The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 83 - 83 Early Planning_l

Chapter 83: Chapter 83 Early Planning_l

Translator: 549690339 |

“Elder brother has given me Tingsong Garden, and I’ve wanted to send him an embroidered silk pouch for a while now. But, alas, my hands are clumsy, and I don’t know how to embroider. Just by chance, sister Qingwan gave me one, so I will present that to my brother in a gesture of turning flowers into a Buddha offering,” said Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo grinned widely, then turned on her heel and walked away.

She didn’t care whether it was okay to re-gift things given to her. Either way, she’s a country lass, surely they’ll understand that she doesn’t know every custom, right?

In any case, she dared not accept anything from Wei Qingwan. Who knew if this was just a trap? Although for the time being she couldn’t fathom what schemes Wei Qingwan could spin around a simple silk pouch, if she didn t give her an inch, her plans would remain futile.

After all, how could something as frivolous as a silk pouch make up for the grudge of slandering and wronging her?

By the time Wei Yichen figured out what he was holding in his hand and tried to call out to Wei Ruo, she had already left.

“Wanwan, was this the pouch you were planning to give Ruoruo?” Wei Yichen asked Wei Qingwan.

“Yes, perhaps she did not like it because I didn’t make it well enough, whispered Qingwan.

“Ruoruo is just like that, brusque in her actions but not ill-intentioned. She has been at the residence for some time now, so don’t think too much of it, Wanwan,” said Wei Yichen, dismissing the slight incident.

Both his sisters are good girls with different temperaments, two pearls of the

Wei family.

“Yes… I understand…” replied Qingwan, her low-dropped face wearing an awful expression.

“I will keep the pouch. Thank you, Wanwan.” Although he didn’t necessarily need an embroidered silk pouch, it represented the good intentions of his two sisters, which he cherished.


Capital City, the Loyal and Righteous Duke Residence.

News of Wei Mingting’s promotion quickly reached the Capital. The news came directly from the Capital, ahead of the letter sent from Xingshan County.

The news plunged the Loyal and Righteous Duke Residence into a sea of joy.

“Good job, third son! This is a celebration, a great celebration. It is a joyous occasion for the entire Duke Residence!”

The old Duke was delighted and his face beamed with a joy not seen in a long time.

It had been three whole years, and finally, his third son had received another promotion! The worry that had been gnawing at him could finally be put to rest!

Both Wei Minghong and Wei Mingyong couldn’t contain their smiles.

“Father, this is truly a joyous occasion. Now we do not have to worry about our little brother being demoted,” Wei Mingyong said with a smile.

“Father, given this great occasion, shouldn’t we make a trip to Xingshan County to personally congratulate him?” Wei Minghong suggested.

The old Duke objected: “There’s no need for a personal visit. Even though you’re only doing routine tasks at the moment, you still hold an official position. Can you afford to run around so recklessly? Are you trying to give others something to hold over you?”

The old Duke continued: “If you two as his elder brothers truly care for your younger brother, show your sincerity. You should prepare some congratulatory gifts for him. Xingshan County is rather impoverished, and I heard that this year’s yield is not looking good. The situation even before the fall harvest suggests a potential food shortage. You two as his elder brothers should consider his plight.”

Seeing their plan to visit Xingshan County thwarted and their father urging them to dip into their wealth, the expressions on Wei Minghong and Wei Mingyong’s faces became awkward.

After some hesitation, Wei Mingyong was the first to speak: “Father is right, I will go back and arrange a suitable gift. We cannot let our little brother s promotion go uncelebrated.”

Once Wei Mingyong had spoken, Wei Minghong couldn’t be left out. Despite his reluctance, he said: “Father, rest assured. Even if you hadn’t mentioned it, I would have arranged this matter in due course.”

Despite their reluctance, the brothers didn’t dare to gloss over their father’s suggestion. They returned home and prepared some items which were then taken to the old Duke. After the old Duke had sorted through them, they were sent off to Xingshan County.


At the end of July, Wei Ruo received a response from Mo Jiazha.

The village leader wrote on behalf of the villagers promising that they would store enough grain for the next year and then sell any surplus to Wei Ruo at the local market rate after the harvest.

Their village had been planting the rice seeds that Wei Ruo had given them and using the farming knowledge she had taught them, which had considerably increased their rice yield for several consecutive years, far surpassing the surrounding villages.

This also significantly improved the living conditions of Mo Jiazha, which was originally a poor village. They could now feed themselves, and also sell the surplus grains for money.

The villagers remembered this favor, so regardless of how the price of grain changed in the future, they would sell it to Wei Ruo at the usual price.

The coal had also been taken care of. They had already ordered a batch from Huzhou Prefecture, which would arrive soon.

Both the current situation and the memory of the original host told Wei Ruo that this year wouldn’t be easy. The looming challenges for Xingshan County were food shortage and cold.

Wei Ruo knew she had to plan for these issues early.

“Miss, are we really spending so much silver on grain and coal? That would be almost all of the liquid assets you have,” Xiumei voiced her worries.

Wei Ruo had already spent most of her savings on the purchase of Xiaoyang Mountain. Now she was about to spend another five hundred taels of silver on grains and coal, which would almost deplete her savings.

“Running water doesn’t rot, and money begets money. Silver itself is just a cold lump of metal. It only becomes meaningful when I can use it to get what I want,” Wei Ruo said.

“As long as you have a plan, Miss. If anything comes up, don’t bear it alone. Nanny, Uncle Xu, and I can help share the burden,” Xiumei said.

-Don’t worry, my dear Mei Zi. Your Miss has always been savvy when it comes to making money,” Wei Ruo replied with a smile, then touched her stomach, “although working my brain so much makes me hungry.

“Alright, alright, I got it. I’ll make you some snacks. The seafood we bought last time has all been dried. How about I roast some dried squid for you?”

“Sounds great, make some extra and send it to second brother as well.

“Alright, I’ll get right to it!”

Xiumei took out the dried squid they had dried a while ago and went over to Yingzhu Garden next door to roast it on their kitchen stove.

After roasting, she divided it into two portions. She left one portion at Yingzhu Garden for Xiaobei to deliver to Wei Jinyi, and brought the second portion back for Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo happily noshed on a piece of the crispy roasted squid and busied herself in her room for the whole afternoon.

On the other hand, Wei Jinyi, who had received the roasted squid from Wei Ruo, savor it delicately.

Xiaobei remarked from the side, “Young master, Miss Ruo really cares about you, always thinking of you when she has something nice!

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