The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 100

Jiang Ning threw the lifeless body of Blind Yang into the sea, entered her space, and returned to the inn.

Just past midnight, Jiang Ning crept into the room by the moonlight streaming through the window. She removed her outer garments and slipped into the warm bed, embracing the sleeping Liu Ming'an as she closed her eyes.

"Capital City..." Jiang Ning silently mouthed these words. She had a premonition that once they reached the Capital City, everything would come to light.

The next day, Liu Ming'an slept until late morning before waking up.

"This sleep-inducing tea is truly potent. It made me sleep for so long that I feel my bones have gone soft," Liu Ming'an joked as he ate his belated breakfast.

Jiang Ning's eyes flickered momentarily before she replied, "Then we won't drink it anymore."

Liu Ming'an picked up his brush and finished the Guanyin portrait he had started the night before. He placed it on the table to dry, where there were already over a dozen other portraits.

"We don't need to paint any more of these. Today is the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month. It's time to write couplets. Let's go buy some red paper later, and I'll think carefully about what to write."

Liu Ming'an pondered the content of the couplets, muttering to himself, "I wonder if the people of Qushui City love wealth more, or if there are more who pray for family harmony and perfect happiness..."

"Why agonize over it?" Jiang Ning, hearing this, knew that Liu Ming'an's thinking was limited again. She suggested, "Why don't you bring your writing tools there and write in front of everyone? Write whatever they want. This way, it becomes a performance too, which will surely attract people to watch. Once you draw a crowd, won't business follow?"

Liu Ming'an's eyes lit up. He rushed over to Jiang Ning, hugging her tightly and planting three or four kisses on her face. "Ning, you're so clever! I love you so much!"

Jiang Ning bashfully rubbed the spots where she had been kissed, her lips curling up involuntarily.

Afterwards, Liu Ming'an followed Jiang Ning's advice. They bought a stack of blank red couplet paper, and early the next morning, after breakfast, the two headed to Universal Blessing Temple.

"You're here again?" The woman selling osmanthus cakes next to them greeted them with a smile.

"Aunt Lan, business is booming, I see!" Liu Ming'an returned the smile.

As luck would have it, their stall was always next to this osmanthus cake vendor. Since they didn't return for lunch while manning their stall, the couple always bought osmanthus cakes to solve their midday meal problem. Through these interactions, they had become quite familiar with the woman.

Perhaps because she reminded him of Aunt Hui who sold osmanthus cakes in Lingshan Town, Liu Ming'an felt a sense of warmth in his heart when he looked at the equally kind-faced Aunt Lan.

Liu Ming'an glanced at Aunt Lan's stall and noticed she only had two trays of osmanthus cakes left. Surprised, he asked, "Aunt Lan, is business so good today? You're almost sold out and it's not even noon yet?"

Aunt Lan smiled and explained, "I made less today. I have some errands to run."

Liu Ming'an responded with an "I see" and didn't pry further. He began setting up his own stall.

The Buddha portraits sold quickly, with two or three being purchased in no time, but no one inquired about the couplets.

"Ning, do people in Qushui City not hang couplets?" Liu Ming'an asked, puzzled.

"That's impossible!"

When Jiang Ning had wandered around the city, she had seen many faded couplets that had been hung for a year. It definitely wasn't for that reason.

So what could be the reason?

Jiang Ning rested her chin on her hand, thinking. She looked at the other stalls, remembering that she had seen couplet sellers when they arrived.

"Here, take a sheet of paper and write what I tell you," Jiang Ning said to Liu Ming'an after a moment.

Liu Ming'an immediately complied, spreading out the paper and picking up his brush. "Ning, what should I write?"

"A scholar on his way to the imperial examinations, short on travel funds, passing through your esteemed town. Writing couplets on the spot. Humbly request the support of the local folks."

Jiang Ning had barely finished speaking when she noticed Liu Ming'an frozen, brush in hand.

"Ning, isn't this a bit... well, not quite right?" Liu Ming'an hesitantly asked, feeling deeply embarrassed about writing such a thing.

Jiang Ning glanced at Liu Ming'an, understanding that it was the so-called "scholar's integrity" at work. She laughed softly, "Making money isn't shameful."

As Liu Ming'an was still struggling internally, Jiang Ning quickly leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, coaxing him, "Be good, write what I said."

Liu Ming'an's face reddened, instantly forgetting his reservations. He obediently did as he was told.

Jiang Ning placed the written paper in front of the stall, weighing it down with the inkstone so that passersby could see it.

Sure enough, after a short while, people began to gather around.

"Oh! It's a scholar! A scholar selling couplets?"

