The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 317: The Fallen Angels

Chapter 317: The Fallen Angels

Ackkk! Alberto screamed.

Even Sung-Hoon, who had watched plenty of Gi-Gyus fights, exclaimed, What kind of battle is this?!

A storm was raging inside the Colosseum. The fight between the two angels was beyond anything conceivable by a mortal mind.

Isnt it more like a natural disaster? Alberto mumbled and hurriedly used his skills. If this storm reached outside, it would be problematic. Normally, Alberto couldnt have contained a battle of such colossal magnitude alone. However, he had the Colosseumwhere the Italian association headquarters was locatedon his side. Here existed countless protective barriers and mechanisms, and Alberto knew how to expertly and efficiently use every single one of them.

Moreover, several dozens of wings, which were previously aiding Alberto and Sung-Hoon, were flying around the outer walls of the Colosseum. They were Els wings, which had formed a powerful barrier to help Alberto do this job.

But, of course, Alberto still needed further help.


Are you okay? Sung-Hoon had just deflected a piece of some wall that had been on its way to Alberto.

Thanks! Alberto replied haphazardly, utterly focused on executing his skill.

The area outside the Colosseum was safe for now, but Alberto and Sung-Hoon were still inside the storm. While Alberto was busy using his skills to contain the battle, it was Sung-Hoons job to protect Alberto.

This is Sung-Hoon mumbled. Blocking pieces of broken walls, debris, and such seemed like easy work, but he was already at his limit. After all, they werent simply broken bricksthey were broken bricks swathed in incredible energy. Blocking them took a lot of his power.

I thought only Ranker Kim Gi-Gyu could fight like this, but Sung-Hoon whispered, realizing that Gi-Gyus creatures were also very powerful.

But Sung-Hoon knew that although Gi-Gyus creatures were strong, they still couldnt compare to Gi-Gyu himself.

Because Ranker Kim is Sung-Hoon knew that Gi-Gyu was so powerful that he wouldnt even have to fight like this. Gi-Gyu was efficient and an expert at centering his power to prevent collateral damage.

Gi-Gyu would never fight the way the battle inside the Colosseum was going.

This is basically a dogfight, Sung-Hoon muttered. The two powerful figures were showing off everything they had. They didnt care about anything or anyone around them. They had only one thing on their minds: Kill him.

Ugh. Sung-Hoon groaned while blocking another fragment. He felt weak; suddenly, he felt a burst of energy running through his arms as if he had been hit by lightning.

Heal. It was Alberto who had used his healing skill on Sung-Hoon.

Thanks. Sung-Hoon was glad Alberto was a talented support player with decent healing power.

Now energized and relieved, Sung-Hoon begged, Please let this end quickly

Above him, a giant beast crashed into a dark cloud.


Becoming corrupt was almost the only way for an angel to become powerful suddenly. There were other methods, such as God descending himself to bless or promote them, but this rarely happened. Most angels were left to become stronger on their own.

And choosing to become corrupt was one of the easiest ways for an angel to grow.

Hamiel smiled bitterly as Castros horns rammed into him.


The attack resulted in a destructive energy burst, which was so powerful that it gave rise to another storm. As the debris flew around like missiles, Hamiel used his wings to protect himself. Castros horns werent strong enough to pierce Hamiels wings, but this didnt mean they didnt cause any damage.

Ugh, Hamiel groaned in pain. Hes even stronger now.

Unlike at the beginning, the amount of power Castro could utilize was growing. He was using corrupted divine energy, and it was devastatingly destructive.

If I couldnt use Death Hamiel wouldve died if his master hadnt granted him this power. Death could only be used by one hell king; however, Hamiel could also use it because he had been granted the power. It helped him survive until now against Castro.

Kwerrrk! Castro roared from the satisfying energy that filled his body. Becoming corrupt meant giving up being an angel. It meant denying your very existence to gain power beyond what God had given you. This was exactly how a corrupt angel could become strong instantly, but it also came with a dire price.

He is losing his mind, and the corrupt divine energy is slowly swallowing him up, Hamiel thought grimly. By denying Gods existence, an angel could obtain much power, but this energy usually transformed into something foreign and fatal. The power was a double edge sword, as it could hurt the enemy and the user. This was the price of corruption.

But I Hamiel didnt know what would happen to him. His corruption wasn't normal. Gi-Gyu had an unprecedented, mysterious power. Hamiel had an idea of what his master was, but he didnt speak his thoughts.

Suddenly, Castro backed away. Floating in the air, he asked, Why did you abandon God?


Do you know the truth as well? Castro, now a black deer, asked. The divine white deer was no more. Castros voice sounded ominous and dark.

Hamiel stayed back and asked, The truth?

Hamiel needed to take a breath as well. One of the reasons Castro was suddenly winning the battle was that Hamiel was trying to protect Alberto and Sung-Hoon. When the battle paused, the two humans looked relieved.

Castro patronizingly said, I learned the truth, which is why I was stigmatized with this corruption.

When Hamiel didnt respond, Castro chuckled, Kekeke So you dont know anything. Thats why youre romping around this place.


Did you ever ask why those two angels of yours died?

When Castro mentioned the two angels, Hamiels face twitched. If Alberto and Sung-Hoon werent at their limits, Hamiel would have attacked Castro just now.

