The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 391: Side Story 6 - Kronos (6)

Chapter 391: Side Story 6 - Kronos (6)


That sounds familiar.

Could it be them?!

Despite being in danger, the players couldnt hide their surprise at the mention of Grigory.

Its Edens secret army unit!

I thought it was just a rumor! So they really exist?!

Most players had heard about this. According to the rumors, Grigories were responsible for dealing with the worst lot of Red Players and taking care of all things complicated. Despite the many rumors floating around about them, not many knew if the group really existed.

Grigory number 175, reporting for duty!

Grigory number 401, here at your service!

One by one, the Grigories revealed themselves. They worked quickly to create a protective barrier all around everyone.

Ah I feel much better now!

So they are the Grigories?

The newbie players sighed in relief. The giants immense power had suffocated ordinary players, but the Grigories' barrier brought everyone solace.

Kim Gil-Gyu asked, What about the rest of you? Where are they?

We have sent a message, so please dont worry, replied one of the Grigories.

Have you been able to make contact with the outside?


Kim Gil-Gyu turned around and began leading the Grigories. All right, lets move now!

Obeying his order, the other Grigories began directing the players.

Were Edens Grigory. This is an emergency, so please follow us.

Ah, of course

When the Grigories ushered them, the players obeyed quickly.

So the infamous Guide Kim Gil-Gyu is the leader of the Grigories?


The beginner players murmured among themselves, elated despite the dire situation.

Please move right now!

When the Grigories yelled, the players nodded. Kim Gil-Gyu sighed in relief as he watched the newbies leave. Phew

The Grigories were hidden throughout the Tower, as per Heo Sung-Hoon and Kim Gil-Gyus order, serving as guides. The KPA had gone corrupt from within, and they didn't want the same fate to befall Eden.

Thank goodness for them, Kim Gil-Gyu thought in relief. I thought I ended up with an annoying job, but I guess I was wrong.

The Grigories werent often called into action. And until now, they had only been taking care of internal corruption. So, this was actually their first public appearance.

I better get going too, Kim Gil-Gyu muttered. He could sense the newbies moving far away, proving just how efficient and helpful the Grigories were.

Hmm Kim Gil-Gyu stretched his arms and looked up.


Another explosion had occurred not too far away.

Just who the hell is he? Kim Gil-Gyu wondered. Ha Song-Su was currently fighting Uranus, and despite being weaker than his opponent, Kronos held his own well. And in sooth, it actually looked like the man was slowly cornering the giant.

But that wont be enough. Kim Gil-Gyu decided. The difference in power was too great. Good techniques alone werent enough to defeat Uranus; at this rate, Ha Song-Su, Kronos, might die.

What are you doing, Kim Gi-Gyu? Kim Gil-Gyu frowned. Gi-Gyu became the god of this world, so there was no way he wasnt aware of what was happening here.

Or did Uranus resurrection bring something else into the world? Kim Gil-Gyu wondered if something was happening outside the Tower. He was worried but knew it was useless in this situation.

Just then, he remembered something. Wait Ha Song-Su?!


Ugh Kronos groaned. He had been doing unexpectedly well against Uranus, but he moaned for the first time since they began fighting.


With all the players around him gone, Uranus naturally focused on Kronos.


Kronos protective barrier began to crack. One more minute, and it would break like sugar glass.

Hup! Kronos roared and swung his scythe horizontally. The weapon made of magic shot out a sharp energy toward Uranus fist.



The attack ruined Uranus fist, making him screech like a banshee. This finally gave Kronos some time to rest.

Haa He wondered if he had ever been this exhausted before as he caught his breath.

Actually, I think I have. Looking up at the giant, Kronos muttered, It was just like this then too. Remember when we first battled?

Uranus was a formidable force, something between a ruler and a monster, and Kronos used to think he could never defeat him. Uranus had been intoxicated by his immense power and tried to control everything in his path, leading to his downfall. He had acted as if he was god, leaving Kronos no option but to take action.

I didnt want to do it, said Kronos. He did what was necessary, but it didnt mean that he was happy about it. After all, you are my father.

Looking into Uranus eyes, Kronos continued, Father Oh, Father I guess history is repeating itself.

