The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 57

57 The Battle of Muye

The first rays of the morning sun shone on the wilderness, and a gentle breeze blew over, causing the vast grassland to ripple like a wave.

The weather was good today, but a war that was destined to be recorded in history was about to begin here.

The so-called ” pasture ” referred to the wilderness where livestock was herded. This was the largest pasture outside Zhaoge city. Usually, herds of cattle and sheep could be seen everywhere, such as bison, Antelope, and Elks. However, at this moment, the war was coming, and the solemn atmosphere had made all the wild animals in the pasture stay far away from the battlefield.

The low and deep sound of the war drums reverberated in the wilderness, causing the air above the wilderness to become even more tense.

“Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump!”

In the midst of the war drums, the supervisor of King Zhou’s slave Army waved his flag and loudly ordered, “”

The military supervisors were riding on their horses, followed by a few soldiers. They urged the slave Army loudly from behind. The soldiers waved their whips, which kept exploding in the air, urging the slave Army in front to move forward. Over 200,000 slave soldiers were dispatched to the battlefield from outside and inside Zhaoge city in a hurry in front of those military supervisors.

Xia ping ‘an was among the slave Army.

At this moment, Xia Pingan’s heart was not filled with fear but excitement.

That was because he had finally proven one thing. In ancient Huaxia, the giant race did exist, and they lived together with the human race.

In ancient Huaxia, Giants were not called Giants. They were called long men.

There were many records of Giants in the history books of Huaxia. Legend had it that when Yu the Great was controlling the flood, he had subdued the giant race and had the Giants help him control the flood.

The First Emperor of Qin also had a giant general under him, known as Weng Zhong.

When Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, he had also subdued a giant general. That giant general was known as a Leviathan and was the number one battle general under Wang Mang.

The ” New Book of Tang ” was the official history. There were records of Giants in the ” New Book of Tang “. It said that ” the people of the Zhang were 30 feet tall, had jagged teeth and foal claws, and were covered in black hair. They did not eat fire. Giants could not start fires and ate people. They kidnapped women everywhere and threatened the borders of the country. In the secret historical legends, the Han people’s several military operations in the North during the Sui and Tang dynasties were all related to the ” Zhang people.

The last time the giant appeared in the history of Huaxia was during the Ming Dynasty, during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty. The soldiers of the Jiang Su Wei Institute encountered danger on the sea and landed on a small island on a boat. They saw the giant on the island. The giant chased after the soldiers, and the soldiers fled on the boat. In the fight, a Ming soldier cut off a finger of the giant. The finger was one foot and four inches long, and it was finally kept in the Jiading Treasury.

As for the archeology world, it was said that the remains of Giants had been discovered all over the world.

In his previous life, Xia ping ‘an had searched the world for traces of giants. By chance, he had found a leg bone of a giant.

At this moment, Xia ping ‘an saw a giant in the Army of King Zhou of Shang.

A total of 18 Giants!

The giant was seven to eight meters tall and stood under the flag behind the Army of King Zhou of Shang.

In the distance, as long as one turned their head, they would be able to see the eighteen Giants. There was a burning fire in front of the eighteen Giants, and they held red-hot wooden stakes in their hands. They let out waves of roars, looking majestic and very frightening.

In front of those Giants, there were some battle formations. Among them, there were 24 strongmen who could lift huge rocks of 1000 Jin. Although they were not as tall as the Giants who were holding copper rods, there were huge rocks in front of them.

In front of those 24 people, there were another 3000 fierce warriors who could lift an entire bull with bare arms!

In front of the three thousand soldiers, there were another five thousand soldiers carrying javelins on their backs. They walked as if they were flying, and their javelins were 100% accurate!

In front of the 5000 soldiers, there were tens of thousands of King Zhou’s armored soldiers. They formed several large formations and waited.

And in front of those tens of thousands of armored soldiers were Xia ping ‘an and the other slave soldiers!

The number of slave soldiers was the highest, more than 200000!

The Black Mass of slave soldiers was like a tide, and under the urging of the overseer, they all held their halberds and spears and slowly moved forward.

Some of the slaves were only holding sharpened wooden sticks in their hands as Spears. Xia Pingan was given a long spear because he was still strong.

Xia Pingan was holding a long dagger-axe in his hand. The long dagger-axe was more than three meters long and its copper head was very sharp.

A restless, uneasy, and nervous atmosphere spread among the slave Army.

Not long after, the Army of martial Kings also appeared in front of them, driving over in a dark Mass.

In terms of numbers, King Wu’s Army was not as large as King Zhou’s Army, but there were many flags in his Army. There were hundreds of flags of all kinds of colors, and on both sides of the largest flag with the word ‘Zhou’, there were eight flags that stood out.

Xia ping ‘an looked over and saw that there was a word on each of the eight flags. They were ” Yong, ” ” Shu, ” ” Qiang, ” ” Wei, ” ” Qian, ” ” Lu, ” ” Peng, ” and ” Qian. each word referred to a vassal kingdom.

Legend had it that when King Wu of Zhou conquered the Gu, he had eight hundred vassals to help him. Now it seemed that there were not eight hundred, but there were hundreds of them. According to the standard of this era, the area under the jurisdiction of some vassals might only be a few villages. When they brought dozens or hundreds of people, they could be considered a country once the flag was raised, which could strengthen the momentum of the king Wu’s Army.

However, the most important feudal vassals were the eight countries. They were the earliest “eight-Country Alliance” in the history of China.

Although the Allied forces of ” Qiang, ” ” Wei, ” ” Qian, ” ” Lu, ” ” Peng, ” ” Qian ” and other vassal states were dressed in a strange way, they were not special. Xia ping ‘an’s eyes saw the Shu Army under the banner with the ” Shu ” character.

