The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1097: Wu An Gong, wine making

Chapter 1097: Wu An Gong, wine making

Chapter 1097 Wu An Gong, wine making

To ensure the healthy growth of the newly planted fruit trees last year, only three to five fruits were left on each of these fruit trees. This time, the fruits picked from more than twenty orchards were not as much as those from the chicken farm.

The fruit trees in the chicken farm have grown into big trees. Except for pruning the useless branches and leaves at the beginning of the year, there is no control over the number of fruits. This time, a total of 600,000 kilograms of fruits were harvested. The total amount of all the fruits exceeds one million catties, and next year this number will be at least five times greater, reaching five million catties.

"These fifty baskets of fruits are of the best quality and are sent to the palace. If you have no other arrangements for the rest, I will transport them all to the winery and make them into wine as soon as possible." Mo Yan pointed to the courtyard alone. A pile of fruits of various colors was piled up and he said to Yan Junyu.

Yan Junyu casually picked up a piece of fruit from the pile, wiped it with the handkerchief he carried with him, then put it to his mouth and took a bite. The sweet and slightly sour juice fills the mouth, and seems to turn into a clear stream, passing through the stomach and slowly leading to the meridians of the whole body, which makes people feel refreshed.

He nodded slightly, but what he said made Mo Yan very puzzled: "Replace these fruits with inferior ones!"

Why? Mo Yan asked, Shouldnt we choose the best ones and send them to the palace?

Yan Junyu slowly ate the fruit and gave Mo Yan a "You're so stupid" look: "The quality of this batch of fruits this year is even better than last year, but can you guarantee that next year will be as good as this year? If not, What do you want me to send to the palace?"

Mo Yan understood quickly after hearing this. Although she knew that with the spiritual spring water, the quality of the fruit would not be much worse, she could not let anyone know about this kind of thing. She could only nod and obey Yan Junyu's arrangement: "I will pick a batch later. Just follow this appearance."

Seeing that Mo Yan understood what he meant, Yan Junyu said nothing, pointed to the other half of the fruit and said: "Leave ten baskets for me, and you can arrange the rest as you wish."

Mo Yan did not ask Yan Junyu what he wanted the ten baskets of fruit for, and directly asked his people to move the ten baskets of fruit that were originally sent to the palace to the car.

This time, for the first time, Yan Junyu did not stay at Mo's house to eat. When the fruits that were to be transported were loaded onto the car, he left a thousand taels of silver notes and returned to Beijing.

Mo Yan wrote in a letter to Xiao Ruiyuan regarding Yan Junyu's abnormal situation. It wasn't until she received the reply in the evening that she learned that a minor incident had happened in Wu'an Palace recently, which made him have no intention of staying and having fun.

The stroke can be major or minor, and I dont know how the famous Lord Wu An is doing now! Mo Yan murmured, stroking the fur balls ear. She had never met Mr. Wu An, but she had heard of many heroic deeds that happened to him.

If Xiao Ruiyuan is the youngest general and the most famous God of War in Chu, then this Duke Wu An is the majestic God of War forty years ago. He is also highly valued by the king of the country and admired from the bottom of his heart by all the people. .

Its a pity that the hero dies too late. One night a few days ago, Mr. Wu An suddenly suffered a stroke and fell unconscious. Although he was rescued by several imperial doctors, he could not move half of his body and could not even speak clearly. According to the doctors, the possibility of returning to normal is extremely low. If he takes good care of himself, he may be able to live for another three to five years.

Originally Yan Junyu wanted to ask the ghost doctor to take action, but the ghost doctor left a letter at the beginning of the year and left the capital to travel around the world. The ghost doctor's whereabouts were elusive, and no one knew where he was. Yan Junyu sent people out to look for him, but they could never find him.

Mr. Wu An is so dangerous because of his illness. I dont know what kind of stimulus he received. Xiao Ruiyuan and Yan Junyu were good friends. Yan Junyu did not say anything clearly, and he would not ask more questions. He only guessed that it was related to Mrs. Wu An and Mr. Yan, because after Mr. Wu An fell ill, these two people were placed under house arrest by Yan Junyu and were not allowed to leave the room. They were half a step outside the door and no one was allowed to see them.

