The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 115: Obey or Die (2)

Chapter 115: Obey or Die (2)

Kang-Ho was shocked by the young mans audacity, Kang-Ho sneered at the young mans action. Kang-Ho didnt immediately enter the trail because he could see some kind of timer that was running above the doorway. Kang-Ho figured that those door ways were the ones that he had to enter in order to start the Trail as the others called it to be. The time that was shown above the doorway was 23:15:46 and as time went by the time was decreasing on the timer, from what Kang-Ho saw he came to one conclusion that once the timer was over people cant enter the doorway anymore. That was the only logical explanation that made sense to him, one thing still confused Kang-Ho which was that there were multiple doorways spread across the high platform it seemed, and that wasnt all the mysteries that the doorway held, all of the doorways that Kang-Ho could see had different colours to it. starting from the left to the right the intensity of the light increased. The first doorway had grey colour to it, Kang-Ho felt as if the colour lacked lustre he wasnt attracted towards the doorway as much as he was attracted towards the doorway which was at the end of the right side. The doorway was glowing completely red in colour.

When compared to other doorways Kang-Ho found out that not even the gate next to it was glowing, the doorway next to it was azure in colour and it didnt glow as the red one did. Although the doorway was open one couldnt see what was beyond the doorway as the doorway had the similar look to it as how dungeon entrance looked. Kang-Ho decided to wait and figure out why were all of these doorways different in colour and if they represented anything. There were in total 10 doorways on the high platform, each of these gateways were being protected by one man each as they seemed to be part of burning sword guild, only the red door way had no one in front of it. to get to those doorways one had to climb few steps and even there people were guarding it so that no one could enter.

Of course, I wont take all of it for myself as I will allow anyone who wishes to enter the hell gateway, to enter without any question. Said Min Chae as he looked at the people below him with a ridiculing smile on his face and contempt clearly flashing on his eyes. It was almost as if he was telling people below him to enter the red doorway if they dared.

Arrogance only suits you only when you have the power to back it up, arrogance without strength to back it up will only lead to an early demise. Thought Kang-Ho as a murderous glint flashed on his eyes. The killing intent was directly pointed towards Min Chae whose face looked as if he was the ruler of the world.

Wh-What was that just now. thought Min Chae as he felt immense pressure on himself, he felt as if his entire life would end in just mere second. Min Chae had unconsciously taken a step back, and horror was written all over his face. Min Chaes breath became heavy as the killing intent that was pointing towards him disappeared. He started to look around the location where Kang-Ho was standing to figure out whom did the intense killing intent belonged to but to his disappointment he didnt have a clue as there were just too many people and he wasnt that powerful to recognise that super powered killing intent.

You dare to block our path? You think you have the qualification to do so? asked a muscular man who was standing near Kang-Ho as he took out something that seemed like a medallion and showed it towards the high platform where Min Chae was standing.

The man was standing Infront of Kang-Ho so he could only see the mans back but, even so Kang-Ho immediately recognize the man immediately, and he was the same man named Alpha who he encountered earlier while they were all entering the huge gate.

Who dares to be impudent enough to raise his voice in front of the young master from the Burning sword? Do you want to die? I can kill you myself if you want to die so much. Said one of the men who was standing in front of the stairway, it didnt seem that the man belonged to the burning sword guild, he just seemed like a rogue hunter that didnt have a guild. it seemed like the ma was just trying to earn some good will from Min Chae. There was a moment of silence for quite few seconds as no one knew what was going to happen, all of the people present there gulped as they saw the scene.

Min Chaes focus was lost somewhere else when he felt the killing intent, but just when he saw the medallion in the hands of the Muscular man, he was shocked back to reality. Once again fear began to creep back inside the heart of the young master Min Chae, he immediately after hearing the threat from the man in front of the stairway looked towards his most trusted person and signalled towards him with his eyes.

That was enough for the man to understand what Min Chae wanted as he nodded towards Min Chae and charged towards the man who tried to gain favour. He quickly drew his weapon, making it clear he was aiming for that mans life.

Seeing the man charge towards him the man became disoriented as he started to look around in fear as, he didnt understand what just happened. He just had the motive to gain brownie points from such a big person, he had no idea what he had done wrong. As he turned around, he could see some people smiling as they were enjoying the scene, and some people had pity in their eyes.

Seeing no one was about to help him he knelled on the ground as if he was trying to ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me I didnt mean to offend young master in any way I was just trying to teach those fools a lesson. Said the man in a hurried tone as if this was his only shot towards redemption.

But in front of the man who was charging towards him it all fell to deaf ears as he had gotten the command and he knew he had to accomplish his orders. Soon he was in front of the kneeling man who had liquid leaking from all parts of his body, with just one swing of his sword the head of the man was sent flying and people who were around the man were covered in blood of the man who was just beheaded, although they felt disgusted, they didnt dare to complain as they knew they would be the next one if they dared to make even a single sound of displeasure.

Of course, I wouldnt dare to block your path sir, please feel free to enter as you please, I will make sure to guard this place so that you all can have a bountiful harvest inside the trail, said Min Chae.

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