The first time they had fought, Kronos was weaker than Uranus, just like now.


This scream seemingly rang inside Kronos head. When Kronos saw the giants fist coming toward him, he pulled his power into the scythe.

Hup! The scythe shimmered, and he plunged it into the ground as more of his power gathered inside. Soon, the weapon became bigger than Kronos himself and about the same size as the giants fist.



The father and the son screamed as the scythe and the fist clashed.


First, everyone heard a subdued explosion, but a deafening blast soon followed it.


As the light from the explosion spread, Kronos heard a womans voice.


...! Kronos lost control over his body; thankfully, someone grabbed him. Using his magic, he pulled her closer, and they barely escaped Uranus giant fist.


You are? Kronos murmured.

You almost died back there! Choi Leah yelled. Are you crazy? I understand you were hiding your powers, but still.! That thing wouldve killed you!

Choi Leah?

I wasnt spying on you or anything! I just got worried, so!

Umm, could you get off me first?

Choi Leah, who was screaming angrily, blushed after realizing she was sitting on Kronos. Flustered, she quickly rose and muttered, But I guess your attack worked.

Kronos looked up. Uranus pained screams were making the sky tremble.

... Kronos saw that one of the giants arms was gone. Uranus wound was raining down blood, but Kronos looked displeased.

Ive failed, said Kronos.

Failed? What the hell do you mean? When Choi Leah asked, Kronos looked confused.

He asked, I thought youre supposed to speak respectfully toward your elders. Am I mistaken?

What? So you think youre my elder? Leah seemed surprised because she didnt expect Kronos to be bothered by her manner of speaking. She became even redder.

My last attack should have killed him, but I wasnt strong enough. I have failed. Its all over now, Kronos continued, not noticing how red Leah looked.

Kronos gloomy face seemed to also bother Leah. She offered in a much more respectful tone, Hmph, all right. Ill help you.

Even if you help me Kronos shook his head, but he couldnt finish his sentence. His eyes widened as he whispered, So you have been hiding your full power as well.

No, not really. I wasnt hiding anything. Looking into Kronos eyes, Leah explained, Some unknown power began surging inside me when you started fighting that giant. It wont be enough to defeat that thing, but it will help.

Kronos nodded, sensing her dense and abundant power.

But I still dont think we can defeat it. My last attack consumed a lot of my strength, said Kronos.


Ill buy you as much time as possible, so you should run.

Choi Leah refused to budge. There is nowhere to run anyway. The entire floor has been blocked. No one is coming to save us.

After a short pause, she requested, I have a favor to ask.

A favor? Kronos had no idea what she would ask from him.

I will help however I can since thats our only option. But if we defeat that thing and surviveChoi Leahs sword began glowingplease tell me who you are. I want the truth.


All Im asking is for you to tell me what you know. I can tell that you know what that thing is, dont you?

All right. If we survive, I will. Kronos nodded.

Haa I guess the big question isLeah looked at the giantCan we defeat it?

All we can do is try.

They exuded their powers and laid them up like rope. Their eyes met, and Choi Leah murmured, I knew it. There is something between you and that giant, isnt there?

Their powers were meager compared to the giant, but sharing them like this increased its overall strength. Neither Kronos nor Leah had ever experienced something like this before. They began to feel hopeful.

Someone suddenly appeared beside them. You are being dramatic. Do you really have the time to converse like this in the middle of a battlefield?

Kim Gil-Gyu sharply added, I dont remember you being like this. Anyway, we dont have the time to chat leisurely like this. That thing Even I cant take it down.

Kronos asked, Do you know me?

Kim Gil-Gyu became quiet. He frowned, his eyes wavering angrily. We can talk about that later. Right now, I dont have access to all of my power. But since you people are herehe looked at the skywe might have a chance.

Choi Leah asked in annoyance, Do you always talk down to people like that?

Kim Gil-Gyu ignored her, and Kronos nodded. All right.

Then After hearing Kronos answer, Kim Gil-Gyus energy changed suddenly. I order my seal to be unlocked. I shall find my forgotten name and use my power again. I request my seal be unlocked. My name is

Kim Gil-Gyu was mumbling to himself, and with each word spoken, his magic increased.

Jupiter. Suddenly, power exploded inside him.

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