The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 366: Torrent

Chapter 366: Torrent

Initially, human players were supposed to purge the Caravan Guild. However, that had changed because they had to find the entrance to Gehenna quickly. Therefore, a much larger and more powerful group, which also included Eden creatures, was created. It had swiftly destroyed the Caravan Guild, killing those who hadnt surrendered and sparing those who had.

Thanks to that, Lou and El had found the entrance much more quickly. The problem, however, was that too many players had died in that affray. Unlike Edens foot soldiers, these players couldnt be brought back.

Moreover, the Caravan Guild used to house demons and many human players. Unfortunately, the war had also killed many of those humans. Before the Caravan Guild purge, human players, as a whole, had been at the peak of their power. It was 30 years ago when the Tower had appeared, and the players who had survived so far were as strong as they could be. But during the destruction of the Caravan Guild, the human race lost many of its powerful players. Consequently, humans were having difficulty surviving what was happening on Earth.

The elevator stopped. It was not a normal elevator because it looked like a giant orb with a control panel; it was something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

The round door of the elevator opened, and Old Man Hwang greeted Sung-Hoon, There you are.

Old Man Hwang was waiting in the control tower of the Sephiroth Tree.

Sir, how have you been? Sung-Hoon bowed to Old Man Hwang respectfully. In the room were Hart, Hwang Chae-II, and Mammon, apart from the elderly blacksmith.

I didnt know you were here too, Lord Mammon. Sung-Hoon sounded uncomfortable.

Mammon was now a powerful ally of Eden, but his past sins couldnt be ignored. This was why Sung-Hoon felt awkward around him.

Sung-Hoon was standing awkwardly when Old Man Hwang suggested, Why dont we have a seat?

On a giant sofa, Sung-Hoon and the rest sat down together. On the armchair, a one-person sofa, sat the most senior figure here, Old Man Hwang. In terms of age and experience, Mammon was actually the most senior figure here, but while one had a criminal history, the other had a history of helping Eden. After some negotiation, Old Man Hwang and Mammon had concluded that the elderly blacksmith deserved this honor.

I know whats happening in the outside world, Old Man Hwang began with a frown. Everything had happened so quickly, including the elimination of the Caravan Guild and Lou and Els journey to Gehenna.

Due to all of these sudden changes, Old Man Hwangs plan to turn Eden into a tourist attraction had failed. He found this upsetting, but there was at least one area of progress. The government and Eden worked together to allow people living near the Bukhan River or other Korean volunteers to live in Eden.

Old Man Hwang asked Sung-Hoon, So I hear the gates are causing all kinds of problems, huh?

Yes, Sir. And its not just the gates. There is something odd about the Tower too.

Old Man Hwang and Sung-Hoon looked at each other. Old Man Hwang continued, You remember the request you made earlier?"


There was no way to avoid Eden getting involved in the Caravan Guilds destruction. So, you asked me to let humans fix the rest of Earths problems.

Sung-Hoon didnt deny Old Man Hwangs words. Old Man Hwang added, We believed that you were right at the time. Unlike the association Eden, our Eden is basically Gi-Gyus private force. On top of this, this place is turning into a different world where various species live together. So if we continue to help humans with every little thing

Humans will regress, Sung-Hoon replied firmly. Your Eden is powerful. In truth, all the players combined wont be enough to fight it.

Sung-Hoon raised his voice a little as he continued, I do not want Eden to help us. I know that, with your help, we will lose fewer players, and the human world will become safer.

However, if humans become too dependent on Eden, they will stop growing.


Hwang Chae-Il nodded as he listened to Old Man Hwang and Sung-Hoons conversation. Humans tended to become dependent on their protectors.

But this can be very dangerous, Sung-Hoon thought grimly.

If this protection disappears, then Sung-Hoon trailed off.

Old Man Hwang said quietly, It will create chaos.

And if the master of Eden changes What Sung-Hoon worried about the most was this. If humans suddenly lost Edens protection, they would become helpless and vulnerable. And that was why Sung-Hoon was feeling hesitant about becoming independent of Eden.

Sung-Hoon said with a sigh. But I dont think we have a choice anymore. At this point, humans wont survive without Eden.

