The Incubus System

Chapter 688: Raw Emotion II

Chapter 688: Raw Emotion II

The Incubus System Chapter 678. Raw Emotion II

Mrs. Clea's face was once again a picture of shock. "So Renart's killer is dead?" she asked, seeking confirmation. The association had never learned the truth about what had happened since once demons died, they turned to ash. That was why they had made Celia and me their bait.

"Yes," I confirmed, my voice heavy with emotion.

"And what does that have to do with Myra?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion. "And who is Lilieth?"

My gaze fixed on her. My lips curled into a wry smile as I revealed the truth. "Yes, Myra drugged him," I said, my voice dripping with bitterness. "But it wasn't just any drug. This was something far more insidious. The concoction was so subtle, so cunning. It was hard to detect it."

I watched as the realization dawned on her face, a mix of shock and horror as she realized the extent of Myra's treachery. "It weakened his magic bit by bit," I continued, my voice taking on a sarcastic edge. "He didn't even notice it. And neither did anyone else."

My eyes flickered to the side as I remembered the punishment Myra had received for her misdeeds. "But don't worry," I said, my tone softening slightly. "She's already received her punishment. The current Myra you see isn't the real one. She's my servant."

A faint smile played at the corners of my mouth as I leaned in closer to her, my eyes bright with a mischievous glint. "And Lilieth..." I murmured, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Have you ever heard of the heroine of Aeros? The one who sacrificed herself to save her people from the demon lord?"

I waited for a beat, watching as her eyes widened in recognition.

"Princess Evelina of Euthenia," I confirmed with a nod. "That's who she was. But now..." I trailed off, my gaze turning distant.

"She's turned into a demoness," I said finally, my voice low and ominous. "She's the demon queen. She rules the dark dimension alongside Lord Damon."

My eyes were locked onto hers, yet my expression was cold and unyielding, betraying none of the tumultuous emotions that roiled within my heart. With a flick of my fingers, I canceled my Telekinesis, releasing her from my invisible grip. She moved her body gingerly, stretching out stiff muscles that had been held in place by my power.

Her eyes never left mine as she spoke, her voice laced with confusion and disbelief. "So you're saying that she has the same fate as you? That she is a tragic hero fighting for humanity, even though she has become a demon?" she asked, her words hanging heavily in the air between us.

I shrugged nonchalantly, my lips curling into a small smile. "Maybe. I never consider myself a hero tho," I said lightly, my tone almost flippant. "But there is one small difference between us. She's bound to Lord Damon, while I am not."

The furrow in her brow deepened, and she opened her mouth to speak again, but I cut her off before she could utter a word. "Oh, I almost forgot to mention," I said, my voice taking on a smug tone. "Lord Damon and Lilieth are like my adoptive parents now."

Her eyes widened in shock, and I could practically hear the questions swirling in her mind. I quickly clarified my words, not wanting to leave any room for misinterpretation. "Well, not really adoptive, per se. They used their son's power to revive me, so I am now a demon lord and the prince of the dark dimension."

Again, my words made it all sound so simple and easy as if becoming a demon lord was just a minor inconvenience in my otherwise mundane life. But the truth was far more complicated than that.

Her shock was palpable, evident even in the way she couldn't seem to form words properly. Her voice quavered as she finally managed to speak, her words tumbling out in a jumbled mess. "W-What? How could it be?" she stammered, her eyes wide and uncomprehending.

My expression was inscrutable as I explained, "Well, you see, it's because I am a descendant of a Nephilim. Erebus, Lord Damon's brother, to be exact." I watched as her eyes widened even further if that was even possible. "He was a half-angel and half-demon lord, and that's where my powers come from. 's why my dad's powers also rose after he received the vaccine from the association."

I shrugged, my expression turning sly as I added, "Of course, it's also why the association is now targeting me. But it made me curious... Can the vaccine break my angelic seal, I wonder?" My tone was flippant as if the idea of being targeted by the association was nothing more than an inconvenience to me.

Then I could see the fear in her eyes, and I knew I needed to calm her down. I cleared my throat, adopting a more innocent expression as I spoke. "But don't worry," I assured her, my voice soft and soothing. "Just because I want it, doesn't mean I agree to be the association's puppet."

Her confusion was evident in the furrow of her brow, and I could see that she was trying to make sense of everything I had just told her. "Wait," she said, her voice hesitant. "Does that mean that you can become either an angel or a demon depending on how you receive your power for the first time?"

I paused for a moment, considering her question. "If I had never died, perhaps," I mused aloud. "But given my circumstances, becoming a demon was my only option." I shrugged as if the decision was inconsequential to me. "Besides, being a powerful demon and being the enemy of all humans is better than being a clueless weak human like I used to be. So for me, it doesn't matter if I become a demon or an angel, as long as I have power."

In truth, my words belied the inner turmoil that I felt. The idea of being the enemy of all humans, of being a powerful demon with the potential to cause untold destruction, was a heavy burden to bear. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the thrill that came with wielding such power, the rush of adrenaline that came with knowing I was capable of so much more than I had ever imagined.

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