Castro whispered, Its because I pitied them.

What? Hamiels face crumpled in anger. He was losing his patience.

Castro continued, They didnt know the truth, and they werent even real angels. And I guess I wanted them to die without knowing the truth.


Do you know my name? asked Castro.

Hamiel didnt have the answer. He had no memory of Castro. It was partly because he had been reborn after syncing with Gi-Gyu, which was why he barely had any memories from his past. But he had to admit that it was strange that he had zero memories of someone as powerful as Castro, a high-ranking Cherub.

Hes definitely at the commander level. Hamiel felt certain that Castro was among the most powerful Cherubs.

I A wide grin appeared on Castros lips.

...! Suddenly, Hamiel enveloped himself with his wings. It appeared that he wasnt the only one who wanted to buy some time. Castro had been doing the same to collect energy subtly. Hamiel hadnt noticed it. And now, Castro was done with his transformation.

Corruption had a huge effect on the angels, especially on Cherubs. Therefore, it was no wonder Castros second form was also influenced.

The change didnt only involve Castros body turning black.


First, Hamiel heard the sounds of bones and joints twisting, and then he heard something giant galloping toward him. Hamiel couldnt see anything because his wings covered his vision.


A giant explosion took place, creating another storm. When the dust settled, it revealed Castro had transformed into something even more grotesque than a black deer.

My name is Jofiel. I was the head of the Cherubs fighting at the forefront against hell, Castro announced. His previous form, although black, had a shiny hide. But now, he looked dull, and the energy he gave off was now closer to being sorcerous energy than corrupted divine energy.

The problem was that everything had commingled into one. Castro no longer crawled on the floor like an animal. His long arms and short legs looked scary, and like a Cactus plant, his horns were covered in thorns.

You should also join your friends without knowing the truth, Castro continued.

He has become even more of a monster now. Castro looked down at the ground and murmured, I guess they got lucky and survived.

He had probably thought the recent explosion would kill the two humans below. Perhaps they were lucky, or maybe there was another reason. Of course, this didnt mean that Alberto and Sung-Hoon were in a good state.

Maybe I shouldnt even bother taking care of them. Castro decided that these two humans would die soon anyway. There was no reason for him to dirty his hands. He might be a fallen angel, but he still used to be the head of the army of Cherubs.


The wind cleared the dust further. By Castros estimation, Hamiel should have been pulverized by his last attack.

I guess I dont have much time left. Castros back ripped open, and a wing made entirely of bones popped out. Just as he had said, he didnt have much time left. Soon, the true leader of the Cherubs would descend to this place.

But to Castros shock, he heard Hamiels voice, You asked me why I abandoned God.


Hamiel was supposed to die by now. Castro turned quickly to see where Hamiel was, but suddenly, he felt a sharp pain around his neck, followed by it bleeding black and blue blood.

Listen carefully, Hamiel said from an unknown place. Castro tried to find Hamiel, but he couldnt see Hamiel anywhere. To be more precise, the entire world had darkened around him.

Stab! Fwoosh! Whoosh!

Before Castro could even react, someone riddled his body.

H-how did this? Castro gasped in shock.

In a low growl, Hamiel whispered very close to Castros ear, The reason I abandoned God and became a corrupt angel is that God himself asked me to do so.



Hamiels voice was the last thing Castro heard before his long life as an angel ended. The darkness was lifted from the world, and one could see the burning Rome again.

When Sung-Hoon saw what filled the Colosseum, he whispered, Its a dragon

But when the darkness disappeared completely, he realized that he was mistaken. Hamiel now had even bigger wings and two horns on his head. With his long black fingers, it was no wonder Sung-Hoon thought he was a dragon.

The one who never abandons his followers and takes care of them Hamiel mumbled blankly. That is my true God.

The system announcements began.

[You have satisfied the conditions for your evolution.]

[The hidden evolution will begin now.]

Gaias voice continued.

[Hamiels evolution is complete.]

[Final evolved form has been reached. There will be no more evolution.]

[The evolution was a success.]

[Hamiel has]

Hamiel heard the name.

[...successfully evolved into Diablo.]


Hamiel, who had been barely standing, fell to the ground. Alberto had lost consciousness a while ago, and Sung-Hoon, who had injured his leg, dragged himself toward Hamiel.


Hamiel, Gi-Gyu mumbled.

The world that had been completely white was no longer bright. The ground was filled with blood and bloodied feathers. Dead angels, in piles, could be seen everywhere.

Gi-Gyu had heard the system announcements as well, along with Hamiel.

I guess he did it in the end. Gi-Gyu had felt Hamiel almost dying during the battle. But when he had felt the sudden change in Hamiels energy, he was so shocked that he lost his focus for a moment. He believed Hamiel had already become powerful, so he never expected Hamiel to become even stronger.

But in the end, Hamiel managed to succeed all on his own.

Final evolution None of his Egos had reached their final evolved state yet. Hamiel was the first to achieve this. Gi-Gyu could feel that Hamiel had survived the battle.

Master. After killing another angel, El walked up to Gi-Gyu. She had a cold look on her face. It was hard to believe that she had just killed so many of her kind.

We have arrived, El announced.


They had arrived at the giant white castle. It was an odd building, and Gi-Gyu and El stood on top of the dead angels as they stared at the structure.

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