Thinking that the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days, and Yan Junyu may not be able to participate, Mo Yan felt a little regretful. As Yan Junyu's business partner and having the identity of a county monarch, it was reasonable for her to visit Mr. Wu An.

At this time, Xue Tuanzi in the space suddenly spoke: "Yan Yan, I agree with you to go. People like Mr. Wu An are often blessed with great luck. If you can cure him, you may be able to directly cure him like Mr. Xiao." Lets upgrade the space.

Hearing this, Mo Yan felt hot in her heart: "Are you sure? But we still need nearly a thousand merit points before the next upgrade. Is Mr. Wu An more powerful than Xiao Ruiyuan?"

Just give it a try, maybe you can! Xue Tuanzi encouraged.

"Well, I'll go check on the situation tomorrow." Mo Yan agreed, not wanting to miss this good opportunity. If there is really a way to help this old man who has made great contributions to the stability of Dachu, even if there is no merit, it will still be a happy thing.

Having made up his mind, Mo Yan asked Zhao Mu and others to transport all the fruits to the winery and have them clean them by category. When she leaves the Wu'an government office, she can officially start making wine.

Mo Yan came to Wu'an Palace and handed over her name card, and was politely invited to the living room by the concierge.

Yan Junyu hurried over after getting the news, and immediately saw Mo Yan, who had his head slightly lowered and didn't know what he was thinking, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong at the winery?"

Mo Yan said: "The winery is very nice. I'm here to visit Mr. Wu." Seeing that Yan Junyu's face looked indescribably haggard overnight, he couldn't help but guess whether Mr. Wu An's condition had worsened.

Yan Junyu was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about where Mo Yan got the news, and said, "It's not convenient for the old man to see guests now. I'll go and ask him first if he wants to see you."

Mo Yan nodded in understanding and waited patiently in the living room. This man seemed heartless and replaced the word "grandfather" with a very disrespectful name like "old man", but his words showed his closeness to Mr. Wu An.

These two are not only grandparents, but also good friends!

Yan Junyu came to the courtyard where Mr. Wu An lived and saw that the maid was feeding the "old man" water. The water flowed out from the corner of the "old man's" mouth and fell on the cloth on the pillow. He couldn't help but clenched his fists. The sourness and hatred in my heart almost condensed into substance.

Old man, let me feed you.

Yan Junyu stepped forward, took the bowl and spoon from the maid's hand, and personally fed the "old man" water. He had never served anyone before, and his movements with a spoon were very unfamiliar and awkward. But miraculously, he managed to feed the spoonful of water well without even a drop leaking out.

Wu Angong suffered a stroke, and his words and deeds were severely affected, but his mind was still clear, but his reaction was a little slower. He drank the water fed by his grandson in mouthfuls, and his still flexible eyes showed deep joy.

After feeding him a bowl of water, Yan Junyu wiped Wu Angong's mouth with a handkerchief, carefully pulled out the wet cloth from under his neck, and asked the maid to take it away.

Seeing that Mr. Wu An was in good spirits and would not fall asleep for a while, he told Mo Yan about his purpose and asked Mr. Wu An for his opinion: "She knows medical skills. Although I don't know what her medical skills are, I hope you can meet her." She." The first two sentences are foreshadowing, but the last sentence is the most important.

When Duke Wu An heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Before the stroke, Mr. Wu An often heard about Mo Yan, mostly from his grandson Yan Junyu. Every time Yan Junyu got fresh food from Mo's house, he would always show it off in front of him, but would take the initiative to give half of it to his small kitchen.

Whether Yan Junyu is serious or not, he has always been fresh in front of Mr. Wu An, but no woman has ever appeared on his lips as frequently as Mo Yan.

Gong Wu An is the person who knows his grandson best. He noticed his strange thoughts earlier than Yan Junyu. Originally, he wanted to see his grandson's jokes first, and then expose his thoughts, so that he could work hard to win over the girl he likes, but in the end, someone got the better of him and he never got another chance.

This incident was a blow to Yan Junyu, and it was also a blow to Duke Wu An, but his blow came from Sun Tzu's frustration. He regretted not clarifying Sun Tzu's intentions in time, causing him to miss the opportunity.