Resisting the urge to flee, Liu Ming'an smiled warmly at the newcomer and bowed, "Thank you for your patronage, Big Brother! Would you like to buy a pair?"

"Haha... Yes, I'll buy a pair!" The man laughed, then looked down at the stall in confusion. "Hey, where are your couplets?"

"I'll write whatever meaning you'd like, right now," Liu Ming'an replied.

"Write it on the spot? Oh, good, good! I've never seen this before, how novel!" The man said, his face full of interest as he stroked his chin. "I run a restaurant. Write something fitting for that."

Liu Ming'an said "Certainly," dipped his brush in ink, and wrote on the red paper:

Upper line: Thriving business reaches the four seas

Lower line: Delicious flavors praised in three rivers

Horizontal scroll: Wealth flows in abundance

A scholar writing couplets in public was undoubtedly a rare sight. In just this short time, several more people had gathered around, watching Liu Ming'an write intently.

Liu Ming'an was handsome and dignified. When he wrote, his brush moved like a flying dragon and dancing snake, graceful and unrestrained. His movements were as smooth as flowing water, completed in one breath. The scene was a pleasure to behold.

By the time he finished writing this couplet and handed it to the Big Brother, a crowd of onlookers had gathered around the stall.

"Ah, the calligraphy is so beautiful. How much is it?" The Big Brother, holding the couplet with its ink not yet dry, asked Liu Ming'an with satisfaction.

Liu Ming'an was taken aback. He didn't know how much to charge. He turned back to look at Jiang Ning, only to see her smiling softly, mouthing the words, "Whatever you think is fair."

Although confused, Liu Ming'an followed her lead and said to the customer, "Whatever you think is fair."

The Big Brother was also surprised, then laughed as he took out twenty copper coins and placed them on the table. "You young man, you really don't know how to do business, haha..."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ning slowly curved her lips into a smile. She had noticed that the couplets at the neighboring stall were selling for only eight copper coins a pair.

Liu Ming'an, because of his status as a scholar, already had an advantage. Additionally, these couplets were, to some extent, "custom-made," setting them apart from the generic ones. In the buyer's mind, it was reasonable for them to be more expensive.

But Jiang Ning had specifically instructed Liu Ming'an to say "Whatever you think is fair," presenting an image of an inexperienced youth. This tactic of retreating to advance made customers feel that he was pure and kind-hearted, and they wouldn't want to take advantage of him, leading them to pay more.

With this customer setting the precedent, Liu Ming'an's business became booming.

A middle-aged man pushed to the front, his face full of joy. "Scholar, I'm marrying off my daughter after the New Year. Write one for me!"

Liu Ming'an picked up his brush and wrote:

Beloved daughter receives blessings, the phoenix once graced her maiden chambers;

Worthy son-in-law brings good fortune, the dragon now approaches our virtuous gate.

Horizontal scroll: Dragon and Phoenix bring auspiciousness

"Oh my! This is wonderfully written!"

Those in the crowd who were knowledgeable began praising as soon as the couplet was lifted. Hearing this, the man generously placed a handful of copper coins on the table and left, thoroughly satisfied.

Jiang Ning roughly counted at least thirty coins.

Another person called out, "Scholar, I've had a son. Write one for me!"

Liu Ming'an asked, "What is your surname?"

"Li," the man replied.

The ink brush fell, and a couplet appeared on the paper:

Celebrating the Li family's new qilin son, distinguished guests fill the hall;

Congratulating the precious home embracing a child of wealth and honor, the humble abode glows.

Horizontal scroll: Blessed star enters the house

Liu Ming'an had barely finished writing when, before he could even straighten his back, a woman's voice was heard: "Scholar, I want one for family wealth and peace..."

Without even looking up, Liu Ming'an responded with a "Certainly" and once again put brush to paper:

Heaven and Earth align, bringing wealth to the family;

Peace and good fortune abound, blessings multiply for all.

Horizontal scroll: Prosperous home, blessed people


Jiang Ning stood by, helping to grind ink and collect money. As she watched Liu Ming'an busily working, there was a tender smile in her eyes that even she hadn't noticed.

To be honest, Jiang Ning quite admired Liu Ming'an. As soon as customers made their requests, he could pick up his brush and write perfectly fitting couplets without even a moment's hesitation. Moreover, Jiang Ning had watched him write dozens of couplets all morning, and amazingly, not a single one was repeated.

Jiang Ning gazed at Liu Ming'an's profile as he wrote diligently, joy welling up in her heart.

How could this man be so perfect in every way? It seemed the more she looked at him, the more she fell for him.

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