The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 201: We are all good_l

Chapter 201: Chapter 201: We are all good_l

Translator: 549690339

A soft body collided into Wei Jinyi’s arms, causing his body to become stiff instantly.

Though he was supposed to stand firmly, he tripped and, due to the momentum of Wei Ruo’s collision, fell backward into the thick snow.

Xiumei, upon seeing this, instinctively wanted to rush over and help, but Xiaobei stopped her.

Xiaobei whispered, “Lady Xiumei, let the young master and young mistress handle this themselves. The young master is quite robust; a little fall won’t hurt him.”

Xiumei hesitated momentarily but, seeing Wei Jinyi appearing normal without any sign of distress, chose to follow Xiaobei’s suggestion.

After the fall, Wei Ruo tried to push herself off Wei Jinyi.

But whether due to lack of strength in her arms or dizziness in her head, she fell back down soon after trying to rise.

Wei Ruo couldn’t help but laugh at the situation: “Second brother, luckily I collided with you. If it had been another man, it would seem like an absurd plot from a trite romance drama.”

Because he was her blood brother, there was no great issue.

In Wei Ruo’s understanding, holding hands and hugging her brother were not considered inappropriate but were within acceptable bounds.

Wei Jinyi stared at Wei Ruo, who was so close to him, and felt an unusual thumping in his chest.

“Second brother.” Wei Ruo mumbled again.

This brought Wei Jinyi back to his senses. With one hand propped on the ground and the other circling Wei Ruo’s waist, he stood up quickly.

He then placed Wei Ruo on a chair: “Don’t move.”

“Are you angry, second brother?” Wei Ruo asked, sensing something unusual in Wei Jinyi’s look.


It was not anger, and even if it was, he would be mad at himself, not her.

“Ruoruo, you’re not alone.” Wei Jinyi told Wei Ruo.

“Huh?” Wei Ruo tilted her head and looked at Wei Jinyi, puzzled.

“I’ll be with you for every festival.” Wei Jinyi said earnestly.

Wei Ruo appeared somewhat stunned, her simple-minded look making it hard for Wei Jinyi to tell if her confusion was due to being drunk or his words.

After a little while, Wei Ruo smiled at Wei Jinyi: “Second brother, you’re so kind to me.”

“You’re even kinder to me.” Wei Jinyi replied, his gaze profound.

“Then we’re both kind!”

“Yes.” Wei Jinyi agreed with her.

Wei Ruo was playful for a while, then she started to become drowsy. Wei Jinyi, taking advantage of her lack of resistance, asked Xiumei to escort her home.

When Wei Ruo was sent back to the room, she had already fallen asleep. Xiumei gently cleaned her up and tucked her into bed for a good rest.

When Wei Ruo woke up again, it was close to early morning.

After being dazed for a moment, Wei Ruo remembered the events of the previous night. She hadn’t blacked out and remembered everything that happened.

She had drunk too much, then began to gab incessantly with her second brother, blabbering on about things she wouldn’t normally talk about.

Remembering her uninterrupted chatter, Wei Ruo felt embarrassingly ridiculous.

Wei Ruo turned her head to look at the pillow. There, lied a golden Pixiu amulet that Wei Jinyi had given her.

Wei Ruo picked it up again. It was weighty and exquisitely made.

Her second brother knew she was a fan of wealth but didn’t judge her for it. Instead, he gifted her with a Pixiu, indicative of wealth and good fortune.

Wei Ruo glanced at Xiumei, who had fallen asleep outside. She then pulled the curtain of her bed, and entered her space.

She placed the golden Pixiu in the small house within her space.

The small room, which she used to store Silver Coin, was relatively empty now. Most of the coin had been invested in fields, workshops, and shops.

Wei Ruo then visited her fields in front of the house. There were four now, and the productivity had improved significantly. Nonetheless, the experience required to upgrade had also increased. Now, four thousand experience points were required for the next level upgrade.

Due to the recent weather conditions, Wei Ruo planted rice and wheat in her spatial field.

Food was the most urgent need during periods of scarcity. Compared to vegetables that satiated gourmet desires and nutritional requirements, grains were the most pressing need.

The space was like spring the whole year round, and the soil was fertile without the need for manual intervention. The yield of crops was incomparable to those outside.

Therefore, even the crop yield of this space alone was enough to feed Wei Ruo without her starving.

After finishing her chores and returning from the space, it was already the third quarter of the early morning, and the sky was starting to brighten.

Wei Ruo put on a thick jacket, draped a cape, and walked outside. Xiumei had already woken up.

Seeing Wei Ruo awake, Xiumei asked concernedly, “Miss, are you okay? Do you have a headache? I made some hangover tea, you should drink some.”

“I’m fine. I must have troubled you a lot last night.”

“Miss, why are you being so formal with me? It’s my duty to take care of you. Plus, I knew you always carry burdens alone. Did you finally let everything out when you got drunk last night?”

Wei Ruo felt embarrassed and quickly begged, “Please, Meimei, don’t be angry. It’s not that I kept problems from you deliberately. I don’t usually have that many thoughts; I was just a bit tipsy and the atmosphere made me sentimental. It was only a bit of sentimentality, not true unhappiness. With you by my side, how could I be unhappy?”

“Hmph, next time, if anything happens, you must tell me. Whether you’re unhappy or worried, you must tell me.” Xiumei intentionally put on a stern face to make herself look serious and hard to involve.

“Alright, alright.” Wei Ruo hurriedly promised.

Wei Ruo went outside and saw the heavy snowfall.

The snow had completely stopped by the time they had finished drinking last night.

However, upon waking up, the heavy snow was falling again.

Xiumei said to Wei Ruo, “Yesterday when I was sending you back to your room, it wasn’t snowing. According to what you said, if this keeps up, will there be a problem?”

“Although I would like to deny it, if it continues like this, a problem is very likely to occur.” Wei Ruo replied.

“Miss, is there something we can do?” Xiumei asked.

“We’re quite powerless in the face of natural disasters. The most we can do now is hope the snow stops soon and the temperature doesn’t drop further.” Wei Ruo said.

Besides the snow falling heavily again, the temperature when Wei Ruo woke up seemed even lower than the previous night.

When the snow first started to fall, it was when a cold and warm front were intersecting, hence the temperature wasn’t very low. But, once the cold front gained an advantage and cold air blanketed everything, the temperature would get lower than when snowfall first started.

The final temperature and how long it lasts will ultimately depend on the strength of the cold current.

However, Wei Ruo’s wishes fell through. The snow continued to fall heavily non-stop for a day and night. The accumulated snow reached the waist, and the table Wei Ruo had failed to retrieve from the courtyard was completely covered by the snow.

The elderly in Taizhou prefecture who are over seventy or eighty years old all said this was the heaviest snowfall they had ever witnessed in their lives..

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