The Gamer's System

Chapter 154: The Updates

Chapter 154: The Updates

"It's so early why do we need to have the meeting now?" Mordred complained as usual. She didn't like the early morning meeting because, she always takes 10 hours of sleep every day.

It isn't anything scientifically proven to be healthy but, the group thought that her enormous and almost bottomless amount of vitality was probably due to this fact. Although if the other elites tried doing this, they were sure that they'd simply feel more exhausted than rested. 

"That's because you were late on the last meeting and we both know how Quinn felt about that." Julia said in reply. 

Ever since their last mission, the two have become closer to each other. Since Mordred always stuck her nose on everything, Julia had no choice but to accommodate her at first. But as their time together went on, she learned to genuinely like and adore the person.

"They can have that meeting themselves. We're just gonna be construction workers again after all." Mordred defiantly claimed, burying her face on her pillow and hugging tightly to another one. As much as Julia wanted to make her budge, the defender was unyielding and immovable.

"Goodness, at this rate you'll be giving us all headaches. Fine, you leave me with no choice." Julia continued, finally deciding to use her trump card.

"If you don't get up, I'm going to tell Mirio that you like him." Suddenly, the world seemed to quiet down uncomfortably until, Mordred broke it with a loud scream.

"AHHHH! I'm up. I'm up!" Mordred rose up immediately and went to the bathroom without question.

Julia laughed as she watched her friend in a frantic state of panic. She learned about this by accident of course. While Mordred drank with the construction workers one night, she got too carried away and had to be dragged back to the house by Julia. There, she was almost stripped down by Mordred who kept on spouting the name of Mirio who, despite being ruthless on the battlefield was actually meek and timid in person.

Julia laughed at her friend's reaction. Only she has seen this side of Mordred and she loved it very much. Just like them everyone else prepared for the meeting that was about to take place and, soon enough, they were there. All present and accounted for. Zeke as surprised that even Mordred was up and smiled at them before starting the meeting.

"We'll be doing things the same way as before." He simply said, turning off the lights with everyone given a crystal that would glow whenever they emitted mana on it. This was to be used whenever they wanted to ask questions. Any other question that didn't use this method would not be entertained.

"The first part of the agenda would be the progress you've made. I want to congratulate each and every one of you for a job well done. Not a lot of people can do what you did. It takes more talent to manage a town than to fight in a battlefield." He said, getting cheers from everyone.

"Anyway, with the water system already in place, and with their lands cleansed, we can finally move on to the next part of the mission." The image on displayed changed again to showing the root of all problems within the continent.

"What we need right now is to detoxify the whole continent." Zeke snapped his fingers once again and, revealed a new location which showed a large rift that oozed with deadly mana. It was hidden just beneath a seemingly normal crater so nobody ever came in close contact with it.

"The reason why the whole of the Demon Continent is deadly is because, during a certain battle a thousand years ago, the Demon Continent came as one of the casualties." He began, showing the war which killed all the original Dwellers.

"A mythical being which was not placed in the record books died here. That in itself would not be a problem. The real problem began when it died." Zeke then flashed the image of the said creature or rather, what it was supposed to look like before.

"This creature can emit what is refereed to as Chaos Poison. That same substance is what now corrupts the whole Demon Continent. Because, for some reason, the toxins get stronger upon the creature's death. And not only that, the toxin will not stop so long as there is mana around." Zeke continued.

The reason why he was able to learn about this is simple. Zeke himself had [Chaos Poison Cloud] which is of the same nature as the [Mythical Creature's] poison. And thus, he was able to [Analyze] that the whole continent was being infested with this and that, there was a root to this problem which he found soon enough.

This same material mutated the demons and turned them to what they currently were. They weren't grotesque creatures of course but, their skin was greatly discolored because of the poison. Although they learned to live with the curse, both their lifespan and their environment would drastically change for the better if proper measures were taken. This in turn would also make it easier for the land to prosper once again which was within Zeke's best interest. The [Gamer's System] offered a quest for this after all. Giving him another piece of data in order to complete the [Ancient Spell].

"So why didn't we target that from the start then?" Vostok asked.

"Good point. But you see, the area isn't a place that could easily be entered. There are too many monsters lingering around it. These have already been infused with the DNA and genes of the mythical creature which I spoke of. Hence, it would've been bad news for all of you if I made you enter without any companion." Another crystal lit up.

"So aside from the fact that we are the ones getting deployed, who else would assists us on this quest?" Quinn said in reply, reading between the line of Zeke's statement.

