The Messenger of Death

Chapter 2: prologue 2

Chapter 2: prologue 2

The man in scarf stepped away and put a bit of distance between him and Alex.

Alex shifted his gaze to his targets, he looked at their positions and stared at them with determination in his eyes. Alex tightened his grip on the hilt of the knife in his right hand, he was about to put it in his shirt but he paused and look at his target positions once more. Alex, at that moment, had doubts about his ability to take the men down.

He took in deep breaths and bit his already pale lips, he then proceeded to hide the knife in his shirt just as he planned.

When his targets were about 18 feet away from him, Alex started to move, his pace was slow, his head was bent, he kept his gaze on the floor. his shoulder-length dirty black hair, covered what could be seen of his face.

As the distance between them reduced, Alex picked up his pace. He was running at his top speed, he could feel the adrenaline pumping in his body.



suddenly those were the only sounds Alex could hear. The sound of his feet hitting the concrete ground and the sound of him panting. He was feeling nervous.

Alex was now a few meters away from his first target, as soon as he was in range he jumped forward with the knife out, aiming for the man's heart.


The knife had hit its target. The man suddenly felt pain in his chest, he looked down and saw a skinny kid hanging on the hilt of the knife in his chest.


The man shouted in pain and slapped Alex so fast and hard that Alex blacked-out upon impact.

Alex coursed through the air for a few meters before he hit the ground.

As soon as Alex came into his senses he got up and looked over at the man he had just assaulted. He was already on the floor, laying on his chest.

'Oh no, I left the knife in his chest.' Alex thought to himself.

Before he could make any move, Alex saw a huge hand closing in on him, it was one of his targets. The hand grab his neck and raised him then brought him close to his face.

"You filthy child. You're dead!!"

The man said with anger while increasing the strength of his grip on Alex's neck.

'Do something! Do something!!' Alex said in his mind.

With tears and mucous come out of his eyes and nose, Alex reached to his lap and quickly brought out the second knife.


Alex slashed his knife at his strangler's neck.

"You...Chhkk... You... kkkk"

The man said with shock, regret, and rage in his eyes. He released Alex and fell on his knees.

Alex was struggling to breathe, he sat up, but before he could catch his breath he saw a black boot and a leg closing in on him.


He was caught off guard again and got hit by the third person he was supposed to kill. He flew a few feet away from the man.

"Bastard kid. I'm going to kill you. You son of a b*tch!!"

The third man cursed at Alex.

As soon as Alex came to his senses he noticed that he had let go of the knife he was holding.

'Run!! Run now!!' Alex said to himself.

Alex struggled to get up, he put his hands on the ground to support his weight, but as soon as he did that a sharp pain assaulted his brain.


He looked at his left elbow, it was crooked. Nonetheless, he gathered all the strength he could muster and got up.

He started to run towards where the man in scarf was...

"You street rat, don't expect to live past today."

The man said whilst attempting to give chase.

Alex on the run turned to see where the man was, he saw that the man had covered a significant distance and had almost caught up with him.

Alex ran past the man in scarf.

'Hahaha. The Little shit is now within my reach.' The man chasing Alex thought to himself.

"I'm going to eat you today you ra.....Ahh!!"

The man chasing Alex lost his center of gravity, someone had tripped him. He stretched his hand towards Alex and grab one of his feet and soon Alex joined his chaser on the ground.

"Hahaha. You're going nowhere!" He said with a wicked grin on his face. He pulled Alex towards himself.


Alex screamed and used the heel of his leg that was free to hit the man on his nose and eye...

"F*cking bastard!!" He shouted at Alex in Pain.

The man pulled again, but this time with a lot more strength behind it.

Alex and his chaser were now next to each other on the ground.

The man was already sitting and was about to stand up...

'Do something!!!' Alex screamed in his head.

Before his chaser could react Alex threw himself at him.

"Ahhh!!" Alex screamed out again.

Suddenly the man felt a sharp pain coming from his neck, he turned his gaze down and saw a kid with a bloody mouth and a chunk of meat in his mouth on the floor.

"Basta...Chkkk" He tried to curse at Alex but the words didn't come out.

Alex had taken a big bite out of the man's Trachea.

He took a few steps forward with his hand on his neck, as if he was trying to escape the little beast he and his companions encountered, he moved at a very slow pace staggering after every step.

Alex picked himself off the ground and sped towards the knife he had dropped, after picking it up he ran back to his struggling target that was already on the ground crawling with a hand on his neck.


Alex screamed in Anger and stabbed the man at the back of his neck. He got on his back and continue to stab him mutilating the man's back and neck.

Suddenly a hand grabbed him, he looked up and it was the man in scarf.

"That's enough boy."

Alex calmed down and got off the body he had just mutilated in anger...

"Didn't go as I expected it to" he whispered under his breath.

The man in scarf checked his device once more. He sucked in cold air and whistled...

"4 Minutes 38 seconds."

'For a kid of his stature, to Kill these men was already amazing on its own, but killing them within such a short time was mind-blowing' The man in scarf thought to himself..'

He looked at Alex with awe in his eyes.

"You gave me a surprise. What's your name kid?"

Alex shrugged his hand away from his grip.

"My... My name is Alexander.. Alex for short."

"Well then Alex, follow me. My name is 'Kain by the way. I'm a killer, just like you." The man in scarf said with a smile.

"Hurry up, you just killed three men in broad daylight even if it's the slums, you are bound to get in trouble."

Kain said while walking towards the direction of a vehicle.

It was a hoverbike. A blue hoverbike with the writing 'Sledgehammer' by its sides.

"Get on," Kain said.

"I'll take you somewhere good." He turned back and saw that Alex made no attempt to get on the bike.

"Don't worry Kid, I'll keep my word. Now get on." Kain added to reassure Alex.

Kain turned his bike on, he felt the bike going down a bit like more weight had been added to it. He looked back and saw Alex on the bike.

"Hold on tight."

Alex used his good Arm to grab on Kain's waist.

"Wait, get down."

Alex did as he was asked. He saw Kain bring out a syringe. Kain grabbed Alex's crooked hand.

"shhh!!" Alex winced in pain.

Kain raised a brow and said.

"So you do feel pain Huh."

He inserted the syringe into his left shoulder. Alex could feel the liquid in the syringe going into his hand. He could feel the pain from his arm fading away quickly. He looked at the syringe with shock in his eyes...


Kain readjusted his bone.

"The Formula could help you heal fast. Doing that will help you heal faster. Since we don't have enough time on our hands I decided to speed things up.."

Alex didn't feel any pain during the process of the readjustment of his elbow. He tried to move his fingers, they worked and moved fine but he couldn't feel them.

"Yeah, haha. It's going to be numb for about half an hour. And don't worry about the men you killed, they weren't good people. They've raped quite a lot of girls in these slums. I was going to finish them off after I was done with my business, but I let you help me instead. Now get on and hold on tight..."

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