The Military Chef of a Ruined World

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

“It’s too quiet.”

Contrary to the expectation that monsters would have occupied the place, the atmosphere at the ammunition battalion was eerily calm.

“According to the deserters, the ammunition battalion definitely engaged in combat with the monsters.”

“Isn’t it possible that the monsters just took care of the soldiers and then left the battalion?”

Come to think of it, a military base isn’t exactly an ideal living environment.

“It’s just a strategically important location. The monsters probably won’t consider that.”

A place where all the supplies necessary for the soldiers’ daily lives have to be brought in from outside.

It’s not exactly a hospitable environment for monsters either.

They might have left, but…

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Huh? Why not?”

“Half of it is just a hunch.”

The horde of lizards that attacked our 423rd Anti-Aircraft Battalion where we were stationed…

Although their assaults were somewhat subdued after we defeated their chieftain but

“Even after that, more than ten lizards continued to attack the base every day.”

Considering our fight with the chieftain, it’s clear the lizards aren’t a foolish species.

They are intelligent enough to gather their forces, strategize, and attack when the enemy is weakened.

With the awakened individuals among us increasing and the base’s defenses fortified, they should have realized that attacking in small numbers was futile.

Yet, they persisted in their suicidal assaults.

An almost bizarre obsession.


“They said especially powerful monsters have appeared at the military bases, right?”

“That’s correct.”

“If the monsters don’t need to occupy the bases, then there’s no reason for those powerful monsters to attack the military at all, right?”

No matter how strong the monsters are, there’s no reason for them to deliberately attack dangerous military bases.

Yet, for some reason, they did.

“There’s definitely an intention behind this.”

The feeling I had before resurfaced.

A mysterious malice intent on attacking humanity.

If such a force truly exists, then…

“They would aim to suppress humanity’s military power.”


“Even if soldiers are killed, if the military bases where the weapons are stored are left unoccupied, the surviving humans could potentially use those weapons to stage a comeback. If there’s a will to suppress humanity’s military strength, I doubt they’d leave the bases which are so easy to retake.”

We can’t afford to be complacent.

There might be some kind of monster lurking in that quiet base.

Of course.

“Not that I’m thinking of avoiding it.”

I glanced around subtly.

The soldiers who heard my words looked uneasy.

After all, I had essentially told them that a formidable enemy was likely waiting for us.

“Don’t worry, guys. We took down the lizards just fine, didn’t we?”

“But it’s different from when we were defending the base.”

This time, we have to launch an offensive against a force at least as strong as the lizards.

It definitely won’t be easy.


“There is one advantage to being on the offensive.”

“…? What’s that?”

“We get to choose the timing of our attack.”

Just like the lizards who struck when the base’s lights were out.

I glanced up at the sky.

The sun was high overhead.

“We’ll move in after lunch.”

I opened the trailer of one of our spiked vehicles.

The ‘cooking trailer.’

An improvised mobile kitchen set up by the engineers.

Since we’re targeting a military base, we can’t rely on combat rations like we have until now.

“Time to show off my cooking skills for the first time in a while.”

* * *

A little past noon,


“Ugh, that’s really gross.”

“Hehe, sorry about that.”

After having a satisfying meal, we now stood near the main gate of the ammunition battalion.

The battalion was sprawled over a large area, surrounded by rice fields, and enclosed by a fence.

Though not as remote as our base, this place also seemed quite isolated.

I glanced at the main gate of the ammunition battalion.

Normally, it should have been closed off with bars and barricades.

“It’s completely wrecked.”

“Yes, it is.”

The entrance’s barricades had been shattered by a monster’s assault.

Now I noticed that there were large holes in the fence and sections that had been completely torn away.


Despite the numerous signs of battle,

There was no sign of any monsters.

“We have no choice but to go in. Lieutenant Kim!”


“How many times have you been here? Do you know the way to the ammunition depot?”

Our primary objective was to secure ammunition. We needed to head straight to the depot, ignoring other buildings.

However, Lieutenant Kim replied with a slight frown.

“I do know the way… but the depot our unit used to resupply from is pretty deep inside. I also know a closer one, though.”