Since Mr. Wu An suffered a stroke, well-informed people have not come to visit him, but he has rejected them one by one. Now that Mo Yan came to visit, he actually wanted to meet her, and wanted to see what kind of girl his grandson could never forget.

So, he winked at his grandson, raised his only movable hand and waved, urging his grandson to hurry up.

Yan Junyu was not surprised at all by this, and immediately asked the maid waiting outside the door to go to the living room to invite Lord Hejia over.

This was the first time Mo Yan saw Duke Wu An. Even though he was paralyzed in bed, people could not ignore the aura exuding from his body. She respectfully greeted Mr. Wu An and said some words of greeting. Then, at Yan Junyu's request, he took Wu An's pulse.

Looking at Mo Yans appearance, Mr. Wu An didnt think there was anything about her that attracted his grandson, but her temperament made people feel like spring breeze. Even he, who had seen countless people, could not find anything bad about her. Looking at his speech and behavior, there is an indescribable charm. He is neither rigid nor overly flattering. Everything is just right.

Mr. Wu An has a very good sense of Mo Yan. Seeing his grandson's eyes almost fixed on the woman in front of him, the regret and remorse in his heart became more and more intense.

Yan Junyu's gaze was very obscure, and Mo Yan didn't notice it, but she clearly felt that Wu An's mood had changed, but she didn't know that this change was caused by her.

Seeing that Duke Wu An's condition was not as serious as expected, Mo Yan felt more confident, so he asked tentatively: "Master, I know a little bit about the art of differentiating yellow, can you let me take your pulse?"

Wu An Gong came back to his senses and blinked at Mo Yan. Seeing that Mo Yan didn't understand, he slowly stretched his movable right hand to the bedside.

Upon seeing this, Mo Yan bowed slightly towards Mr. Wu An and sat on the chair beside the bed. He took out a pulse pillow from the small medicine box he carried with him and placed it on Mr. Wu An's wrist.

Yan Junyu came back to his senses and his eyes fell on his grandfather.

Looking at Mo Yan, who was checking her pulse with her eyes closed, the grandfather and grandson didn't have much expectations in their hearts. Mo Yan has only been studying medicine for a short time. Even if he is extremely talented, his medical skills are no better than those of the dozens of doctors from the Imperial Hospital. Even the imperial doctor couldn't do anything about it. How could she, a little girl who had studied medicine for less than three years, deal with this disease?

After a moment, Mo Yan opened her eyes and took back her hand, knowing something was right in her heart. She looked at Mr. Wu An and then at Yan Junyu, knowing that they did not have high expectations for her, so she held back her words and said nothing.

Yan Junyu personally escorted Mo Yan out of the house. When he was about to reach the door, Mo Yan didn't want to see his business partner and friend Yan Junyu worry too much about Mr. Wu An's health, so he said: "The illness of Mr. Wu An is not serious. As long as he can find the With the right treatment, even if you can't return to your previous condition, you should be fine taking care of yourself."

In the past few days, Yan Junyu had heard such words a lot, and he only thought that Mo Yan was trying to comfort him, so he nodded and said absently: "For your good advice, I hope the old man can survive this. "

Mo Yan knew that he didn't take her words to heart, and she didn't feel uncomfortable in her heart. In Dachu, a cold could kill someone, let alone a stroke.

Stroke is a problem with the brain. In this era without advanced medical equipment, no doctor dares to do anything to the brain. This is equivalent to a modern terminal illness. Once someone has a stroke, they can only stay in bed and get through the day.

Some people die within half a month after a stroke. Some people have had a stroke for several years and are still living well. Like Mo Hong, who had a stroke for almost three years, he has lost weight even if he neglected to take care of him. Bones can also lie on the bed and scream loudly every day, making the neighbors uneasy.

After leaving Wu'an Palace, Mo Yan did not go home directly. She took Xiao Hei all the way to Dushi Medical Center. Since it was almost noon, there were not many patients in the hospital. It didn't take long for the hospital to become empty, with only Mo Yan and Dr. Du remaining.

While the meal was not ready yet, Mo Yan took this opportunity to explain Mr. Wu An's condition, and asked old doctor Du with a hopeful look on his face: "Master, can Du's Nine Needles cure stroke?"

