The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 87: Fight

Chapter 87: Fight

When the goblin mage turned his eyes towards his chest all he could see was a dagger which looked like fire was dancing around it, pierced his chest and left a huge hole in his chest. As Kang-Ho took the dagger out of the goblins chest there was no blood that flowed out, the hole seemed like it was there even before Kang-ho attacked the goblin, the area that the mana touched on the goblin destroyed the destroyed the parts completely.

Boss, I dont think this is some kind of low-level skill, I think he is a member very large guild. I dont think it would be a great idea to mess with this guy. Its better that we r. Said one of the men beside Hyun Bai. As he was saying those words Hyun Bai turned towards the man with rage filled eyes and glared at him.

You think you know everything? Doesnt matter what kind of skill he has; at the end of the day, he is just alone if we work together, we can easily take him down. One more thing never forget who I am, if next time I hear these words from you will surely die. These kinds of chances dont come by more than once in a lifetime, if we become afraid now, we will never be top hunters. Said Hyun Bai trying to calm his anger.

Sorry boss, I got nervous after seeing the hole he created with just one attack. He made it look like the shield never existed, I have never seen this kind of powerful skill even on TV when they show the fight Top guild members. Said the man trying to apologise.

You think those top guilds would spill their guild secrets and high-level skill they have on TV or in public? How stupid even are you? Why would they advertise about having something that will lead to their doom? This time we got lucky because that stupid guy has not noticed us yet, this maybe your first and last time seeing high level skill. On top of everything high level skill is very different from any other skills, those skills have very long cooldown. So, if we attack and ill that guy quickly, we wouldnt even have to worry about the skill. asked Hyun Bai.

Hyun Bai turned towards Kang-ho after saying those words, and from his position he could see the hole that the dagger left on the chest of the Goblin mage, the hole was so big that one adult could fit his arm inside the hole. Hyun Bai could see what was in front of Goblin through the hole. Seeing something so gruesome Hyun Bai gulped in nervousness.

Although it seemed like that Hyun Bai was the one keeping his team together, but he too was afraid after seeing what Kang-ho was capable of.

After seeing the mage injured the healer goblin started chanting, trying to heal the wound on the goblins body. But no spells he casted worked on the mage, it seemed like nothing could heal the wound left by the dagger. After some seconds the mage finally couldnt handle his own weight and started to fall to the ground. As the mage dies the soldiers launched their attack on Kang-Ho at once. They were enraged seeing the mage die.

Kang-Ho had used this kind of mana after a long time, so Kang-ho wanted to use it for some more time. But, right then Kang-ho heard a weird cracking noise coming from his dagger. Kang-ho inspected the dagger and it seemed that if he used the skill longer the dagger wouldnt last that long and break under the pressure. So, he didnt have a choice but to stop the mana, Kang-Ho didnt want to fight without a weapon.

One of the soldiers attacked Kang-ho using his sword, Kang-ho didnt even move as the sword came upon him, he raised the dagger and blocked the attack. After blocking the attack Kang-Ho used his unused hand and stabbed repeatedly on the arm of the goblin. The stabbing happened so fast that goblin didnt even have the chance to remove his hand in time. Kang-Ho had already stabbed the goblins arm on different places for 5-6 times.

KRIIIII screeched the goblin after some seconds, the goblin didnt feel the pain immediately, it took him some time to register what had happened to his arm. The goblin was now very enraged, he wanted to attack Kang-ho again. But this time things didnt go as planned as he wanted it to, when the goblin tried to attack Kang-Ho using his sword, he couldnt move his arm. The goblin was immediately horrified. He couldnt understand what was going on. Seeing what was happening to the soldier, the healer was trying to cast a spell on the soldier to help him recover from the wound.

Kang-Ho didnt want to waste the opportunity so he moved quickly before the healer could heal the goblin. Kang-ho pounced towards the goblin in high speed, he used his dagger and stabbed the goblin on the neck as many times as possible. this all happened at such a speed that the healer couldnt even react to what was happening, the goblin he was trying to heal had his neck chopped to half.

The other soldier attacked Kang-ho from the back while he was busy attacking the other soldier, he was hoping to sneak an attack on Kang-Ho. But, unfortunately for the goblin, Kang-ho stepped aside as his attack was bout to land on Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho had managed to dodge the attack, the attack that was about to land on Kang-Ho landed on the soldier that was being attacked by Kang-Ho moments ago. As the attack landed on the gravely wounded goblin, who was having a hard time standing finally fell to the ground after getting hit by the sword. With that other goblin had also died.

Kang-Ho was had just stepped aside, launched surprise attack on the last soldier, Kang-Ho decided to finish this fast as he attacked the Goblin eve when the goblin was disoriented after the missed attack. In front of Kang-Hos fast and precise attacks the goblin couldnt even move, he tried to dodge the attack but some reason he couldnt move his leg. All he could do was stand there take all the attacks that was raining down on him.

The dagger landed straight on the goblins shoulder, after getting hit the goblin finally decided not to run away rather fight back. With the sword in his hand the goblin tried to stab Kang-Ho on the stomach, but still his attack failed. No matter how many time Kang-Ho attacked, Kang-Ho didnt let even one of the attacks connect to him. Kang-Ho attacked the goblin repeatedly, it didnt take time for him to kill the goblin.

While Kang-ho was attacking the goblin soldier the healer was repeatedly trying to heal the soldier, but because of the barrage of attacks from Kang-Ho the healers heal couldnt even save the soldier. After seeing the soldier fall to the ground lifelessly, the healer had no other option but to run for its life. So, he decided to run away from the scene.

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