Its that bad, is it? asked Old Man Hwang.

Yes, Sung-Hoon answered promptly. Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu I owe him so much. As a matter of fact, this whole world should be grateful to him and consider him a hero, but

We have no idea if Gi-Gyu would change in the future. Of course, we have no choice but to side with him no matter what, said Old Man Hwang. They were unconditionally loyal to him due to the sync. Things were okay now, but if Gi-Gyu made wrong choices in the future, the world could face an even bigger problem.

Sung-Hoon replied, Even if we survive this, the world might face extinction again if Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu changes his mind.

Sung-Hoon rose and continued, We havent told many people about this yet, but


With a concerned look, Sung-Hoon added, Were expecting a gate to appear in Seoul. And no country has ever seen a gate of this scale.

The gate-detecting machine told them beforehand when a new gate was to appear. The newest version of the machine had been recently completed and was brought to Korea during the Caravan Guilds destruction. According to the machine, the biggest gate in human history of the highest class was about to appear in Seoul.

When Old Man Hwang remained calm, Sung-Hoon muttered, You dont look surprised, which tells me you knew about this already.

Sung-Hoon shook his head, telling himself that it didnt matter how and why Gi-Gyus creatures knew about this.

Im begging you. Please protect Seoulno, the entire world from this gate, Sung-Hoon requested.

Old Man Hwang rose, his eyes calm as he watched Sung-Hoon, who waited anxiously.

I know Im being shameful. Sung-Hoon was ashamed to be asking for help like this. He had refused Edens help not long ago, claiming that humans could care for themselves. But here he was, begging for help now that things had worsened. The situation had changed so quickly that his action seemed understandable, but he couldnt help but feel guilty.

Especially because I doubted Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu Sung-Hoon felt like he had betrayed Gi-Gyu.

Just then, Old Man Hwang walked up to Sung-Hoon and placed his hand on Sung-Hoons shoulder.

Eden is here for you. Gi-Gyu wanted that, so Old Man Hwang confidently continued, Dont worry.

Heo Sung-Hoon slumped before whispering, Thank you


We need to move fast. Ive already wasted a lot of your time, so we need to make up for it, Oh Tae-Shik urged Gi-Gyu. The group continued to climb to higher floors.

Were already on the 88th floor. Gi-Gyu thought. Before long, they would be on the 89th floor, one floor below their destination.

We will meet Lee Sun-Ho soon, Gi-Gyu announced.

Indeed. Oh Tae-Shik nodded. He also knew that Lee Sun-Ho was on the 90th floor.

While traveling together, Gi-Gyu and Tae-Shik had shared a lot of information. They didnt have enough time to talk about everything that had happened to them, but they still managed to go over the main events.

... Gi-Gyu looked at Tae-Shik quietly. Im so thankful to him.

When Ha Song-Su had targeted Gi-Gyus family, Tae-Shik rushed to save them. Tae-Shik had to abandon his father to save Gi-Gyus family, and he had then escaped with Suk-Woo through a portal.

Knowing he wasnt powerful enough to defeat Ha Song-Su, Tae-Shik had left to become stronger to protect the woman he lovedGi-Gyus mothertemporarily entrusting Gi-Gyus family to Suk-Woo. Tae-Shik believed that with Suk-Woos portal skill, he could safeguard Gi-Gyus family.

Tae-Shik hyung said he felt helpless. Tae-Shik was desperate to become stronger to protect the woman he loved. He had explained to Gi-Gyu that he had known how to become stronger.

It turned out that there used to be a seal on Tae-Shiks shell. Consequently, he couldnt level up like other players using experience until not too long ago. Apparently, Gi-Gyu's father, Kronos/Kim Se-Jin, had forced Tae-Shiks growth. And a seal was placed on his shell during the process. Before Oh Tae-Gu had been imprisoned in Gehenna, he had told his son how to undo the seal.

Find Behemoth, said Oh Tae-Gu.

At the time of the early high-rankers, Behemoth was considered the worst monster. But Behemoth had supposedly been eliminated by these high-rankers.

However, Behemoth never died. It was just sealed away. Gi-Gyu remembered Tae-Shik explaining that this monster had been exiled to the dimensional gap in the Towers basement.

