The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 616 The Mafia King ends Jiang Zhen (1)

Chapter 616 The Mafia King ends Jiang Zhen (1)


  In the dark and ominous base, Jiang Zhen faintly heard the sound of steps tapping on the ground. He felt as if the steps were coming towards him as their pace and sound increased. He lifted his head and saw a blurry image of someone standing in front of him. He blinked his eyes several times and finally recognized Wei's dark eyes staring back at him with menace and cruelty.

  Jiang Zhen snarled and lunged right at him. But he was held back by the chains that were tied to his hands and legs against the pillar.

  "You…you fucker! I will kill you!" He breathlessly gasped. His face showed an ugly expression, and his eyes were red as they blazed with fury. "How dare you act so mighty like this, huh? How dare you trap me like this!? You will pay for this!" His voice rang loudly in the base to which Wei stood unfazed and unperturbed.

  He dazedly looked left and right. "Lihua. Where is Lihua…?" He laughed. "She must be waiting for me. I need to go. I-"

  The next words never came out as a punch landed on his jaw, breaking a few of his teeth. Jiang Zhen spat out blood and choked hard. The pain was unbearable. It also hit right at the scar which Charles had left.

  "Ughh…" Jiang Zhen felt dizzy once again.

  Fu Renshu clicked his tongue and sneered at him. "You still don't know what and when to talk, right Jiang Zhen? You are in front of the Mafia King. Show respect."

  He wasn't in his senses at all.

  "Mafia King…Yes, I am the Mafia King…" he laughed.

  He shook his head hard and faced Wei. "You…you punched me…"

  Wei tilted his head. "There is a lot more I have to do with you. You are already complaining from a punch?"

  He grabbed his head and pulled his hair so harshly that it snapped a few hair strands from his scalp. The skin bled, and Jiang Zhen writhed in pain.

  "What you have done…a punch is not nearly enough," his dark voice emitted a pressure that even his guards felt it difficult to breathe.

  "You took my Lihua away from me. You threatened my childrens' lives. You eyed my wife with your filthy eyes. You imagined a future with her with your dirty mind. A punch is nowhere enough for it. You will have to suffer. Just like Lihua did. Just like all those people who you targeted. Your suffering has only started. You thought we would let you live just because Mingshen saved you? That was because how can we give you such an easy death? We kept you alive so that you know what real pain is. You and…"

  He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the other side, "Your dear grandfather."

  Jiang Shan was on the other side, already half-dead. His condition was already delicate with his old age and now with the minor torture that Wei's guards did upon him here and there, he could hardly realize where he was.

  "He is Grandma and Grandpa's culprit. Naturally, he won't get an easy death either. He kept suffering in grief and separation for a long, long time. Now it's his turn to take the pain for a long, long time too."

  Jiang Zhen screamed. "You cannot do this to me, Jiang Wei!"

  "Zhao Wei," he calmly corrected him. "I am not a Jiang anymore and neither is my family. We were never Jiangs. Everything belonged to my grandfather, Zhao Weisheng. You shamelessly stole everything that he built and dared to claim it yours."

  He stared at him, stunned. "Impossible…it's impossible! How dare you, huh? It's all mine! Everything is mine! Not yours or not that Zhao Weisheng's!"

  Just then, Chang Fang arrived, chirping and hopping in a good mood.

  Fu Renshu shook his head. "Where were you? Boss was waiting for the tools."

  "I am sorry, Assistant Fu! I was choosing the best tools so that Boss is entertained!"

  Chang Fang beamed at Wei. "Boss, I have brought my special collection! You will enjoy a lot with these."

  Wei nodded. He peered into his toolbox and was satisfied with all the torture tools.

  "So, so! Boss! How are you gonna start!? I am so excited! I think pulling out the nails is a good appetizer~ That shit hurts a lot."

  Wei thought about it and nodded again. "You are right."

  Fu Renshu frowned. "Hey, next we will use acid, okay? That shit is dope too."

  Chang Fang brightened. "So cool! Boss, how about we pour the hot acid on his fingers once you clip out the nails?"

  Jiang Zhen heard their conversation, horror greeting his face like never before. Even when Charles had given him the scar across his face, he had not panicked this much.

  Fu Renshu sneered. "Why are you looking like that? I have heard about your torture tactics quite a bit when you were abroad. Acid and knives were your favorite part, right? Don't worry, we will come to the knives soon too."

  Chang Fang sheepishly grinned. "Boss, can I start please?"

  The leader of the Sparkling Water gang came rushing in too. "Hey! Don't you steal my thunder, you fucker!"

  "Shut up! I came here first!"

  Wei pursed his lips. "Don't fight."

  "But Boss, I want to be the one to start~" Chang Fang whined.

  "No, it's me! You fucker locked me up. He is lying!"

  Fu Renshu rolled his eyes.

  Wei gave it a thought and said, "How about Chang Fang clip out the nails of his left hand and you his right hand? That way, both of you get to start at the same time."

  Fu Renshu choked.


  The two gang leaders brightened. "As expected from Boss! Boss is the greatest and the most intelligent!"

  Chang Fang and the Sparkling Water leader stood in front of Jiang Zhen, carrying the tool in their hands.

  "Let's start, shall we?"

  "No…no…" Jiang Zhen flustered with horror. "You cannot do this to me!"

  "We can and we will," Chang Fang's gaze darkened and pulled the nail of his index finger in a snap.

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