The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 300 Leland's And Sophie's Romantic Getaway


Sophie really enjoyed their getaway. The fresh air, new scenery, and alone time with her mate help lift her mood. She felt calmer and happier and could even stop worrying about Luciel and Jan after one day.

After she woke up from her nap, she enjoyed the grilled fish prepared by her mate. She didn't usually like fish, but somehow, this time she was crazy about it and she ate a lot. Leland was happy to see her appetite grow.

He was sure this must be her pregnancy hormones. He loved her so much and didn't know that he could love her even more, but he apparently did. He thought she looked more beautiful by the day and there was something sexy about knowing that she was carrying his pup(s) in her womb.

It was like finally knowing she and him were connected in an unbreakable bond in the form of their offspring together. He could have something from her that was genetically his.

"Do you like it?" He asked her attentively. "I can catch more."

Sophie had finished three big grilled fish by herself and was rubbing her tummy with that satisfied expression on her face.

When she saw Leland get up, ready to catch more fish if she just said the word, Sophie immediately waved her hand. "No... ahahahhaa... I have eaten SO MUCH. I will be bloated if I ate more."

She pointed at the remaining fish and told him to eat too. "You should eat the rest."

Leland was not fond of fish, he preferred meat, but he ate it after Sophie asked him to.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" he asked her.

"What? We just finished lunch. I can't think about dinner with a full tummy," she said with a chuckle. "How about we rest for a bit, and then we go out and explore this place. You know this area, you can show me around."

"Okay," Leland nodded. He quickly finished the fish and threw the rest outside for small animals to eat. Then he cleaned up the hut, not letting Sophie lift a finger. "Let me do it. You are not to do any work."

"I am just pregnant, not disabled," Sophie said with pursed lips.

"I don't want you to feel tired," Leland said calmly. "I'd prefer if I tire you in bed than doing stupid chores."

Sophie batted her eyes and looked at Leland with a look of disbelief. What did he say just now?

"Leland...!" she exclaimed, pressing her lips. "What did you say?"

Leland turned to her and shrug. "The truth?"

"Gosh..." Sophie hugged her tummy and laughed out loud. She didn't know why, but Leland's words just now sounded so funny. She approached him and hugged his waist from the side.

She rested her head on his broad chest and whispered, "I'd like that."

Maybe this was what she needed, she thought to herself. They had not had time for just the two of them like this, where they could be away from everyone for several days. It was interesting to see how her mate acted more casual and open to her.

Leland tugged her chin and tilted his head to kiss her on the lips. Then he patted her back. "You should sit nicely on the bed and get the rest for a bit. I will take you out soon."

Sophie kissed him back and then did what he said. She felt so full from consuming so much food. She needed to sit down for a bit and let her body digest the food, before she could go out and do some exploring.


"Sophia, be careful, watch out for rocks," said Leland. He immediately kicked a small rock that almost tripped his wife and Sophie couldn't help but laugh.

Right now, they celebrated their relationship by going out for a walk. But Leland had become twice as protective in keeping his wife safe from anything that could knock her down or hurt her.

"Leland, look." Sophie pointed at a group of white flowers. Those flowers grew in clusters under a big oak tree.

"Do you want to go there?" Leland asked her, and Sophie nodded. They walked over to the flowers. As they walked, Leland wouldn't let go of his arm around Sophie's waist, not even once.

When they arrived under the tree, Sophie looked at the flowers with a smile. They looked prettier when she looked at them up close.

Seeing her fascination over those flowers, Leland plucked one.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman," he said, then tucked the flower in Sophie's ear. The smile on his face never faded, and neither did the one on Sophie's face.

Sophie was very lucky to have Leland, who loved her so much. The man not only loved Sophie, but he also loved Sophie's children.

"Thank you, Leland," Sophie said with tears in her eyes.

"What for?"

"For everything." Sophie hugged the Alpha, and Leland hugged her back.

In his arms, Sophie said that she was very grateful to have Leland in her life and that she was happy to have Leland as her husband.

When he heard Sophie's words, Leland's heart was filled with warmth. Tonight he was very happy. He tightened his arms around Sophie, as the wind blew, and the leaves on the trees rustled.  A few of them fell around them.

Sophie let go of her embrace and exchanged a smile with her husband. After that, she looked at the sky. It turned out that the sky was very clear, the stars were scattered wide, and it looked very sparkling.

"Leland, the sky tonight is very beautiful, right?" she said.

"Um." Leland nodded in agreement, but his eyes were not on the sky but on Sophie who was looking up. "Very beautiful," he added with a smile.

When Sophie looked at him, Leland quickly looked away and pretended that he had also been looking at the sky.

"Very beautiful," he repeated, and it made Sophie raise an eyebrow as she felt Leland's behavior was a little strange.


Leland turned to look at Sophie, who called out to him.

"I think I got another craving."

"Huh?" Leland was slightly surprised. "What is it?"

"I want to experience sleeping under the stars," Sophie said.





From Missrealitybites:

Should they have an outdoor snusnu? XD

1. YES - do you even need to ask?

2. Uhmm.. isn't it unsanitary?

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