The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 60

When Houzi heard Old Six Hu's question, he immediately told him about Zhao Qiang owing the gambling house over six thousand taels of silver. After explaining, he sincerely pleaded on Zhao's behalf, moving Zhao Qiang who was watching from the side.

After listening, Old Six Hu frowned and shook his head, refusing: "It's too much. If it were just a few taels or dozens, that would be fine. But six thousand taels is no small sum. Captain Zhao should face the consequences as he should."

These words struck Zhao Qiang like lightning. His face instantly turned pale, devoid of any color. His knees buckled and he fell to the ground, kneeling before Old Six Hu.

"Si-Six Lord, please have mercy. I can't pay it back. Not in this life, the next, or even the one after that..." Zhao Qiang was on the verge of tears, begging Old Six Hu humbly.

Old Six Hu remained unmoved. He glanced at Zhao Qiang and said softly: "According to the laws of the Great Liang Dynasty, those who fail to repay debts are punished based on the amount owed. For someone like you, Captain Zhao, who owes over six thousand taels, it's considered a massive debt. Do you know how the officials would sentence you?"

Houzi chimed in at the right moment: "According to our dynasty's laws, it would be 80 strokes of the cane, three years in prison, and then exile to serve in the military."

As Houzi spoke, he secretly observed Zhao Qiang's expression. When he saw Zhao's face change from struggle to despair and finally to utter bleakness, a triumphant smile flashed in his eyes.

Although Zhao Qiang wasn't a constable, he worked at the yamen and was more familiar with the law than ordinary people. He had known everything Houzi said, but hearing it from someone else was different. When others said it, it carried a sense of judgment.

Old Six Hu got up from his low couch, walked over to Zhao Qiang, bent down to help him up, and patted his shoulder, saying: "Captain Zhao, I hear your uncle-in-law is a clerk at the yamen. Perhaps he could find a way to reduce your punishment. Don't worry too much."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiang's legs gave way and he fell to his knees again.

It was precisely because his uncle-in-law was a clerk with an official rank that he felt the world was crumbling around him when he got into trouble.

A mere eighth-rank clerk, with the County Magistrate above him, was already walking on thin ice. What could he possibly do to help? If he tried to intervene, he might lose his official hat because of Zhao Qiang.

"Six Lord, please don't tell my uncle-in-law. I beg you, save me. I'll kowtow to you. I'll never gamble again, never again..."

As he spoke, Zhao Qiang bowed down, his forehead touching the ground, and gave Old Six Hu several resounding kowtows.

Old Six Hu quickly squatted down to stop Zhao Qiang from continuing, while saying meaningfully: "Captain Zhao, I run a gambling house, not a charity. The gambling house has its rules. You win money when you're lucky, you lose money when you're not. If everyone were like you, wouldn't I be penniless and sleeping on the streets by now?"

Zhao Qiang's face was deathly pale, his eyes bloodshot. He stared blankly at Old Six Hu, the light in his eyes gradually fading.

Houzi, seeing that Zhao was sufficiently frightened, decided it was time for the next act. He spoke up: "Six Lord, please be merciful. Captain Zhao is a man who remembers kindness and will repay it. If you let him off this time, he will surely repay you in the future."

Old Six Hu pondered silently, not answering.

Seeing this, Houzi, looking anxious, also fell to his knees with a thud: "Six Lord, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Even if you drive Captain Zhao to his death, he still won't be able to produce six thousand taels of silver. It's better to leave some leeway, which is good for everyone."

Zhao Qiang looked at Houzi with tears in his eyes, feeling at that moment that Houzi was his savior. He felt incredibly fortunate to have such a good brother as a friend.

Old Six Hu stroked his chin, pretending to think deeply. He paced back and forth, and though it was only about half a cup of tea's time, to Zhao Qiang it felt like years.

"What you say makes sense," Old Six Hu finally said slowly. "Even if we send Captain Zhao to the officials, it's still our Gold Jade Hall that loses out."

Hearing a glimmer of hope in these words, Zhao Qiang's eyes lit up. He immediately and eagerly declared: "Six Lord, if you let me off, I'll serve you like an ox or a horse to repay you!"

Old Six Hu hesitated, and after a long while, as if finally making up his mind, he let out a long sigh.

Zhao Qiang heard him say: "Six thousand taels is really too much. You can't come up with it, and there's no use in me pressuring you. So how about this: just give me one hundred taels as a token. We can't let Gold Jade Hall do business at a loss, can we?"

From six thousand taels to one hundred taels seemed like a world of difference. Zhao Qiang agreed without hesitation. It wasn't until he had pressed his fingerprint on the IOU and walked out of Gold Jade Hall that he realized: one hundred taels was also an impossible sum for him. How could he possibly come up with one hundred taels?

Zhao Qiang thought he had escaped death, but in reality, he was still in the abyss.

Houzi had been sticking by his side the whole time. After leaving Gold Jade Hall, he cheerfully said to Zhao: "Six Lord is truly a good man. Captain Zhao, now you only need to gather one hundred taels of silver."

Zhao Qiang looked at Houzi but couldn't smile: "Brother Houzi, what if I told you I can't even come up with one hundred taels of silver?"

The smile on Houzi's face froze, as if he had suddenly realized this possibility. He said with difficulty: "Captain Zhao, one hundred taels... surely you can scrape it together by borrowing from here and there?"

But Zhao Qiang just laughed bitterly: "Haha... Brother Houzi, although I have some reputation in Lingshan Town, it's just that people recognize my face. Do you think I have that many friends I can borrow money from? And among the people I know, who can casually produce one hundred taels of silver? For me, there's no difference between six thousand taels and one hundred taels."

Houzi's mouth twitched, a flash of mockery passing through his eyes. But in the next moment, he put on a look of sudden realization and pulled Zhao Qiang to a deserted corner of the street.

Zhao Qiang watched as Houzi furtively looked around, peering in all directions, then lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Captain Zhao, I know who has one hundred taels of silver. As long as you're brave enough, this matter can be easily resolved."

Recalling this, Zhao Qiang sat in He Zhenhu's house, frowning painfully.

He didn't want to be a thief, but reality forced him to compromise. He didn't want to be beaten, didn't want to go to jail, didn't want his life to be ruined. So he chose to follow Houzi's suggestion and come to Lotus Flower Village to be a robber.

As long as he got through this, Zhao Qiang thought to himself, he swore he would never set foot in a gambling house again for the rest of his life!

Opening his palm, he looked at the yellow paper ball. The words of the pharmacy owner echoed in his ears: "This knockout drug of mine, just a small half can put down a bull! If used on a person, even a man of two or three hundred catties, I guarantee he'll sleep for a day and a night!"

The sky gradually darkened. Some families in the village ate dinner early, and smoke from their kitchens had already started to rise.

Zhao Qiang stretched his body, stiff from sitting for so long, and walked out of He Zhenhu's house. Looking in a certain direction, he saw a wisp of smoke rising there as well.

And that place was none other than Liu Ming'an's house.

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