The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 344: The Choice (3)

Chapter 344: The Choice (3)

How Why the sudden change? Bodhidharma couldnt hide his shock either. They had a plan, and they were slowly getting the situation under control. But now, it seemed something unexpected had happened.

Haures and Go Hyung-Chul are in danger, Gi-Gyu announced. The situation was changing much faster than he had anticipated.

All right. Well leave right away, the monk replied and turned around. Michael and Hamiel immediately accompanied him.

Haures and Go Hyung-Chuls signals were so weak that Gi-Gyu felt they could disconnect any second. In other words, their situation was dire and could lead to death.

Wait. Gi-Gyu stopped the monk, Michael, and Hamiel. When Bodhidharma looked at Gi-Gyus face, he saw Gi-Gyu looked a little better.

Gi-Gyu explained, I think they got away. They are safe for now, but I still cant communicate with them.

Good, but this doesnt change the fact that we must hurry, replied the monk.

... Gi-Gyu seemed hesitant before he announced, This wont do. I better go with you.

What?! But shouldnt you leave to save your family and Soo-Jung? Bodhidharma looked shocked.

Through the breaking message, the last thing I saw wasGi-Gyu looked up at the monkIronshield.


The reinforcement team for the Tower was stopped. Due to the sudden change in the situation, Gi-Gyu needed to come up with a different plan.

Thankfully, I think they are safe now, Gi-Gyu explained as he looked around. As this was an emergency, the central figures inside Eden gathered around him.

Heo Sung-Hoon asked loudly, You still cant communicate with them?

Yes. And Im not sure if its because of some kind of barrier or something else. Thanks to the sync, Gi-Gyu knew they were alive but still couldnt talk with them. And what I last saw through that broken connection

You saw Ironshield, Heo Sung-Hoon murmured.

Yes, I did. But I dont think Ironshield is the mystery human player Haures and Go Hyung-Chul were after.

Sung-Hoon and everyone in the area had their eyes trained on Gi-Gyu.

Gi-Gyu added, When Go Hyung-Chul was attacked, there were definitely two players.

When Go Hyung-Chul had contacted Gi-Gyu, Gi-Gyu could see what Go Hyung-Chul saw. Only those with an excellent ability to visualize their thoughts could do this, so only a few of Gi-Gyus creatures and Go Hyung-Chul could do this.

Gi-Gyu was certain he had seen two players through Go Hyung-Chuls eyes. One was definitely Ironshield, and he didnt recognize the other one.

Sung-Hoon asked, Are you saying Ironshield and this unknown player are working together?

I dont know. The information Gi-Gyu could extract from Go Hyung-Chuls sight was limited.

Hmm Gi-Gyu contemplated. He had previously heard that Ironshield had killed Andras and entered the Tower in search of something to make him perfect. Still, Gi-Gyu hadnt expected Haures to encounter Ironshield.

Gi-Gyu announced, For now, we must come up with another group to send into the Tower. The first one I came up with isnt enough. It will be too dangerous.

Sung-Hoon muttered, This is getting complicated.

Gi-Gyu needed to send a group to the Towers basement to rescue Soo-Jung. He still didnt know how to reach her, but he needed to have a group ready. Of course, Gi-Gyu and his highest-level creatures would go on this mission, but they also had to help Haures and Go Hyung-Chul concomitantly.

Just then, Gi-Gyu felt someones gaze. Lou.

He saw that Lou was looking at him with deep concern.

Sung-Hoon said earnestly, For now, Ill try to create a better list for this group. Ill work as quickly as possible, so please give me some time, Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu.

Gi-Gyu knew he could trust Sung-Hoon, so he nodded and left the room. Unsurprisingly, Lou followed him out and requested, We need to talk.


The look Lou gave Gi-Gyu was grim. They sat in Gi-Gyus room and stared at each other.

Umm Lou was having a hard time starting the conversation.

What is it?

I want to ask you something, Lou asked simply, but the look on his face suggested that his question would be anything but simple.

Could ILou walked up to Gi-Gyuhave a look at your shell?


Lou was now standing right in front of Gi-Gyu.

What? He wants to look at my shell?

In the past, Lou had examined Gi-Gyus shell from time to time when Gi-Gyu couldnt. However, Lou hadnt done so ever since Gi-Gyu learned to look at his shell. It was such an unexpected question that Gi-Gyu couldnt hide his shock.

Lou pointed at Gi-Gyus heart and asked, When was the last time you studied your shell?

About a week ago? I took a look to check out the changes from Edens compartmentalization. Why do you ask?

Well Lou lowered his finger and hesitated. And you havent found any problems?

Nope, not really. A week ago, when Gi-Gyu had looked at his shell, he didnt see anything out of place or problematic. Everything looked even better, honestly.

Then I can have a look, right? Lou insisted.

