The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 125: Regeneration

Chapter 125: Regeneration

The total numbers of bats remaining alive were just 5, after fighting Kang-Ho for quite a while it didnt seem like the bats were a match for Kang-Ho. Bats corpses were littered on the floor, the corpsed of the bats covered the entire floor, not just the corpses even the blood covered the floor. The stench that came from the room was just unbearable for any normal human, but for Kang-Ho the stench didnt matter that much as he was not bothered by the smell in the slightest, there was something more concerning for Kang-Ho than the stench itself.

Before Kang-Ho realized it he was having a hard time moving around inside the dungeon, it was caused due to all the blood and the bodied that lay on the ground. It was seriously becoming a concerning issue as the most important part of winning this fight against the bats was his speed and not his strength. Kang-Ho frowned as he realized that the Bat King seemed to have been enraged after loosing so many of its brethren. Kang-Ho realized that he was stuck in a very sticky situation as his mobility had reduced a considerable amount.

Just then Kang-Ho stared to notice something coming weird, ass Kang-Ho looked at one of the bats eyes it seemed as if the bats eyes were glowing red and their bodies were oozing black fog. Kang-Ho noticed that the bats presence started to feel a lot different, Knag-Ho realized that the situation was becoming more and more difficult as the time passed there were a lot of things that Kang-Ho needed to focus on if he didnt want to get killed, one smallest mistake would be all its needed to make the situation worse for Kang-Ho.

The Bats were hovering above Kang-Ho, it seemed as if they were familiarizing themselves with the situation that they were in, at least that was what Kang-Ho felt as he looked at the bats. Kang-Ho didnt mind this short break either as he had been fighting for a long time and he needed this small amount of rest if he wanted to continue his fight against the bats.



Kang-Ho breathed heavily as he tried to catch his breath, just then he heard few sinister cries coming from the bats that were surrounding him from all sides as they hovered above him.


Kang-Ho wiped his sweat off of his forehead as he took his battle stance, because Kang-Ho suddenly heard the noise of movement above him, Kang-Ho knew that his short break was over as he turned his head above, he was astounded, Kang-Ho was taken aback by the speed of the bats that were moving above him. It seemed after the changed in the bats the bats were more agile than ever, they were circling Kang-Ho as a much higher speed than before. The situation got tricky as Kang-Hos movement space was constricted.

This was going to be a hassle. Sigh thought Kang-Ho as he looked towards the Bat king.

Bat king had its eyes closed as if it was focused on something, it was also emitting same black fog around his body as the bats. Kang-Ho could feel the mana around the Bat king resonating with the bat king so he was sure that the bat king was surely using some kind of skill. Well for some reason Kang-Ho felt relieved as he didnt have to face the Bat king just yet, it seemed that the bat king was preoccupied with whatever skill that the bat was using.


KRIIIIII One of the bats that were circling Kang-Ho screeched as it leapt towards the distracted Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho wasnt a least bit surprised by the attack as all of this time he was keeping track of the mana inside of the bats body to keep track of them as it was more difficult after the speed increase to keep tract of them with eyes. This was also one of the many useful skills Kang-Ho had mastered inside the hell to survive in darkness. This skill was something that helped Kang-Ho keep his life safe inside the hell countless times, even while sleeping Kang-Ho used this skill and he was woken up every time he felt some kind of mana movement within his range.

Although, the skill seemed overpowered but, Kang-Ho had low mana so nether he could use this skill for long period of time nor could he use the skill to survey huge distance, right now Kang-Ho could only feel 2 meters around him for 10-20 minutes at a time if he pushed himself too hard, the mana cost for the use of this skill was just too high for long term use.

Kang-Ho was ready for the attack of the bat, so he moved a bit towards his left as the bat was attacking Kang-Ho from his right. Seeing the change situation, the bat was unfazed it seemed as if the bat was anticipating this.

Kang-Ho was somewhat surprised as he saw the Bats reaction, Kang-Ho felt the situation was dire. Kang-Ho prepared himself for defence as it was unknown for him what skill the bat might use next. But what happened next was surprising to say the least as Kang-Ho was somewhat relieved.


KRIIII two bats screeched at the same time as if they were hurt very badly. The bat that launched the attack on Kang-Ho had collided with another one of the bats that was surrounding Kang-Ho, it seemed after the bats were under the skill of the bat king, they lost their senses as they were not aware of their surroundings. It seemed like the skill that the Bat king used on its bats had a hue flaw, in exchange for speed and strength the bats lost their senses. Kang-Ho was somewhat surprised and at the same time he was relieved as the bats turned useless after the use of the bat kings skill. Although the bats turned somewhat stronger and faster those were not the qualities that made the bats fearsome the quality that made the bats fearsome was their quick thinking.

Without their senses the bats didnt seem that strong to Kang-Ho. The bats who just collided were heavily injured, Kang-Ho took this as an opportunity and launched his own attack towards the bats. Kang-Ho leaped towards the two bats, to his surprise all of the other bats launched their attack on him at the same moment. Kang-Ho was forced to stop in his track as even though the bats had lost their senses, they were not opponents that he should ignore.

Kang-Ho backed away towards the location where he felt more comfortable fighting, as the floor on that place wasnt that slippery. That was a perfect place for Kang-Ho, he didnt want to focus on his steps when he had bats to worry about already.

As Kang-Ho moved back, he noticed something that made him think again about the bats more seriously. The bats that collided with each other a while ago, one of them had their limb broken and the other had its skull cracked open, but within a few seconds the wounds on their bodies started disappearing, it felt like a miracle within just few seconds it seemed as if they were just fine.

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