From a distance, one could see that the soldiers under the “Shu” banner all wore strange copper masks. The copper masks had protruding eyes, which were exactly the same as the strange copper mask they had found on the pile of three stars.

Behind the Army of the martial Kings, there were also Giants holding large wooden stakes to help.

The two armies stopped a li away from each other.

The air in the entire Muye was extremely tense at this moment.

In the face of King Wu’s Army, King Zhou of Shang’s slave Army continued to move restlessly.

The military supervisors rode on their horses and ran back and forth in the troops behind the slave Army. They waved the whips in their hands from time to time and roared.

“Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on! All slave soldiers, listen up! As soon as the Army of the martial King makes a move, all of you are to charge forward and reinforce them!”

In boring movies and TV series, when the generals of both parties met on the battlefields, they would always chat with each other. Actually, it was Bullsh * t. On battlefields, one’s voice could only be heard by those beside him no matter how loudly one roared. It could barely be heard from 100 m away.

The distance between the two armies was one li. The commotion and neighing of the horses and carriages had already drowned out all the other sounds.

On the battlefield, the only communication methods were flags, drums, and horns.

Xia ping ‘an, who was in the crowd, tried his best to look down at King Wu’s flag. However, he could only vaguely see a group of fierce warriors standing under the flag, holding shields in their hands. There were also some generals riding on horses. Behind those generals, there was a carriage, and beside the carriage, there was a group of armored guards. It seemed that there were a few figures on the carriage.

They should be King Wu of Zhou, Grand Duke Jiang, and the others.

It was the same for King Zhou of Shang. His carriage was at the back of the Army and was heavily guarded. From a distance, one could only see a banner waving in the air. They couldn’t see King Zhou and Daji from here.

King Zhou was actually not called King Zhou at this time. King Zhou was his title after his death. At this moment, King Zhou was more accurately called King Xin!

Emperor Xin was not only cruel, extravagant, and licentious. He had also made great historical achievements. His greatest achievement was managing the southeast and promoting the unification of the southern part of China. He was the first pioneer and the founder of China. Without Emperor Xin, the Qin Emperor would not have been able to unify the world!

However, as the head of the slave owners of the Shang Dynasty, it was reasonable for King Zhou to be hated by the slaves!

The stalemate between the two sides didn’t last long. Suddenly, a bugle horn sounded from King Wu’s Army. A large banner with the character Lu flew out from the large fluttering banner. A general on a horse led a thousand cavalrymen and charged toward King Zhou’s Army.

The martial King began his attack.

Looking at the word ” Lu, ” Xia Pingan knew that the first general sent by the martial King’s side was Lu Wang.

It was recorded in the history books that Lu Wang was the first to make a move. It seemed to be true. That Lu Wang was so brave, he might be Lu Bu’s ancestor.

King Zhou’s slave Army became even more agitated as they saw the cavalry charge. Some of the slaves looked fearful, while others turned to look at the military overseers behind them with hatred in their eyes.

charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge! the eyes of the overseers also turned red as they roared. Some slaves wanted to retreat out of fear; however, they were directly slashed to death by the overseers.

If he didn’t move now, when would he?

The slave Army of more than 100000 was only a spark away!

He was that spark!

Xia Pingan didn’t say a word. He turned around, held the long spear in his hand, and rushed to the nearest supervisor on the horse. With a forward charge, the long spear stabbed out, and the supervisor was stabbed off the horse.

All the slaves around were stunned.

The soldiers beside the supervisors were also stunned.

They did not seem to have thought that the slaves would resist!

“Brothers, Shang Li is immoral. He has bullied and killed countless of our brothers and family. Are we still going to work for him at this time and let those nobles ride on our heads in the future? are we going to continue to use us to accompany them in their deaths and our children to lay the foundation for their palaces and skyscrapers? everyone, let’s kill those beasts, bi an!”

Xia ping ‘an roared. Before the soldiers around the supervisor could react, he swung his long spear and cut down a soldier’s neck, cutting down another one.

The slave soldiers were woken up. Seeing someone taking the lead, all the Restless and resentful slave soldiers immediately followed him and rushed towards those military governors behind them as they stabbed those military governors off their horses with their long Spears.

One spread to ten, ten to a hundred, a hundred to a thousand.

More than 100000 slave soldiers were instantly agitated and roared.

The slave soldiers turned around and charged at those supervisors with red eyes.

Tens of thousands of long Spears were turned around and aimed at those people who used to bully slave soldiers and pushed them into the battlefield to protect their wealth and glory.

Did those people think that slave soldiers were worse than dogs?

“Kill King Zhou, kill those beasts that are riding on our heads!”

“Kill those beasts that used our blood and flesh to lay the foundation for their palaces and houses!”

“Kill them, Yingluo!”

The hatred that the slave soldiers had been suppressing all this while burst out. The few soldiers of the military governor standing in front of Xia Pingan had already been turned into meat paste by thousands of Spears and Spears before Xia Pingan could even make a move.

More than 100000 slave soldiers turned around like a tide, pointed their weapons at King Zhou’s Army, and roared as they rushed toward him.

At this moment, the Wu king’s army was filled with the sound of drums and bugle horns. Right behind Lu Wang’s cavalry, the Wu King’s entire Army charged out with a deafening roar towards King Zhou’s Army.

In King Zhou’s Army, tens of thousands of King Zhou’s soldiers behind the 200000 slave soldiers were dumbfounded when they saw the slave Army in front of them change sides and charge at them. Their psychological defense line collapsed at once.

Some of the princes on King Zhou’s side were the first to turn and run.

As soon as King Zhou’s vassals ran away with their soldiers, the formation of tens of thousands of armored soldiers loosened, and the morale collapsed instantly. In the blink of an eye, it collapsed like an avalanche.

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