The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 100 Softie

The Felgura Magic Institute...

Aizel led the way as Hazel and Seraphine followed, making their way to the next class where they would learn the art of potion making.

Their faces lit up with excitement as they walked, but Seraphine remained expressionless as ever.

When Aizel, Hazel, and Seraphine entered the classroom, they were greeted by a tiny forest within the walls. Potion-making stations were put up among the sprawling plants and grasses within the chamber. Seraphine's demeanor remained grim as usual, but Aizel and Hazel seemed to be delighted with the arrangement.

"Quick everyone, take your place." An old woman greeted them, her head adorned with a hat and dressed in a professorial robe. Her hair was as white as snow, and a pair of spectacles sat on her nose.

Aizel dashed over to his allotted table, anxious to begin the potion-making process.

"Now most of you already know who I am, but for the ones who don't, let me introduce myself.

"I am Edith Crestfall, your professor for the potion class.

"Now let me brief you about the potion-making process.

"Potion making is a highly regarded and vital art in the world of Xelgar, practiced by expert potion makers, also known as alchemist mage.

"An alchemist mage must carefully pick and combine elements such as herbs, roots, animal parts, minerals, and even magical crystals to produce a potion. Each ingredient has distinct features and effects that can be augmented or mitigated by other ingredients.

"Now remember this carefully,

"The procedure of combining the ingredients is quite difficult and requires a high level of skill and knowledge. To guarantee that the ingredients are blended in the exact order and at the optimal temperature, the alchemist must utilize precise measurements and techniques.

"Any error or deviation from the recipe could lead to a ruined potion or possibly a catastrophic reaction.

"There are many types of potions, like those for healing wounds, increasing strength and agility, or offering temporary magical powers.

"Certain potions can even increase lifespan or cause death, making them greatly sought after by people with malicious intent."

Edith explained every item thoroughly, ensuring that everyone was completely involved and attentive.

"Now there are some basic herbs and plants on your desk.

"There are 3 clean cups of water, 1/4 crushed alore leaves, 1/4 cup ginseng roots, and 1/4 cup bee's honey.

"These are ingredients used for making a low-level healing potion."

Aizel's gaze was fixed on the components in front of him; his concentration was on the task at hand. He took a deep breath and carefully examined each object, noting its appearance and aroma. These were the ingredients needed to make a low-level healing potion, and he was determined to get it right.

Edith was about to give further instructions when a professor suddenly burst into the classroom. The mages looked around in confusion as he hurried towards Edith and whispered something in hushed tones.

"Hmm... Well, everyone, we will continue this later. For now, quickly go and gather at the Cedric Felgura statue. It's an important mission, which will be rewarded when it is complete."

The magicians bowed their heads respectfully and exited the classroom with haste, heading toward the statue.

Hazel hurried towards Aizel and Seraphine, her eyes filled with concern, and she asked, "W... What do you think the mission is going to be?"

"Maybe they need our help in hunting some creatures or monsters?" Aizel speculated.

"The riots," Seraphine replied.

Aizel's eyes widened with surprise. The riots he had been warned about were finally happening, and they were going to be sent on a mission to deal with them.


As evening descended, the dense jungle reverberated with the thudding of footsteps. Two hooded figures were riding on horseback, pushing their steeds to their limits. The leading rider had blood seeping from his arm, yet still urged the horse to go faster.

"They didn't even spare the villagers, David, W... We weren't even able to do anything for them."

"I know Katherine, even the magic institute is on our tail, this must be the noble families' doing. They must have had the meeting and decided to make us the scapegoat."

"What should we do now? Do you know anyone who can help us?"

"I don't know Katherine... I…

A sharp clang of steel pierced the air, striking the horse's leg and knocking both riders to the ground.

David darted towards Katherine; his longsword unsheathed from its scabbard on his back.

A mage charged at David, his blade swinging downward.

He rolled to his right to avoid the onslaught with a quick maneuver. A small stone flew by and struck the hunter in his face, forcing his nose to bleed and throwing him off balance.

David took advantage of the opportunity and thrust his blade into the hunter's stomach. Katherine, on the other hand, summoned earth spikes from the ground, which pierced the mage's body.

As they fled, they left the motionless body behind and kept a close eye on their surroundings, vigilant of any potential threats.

The hours went by as they explored the forest, taking refuge in the darkness. They grew closer to the Fangspire Mountains.

The sound of galloping horses echoed through the air, forcing them to cower behind the bushes and hide as best they could.

Katherine's senses were heightened as they went through the woodlands. She sensed a disturbance in the mana surrounding them. She swiftly conjured an earth wall in front of them, and they both leaped to the safety of adjacent bushes.

A spear pierced the earth wall, revealing a silver-haired woman brandishing a white and blue spear.

With her spear in hand, the woman charged at Katherine. She retaliated by firing a volley of little earth bullets at her, but they barely missed as the woman avoided them and closed in on Katherine.

David's eyes widened in horror as he realized the woman in front of them wasn't just any ordinary mage. Despite being a Grade I mage, Katherine was out of her league.

Katherine's lips twisted into a slight smile as she turned to face David and murmured softly, "Let's fall in love again in another life."


A flash of electricity caught David's attention out of the corner of his eye. He noticed a hooded figure block the spear thrust that appeared out of nowhere and position himself in front of Katherine.

To his surprise, it was a man in the same magic institute robe as the silver-haired lady. With confusion still lingering in his mind, David quickly rushed towards Katherine, holding her protectively behind his arms.

"What's the meaning of this Aizel?" The silver-haired lady asked.

David's eyes widened with shock as he looked at the man in the robe from behind.

"Let them go," Aizel replied.

Hazel's steps quickened with concern as she approached them.

"Guys, I don't like this at all." She spoke.

"You know what the punishment is for going against the order of the institute? This is a direct order from the royal family." Seraphine said, taking a battle stance.

"If I am right, do you even care about your family?"

"I only care about the rewards. You know what those are if we bring both of them back."

"Yeah, well, guess what... I don't give a shit."

Seraphine locked eyes with him, seeing the intensity in his gaze, and sensed that he was ready to engage in a fight to the death.

Her stare softened as she exhaled deeply and put her spear back in the storage ring.

"I want to meet her tonight," she said.


Aizel shifted his gaze to David and Katherine, who remained alert and vigilant.

"W... Why did you help us. I didn't expect that after everything that happened, you still helped me." David said.

Aizel lifted his gaze to the night sky, seeking stars.

"You were in the same boat as me, besides, this is all I can do for you. From here, you will have to escape on your own.

"If you want, you can take that ring you gave me with you."

David let out a chuckle in response to his remark.

"Keep it with you, do you think I still need it?

"And besides, I have everything I need right here." He pulled Katherine close and wrapped his arms around her as he said.

"Don't make me jealous; get the fuck out of here now," Aizel said.

As the trio stood watching, David and Katherine mounted a horse belonging to them and quickly galloped away into the distance, leaving them behind.

"Wow, you are really a softie, Aizel," Hazel said, as she couldn't help but chuckle, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

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