Sure, go ahead. Gi-Gyu assumed Lou had a good reason for this, so he exposed his chest. Lou quickly touched Gi-Gyus chest with his finger and closed his eyes. It had been a long time since someone other than Gi-Gyu had approached his shell.

While Lou and Gi-Gyus other Egos could easily enter his shell in the past, a fortress-like barrier now actively protected his shell. The barrier prevented Lou from entering the shell, so Gi-Gyu lifted it.

Hmm A few minutes later, Lou took away his finger. Gi-Gyu replaced the barrier around his shell for protection.

So whats wrong? asked Gi-Gyu.

I was just looking to see if there was a problem in your shell.

So why did you do that?

After momentarily pausing, Lou answered, Because you were acting strange just now. You did something you wouldve never done before.


In the past, you wouldve never hesitated in a situation like this.

Gi-Gyu quietly listened to Lou.

Its just so odd. You couldnt decide whether to go to the Tower or its basement. Lou frowned. Your friends and Ironshield are inside the Tower, so I understand your desire to save them, but

Lou tilted his head in confusion and continued, To abandon your family? Ever since I have known you, youve always prioritized saving your family. I always thought that was abnormal, dangerous even.


The Gi-Gyu I know would have impetuously left for the basement the moment he heard that his family was in danger there. That was why I got ready to go to the Towers basement. Yet, you changed your mind. I realize that you resent Ironshield, and your creatures are in danger, but I cant understand your decision. That is why I looked inside your shell. I wanted to see if anything has changed since you met with Kronos and your recent growth spurt.

Lou stepped back and added, But I couldnt find any problems inside your shell. So I have no choice but to ask you something.

Gi-Gyu felt Lou studying him. Being examined like that wasnt pleasant.

Lou asked, Why are you doing this?

... Gi-Gyu couldnt answer.


Lou was right. His family had always been at the top of his priority list. Normally, he wouldnt have even put Ironshield, Haures, or Go Hyung-Chul alongside his family in importance.

Its true. I wouldnt have hesitated to go to my family, said Gi-Gyu. But at the moment, Gi-Gyu was torn, and he could think of a few excuses.

First, I still dont know how to get to the right dimension in the Towers basement.

Gi-Gyu still hadnt learned how to correctly traverse the many fragmented dimensions in the Towers basement. He couldnt just jump into the basement without a plan.

But in the past, I wouldve jumped down without a plan and then figured things out on the go.

The second excuse was what Kronos had told him.

He said I shouldnt trust Soo-Jung.

Gi-Gyu couldnt help but wonder if Soo-Jung was lying. What if this was a trap? What if she had lied about meeting Suk-Woo and knowing where his family was? The only thing he knew for sure right now was that Haures and Go Hyung-Chul were in grave danger. Gi-Gyu also knew exactly where they were and how to get to them. Therefore, he needed to reach them to fix the situation. If Kronos warning was true and Soo-Jung had lied to him, Gi-Gyu would suffer a great loss.

But in the past, I still wouldnt have hesitated to go find my family.

Gi-Gyu knew that his old self wouldnt have cared if this were a trap or not. He would've dived in head first if there were even the slightest chance that his family was in danger.

And Gi-Gyu tried to think of another excuse, but he failed. I just dont know.

Why was he not prioritizing his family anymore?

Or am I?

Gi-Gyu still believed that his family was the most important thing in the world. But he no longer acted blindly for their sake like before.

Is this a good thing? Gi-Gyu wondered. In the past, whenever his family had been involved, he couldnt think clearly. This could have been his greatest weakness, and at the moment, it appeared that he no longer had this problem.

Now that he thought about it, he realized that the way El looked at him had also changed, just like Lou. But unlike Lou, El hadnt said anything, but Gi-Gyu could feel that something had changed.

Ugh Gi-Gyu groaned, feeling confused. What was the right thing to do? Why did he change?

Or could it be that someone is controlling this whole situation? Am I being controlled right now? Gi-Gyu contemplated. He didnt want to be controlled by the situation anymore. He was powerful now, so things needed to change.

Ill change the situation to suit me. Gi-Gyu opened his eyes.


Gi-Gyu no longer needed to hesitate. He left his room confidently.

Sung-Hoon, who had been waiting outside Gi-Gyus room, announced, Ive come up with a new list for the reinforcement

Thank you for your hard work, but its not necessary anymore. Gi-Gyu pushed away the report Sung-Hoon had offered him.

Sung-Hoon looked confused at first, but he replied, All right.

It appeared that Sung-Hoon was relieved.

I guess Sung-Hoon also felt that I was acting odd.

Thankfully, Gi-Gyu finally knew what to do. He requested, Sung-Hoon, please gather everyone again for a meeting.

They are already here. So what are you going to do? Sung-Hoon seemed curious.

Without a single hint of doubt on his face, Gi-Gyu announced, I am going to the Tower.

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