The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 292 [Bonus Chapter] Sophie Makes The Right Decision

"Yes?" The man asked with a flat voice.

Sophie grabbed Leland's hand, which was stroking her hair lovingly. She gripped it tightly.

Her voice was hoarse when she uttered the decision that obviously weighed heavily on her shoulder.

"I've decided. I will forget my past with Nicholas and will not talk about this to the children," she said, which made Leland very happy and spontaneously hugged her.

Leland had been feeling like he was carrying the whole world on his back for the past week. He looked fine on the outside but his heart was raging with conflict on the inside.

This was such a tough spot to be in. It was easier to fight with Nicholas to solve the problem between them. He could fight the other man and kill or be killed in the process.

However, he was weak when it came to Sophie. She could threaten to leave him if he didn't follow what she wanted and if that happened, it was HE who had to make a decision.

He would have to choose between her or his tribe.

And no matter how much he loved her and knew it would kill him to let her go, he knew that when he was faced with an ultimatum, he would always choose the one who didn't force him with an ultimatum.

He did hypothetically ask her if she had to choose between him and Nicholas, who she would choose. By asking the question, Leland didn't give Sophiee an ultimatum. The question was asked purely out of curiosity and didn't mean to be used as a weapon to force her to stay with him.

So, he hoped she would do the same and didn't use that power she had over him to force him to choose between her and his tribe. He was a man, a leader, the Alpha of his pack, and even a candidate to be the next lycan king.

He would never forgive himself if he forgot about Jack's and Anne's deaths, along with hundreds or even thousands of his tribesmen.

Not only that... but also, the moment Sophie forced him to do what she wanted or she would leave means she didn't love him as much as she loved Nicholas. And that's when he should know his cue, take the hint, and left.

However, it turned out Sophie was more mature than he expected. She didn't blackmail him to do what she wanted by using her power over him. She didn't throw tantrum and give him an attitude. She only asked to be left alone and be given space to think.

And without noise, she thought deeply and she thought hard. Finally, she came to this decision, one that made Leland feel over the moon.

He cupped her face and kissed her lips passionately. Right at that moment, he felt loved.

After six years together and wondering whether she would really love him as much as she loved Nicholas, her first love, finally, tonight Leland felt the confidence that he got her heart and her everything. Unknowingly some tears fell down on his cheeks.

Sophie was overwhelmed by his reaction. She already expected that he would be happy with her decision, but she didn't think he would feel so moved to the point that he cried. Was he really crying? Or was this only her imagination?

"Leland..." she touched his cheek gently after he ended the kiss. Her eyes looked deep into his. "I am happy with you. You are my husband, my mate, my rock, the father of my children. I am stuck with you forever. Of course, I have to be with you. That's why I choose you."

Every single word that she uttered reminded Leland of the feeling when he sat by the fireplace near Anne Hansley's feet while she had little Sophie on her lap and the three of them were watching the snow falling from the sky outside the window.

It was the sweetest and most soothing feeling.

Gosh... he missed Anne so badly.

Leland thought he was truly the luckiest man in the world to have Sophie as his mate.

He didn't know when but a few drops of tears had fallen down his cheeks. It hurt when they touched the scar on his face. It was still not properly healed. However, he didn't care.

He was too happy to worry about such a trivial matter.

"You are wise," he smiled and looked at Sophie lovingly. He was glad that she could see things from his perspective. Before Nicholas' sudden return, Leland and Sophie had a good life together. He had his mission and their family to take care of.

Now, they were also waiting for the birth of their new children. It would be dumb for her to ruin what they had just because someone from the past came back to her life.

Sophie had to be pragmatic and choose which side provide more security for her children. After thinking about it from all angles, she realized they were safer with Leland.

The man had taken her children with Nicholas under his wings and raised them as his own. Soon, Luciel and Jan were not the only ones that Sophie had to think about. Her new babies would need protection as well.

If she took Nicholas' side, she would only be facing uncertainty. There was no guarantee that Nicholas and/or his family would accept Luciel and Jan being lycans.

The safety of her children with Leland would also be in danger. She would lose Leland from her life and that would kill her.

So, no matter how much she wanted to see Luciel and Jan having a relationship with their biological father, she realized that she had to use her reasoning and choose between the lesser evil.

It was better to lose Nicholas, than lose both men.

Leland felt the heavy weight that had pressed against his chest for the past few days had dissipated. He was so relieved. Now that Sophie had chosen him he didn't have to worry anymore or think she would leave him and go back to Nicholas.

"Thank you, Sophia," he said, then kissed Sophie's neck and tightened his embrace. For a moment, there was only silence. Leland was overwhelmed by happiness, while Sophie was feeling numb.

She knew she had made the right decision. However, that didn't mean her heart was not broken.




From Missrealitybites:

I hope you like this bonus chapter. I think I am missing their snusnu... ahahahaha... we'll see if I can write a snusnu chapter for tomorrow. HAHAHAHAHA... Crossing fingers!

Well, Nic would have to wait for some time before he would get another snusnu with Sophie since he needed to win her back.

Yes, I know Sophie kept saying she would choose Leland, but trust me, she will still end up with both men. I am excited about this story being a reverse harem because I see it has become quite a trend now on Webnovel. I am seeing several other books getting popularity being reverse harems.

Btw, since most of you are my longtime readers, I would like to know your opinion on what kind of books do you like reading? I am now trying to write stories that are mainstream since mine are usually a bit niched.

This is not just me trying to make money from books that sell... lol, but I actually want to challenge myself to write things outside of my comfort zone.

Please choose from all these elements that you really like/enjoy reading, and I will think about them for my next book (after "The Cursed Prince" ends):

1. Steamy s e x scenes, the dirtier the better (don't be shy to choose this if this is what you like. We are all perverts here... hehehe)

2. Modern/contemporary stories with CEO/billionaires (I do write this too in my first book)

3. Historical stories with kings/princes/dukes (this is what I am currently writing)

4. Prefer plot over sex scenes - the snusnu is just to spice up the story. This is what I am currently doing, but I am open to writing steamier stories.

5. Werewolf with the typical lores: e.g rejected mate, abused mate, etc. I mean, there's gotta be reasons why they are so popular, right? I want to challenge myself to write them, but I am looking to see if it's worth venturing into since they are already saturated.

6. Werewolf with my own lore (like this book)

7. Dominant overbearing MLs (I do write these dominant overbearing MLs as well, but not many. You can find them in my earlier books).

8. Sweet MLs like most of my current MLs. I mean... I take pride in writing stories about doting husbands, as you can see on my bio. ^^

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