So Tae-Shik had gone to the Towers basement to find Behemoth. Locating something in a dimensional gap was nearly impossible, but Tae-Shik had no problem because he had the key to Behemoths prison.

And that key was Tae-Shik hyungs identity and favorite weapon, Behemoths Thorn.

Kronos had injected incredible power into Tae-Shik. He had used that and Behemoths thorn to locate Behemoth. Tae-Shik had planned to undo his seal, but Behemoth had refused to let him borrow its power. And that was the start of a never-ending battle.

Being in exile for so long had weakened Behemoth. Thanks to that, Tae-Shik could handle the monster but not defeat it. And so, their fight continued. They had fought for so long that, at some point, they had somehow become one. Their existences had mixed to become one. The dark barrier Gi-Gyu had seen earlier was actually Tae-Shiks seal, which had devoured both Tae-Shik and Behemoth.

After becoming one with the beast, Tae-Shik had failed to maintain his consciousness. As if possessed, Tae-Shik and Behemoth had left the dimensional gap and ended up inside the Tower.

And thats when we met Lee Sun-Ho, Tae-Shik explained. He couldnt remember which floor it was, but he was certain that he had met Lee Sun-Ho. Even though Tae-Shik had become much more powerful thanks to becoming one with Behemoth, Lee Sun-Ho had trounced him.

Then, Lee Sun-Ho made us a ruler, Tae-Shik added. Lee Sun-Ho had ordered Tae-Shik to become a ruler protecting the 85th floor from invaders.

Gi-Gyu was shocked to hear that Tae-Shik and Behemoth could not disobey this order. Tae-Shik's eyes trembled with nervousness as he looked at Gi-Gyu.

He gave Behemoth and me more power and commanded us. We were helpless against him. It was as if

Gi-Gyu could guess what Tae-Shik was about to say. That sounds like my sync ability.

Exactly. Just like that, Tae-Shik replied. It appeared that Lee Sun-Ho could inject power into his opponent and force obedience. However, that was different from Gi-Gyus sync. The fact that Tae-Shik was back to normal proved this.

Lim Hyun-Soo. Gi-Gyu turned to see Lim Hyun-Soo lying unconscious on top of a dragon. Lim Hyun-Soo must have gone through the same thing as Tae-Shik. He most likely received power from Lee Sun-Ho and had been forced to obey him.

Of all the things Tae-Shik had said, what bothered Gi-Gyu the most was how Lee Sun-Ho had turned Tae-Shik into a ruler.

Just then, the ground began shaking.

Tae-Shik announced, We better get to the next floor.

Soon, a giant door leading to the 89th floor appeared before their eyes.


Haa Lou sighed and looked down. He and El were still inside the Pandemonium palace. They were currently at the top of the highest tower. When they looked down, they could see the entire Pandemonium.

Everyone has gathered, Lou whispered. All the survivors living in Pandemonium were standing at the square in front of the palace. And their number was much higher than anticipated. There was only one reason so many had survived in this hellish place where one couldnt even find daily necessities.

Oh Tae-Gu thanked Lou and El, We survived all thanks to you two.

Lou and El didnt deny his claim because it was the truth. So many had survived because they had built Pandemonium in the past.

Lou shouted at the crowd, You guys all know that, right?!

Most humans in the crowd were new to Gehenna, so they had no idea who Lou and El were, but the other species had been here much longer. There were even some species that had gone extinct outside this place. Some angels, demons, and others had been here since the day it was built.

Lou continued to yell, Im sorry I couldnt remember you! But now, its time to leave this fucking place!

The crowd went wild, and El whispered, Theyre coming.

A fair distance away from Pandemonium, a dust storm began. Their remaining dormant enemies were waking up as if they had been waiting for Lou and El to regain their memories.

Lou looked at the dust storm coldly and added, Im sure you know how to get out of this place. People, its war.

Lou leaped into the air. He shot out faster than a bullet; in the sky, two horns grew from his forehead.

Lets go, Lou announced. The war to escape Gehenna was about to begin.

Ackkkkk! The survivors in Pandemonium began transforming into soldiers.

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