The Human Giant

Chapter 224 224: Basic Iron Body

He realized that he should have paid more attention to the fact that a treasure that was so valuable had just appeared within the vicinity of New Swampscott City. Yet, it was only detected after it bloomed. With such an attractive treasure in their territory, Yoze would have thought that the City would have long seen its existence and set up barriers to harvest it in peace.

After the treasure was harvested, the City could use it for their means or even use the treasures they collected to hire rogue immortal cultivators and witches. This could explain how he had difficulty detecting the spiritual energy and presence of all the prison guards and prisoners when he visited the prison.

With the power of a whole City working together, there wasn't a high possibility that rogue cultivators would be willing to challenge them unless they were confident about escaping without having their identity exposed and getting injured. But, as Yoze thought things through, he realized that he could make his life a whole lot easier by asking the City to pay him with the treasures they collected over the years.

With how much money he had in his pocket and the easy ability to generate more simply by completing some tasks for various Towns and Cities, Yoze knew he didn't have any trouble making money. The only problem now was that money was less valuable to him.

If he could exchange some of the money he earned from hunting demons for some treasures, it would be a fantastic trade, even if the treasures weren't as valuable to him as the Crystal Grape. If he can't use the treasures doesn't mean they wouldn't be helpful for Dreyer or Tiki.

"I need to go back to hunting demons soon. We could use more demon meat, and my progress has been slow in figuring out the spiritual human body cultivation technique. However, I am sure that if I get another demon's spiritual body cultivation talent, I can make faster progress."

"As for now, I should digest the martial art books that I have collected and quickly create some new and better martial art techniques. Then, I can start with creating a complete Iron Body body cultivation manual that should be able to reach the peak of the Blood Master realm." So Yoze thought to himself as he grabbed a few martial art body cultivation manuals by his side and quickly read through them.

After an hour of reading twenty different body cultivation manuals that he had collected from the Martial Wheel sect, Yoze was able to create a basic version of a complete Iron Body body cultivation method. And with his increased information processing speed and intelligence his mind raced with ideas on how to make this basic version more suitable for him.

Even this basic version of his Iron Body, if trained by any other martial artist, would have given them a considerable advantage compared to other martial artists. This method had around 15 different levels that would provide the user with a massive boost in power. 

The first five-level was similar to Iron Skin and Iron Muscles, where the user needed to be soaked daily in highly nutrition-dense liquid before attempting to do any of the exercises. Even though the users won't be able to absorb all the nutrition inside the liquid, their bodies would get enough to be able to complete a few rounds of the intense training regimen that this method requires.

Of course, that was when one considered the users to be regular people with a limited amount of talent in martial arts and a limited ability to absorb nutrition through skin and digestion. However, for a monster like Yoze, the nutrition inside the liquid was more than enough to not only complete tens of rounds of the intense training regimen but also would allow his body to recover faster and stronger.

Just completing the first five levels would allow one to stand at the peak of the Martial artist realm and could remain unchallenged simply by how powerful their bodies would become. The only thing that Yoze recognized would be an issue was that this body cultivation method was extremely time-consuming and would make it difficult for most martial artists to even have time to read and train in martial art techniques.

Though he recognized that he had gone too far in increasing the body training of his new body cultivation method that ordinary people simply wouldn't be able to practice to completion, he didn't care. He wasn't planning on allowing anyone but people closest to him to know about this body cultivation method anyways.

The results from finishing the first five levels showed as the user would be impossible to injure from any damage created by First-rate martial artists. Even Blood Masters that had just entered the realm would have difficulty doing any damage to the user. Regardless if they tried to aim for weak spots on the body, such as the eyes, they would feel as if they slammed their fists against a metal wall.

This was because each level after the second level focused on sending the inner vigor created into the skin, then muscles, and lastly, bones in equal portions. He was able to reduce the complete versions of Iron Skin to the third level, Iron Muscles to the fourth level, and Iron Bones to the fifth level.

Making every level similar to completing an entire martial art body cultivation method made each level take significantly longer to complete compared to other body cultivation methods. For example, if a martial artist could complete a level or stage of a body cultivation method in five years, then at a minimum, it would take ten years to complete one level for this body cultivation method.

This meant that unless one were extremely talented in martial arts and young when they started practicing, by the time they reached the peak of the fifth level, then they would be pretty old. However, the distance between going from peak First rate martial artist to a Blood Master would be shorter than other body cultivation methods since it focused simply on accumulation.

One only needed to keep accumulating inner vigor until they no longer had space in their body, and their inner vigor went berserk. Once it has gone wild, some of the inner vigor would enter the user's blood, allowing them to enter the Blood Master realm.

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