The God Of Power

Chapter 109 - 108

Chapter 109: Chapter 108

Chapter 108:

Noboru walked towards George, who was still stunned on the ground. He offered the Earth God a hand, attempting to help him up. George, not one to fall to ego and pride, had lived for a long time. He grabbed Noboru's hand, accepting the gesture of peace, and allowed Noboru to pull him to his feet.

"I must admit, Viscount, I underestimated you," George said, brushing himself off. "Fate can't touch you—not with those abilities, I imagine."

"Yeah, you could say that," Noboru replied, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I hope there are no hard feelings."

George chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder. "Not at all. It's refreshing to meet someone who can give me a run for my money. You've certainly earned the right to have Terravale at your side in this alliance against the Void."

Earth God George then turned to the Dukes and looked specifically at the Duke of the West before addressing the entire crowd of Terravale, and then the camera.

"My people, for so long, Terravale has remained apart from the conflicts of other kingdoms. We have always prevented such conflicts using our power. But today, as you witnessed, there was a battle between Viscount Noboru Chikara and myself. Noboru hails from beyond our kingdom. He has come seeking an alliance to stand against the Void.

There is a group known as the Disciples of Darkness, and they seek to free the Void Queen by using the relics of the great Hero to unlock the Void. Three of the Dukes voted in favor of this alliance, while one voted against it. The final decision fell to me, as the vote was not unanimous. Not wanting to appear as though I favored or opposed any of my brothers, I proposed a compromise: if Noboru could defeat me, Terravale would join his alliance against the Void. If he failed, they would go to battle alone.

As you saw, Viscount Noboru Chikara was victorious. Therefore, as agreed, Terravale will fight for the future of the world. We are no kingdom of cowards, nor are we a kingdom of liars. We are a kingdom of honor and valor. Noboru Chikara, you have my word—Terravale will march alongside you to destroy the Void, defeat the Disciples of Darkness, and save the world."

The crowd roared, cheering loudly as three of the Dukes bowed and smiled. The Duke of the East, Alexander, the Duke of the South, Charles, and the Duke of the North, Alister, all celebrated Noboru's victory. However, the Duke of the West, Theodore, was displeased, his eyes narrowed in fury.

"Well, well, Viscount. You truly are a formidable opponent," said Charles, the Duke of the South.

"Thank you, Duke Charles," Noboru replied, smiling.

"You've earned your alliance. Terravale shall fight alongside the other kingdoms in the war against the Void," Alexander, the Duke of the East, said.

"Thank you, Duke Alexander," Noboru responded.

"Now that that's settled, let us celebrate this new alliance," Alister, the Duke of the North, added.

"You're right. There will be plenty of time to discuss the details later. For now, let's celebrate!" Noboru agreed, laughing.

Meanwhile, backstage, Yumeko, Sky, Layla, Fire General Kai, and Emiko were waiting for him. They cheered when they saw him approaching, their faces filled with joy.

"We knew you could do it, Noboru!" Yumeko exclaimed, hugging him tightly before letting go and holding Sky's hand.

"That was amazing," Layla added, wrapping her arms around him.

"You really showed the Earth God what true power is," Sky said, patting him on the back.

"Congratulations, Noboru," Fire General Kai said, grinning.

"Thank you, everyone. Your support means a lot to me," Noboru said, smiling.

"You did well. We should celebrate," Yumeko added.

"Agreed. I'm sure the Dukes will want to celebrate. This is a huge victory," Sky said.

"Indeed. We have the support of Terravale. Now we have all four kingdoms. With the power of the Elemental Kingdoms united, we can take on anything," Fire General Kai added.

"I think it's time for a feast," Emiko said, grinning as she wrapped her arms around Noboru's right arm, making him blush.

"Hey, no fair," Layla protested, hugging his left arm, making his face turn even redder, a sight thought impossible.

Meanwhile, with the Duke of the West, Theodore

Theodore walked slowly, anger visible on his face as he entered his room.

"This is unacceptable! Viscount Noboru has defied me! And not only that—he has the beautiful whore, Emiko, in his bed, along with that other slut, Layla. From what I can sense, she's from the lowly Kingdom of Aeritha. Both of them should be mine, like all women! I also want that bastard daughter of the Wind God, Hayashi—Yumeko—as my concubine. But she prefers Sky. I won't accept it.

Noboru Chikara... Damn him!

That man who appeared before me the day we arrived at this miserable place—Chikyu Chikara City—he promised me that if I helped him, Noboru would be dead, and those sexy bitches would be mine. He'd even help kill my brothers—especially Elder Brother George—and I would have not only the women but Terravale and every other kingdom under my rule. All I had to do was make sure this alliance never happened.

But I failed.

Damn it! I can't do anything. But this is not over, Viscount Noboru Chikara. Not yet."

The Duke of the West, Theodore, slammed his fist against the wall, creating a small dent.

"You failed me..." Theodore heard.

As he seethed in silence, his thoughts a tangled mess of rage and frustration, a cold, sinister voice echoed in the chamber, sending chills down his spine.

"You failed me..."

The voice was smooth but filled with malice. Theodore's eyes widened, his heart pounding as he frantically looked around the room. There was no one there.

"Who's there?" he demanded, his voice shaky but defiant.

Suddenly, the air grew heavy, and the temperature plummeted. Then, without warning, a blinding golden light erupted from nowhere, slamming into Theodore's chest. He screamed, agony ripping through his body as the light seared his skin, tearing through his flesh and bones.

The last thing he felt was his heart shattering into pieces as the light consumed him, leaving only the echo of his final scream. Within seconds, the once-proud Duke of the West was gone, his body disintegrating into ashes, scattered by an unseen force.

The golden light faded, and from the lingering darkness, a figure stepped forward, his face obscured but his presence suffocating. He stood over the spot where Theodore had fallen, smirking with cold indifference.

"But no matter," the figure said, his voice smooth and cruel. "I will make sure that abomination is dead... and your brothers too. After all, I need the relics, and they stand in my way."

He glanced at the ashes on the floor, chuckling darkly.

"Too bad you're too dead to witness it."

With a wave of his hand, golden light swirled around him, and he vanished, leaving nothing but the faint echo of his laughter in the silence of the now-empty room.

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