Sylph stepped forward for everyone to see. They still haven't sparred with her yet so they didn't know the extent of her skills but from how Heron and Morpheus described their fight against her, the elites knew that she wasn't someone to be trifled with.

"Sylph will come with you and assist you on your journey. As an archer, her eyes are without compare and, her skills in combat are just as impeccable. If she comes with you, the assurance is heightened that, you'd be able to come out of the mission in one piece." Zeke finished, answering the question and solving the problem at the same time.

"Don't worry, Sylph will be sparring with you guys later on. Although she hasn't fully recovered yet, she is almost back to peak condition." He added. But then another crystal glowed.

"What advantage does she have over Miss heron and Morpheus? No offense, I'm just intrigued." Kaguya asked with respect in her tone. 

"First of all, you'd only have her as the backup. The mission is still up to your capabilities because, as I have mentioned, Sylph has yet to fully recover. But that doesn't mean that she would be dragging you down. Her role is as your tactician because, believe me, she would be able to make better and more calculated plans than Quinn." Zeke continued, with Quinn simply nodding although the words didn't fair well with him.

"I think that would be enough. There is no need for stealth in this operation so Heron does not need to be deployed and, Sylph alone is enough to provide support fire in case it is needed. Remember, she was able to hold her ground against both Heron and Morpheus at the same time." 

"Sorry guys." Heron said to the group. 

"If there are no other concerns, I'd like to proceed." No crystal lit up that time, allowing Zeke to continue on.

"All your armors and weapons will also be improved in preparation for this." Zeke already had a blueprint laid out for them. At the moment he had enough scales and other parts of the [Chaos Dragons] in order to craft something better for them.

"What would our new equipment and weapons be made out of?" Merlin asked, making his crystal glow.

"Oh, they'd be coming from Chaos Dragons." There was an awkward silence that came after. It wasn't something you could say in a normal day to day conversation within Mythos after all.

"I think we heard you wrong sir. Where would the materials be coming from?" Mirio wanted to clarify, making his crystal glow. It was Heron who answered on Zeke's behalf this time around.

"Apparently, while you guys were up doing community service, master Zeke killed the remaining seven Chaos Dragons within the Continent." Everyone just laughed it off. They still didn't understand the full extent of Zeke's power but, they could at least handle this much shock in a single day.

Thus, Zeke cleared his throat and made a cough, proceeding with his explanations.

"I'll also make sure to give you gas masks that would prevent any harmful toxins from entering your bodies. The poison is thickest and deadliest on the area near the corpse and, it is the most dangerous when you are already beside it. The masks will be powered by air crystals, making the consumption of air unlimited." Zeke said, removing all other worries about the mission. 

"Anyway, with all of this being said, the three of us will be taking down the Elven Continent of Elysium." The group wasn't able to hold off their shock anymore. They've gone past the one [Crazy Stunt of Zeke] limit for the day so they made a resounding shout. 

"WHAAAAT?" Their screams echoed through the halls of the cave.

"Relax. Heron, Morpheus, Sylph, and I have already discussed this. We cannot fight all three continents at once. Even with the barrier being set up on the Demon Continent, it won't be enough against what is to come. So, we need to claim another Continent, one which lies just next to this one so that the whole of Mythos would be effectively divided into two factions." 

"Are you sure you guys would be enough? We could provide backup." Zilg said in reply, making a crystal glow.

"Don't flatter yourself too much. I can take out a whole Continent by myself. The only reason why I need both Heron and Morpheus to help me is because, they need to secure the lives of the citizens and perform the other tasks while I engage in battle. They are the only ones swift enough to do this." Zeke finished, explaining every bit of information clearly to the elites.

There was actually a hidden agenda behind this. On Elysium, all of the answers he needed were present and. To access this, he needed to defeat every enemy that was there. This included, of course. the imposter who claimed to be him. He also knew how dangerous this mission was and so, decided to go by himself, not risking to bring the elites with him as ambushes were very likely upon entering.

But Quinn wasn't able to settle down with this. It seemed to him that, the gap between them and Zeke was just getting wider and wide. In fact, it wasn't even being closed by one bit. Even with all the enemies he killed, Quinn was still nowhere near the level of the gamer. That is why he decided that, on the mission, he would consume the corpse of the {Mythical Creature].

"If there are no other questions. This meeting is dismissed." Zeke finally uttered, with everyone prepared for the fights that were to come.

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