The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 39 Meeting Her Again

Rishi was investigating the lightning habitat when he noticed a human figure. As he got closer, he realized it was the back of a girl, and he wondered who could have come so deep inside this dangerous area.

Surviving in this area was not easy. Even Rishi was afraid to get hit by the lightning even with his 'shadow walk' skill which makes him untargetable.

Long, silky black hair quickly came into his view, and as he got closer, he detected a familiar scent. His senses were far superior to a typical beast tamer, and he could tell different people apart by their scent.

As he was about to enter the five-meter zone, the girl turned, revealing a beautiful enchanting face with charming blue eyes. Before Rishi could say anything, he noticed a lighting spell coming towards him.

Rishi used his 'Shadow Walk' ability to avoid it. Even with his cheat skill, he barely avoided her attack.

Rishi's ability to avoid her spell astounded Kajal, as no one had done it so easily before him.

"Who are you?" she inquired.

"Why are you following me?"

"I am one of your classmate." A voice came from behind Kajal.

She jumped in front and turned to look back. To her surprise, she was unable to find anyone there.

She was searching for Rishi when she heard a voice from her shadow, "I was exploring this area for a suitable contract beast. I had no plans to follow you."

This astounded Kajal. She stepped forward and cast a magic spell to create a barrier.

When she heard that voice again, she became hypervigilant to avoid any incoming attack.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you," said Rishi

This soothing voice terrified her even more; assassins were a significant weakness for beast tamers with mage Job class like her.

She could have easily defended herself if she could still summon her 'Book of Contracts.' The teacher had sealed everyone's 'Book of Contracts' before entering Magic Beast Park so that no one could make a contract without informing the academy.

Students must notify the academy too before deciding to contract a magic beast, and the academy will then tell them how many contribution points they need to pay in order to obtain that magic beast.

The number of contribution points depends on the level and Grade of the magic beast.

"Come out, and we'll talk; I don't believe people who hide," she said.

"OK, but you will not attack me," said a voice from behind Kajjal, and when she turned around, she saw someone else inside her barrier.

He had beautiful purple eyes and black hair. She remembered seeing him before and was always curious about his identity.

She was intrigued by his abilities after seeing them today. Before recasting her spell, she canceled it, and the barrier reappeared, separating Rishi from her.

When the barrier appeared, he was thrown back one step. He looked at her again as if asking her if it was really required.

Kajal wanted to ask him some questions, but Rishi turned away and began approaching a cute little magic beast who appeared to be hostile to humans. It was covered in soft white fur, wittingly sparks running through it.

It had a flattened skull, large triangular ears, a slightly upturned snout, and a long bushy tail. It was a fox-type magic beast with a lightning element.

Its big purple eyes had short sparks running through them, giving it a mysterious and cute appearance. It was believed that this magic beast used its eyes to cast Lightning spells.

Rishi examined it using his inspection ability to find more information about it.

NAME: Spark Fox (infant)


ADVANTAGE: They have excellent electric element control and high movement speed.

WEAKNESS: They have a defense a little lower than any other magic beast on the same level.

CHARACTERISTICS: They have naughty personality and don't like strangers.

HABITAT: They are mainly found in without a high amount of lightning.

STATUS: Healthy.

'An epic-level magic beast,' Rishi was stunned and double-checked to ensure he hadn't made a mistake. He had only seen three types of Grade of magic beasts since becoming a beast tamer: common, rare, and elite.

Evolved Sheru and Vakar, his second magic beast, were the only elite Grade magic beast he had seen. The Grade of a magic beast was critical in determining its potential.

Epic Grade indicates that the magic beast can reach Epic Stage without evolving, implying that any beast tamer who contracts it will undoubtedly become an Epic Stage beast tamer.

Evolution was a complicated process, and evolving a magic beast was difficult. It also took a lot of money and time to evolve a magic beast successfully.

When Rishi looked at the baby magic beast again, a greedy look appeared in his eyes, and he began approaching it.

"Don't approach it, idiot," Kajal warned Rishi as he attempted to approach the magic beast.

"It dislikes strangers and will attack you," she informed him.

Rishi heard her warning but continued to approach it.

Greed had blinded him, but his mind cleared when his passive skill kicked in.

He paused for a moment before pulling out the high-quality baby beast food; he'd had it since his second magic beast was a baby; even after reaching level 10, it only ate baby food, beast milk, and a little bit of meat sometimes.

The baby beast became alert and confused as Rishi approached it, as it felt it was very close to Rishi, and Rishi appeared to be of the same species as it to the baby.

Rishi noticed the baby beast swinging its bushy tail slowly, indicating that it found Rishi's approach friendly.

Rishi approached it and extended its hand, which held baby food. In confusion, the magic beast turned its head cutely.

It then smelled Rishi's hand and licked some of the baby food. Its face lit up, and it began gobbling up all of the beast food in Rishi's hand before cutely looking at Rishi and swinging its tail from left to right as if it was requesting for more.

Rishi took out more food and began feeding it again.

'It appears that Academy people have underestimated the grade of this magic beast; that's why they don't feed it the best food,' he said in his mind, then remembered, 'Oh right, baby Electric Fox looks like this too. They might have confused it for an Electric Fox.'

He was lost in thought when he heard a soothing voice behind him. "How did you manage to do it?"

Rishi lightly stroked the baby beast's head, completely ignoring Kajal.

This made Kajal irritated. "I saw it first," she said loudly this time. "It belongs to me."

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