The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 114 - 114 Thank-you Gift from the Yuan

Chapter 114: Chapter 114 Thank-you Gift from the Yuan

Family Couple_l

Translator: 549690339 1

“A life-saving favor is greater than the heavens, Miss Wei can take it.” Yuan

Zhengqin said.

Madam Yuan laughed and said, “Miss Wei, don’t be nervous. If you don’t accept this gift from my husband, he won’t feel at ease.

Wei Ruo wasn’t sure what else she could say.

Following that, Madam Yuan had a wet nurse bring over a one-and-a-half-year-old child.

The plump little face and the round big eyes, all filled with curiosity, stared at

Wei Ruo.

He couldn’t talk, but he wasn’t afraid of strangers, and grinned at Wei Ruo.

“Brother Sheng recognizes his benefactor, hence he smiles when he sees you.” Madam Yuan laughed.

She then asked Wei Ruo to hold the child, “His name is Fu Sheng. He owes his

life entirely to your blessing.”

Wei Ruo took the child in her arms. The little guy kept laughing, his small hands waving happily. It seemed like he really remembered Wei Ruo and was delighted to see her again.

Wei Ruo was infected by Brother Sheng’s laughter, and a smile naturally spread across her face.

After playing with Brother Sheng for a while, Wei Ruo returned the child to

Madam Yuan.

Madam Yuan had the wet nurse take the child back to be nursed.

Looking at Madam Yuan, Wei Ruo offered, “If you don’t mind, Madam, allow

me to take your pulse.”

Madam Yuan looked surprised.

“I heard Madam has been feeling weak since the childbirth.” Wei Ruo said.

Hearing this, Yuan Zhengqin quickly added, “Yes, my wife often breaks out in cold sweats at night. She cannot touch anything cold; she easily feels weak, gets headaches and backaches. We have consulted numerous doctors and she has taken a lot of medication over the past six months, but none have helped.’

If it’s Miss Wei, perhaps there’s a way to improve my wife’s condition!

Yuan Zhengqin looked earnest, expressing his deep concern for Madam Yuan’s health. His ability to pinpoint Madam Yuan’s symptoms showed his genuine concern for her.

“First, let me take Madam’s pulse.” Wei Ruo sat beside Madam Yuan and placed her hand on Madam Yuan’s wrist to feel her pulse.

Yuan Zhengqin and Madam Yuan held their breath and didn’t dare make a sound to disturb Wei Ruo.

After a while, Wei Ruo put her hand back and said, “I will write a prescription for Madam. There are a few precious herbs in it. If you can find them all, brew them with the method of reducing eight bowls of water to one for Madam to take, once every night before sleep, and continue for one month at first.” ■■Good! Miss Wei, feel free to write and no matter how rare the herbs are, I will find a way to get them!” Yuan Zhengqin promised.

Wei Ruo wrote down the prescription and handed it to Yuan Zhengqin.

Yuan Zhengqin carefully took the prescription, excused himself to Wei Ruo, and then took the prescription to his study, prepared to make a copy immediately and then send someone to purchase the required herbs.

After Yuan Zhengqin left, Madam Yuan said, “Miss Wei, I really don’t know how to thankyou. You not only saved my and Brother Sheng’s lives, but nowyou are also helping me restore my health.”

Madam Yuan, you’re too polite, especially since you’ve been helping me these

two days.” said Wei Ruo.

“That was merely a minor effort.” Madam Yuan didn’t think that yesterday’s incident was a great favour.

Wei Ruo shook her head: “What is a minor effort for Madam, is of great help to


Madam Yuan laughed, “I don’t care, I’ve prepared another gift for you, and you must accept it.”

Wei Ruo looked curiously at Madam Yuan. Madam Yuan took out a box, opened it, and inside were a deed to a field and a house deed.

“These are the deeds for a thousand acres of good farmland and a house outside Taizhou prefecture.”

The land in Taizhou prefecture is far more expensive than that in Xingshan County. This thousand acres of fertile farmland in Taizhou prefecture is worth at least a few thousand taels of silver, if not more.

Moreover, Taizhou prefecture city has many dignitaries and few fertile lands. Sometimes, even if one has money, it may not necessarily be able to buy good farmland.

Madam Yuan explained, “I know these things are a bit worldly, but I can’t think of a better idea right now. It was my husband who reminded me that since you’ve been teaching people how to cultivate wasteland and farm in Xingshan County, you must have done some research on this. So why not give you some fertile land, that you can not only keep for yourself, but also make productive use of it.”

Last night, Madam Yuan and Yuan Zhengqin discussed at length what kind of gift to give today.

The gratitude for saving their lives was not something that could be forgotten with a simple thank you.

Even if Wei Ruo had walked away at the time without asking for any reward, they, the beneficiaries, couldn’t just let things pass.

But if they wanted to express their gratitude, they had to find the right way, and the gifts they gave must be appropriate.

Because Wei Ruo didn’t want others to know that she was a healer, the Yuan Family couldn’t just send a pile of gold and silver utensils to the Wei’s openly. They had to give her something that was easy to carry and hide.

Therefore, they decided to give property and real estate gifts.

It must be said, the gifts from Yuan Zhengqin and Madam Yuan really touched Wei Ruo’s heart.

Wei Ruo did not stand on ceremony with Madam Yuan and directly expressed her affection, “I really like Madam’s gift.

Madam Yuan was also very pleased to hear this: “The best thing is that you like it. Later, I will have someone register these lands under your name at the government office. Don’t worry, I will handle it discreetly and won’t let the outside know.”

Madam Yuan knew that since Wei Ruo wanted to hide her medical skills from the Wei family, she certainly wouldn’t want her properties to be known by the other members of the Wei Family.

“Thank you very much, Madam!” Wei Ruo was truly grateful.

“What is there to thank for, these are what my husband and I should do to express our gratitude, why should you thank us.” said Madam Yuan.

“I still want to thank Madam for considering for me and saving me from a lot of trouble.” said Wei Ruo.

Madam Yuan gently said, “This is what I should do. When you saved me that day, you were also extremely considerate. When I was in extreme pain and despair, your voice was like the sound of paradise, pulling me back from the Ghost Gate.”

Wei Ruo smiled.

Then Madam Yuan started to chat with Wei Ruo, “I have to tell you, actually, this garden party, I specifically invited the Wei Family from Xingshan County. I really wanted to meet you.”

“Is it because of the cultivation of the wasteland south of Xingshan County City?” asked Wei Ruo.

Madam Yuan nodded, “Right. I don’t know if you’re aware, but this year not only Xingshan County had a poor grain harvest, but the entire Taizhou prefecture had the same problem.”

The entire Taizhou prefecture had a poor grain harvest. This was a big headache for Yuan Zhengqin, who was the Magistrate.

“Yes, I’ve heard something about that.” Wei Ruo already had some knowledge about it.

“Before I knew you were the one who saved me, I wanted to see you and ask your opinion on increasing the grain yield in Taizhou prefecture. That’s why I specifically invited the Wei Family to the garden party.” Madam Yuan revealed the reason.

Because Wei Mingting was a Martial Officer and Yuan Zhengqin was a civil servant, although he ranked higher than Wei Mingting, he couldn’t directly summon Wei Mingting. Therefore, Madam Yuan used the opportunity of the garden party to send an invitation to the Military Prefecture..

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