The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 127 - 127: Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong

Disappear _1

Translator: 549690339

“Alright, Miss Wei, rest assured, we will take turns to watch over here tonight and handle any situations immediately,” Hong Ping said.

“You all have worked hard,” Wei Ruo expressed her gratitude.

“We are servants at the government office, receiving imperial salary. Protecting the people is our duty. In contrast, Miss Wei, you took the lead in ensuring the welfare of the people for a matter that initially did not concern you. We truly admire you for that.”

“You flatter me, I’m just doing what I can.”

Wei Ruo replied, turning her head after speaking to look at the common people in the warehouse. Although the warehouse was not a good place, it at least provided shelter from wind and rain. A few braziers made the room much warmer, ensuring that their lives were out of danger.

By the time Wei Ruo finished her tasks, it was already late at night. Wei Jinyi and Wei Ruo, seeing that there was temporarily nothing else to do, returned to the Wei Residence.

The rain at night really became heavier, and the temperature dropped further.

Returning to Tingsong Garden, Wei Ruo had a quick wash before heading to bed.

Early the next day, Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi went out again. Firstly, they were concerned about the people in the government office warehouse, fearing that some may have deteriorating health conditions. Wei Ruo felt more at ease seeing it with her own eyes.

Secondly, Wei Ruo wanted to know how the situation of the landslide in West Mountain Village was progressing.

After a night of rain, it finally stopped, but the temperature dropped even more. Without a thermometer, Wei Ruo estimated that the temperature was probably below five degrees.

There was no frost, but the humidity was high, giving a chilling sensation.

Wei Ruo wore a thick cotton jacket, but still felt her hands a little cold.

As soon as Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi stepped into the government office, they were summoned by Qian Magistrate.

Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi were taken to the courtroom, where Qian Magistrate usually presided over cases. Now, he was using this place to orchestrate the rescue efforts.

Qian Magistrate looked at the siblings in front of him, hesitating to speak, his eyebrows furrowed.

“Mr. Qian, you can speak freely,” said Wei Jinyi.

After thinking for a while, Qian Magistrate said to the siblings: “Your father… has had an accident.”

“What kind of accident?” asked Wei Ruo.

“Your father led a team to rescue the people in West Mountain Village. However, during the process, another landslide occurred. His life is now in the balance,” Qian Magistrate said with a heavy heart.

Wei Ruo looked at Qian Magistrate in shock, her mind filled with complex emotions.

Her father had an accident?

Wei Ruo knew that in the original story, Wei Mingting died early, but in the original host’s memory, her father died in battle.

It was indeed about this time, but this time, due to some factors, the Japanese pirates had temporarily been driven away.

At this time in the original, Wei Mingting was still fighting with the Japanese pirates and couldn’t take care of the affairs in the city.

So, although Wei Ruo knew that Wei Mingting probably died in battle around this time, since the fighting had temporarily ceased, she assumed that things were different now and didn’t give it much thought.

After a while, Wei Ruo came back to her senses and asked Qian Magistrate: “Besides my father, how many people went to West Mountain Village?”

“There were about a hundred. Your father didn’t dare to mobilize too many soldiers due to the uncertainty of another Japanese pirate attack. Only about a hundred off-duty soldiers were mobilized for the rescue effort. Among them was a new recruit who was promoted to Deputy General after demonstrating his bravery in the previous battle against the Japanese pirates,” said Qian Magistrate.

The recruit’s excellent performance last time and the special promotion by the seventh prince had left a deep impression on Qian Magistrate.

It’s Brother Xiaoyong!

Wei Ruo’s heart tightened again and she fell silent.

She knew she couldn’t just do nothing, she had to find a way to rescue them.

But the more urgent the situation, the less she could act impulsively!

She needed to calm down and think about the most effective way to conduct the rescue.

Wei Jinyi looked at Wei Ruo’s serious expression and said, “I’ll accompany you to the rescue.”

“Second brother?”

“Let’s go.” Wei Jinyi did not provide Wei Ruo with much explanation.

Seeing him walk out, Wei Ruo quickly followed.

“How does second brother plan to rescue them?” Wei Ruo asked.

“Rest assured, I have some help.” Wei Jinyi answered. His expression and tone inspired trust.

Although she didn’t know who Wei Jinyi was referring to when he mentioned help, Wei Ruo still chose to believe him.

Wei Jinyi and Wei Ruo left the government office. As they were leaving, Wei Jinyi instructed Xiaobei to do something. Xiaobei then quickly left.

To make the journey to the mountain easier, Wei Ruo chose to ride a horse.

She untied the ropes used to pull the carriage from the horse, took out the saddle from the back of the carriage, put it on the horse and then climbed up to ride.

But Wei Ruo’s horse riding experience was limited, she had only ridden once in the training ground.

Wei Jinyi stayed close behind Wei Ruo and seeing that her riding was becoming more and more skilled and had no problems, he rode ahead.

When they reached the original path to West Mountain Village, the path no longer existed. Mud and rocks completely covered it. From their perspective, they couldn’t see how much damage the landslide had caused. Perhaps the entire village had been buried.

When Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi arrived, there were already government officials clearing the path.

Wei Ruo dismounted and looked at the situation in front of her, once again feeling how tiny humans were in the face of nature.

The collapsed mud and rock piled up like an insurmountable wall in front of them.

Soon after Wei Ruo and Wei Jinyi arrived, Xiaobei also came with a group of men in coarsely woven short clothes, about twenty people. They were carrying shovels and started digging as soon as they arrived.

Xiaobei said these men were porters. They were paid to come and help.

Wei Jinyi said, “Leave half of them here, the rest come with me.”

Xiaobei passed on Wei Jinyi’s instructions and explained some things to the men, then they quickly divided into two groups. One group continued to help the government officials to clear the path, while the others followed with their tools.

Wei Jinyi said to Wei Ruo, “We’ll take a detour from the other side, if the entire village isn’t buried, we might find another way in.”

There was only one road into West Mountain Village. To enter from another way meant they had to cross the mountain.

Crossing the mountain had certain risks. Although the rain had stopped, the soil was completely soaked. The risk of another landslide or collapse was still there.

But Wei Ruo didn’t hesitate. She chose to trust Wei Jinyi.

Wei Jinyi’s choice was very cautious. He observed the vegetation on the mountain, choosing to walk through a bamboo forest.

The root system of bamboo is very developed. Compared to general vegetation, bamboo can firmly grasp the ground, protecting the surface of the mountain, reducing the likelihood of a landslide.

After about an hour of detour, they finally reached the back of West Mountain Village.

Before they went down the mountain, Wei Ruo stood on a high point and looked at West Mountain Village….

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