The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 21: Stalker

My 16th year finally rolled around today and for the first time since I arrived on this planet I was getting ready to leave. I had decided that I was going to obtain some real combat experience instead of just looking through my bio-pad. I felt a flurry of emotions excitement and fear were the frontrunners though. I was walking up to the surface with Orchid and Jewel.

Jewels humanoid body was allowed to leave her underground room/prison without the guards making a fuss so she has decided to join the front in person for once and not just in mind. that being said one of her physical bodies being thee will greatly increase the hives capabilities at large.

"Are you sure you wish to attend the attack on the yellow prey species? Orchid would much rather you stay here so we can begin mating." Orchid had been bringing that point up a lot lately I had turned 16. the dedicated time I asked for to adjust and evaluate if I wanted to be their mate. Now don't get me wrong I definitely want to be their lover now there is no room for question on that front.

I would just rather it happen naturally instead of 'of yes I'm finally at the agreed age, lets do the dance with no pants.' As I'm not some horn dog who only thinks with his other head.

Being a hypocrite, I grabbed Orchids currently combat plated covered posterior and said "While I am definitely on board with being your 'mate' now, you have to control yourself I may be old enough now, but I am still fully open to using the stick if you get out of line." Orchid looked downtrodden at that comment so to cheer her up I continued.

"That being said, an old saying about us humans how fighting gets us all hot and bothered after the fact so who knows, after the fight I may get horny and have no choice but to have my way with you."

After saying this Jewel and Orchid looked at each other before Orchid yelled through the link "If thats the case we should get right into the middle of the battle that way you fight more and your heat build up until you have no option but to impregnate us!" Orchids eyes were a bit jarring when she said this.

Jewel behind me was radiating that pink energy again but she is much better at handling her emotions.

A few more minutes of idle chatter and we made it to the surface of the planet. The surface was a bit different then what I remembered. The sky was currently dim as the solar systems 3 brown stars were visible in the sky. The planets surface was cold and my Thermokinesis ability passively activated.

The only reason why the hive was ever able to flourish on this planet was because of how hot the planets core was. When a planet is 10x larger then Jupiter from my old life, it runs hot.

Looking over at Jewel I noticed she was looking around herself rather sillily so I wrapped around behind her and asked "what's up dear?" Jewel flinched a little at being caught before she turned and looked down at me.

" Oh nothing my Apollo I was just realising I have only ever seen my planet through my other bio-forms, my other limbs and never through my own senses I was just feeling something I do not now how to explain." pulling her down to my eye level I gave her a short kiss full of love before relaying "Then don't explain just enjoy the moment" we stayed linked together for a short while just looking around.

Orchid was pouting off to the side before deciding to help the drones load the ship instead of feeling jealous.

After 20 minutes without moving Jewel relayed to me. "I have a surprise for you my love, turn around." huh deciding to simply follow instruction instead of asking rhetoric I turned around and saw some bio-forms. there were 22 in total. 20 of them were 3 meters tall and looked like standard warrior caste with extra thick chitin plate at the front. "New variant?" I said cocking my neck Jewels way.

"Yes dear with you being on the assault I wanted a way for you to be protected from the preys ballistics before you can get close." on a link command the 20 variants forms latched their thick plates together to form a very imposing curved wall." I look over to jewel who with a slight nod urges me to 'have a crack at it.' standing facing towards them I calculate my trajectory before firing a psionic 'bullet.' this was an ability I learned fairly easily most agitators use these as their main form of attack, aside from invading minds, as they are not made for close range engagement like the rest of the hive.

the more concentration you place into 'crafting' the bullet the harder and further it can fly.

After gathering enough energy to pierce a standard warrior caste, I let fly my bullet and it hit one of the warriors square in the plate. the energy from the bullet spread out through the rest of the interwoven plates massively mitigating the force behind my attack. walking over to the one I shot at I inspected to area.

"no damage to the plate at all and the ability to share the force behind the attack is very impressive." once the demonstration was done the plate warriors unlinked and started to reform to where they were before. I gave the one I shot at a little pat and rub for a job well done which caused its four legs to tap around rapidly in a little dance before it followed suit.

After the introductions from the warrior caste one of the 2 not from them stepped forward. the being in front of me was 5 meters tall like Orchids old body but instead of being a quadruped with sharp spikes on the ends. it has 2 digitigrade legs and clawed feet. Its torso was thick with tan chitin plates.

It had four arms 2 were shaped like the swords of the queens guard and two, 3 fingered hands currently empty. It had a tail with a small point on the end which I found weird as the hive does not have tails on most of their bio-forms unless they are invading an ocean planet. Its head was slightly more humanoid than the standard pentagonal head most forms have.

It has pitch black eyes a flat mouth which opens up from the cracks on its face into mandibles with sharp white teeth. it also has small tentacles coming out of the top of its head like hair.

Looking back at Jewel I ask in astonishment "is this a stalker gene-caste?" getting affirmation from jewel I was left shocked "well look at you" I let out a little chuckle "Aren't you just beautiful." reading my base thoughts on the link the stalker in front of me knelt down so I could inspect its features closer.

I was excited about this because like Jewels guards the stalkers are not linked in any way with the hive. even bio-cult infiltrators have a link they have to activate if the want to. the stalkers cant do this but they can read psionic users thoughts naturally. They actually appear invisible to most psionic users as they can only appear if they let you see them.

"what has brought you back to the home world gorgeous" I couldn't stop complimenting it. Other than Jewel and Orchid, the stalkers are some of the most intricately created, enhanced, altered and spliced beings in the whole hive and its the scientist in me causing me to gush at it.

it responded in a soothing methodical tone "I received A psionic foresight in which I was engaged in battle with what my reproductive hormones determined was my mate. curious to find out, I returned to the nearest Hive fleet I could find to learn more. Your face was ingrained onto the conscious of every bio-form in the ship so I Determined that you were the entire hives mate as well.

At that realisation I had another psionic foresight where I was smaller than my current form and was engaged in another form of battle with you only this time we were fighting each other on what you would call a bed.

I appeared to be losing as I was crying out while you inserted a large fleshy rod into me repeatedly so I came all the way back to home world to investigate further as I seemed to enjoy the loss and that makes little sense to me."

I was rendered speechless at the story just told to me If I were less in control of my body i would probably be pitching a tent. If that was the case though it wouldn't have lasted long because the sheer malice that started to radiate from behind me almost sent me onto my knees I had to increase the effect of my Gyrokinesis just to stand upright.


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