The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 112: Blockade (2)

Chapter 112: Blockade (2)

Cromes back was drenched with his sweat as he realized that Kang-Ho had disappeared right before his eyes out of thin air. He couldnt believe that, someone was capable of doing that but he suddenly realized even Matt would be unable to do that if he was given a chance. He knew Matt from way back when world was normal so he wasnt unfamiliar with Matts power, he knew Matts strengths and weakness extremely well. So, he was sure about one thing that the masked man from earlier was faster than Matt.

This masked man can be a bigger problem than Min Chae if Matt isnt careful, I need to inform him. thought Crome as he tried to move from his location. He had just moved a little when he came to an abrupt stop as something unusual occurred which took him off guard.

OUCH.. yelled Crome suddenly as he felt extreme pain coming from his neck, he felt as if while trying to stand up his neck was grazed by a stick or something. Crome used one of his hand to inspect his neck and sure enough as soon as his hand landed on his neck, he felt warm liquid on his neck and there was a small cut on his neck.


A sigh escaped his mouth unknowingly as he felt the intense pain, he felt as if the pain for this small cut was too much, his neck didnt have a huge cut but a small but the pain he felt was like 10 times the pain he should have felt. Crome took out a piece of cloth he had with hill all the time to clean his sword and trued to use it trying to stop the bleeding from the cut from his neck.

WHA. Cried out Crome abruptly as soon as he felt a cold blade that brushed passed his hand. The blade was pointing straight for his neck so Crome knew not to make any rash move, even if Crome didnt know who it was that was aiming for his life, he knew that if he tried any moves his head would fall to the ground while he stood straight. Crome took few seconds to calm his heart down, right now his heart was beating like a drum. After Crome was done calming down, he slowly tried to turn his head around to find out if that was really a blade near his neck.

Even though Crome didnt feel anyone behind him he still was trying to be as careful as possible, he knew if it was really a person holding his blade against his neck, that meant that the man who was behind him had unfathomable strength as he couldnt even hear the man move behind him. As soon as Crome turned his head around he was mortified by who he saw behind him.

You a shout came followed with a long silence from Cromes mouth. He didnt dare make anymore noise as he saw the masked man from earlier holding his short sword against his throat. The masked man signalled Croma to stay quite as he pressed his sword closer to his throat, it was a blatant threat, saying if Crome dared to make noise he would kill him.

Who is there? asked a panicked voice of a man suddenly, hearing the voice Crome turned around and there on the spot where masked an stood before a man was standing, he looked as if he was searching for something as he turned his head left to right. Finally, Crome realized why Kang-H forced him to stay quiet, he didnt want to attract any unwanted attention. Comng to this conclusion Crome was mortified, his thoughts started to wonder about.

What does he want? Does he want to kill me? I dont want to die. These were the thoughts Crome had right now after seeing Kang-Ho who had just buried those corpses a while ago. Crome was only level 70 so all he got to do was keep a watch out, he never got a chance to go on a mission with Matt and the team. This was the first time Crome was experiencing such a thing.

Who did this? asked Kang-Ho in a hoarse voice as he looked at the scared Crome who was shivering from fear.

I..i.I dont know, I swear, I dont know. Said the scared Crome while shuttering as he looked at Kang-Ho with fearful gaze. To Crome Kang-Hos stare seemed like stare of a predator looking at his prey, and Kang-Hos voice seemed to him like death calling itself. After a few seconds passed by but Kang-Ho didnt utter a single word so the surrounding seemed so quite that they could even hear footsteps from far away. Crome suddenly had a sinking feeling as he gazed at the eyes of Kang-Ho, he started to step away and moved his eyes towards Kang-Hos shoes which were entirely covered with red liquid, even from far away Croe could smell the stench of fresh blood from Kang-Hos shoes. Looking at the shoes scared Crome more ass his breathing became rapid.

Tell me the truth or you die. Said Kang-Ho as if his words were words from yama himself, he abruptly took a step forward suddenly out of the blue and pushed crome onto a tree and held his mouth with a strong grip using most of his power, Kang-Ho was trying to make sure Crome would not make any unnecessary noise as there were people constantly entering the gate one after the other. As Crome was pushed to the tree he tried to struggle but it there was nothing he could do, because of the force that Kang-Ho used he was unable to even open his mouth even slightly.

Soon Kang-Ho started to apply more pressure seeing Crome trying to struggle, suddenly when both of them heard a cracking sound coming from cromes jaw. It seemed that Cromes jaw just couldnt handle the pressure and cracked. Kang-Ho didnt just stop there as he didnt have much of a time and he new that Crome new something about this killing, so he swung his short sword with full force and in one swift motion he cut off one of the arms of Crome.

Crome who was being tortured by Kang-Ho didnt even have a chance to scream in agony as his mouth was shut close by Kang-Ho, his eyes and became red and filled with tears as he stared at Kang-Ho for mercy. Seeing those eyes Kang-Ho was emotionless, Crome felt like Kang-Ho was saying until he got his answer, he was not going to relief Crome of his pain of his pain through his eyes.

Suddenly Crome seemed to have come back to his senses as he blinked his eyes towards Kang-Ho repeatedly as he was wanting to say something. KangHo loosened his grip of Cromes mouth a little.

If you shout you wouldnt even know how you died. Said Kang-Ho in simple words, but to Crome it felt like Kang-Ho was telling the truth, so Crome started to move his eyes from left to right as if wanting to signal that he would do no such things. Finally, Kang-Ho let Crome go free from his hand.

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