The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 93: Next Room

Chapter 93: Next Room

Kang-Ho pulled the core from the head of the statue and backed up a little to check and inspect the core if and see if he would be able to recreate it. To Kang-Hos disappointment after studying the core he couldnt find anything that could help him replicate the same result. While Kang-Ho was studying the core he suddenly noticed that the statue was not moving and the clay was starting to fall off of the statue as it stood still. It seemed like the only thing that kept them together was the core, without the core the statues were worthless. There was no secret hidden in the statue itself al the secrets were hidden inside of the core itself.

Kang-Ho was surprised when he kept inspecting the core, what surprised him wasnt the discovery of the material to make the statue it was the clay. The clay that fell to the ground after losing the support of the core, started to gather around the core. As the clay gathered around the core it started to form the statue once again, Kang-Ho tried to inject his mana onto the core but that didnt stop the clay from flowing.

Kang-Ho didnt understand what was going on so he let go of the core. After he let go of the core, the clay that gathered around the core took shape of the statue once more. Once it was done forming shape the statue backed away from Kang-Ho and took its spear and shield and formed a battle stance. It seemed ready to battle Kang-Ho anytime. Kang-ho figured there was no way of extracting the core without killing the statue, so he gave up on the idea of inspecting the statue.

This time the statue didnt attack Kang-Ho, the clay that fell to the ground was still being put together, but Kang-Ho didnt care he didnt want to waste anymore of his time towards the statue that he had no hope of recreating. After studying it closely Kang-Ho had realized that, to make this kind of statues he would need specific kind of skill. So, he didnt want to bother with the statue anymore.

Kang-Ho launched his attack towards the statue, by doing so Kang-ho was checking if the statue would react when being on uncomplete form. As Kang-Hos attack went closer to the statue, it finally reacted when it was forced to. But the statue didnt initiate the attack, the statue still stood on the in the same position. The only time the statue moved was to defend itself, that was the only flaw of the statue that Kang-Ho found so far.

While being reattached, the statue didnt initiate the attack itself. Compared to human of same level what Kang-Ho had found out that the statue was stronger and faster. But there were flaws in the statue themselves that humans could make use of, if they were to engage in a fight with them.

Kang-Ho repeatedly attacked the area where the core was on the statue to finish the job. Some of the first attacks were defended by the statue with haste, but because of the speed of Kang-Hos attack the statue couldnt protect itself for long, Kang-ho managed to breach the defence in just a few seconds. Kang-Hos attack landed on the core of the statue, there was a cracking sound but the statue continued struggle. When the second hit landed on the core the statue finally gave in and lost all the light in its eyes.


Surprisingly Kang-ho saw the level up signal in front of his eyes, Kang-Ho was wondering why this place had so high experience rate. From the moment Kang-ho entered this dungeon he had levelled up 6 times all together, Kang-Ho felt that this speed was abnormal normally Kang-ho had to kill multiple monsters to level up but it seemed that in this dungeon the levelling up was very easy. Kang-Ho felt this might be one of the reasons for all the secrecy about the mass dungeons.

Who wouldnt want to keep their golden egg laying goose a secret? Kang-Ho thought. He felt while he was killing inside the pocket dimension his levelling speed increased once more. One more thing Kang-Ho found piacular was that this place was full with mana, almost as if the room was clumped full of mana for some reason. Kang-Ho kind of felt refreshing. While he lived in hell Kang-ho had hard time sensing the mana because of the low density of it being present there. Every time Kang-ho fought there he had to be careful not to use too much mana which could lead him to not being able t replenish his own mana. That made Kang-ho extremely sensible towards the mana, which was why he was having a great time being inside the pocket dimension fighting.

After killing the statue Kang-ho didnt try to pick up the core this time, instead he started to inspect the room. This room was also the same as the room before this one. The only difference was there was no board here. Kang-Ho found the same kind of door he found earlier straight in front of him, Kang-Ho moved towards the door. Kang-Ho opened the door like last time had no problem in doing so, seemed like this door was made of the same material.

As Kang-Ho entered through the door the first thing Kang-Ho saw was this room there were a lot of same statues in this room as the previous ones, after counting them all Kang-Ho found out that there were about 12 of the statues there in the room. As Kang-Ho stepped inside the rom everyone opened their eyes at once.

After entering the room Kang-ho prepared himself first and checked if his dagger was in any condition to fight. It seemed that his dagger would give up at any second, Kang-Ho had no other choice but to continue, he decided to use the spear as his weapon if the dagger gave up in the middle of the fight. Kang-ho had experience in using a lot of weapons so he would have no problem using the spear. Kang-ho was familiar with a lot of weapon but he loved to use dagger as his primary weapon.

Kang-ho proceeded to close the door and faced the statues, he started to run around the room this time around hoping to find one of the statues isolated and launch his attack on that alone statue. Kang-Hos plan worked after some time of running around he finally found one of the statues isolated from the group. Kang-Ho didnt have much of a time to kill the statue because other statues were chasing after him, so Kang-Ho launched a very fast barrage of attack which the statue was unable to handle and the statues defence gave way quite quickly. Kang-Hos attack landed straight on the forehead of the statue in the middle of its eyes.

But this time something happened that Kang-Ho never expected to happen. Kang Ho was shocked at first, but he figured this was to make the dungeon more difficult for the hunters. Kang-Ho figured that he was going to have a quite difficult time fighting these statues.

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