“Then, please lead us to the closest one first.”

After clearing the debris at the main gate, the soldiers and I followed Lieutenant Kim into the ammunition battalion.

However, not all of us entered on foot.


Combat vehicles, armed with various sharp blades and spikes, advanced slowly, matching the soldiers’ pace despite their menacing appearance.

The vehicles were surprisingly quiet as they moved forward.

“Mobile barricades.”

An idea we considered when descending the mountain range, using vehicles. Back then, the vehicles were destroyed by monsters, resulting in failure. Now that the vehicles are reinforced, they can finally fulfill their role perfectly.

“Look over there.”


“There are marks as if something sharp cut through…”

Following Lieutenant Kim’s guidance as we moved inward, a soldier spoke as if he had discovered something.

Looking where he pointed, we saw a building where guards might have worked.

There were large, deep marks carved into it.

“What could have caused that?”

“How big of a sword would it take to leave marks like these…?”

The gash marks weren’t the only traces.

Bullet holes peppered the building, it was evidence of the resistance put up by the soldiers of the ammunition battalion.

It felt like surveying a city after a war.

“But still, no sign of monsters anywhere.”

With doubts lingering in our heart, we continued deeper into the expansive grounds of the ammunition battalion.

“We started to see the sight of peculiar structures sprawled across the mountain.”


Buildings that appeared like tunnels piercing through the mountain when viewed from the outside.

These were the ammunition depots.

“We’ve come all this way without encountering a single skirmish.”

“Haha. Weren’t we just unnecessarily scared?”

The soldiers remarked upon seeing the ammunition depots.

“Was I mistaken in my thinking?”

By now, I was starting to wonder too.

Whether there was any intent to wipe out all military bases, or whatever it was supposed to be.

Perhaps none of that existed.

Maybe the monsters just happened to attack the military bases by chance.

“Look. It seems like the ammunition depot doors aren’t even locked.”

“Let’s hurry and get the ammunition, then.”

Soldiers approached the large iron doors of the ammunition depot with light footsteps.

As they reached out to open the door.

Suddenly, a question arose in my mind.

“The ammunition depot doors aren’t locked?”

The ammunition depot, which should have been securely locked with thick locking mechanisms, appeared with its doors closed but the locks opened.

If the monsters needed the ammunition for combat, it would have made sense that they had opened it.

But if it’s closed, then why in the world is its lock opened?

“Well then… I’ll open it.”


“One, two!”

When I sensed something amiss and reached out, it was already too late.

The soldiers approaching the thick iron door had already opened it.


The heavy door swung open, releasing a cloud of dust.

But what greeted us inside the ammunition depot was not the expected ammo and shells.

“Oh. Is this…”

“Spider webs?”

The entire space was covered in spider webs, far beyond those formed from neglect and lack of maintenance.

It was almost impossible to discern the original form of the ammunition depot amidst this mess.

In every corner, large white spheres could be seen.

“Eggs, perhaps?”

As I began to think they resembled giant eggs, something started moving on the surface of one of the white spheres.




A sound of something breaking and crumbling echoed through the chamber.

Gradually, something emerged, from the shattered egg.


“What, what is it!?”

“Oh, shit!”

A creature with an unnaturally white body burst forth, frighteningly resembling a giant spider.

“This is no ordinary spider!”

The spiders came bursting out from the eggs scattered throughout the interior of the ammunition storage.

And began to attack the soldiers who had opened the door.

“Lieutenant Kim! Aren’t you going to do something!”

“Ah, yes”

[Command Directive – Assume Battle Formations!]

As I called out Lieutenant Kim’s name amidst the sudden crisis, he responded with a reflexive shout.

“Lieutenant Kim!”

[Command Directive – Battle Formations in Effect]

[Allies will experience 10% increase in combat abilities]

[Temporary attribute granted to all allies – Battle Formations]

[Ability – Combat Readiness]

[When deploying with a substantial force and establishing formations, combat efficiency increases, providing immunity to confusion caused by battle]

His job occupation, Novice Commander wasn’t there as a show.

Though his own combat skills might be modest, but his wide-reaching buffs were extremely effective.

“Is it an enemy?”

