu began to see the big picture based on Lous explanations.

So this link will allow me to gain Egos like Lou; once I assimilate to it, I can use its abilities. Does this mean...

If Lou leveled up, would he become stronger too? Could Lou level up in his place?

If so, this meant

Gi-Gyus heart began to pound. After finishing his thoughts, Gi-Gyu looked at Lou and asked, Can you level up?

-Level up?

Exactly. Do you need something special to grow? Or do you level up when you kill a monster? How do you become stronger?


You told me you can grow stronger.

-I dont know.

Gi-Gyu didnt like Lous answer. It seemed the only way to find the answer was through experiences. Gi-Gyu picked up the red sword and left the Tower wrapped in a blanket. His legs felt cold, but Gi-Gyu didnt mind it so much tonight.



Gi-Gyu bought the minimum number of equipment and potions he would need. He was really thankful for the insurance money since he could now spend the saved-up cash on these purchases.


Lous quiet embarrassed giggles made Gi-Gyu wonder how could this awesome red sword be possessed by an Ego with the mental capacity of a toddler. Gi-Gyu couldnt suppress its sarcastic laugh, but he let it go since he didnt find it annoying.

Lets make the best effort, Gi-Gyu murmured.

This mental expenditure would pay off if things worked out the way he expected.


Kirrrk. Kirrrk.

Gi-Gyu now stood on his secret hunting ground on the first floor. As expected, he found a single goblin there.

Haa The anxiety made him sigh since it had been a long since he last hunted. But Gi-Gyu shook his head to calm down his nerves. Lowering his body, Gi-Gyu was about to attempt a surprise attack just like he had always done. However, seconds before he could take his first step, he heard a system notification in his head.

[Assimilation will allow you to use Lous ability.]


The difference was subtle, but Gi-Gyu definitely felt a little lighter. His body seemed to move a little faster; at the same time, he felt stronger.

Not bad!

This was probably what other Level 1 players felt while hunting. Gi-Gyu was finally feeling the changes he watched other players enjoy during the last five years. After all, a single-digit ability change could empower a player significantly.

Rustle, rustle

Gi-Gyu's shoes made noise as he walked on the grass, but it seemed the monster couldnt hear him. Gi-Gyu swung Lou at the goblin when he got close enough.


A clean-cut appeared on the goblins back, followed by its green blood seeping from the wound.

Squeeeeeeeeeakk! the goblin screamed and twisted in pain. Before Gi-Gyu could enjoy his successful surprise attack, he heard Lous scream.

-Arghhhh! That hurts! That hurts!

S-sorry! I forgot to turn off your pain sensor, Gi-Gyu apologized awkwardly. Lou was screaming alongside the goblin because Gi-Gyu had forgotten to turn off its pain sensor after that night. Gi-Gyu was about to turn the sensor off, but the goblin darted.

Just hang on for a moment! Gi-Gyu yelled.


The goblins wooden spear almost grazed Gi-Gyus arm, but he dodged it just in time.

So much faster.

He was referring to himself, not the goblin. Had this been the old Gi-Gyu, he wouldve come out of this encounter with a big gash on his arm; today, he could see the spears movement very clearly.

I can do this.

Gi-Gyu slowly focused his senses. He had been, in a way, hunting this exact same goblin for the last five years; if there was anyone utterly familiar with its movement pattern, it was him.


After stabbing from its right, a goblin always attacked from the left next.


-That hurts!

The goblins wooden spear hit Lou and fell.

Squeeeakk! The goblin crouched in confusion to pick up its weapon, but Gi-Gyu wasnt going to allow it.


The goblin fell to the ground from Gi-Gyus kick. It tried to get back up as it cried out, Kirrk! Kirk!

However, Gi-Gyu kicked the goblins wooden spear away and held Lou with both of his hands.


Lou plunged into the goblins heart.

-That hurts!

[Lou is absorbing the goblins blood.]

[Lou has gained experience points.]

[Lou has leveled up.]

[Lous ability is increasing.]

Ha Haha Gi-Gyu laughed when he heard the system announcement.

This must be what other players hear after leveling up.

-It hurts I said it hurts, you idiot!

Im sorry. Gi-Gyu apologized and patted Lou gently.

-That tickles! I said it tickles!

From now on Gi-Gyu announced.


"Youre my number three treasure.

The top two spots were held by his mother and Yoo-Jung.

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