The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter: 49 Who is Little White?

Chapter: 49 Who is Little White?

Jasmine originally felt the newcomer was beneath her notice, but the mention of the third floor got her attention. She looked up and saw a teenager in a red magic robe sitting next to Feng Wu. His facial features were exquisite and incredibly beautiful. He had a head of blazing red hair and eyes that exuded vitality and power. Clearly, he was an unusual person.

Freshman, same as you. He didnt want to interact with them, but since they were Feng Wus roommates he felt the need to put in some effort. He didnt want them to use him as a reason to give her a hard time.

Then howd you get to the third floor? Even Xi was curious enough to ask.

I proved my abilities by defeating one of the second-year representatives, so starting today Im one of the first-years representatives. Naturally I can go to the third floor to eat whenever I want. He wasnt interested in the BBQ they had on the third floor, but he thought about Feng Wus bottomless stomach and decided to fight for the right to eat at the all you can eat buffet. Why else would he fight for something as bothersome as being a class representative?

Wow! You must be really strong! Annika and Xi both exclaimed while Jasmines eyes flickered with emotion.

Yeah. Jier wasnt modest and accepted their praise easily.

Annika was a talkative person, so when faced with a person as interesting as Feng Wus friend, she naturally started a conversation. Right. You still dont know who we are do you? Were Feng Wus roommates. This is Xi, this is Jasmine, and Im Annika. Whats your name?

Im Jier.

Xi asked if he was a magician or a sword user.

Magician of course. Jier didnt know how to react to something so obvious.

Had he not wanted to come to the school to learn how to control his powers better, he would never have been subjected to these kinds of interactions with these kinds of people.

Youre a magician? Me and Jasmine are also magicians! Maybe well be in the same class! Annika was happy to make the acquaintance of such a strong person. She relished the idea of bragging about it in her class.

Thats right. Were all in the same division. Please take care of us. Jasmine smiled full of confidence.

Jier didnt care much for them, in fact the opposite gender annoyed him greatly. His fondness for Feng Wu didnt change that fact. He was only nice to them for Feng Wus sake. As long as they didnt treat her poorly, he didnt mind sparing a few words. If we end up in the same class, sure Ill take care of you. Although in his head he was thinking he'd be annoyed to death. With his abilities though, it was doubtful they'd have the same classes. Jier was so powerful he was exempt from the entrance examinations. From the moment he entered the academy he was destined to rank in the top thirty, obviously he wouldnt be in the same class as ordinary students like Feng Wus roommates.

Feng Wu was too busy to chat. The food from the third floor was definitely tastier than that on the first floor. She was quite satisfied.

After eating the group split up and went back to their respective dorms. Jier went back to his room alone while Feng Wu and the girls returned to 302 together.

The school held a welcome assembly for the freshmen class later that afternoon. It was the boring kind full of speeches from school officials and class representatives, even Zi Cheng spoke. She was one of the appointed class representatives for having found a holy magic spell book.

Feng Wu returned to her dorm after the welcome assembly. She easily fell asleep after kissing Little Bun goodnight. Tomorrow would be the start of class.

Eventually the morning sun rose and Little Bun began to cry. Almost immediately the shengmu was on top of it, cradling him to its chest while changing his diaper. Afterwards it even fed Little Bun his morning milk. Little Bun liked its milk and it seemed to have an inexhaustible amount. It was a great combination. Feng Wu didnt have to do anything at all because the shengmu so diligently cared for Little Bun.

Feng Wu washed up, put on her uniform, and combed her hair. Aside from pinning a pretty pink crystal barrette in her hair, she left it alone to flow freely to her waist. A cute brunette lolli stared back at her from the mirror. She was properly dressed and ready for school after putting on her school ID. Then she made the bed and took Little White and Little Bun downstairs.

In the kitchen was porridge with meat, fried pancakes, noodles, and dough sticks. There was even spiritually infused milk at the table. She wasnt sure if it was the same type that Little Bun drank or not, but everything had been prepped by Little White.

Her other roommates were still upstairs, probably still asleep. Getting up early was a habit she had from back when she lived on Yuehua mountain. Even when she crossed to the current world, she had to wake up early in order to feed Little Bun, so her internal clock hadnt change.

Little White served her a bowl of porridge while she sat down. Then it carried Little Bun over to the sofa to play with him while Feng Wu ate.

Feng Wu was really pleased with the way Little White took cared of Little Bun and the way it got things ready for her. She was happy with Little Whites competency. It reminded Feng Wu of Auntie Lian Yi.

Ha! I must get up so early. It doesnt feel like I got enough sleep. Yawning Xi came downstairs dressed in her uniform. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail and her sword by her side. The expression on her face showed how groggy she was.

Wow. How sweet! Who made breakfast? Annika had also just woken up, but unlike Xi she was much more alert and fresh looking with her hair tied in a long braid behind her.

Jasmine was the last one to come downstairs. The girls had class at around the same time, so it was natural for them to wake up at the same time. Feng Wu only woke up earlier out of habit.

Feng Wu, did you do this? Jasmine asked. She wasnt surprised. She expected commoners to have these kinds of skills. Jasmine thought that if Feng Wu made breakfast every day, then perhaps she could accept her staying.

Little White. Feng Wu replied in between slurping her porridge.

Who is Little White? Annika asked doubtfully. Why didnt she remember a person by that name living here?

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