The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 107: Greed?

Chapter 107: Greed?

F**K! WHO WAS IT? as the white masked man turned around, he yelled, as he was looking for the culprit that stabbed him. The white masked man was holding his right arm with the help of his left arm, as if he was fearing that his arm would fall off once he let go of it. the white masked continued to move back from the area where he was attacked, to make some distance so that he could heal hiss arm. The white masked man felt relief that no one was following him from behind. Suddenly the white masked man was jolted from his thoughts just when he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

The figure he saw was none other than that of Kang-Ho, who was standing on the spot where white masked man was standing earlier and on Kang-Hos hand was the short sword which, seemed like it was burning with black flames, and on the surface of the sword he could see fresh blood stain. The white masked man suddenly came to a realization that he was attacked by Kang-Ho, it was Kang-Ho who had managed to land such a heavy wound on his body.

Anger inside white masked man increased further, as he was already enraged his eyes turned red with hatred, he wanted to shred Kang-Ho to pieces with his own hand. White masked man felt as, id he didnt kill Kang-Ho right now he would never be able to sleep happily. To white masked man, Kang-Ho was his worst enemy.

Wait! Why didnt I feel any of his presence? Even when he sneaked behind me, I never once felt his presence. But as an assassin even I cant accomplish such a feat. Who is he? suddenly the white masked man felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over him, he couldnt wrap his head around the fact that Kang-Ho was able to conceal his presence so good that even he didnt notice him. This was akin to heaven defying for white masked man as he knew that Kang-Hos level was way lower than him but still he couldnt detect Kang-Ho.

It does not matter for now, for now my priority is to kill that Moon Jung kid and my job will be over, after that I will capture that masked guy alive and torture him to death until he tells me all of his secrets. As this thought flashed by the white masked mans head, a creepy grin started to form on his lips as he looked at the distant Kang-Ho with eyes full of greed. The white masked man knew that if he was able to know how Kang-Ho managed to go unnoticed by his senses so easily, he could become unrivalled assassin out there.

Hump Kang-Ho sneered in a low voice as he noticed the changes in the eyes of the white masked man, it wasnt too difficult to figure out what white masked man was thinking.

White masked man uncovered his mouth and hurriedly took out some bottles of healing potion and started to drink them one by one extremely quickly. After he was done drinking, he threw all the bottles and he waited for the healing t take into effect. At first the white masked man didnt notice anything out of the ordinary, but few seconds later he noticed that the healing was not taking effect. The white masked man started to feel chills run down his spine as the healing didnt start, he suddenly turned his head towards Kang-Ho, who still had cold and unfeeling eyes. The white masked man was trying to figure out what was happening by looking at the eyes of Kang-Ho but at the end it was all fruitless.


Where did he come from? Did any of you notice his presence? asked one of the bodyguards who was fighting the white masked man earlier. His face had an astonished expression as if he had hard time believing in something.

I have no idea, to me it seemed as if he appeared out of thin air. Shared the other bodyguard as he too had a shocked expression on his face.

The last bodyguard on the other hand had a solemn expression as he was contemplating something to himself, from outside he didnt seem that affected by the events that took place. But if someone looked closely enough, they would be able to see the hairs on his body standing straight as if he was having chills go through his body. Of the three people this bodyguard knew exactly how dangerous Kang-Ho really was because he was the most experienced one of the groups. He had fought many battles but this was the first time he felt fear towards something.

Go kill him ordered Kang-Ho in a low voice as he looked towards the three bodyguards who were standing there with their mouth agape as if that were stunned by what they saw just now. Kang-Hos voice was very low when he passed on the order but, all of the three bodyguards had loudly and clearly heard the order given to them. So the three of them moved towards the white masked man as if nothing had happened just now. in the corner of their heart these three bodyguards had started to fear Kang-Ho up to certain extent, so they didnt say anything after being ordered by Kang-Ho.


WAIT WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON? yelled the white masked man as he saw the three bodyguards moving towards him while emitting killing intent. The white masked man was disturbed by what was happening on his arms as, whenever it would start the heal it seemed as if something stopped the healing process.

As the white masked man yell everyones focus shifted to him, even moon Jun was confused as he saw the white masked scream lie that.

Why is he screaming? asked Moon Jung to himself as he turned his eyes to the white masked man. It didnt take long for Moon Jung to realize what was happening as he saw the white masked mans lips uncovered and some empty potion bottles laying on the ground. And the white masked man was constantly checking his wound. Moon Jung came to a conclusion that for some reason the wound of Moon Jung was not healing. Moon Jung abruptly turned his head towards Kang-Ho in the distance whose short sword, which was burning with black flame started to slowly reside.

How is that possible? I never in my life have heard of any kind of skill that can stop healing effects. There are skills that reduce healing effect but this in on an entirely different level. This skill is heaven defying. Thought Moon Jung as he took a glance at the short sword in the hand of Moon Jung. Being the son of the Hunter Association president Moon Jung was aware of a lot of things that normal people wouldnt know about so he knew that there were skills out there which can affect healing to a certain extent but there was no record of skill that was able to completely disrupt healing. Moon Jung once again turned towards Kang-Ho and gulped nervously.

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