“Looks like they were hiding here, since we couldn’t see them before.”

The soldiers were initially caught off guard by the sudden attack, but lieutenant’s buff quickly dispelled the confusion.

The soldiers drew their weapons and engaged themselves in the counterattack.


“Their numbers are considerable!”

“…This is going to be a tough battle.”

Said a soldier as he fended off the monster’s attacks.

The monsters had burst out from the eggs filling the ammunition storage.

Their number was no less than dozens, perhaps even close to a hundred.

‘If my guess is right, these are at least Lizard-class monsters.’

And there were so many of them.

The soldiers holding off the attacks were visibly tense.

And at that moment, I stood silently behind the soldiers.

Staring intently at the spider-like creatures rushing towards us.

An enormous number of monsters.

“First, we need to figure out their weakness and then only we can counterattack them.”

‘They may look like spiders, but they are completely different.’

Unlike regular spiders, their exoskeleton-like body is smooth, without a single hair.

Its size rivals that of a large dog, reaching up to a human’s waist.

Moreover, it doesn’t have eight legs but ten

‘Wait… are those two front legs not actually legs?’

Unlike the other legs, the two frontmost limbs were sharp, like well-crafted blades.

After this brief observation,

[Chef’s Eye] activated.

I unlocked the

[Junior grade cooking secret: ‘Incomplete Arachron White Spider’ Preparation Method]

The method for preparing this creature appeared in my mind.

But one phrase stood out and troubled me:


[Born imperfect due to an incomplete maturation process, the White Spider of Arachron]

[Once matured, its flesh toughens, making it difficult to cook, but in its immature state, it is prized as a delicacy for its unique tenderness, beloved by many gourmets]

[However, unlike the matured form, the flesh in its immature state tends to be quite tender, requiring careful handling during preparation]

[The key lies in delicately trimming the inedible front appendages to avoid crushing the flesh]


These creatures.

They’re not in their complete form, are they?

A horde of spiders filling the ammunition depot.

Even if they’re not as formidable as lizards, given their numbers and the initial fear they instilled,

“Sergeant Shin!”

“Are there any weaknesses!?”

Soldiers asking about weaknesses.

There was only one thing I could say to them.

‘Doesn’t seem like there’s any.’


100 monsters.

But our side has 125 Awakened.

Plus, Lieutenant Kim’s buff.

This isn’t the end here.

‘Our unit’s combat formation.’

I discreetly checked the status window.

At the very bottom, a shining text had appeared:

[Applied Buffs]

[Dish: Gourmet Monster Bulgogi Set]  

[Significant increase in all stats]

[Slight increase in all attributes]

[Junior Grade Physical Resistance has been applied]

[Junior Grade Attack power increase has been applied]

[Junior Grade Magic Power increase has been applied]

[You are at max satiety]

[The duration of the effects has been extended]

After descending from the mountain range.

Due to having consumed all decent ingredients, my cooking options were inevitably limited.

At most, I could make dried meat, which is essentially a type of combat ration.

Other than that, maybe some stir-fried meat.

But now that I have sufficient ingredients, the effects of the properly prepared dishes are on a different level compared to the previously created combat rations.

These substandard specimens aren’t even worth the effort of engaging in combat

The effects were immediately noticeable.

The soldiers, who had been busy fending off the enemy’s attacks,

“What’s with these guys?”

“They’re not as tough as I thought!”

The moment they realized this side was stronger, the counterattack began.

“Vanguard squad! To the frontlines!”

“Marksman squad, open fire!”

“Mages, be careful! The ammunition storage is inside!”

“Keep the fire and electricity users away from the center!”

The soldiers, fully empowered by the powerful buffs.

Faced off against the spider-monsters who were bursting out from the ammunition storage.

The result of that battle could be summed up in one way.

[You have gained experience points.]

[You have gained experience points.]




It was akin to massacring civilians.

Seeing that, the only thing I could tell was:

After coming down from the mountain range, our unit had gone through various battles, and thanks to that their levels have increased drastically.

And with the synergy brought by new awakened individuals,

Our unit.

“Seems to have become much stronger than I had anticipated?”


Translator: One Force

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