Old Doctor Du glanced at his apprentice and said calmly: "There was someone in our ancestors who cured a stroke. However, he was not a good teacher, so he is not completely sure."

If it were in front of outsiders, he would shake his head decisively, but in front of his only disciple, there was no need to hide his secrets.

Upon hearing this, Mo Yan grabbed Master's sleeve and said, "Master, can you give it a try? Maybe it will be cured?"

Doctor Du's face suddenly changed, and he said sternly: "My teacher once said that unless your life is at stake, you should never use Du's nine needles without complete assurance, otherwise saving people will become kill."

This was the first time Mo Yan saw his master angry, and he was confused for a moment. When she came to her senses, she quickly admitted her mistake to Dr. Du: "Master, it was my disciple's fault. He forgot his teachings. I hope he will punish me."

Seeing her sincere attitude, Dr. Du's anger calmed down a little, but his tone was still stern: "You must bear in mind my teacher's warning to you. I don't want to hear about Du's nine needles causing death. "

Mo Yan knew that Master was doing it for her own good, and she felt increasingly ashamed of the rash suggestion she had just made: "Master, if I know this, I will never take human life for granted in the future, and I will not teach Du Shi Nine Needles to be destroyed in my disciple's hands." .

Doctor Du touched her head and sighed: "You are still young, and it is normal to have such impulsive thoughts. I don't know how many years of good life I will have as a teacher. You must hold on to the things that are usually given to you." Remember, you must not rely on your outstanding talents and try things without complete assurance, as those are life-saving."

Mo Yan took Master's warning deeply into her heart. Wu An Gong's illness could only be temporarily alleviated, and when she was absolutely sure, she could use Du's Nine Acupuncture to treat it. Although the spiritual energy in the spiritual spring water can clear the blockage in Wu An's brain, there is a possibility that the space will be exposed, and she cannot take the risk.

After returning from the medical clinic, before the Mid-Autumn Festival arrived, Mo Yan devoted himself to making wine.

The gurgling Xiaoqing River divides the winery into two. There are two long piers built with stone slabs on both sides of the river. It is very convenient to stand on the piers to wash fruits. Zhao Mu and others spent two days cleaning all the fruits, drying the water droplets on them, and then sent them to different winemaking workshops by category.

The center of the winery is where the winemaking workshop is located. The workshop is surrounded by layers of green bamboo, and from a distance only the pointed roof can be seen. On the periphery of the bamboo, large gray stones are scattered here and there, and dense clumps of violets poke out from the cracks in the stones, which is particularly lovely.

The winemaking workshop is just the tip of the iceberg of the entire winery. Compared with other places, the layout can only be regarded as ordinary. After all, the workshop will not be open to the public. The reason why the original layout was so thoughtful was to coordinate the layout of the winery.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" Zhao Mu and others carried baskets of grapes that were least suitable for storage to a workshop specializing in wine making. Looking at the cleaned large vats, they didn't know what to do next, so they Asked Mo Yan who was inspecting the vat.

Hearing this, Mo Yan grabbed a handful of grapes from the bamboo basket and put a little force on the vat. The handful of grapes instantly turned into minced meat, "Just like me, crush the grapes and put them into the vat, and then Add sugar in a certain proportion.

As he spoke, he explained the ratio of sugar to grapes in detail. Generally speaking, the ratio of grapes to sugar is ten to three. The wine produced with this ratio will be very sweet and suitable for women who like sweetness. If it is ten to two, the sweetness will be much smaller and it will be more suitable for men. .

After Zhao Mu and others listened, they couldn't believe their ears: "Dong, Dong, is it that simple?"

Mo Yan spread her hands: "It's that simple, but you think it's too complicated."

Everyone looked at each other, still a little unbelievable. It's not that they haven't drunk wine before. Although it doesn't taste as good as those spirits, they still have a taste that spirits don't have. It's hard to tell what this taste is, but it allows them to savor it subconsciously. No matter how upset they are, they can slowly calm down with a glass of wine.

I thought it would be very difficult to make such a good wine, but I didnt expect that the secret is sugar. As long as you master the proportions, even children can make it.

Whats even more rare is that the owner told them the secret without hesitation, and this trust was enough to move their hearts.

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