The Former Mercenary is a Chaebol Heir

Chapter 11

Chapter 11. Whose Palm Are We In?

The office was buzzing with activity in the chat system due to the arrival of Baek Shin-woo.

[Team Leader Kim Jong-soo of Team 1]: Team Leader Ji! Aren’t we doomed here?

[Team Leader Ji Young-sook of Team 2]: We really don’t know yet. But a parachute of this magnitude at our company… it’s unprecedented.

[Team Leader Kim Jong-soo of Team 1]: And isn’t he only 23? Judging by his age, it seems like he didn’t even go to college.

[Team Leader Ji Young-sook of Team 2]: These days, the owner risk is all over the news… What if he’s just a troublemaker?

The employees were already anxious about their transfer to the newly created department. The addition of Baek Shin-woo, rumored to be the third-generation heir to a conglomerate, only stirred up more worries. The thought of him brought to mind numerous scandals of second and third-generation heirs, such as drunk driving, assaults at entertainment venues, and illegal overseas gambling—news that seemed to surface regularly.

[Team Leader Kim Jong-soo of Team 1]: If anything goes wrong, won’t our team get blown up? Could it be that this is… exile?

[Team Leader Ji Young-sook of Team 2]: No way, come on. It’s not like we did anything wrong.

[Team Leader Kim Jong-soo of Team 1]: Maybe this is a way of sweeping us out instead of doing layoffs.

[Team Leader Ji Young-sook of Team 2]: But would the Royal family shoot themselves in the foot like that? If a scandal breaks, MH Group’s stock prices will plummet.


The rest of the employees were equally abuzz with conversations about Shin-woo. The sound of keyboard keys tapping filled the office. Just then, Shin-woo stepped out of his office.

“It’s my first day, but let’s have a meeting.”

Startled, the employees immediately stopped typing, their fingers freezing mid-air. Team Leader Kim Jong-soo, standing up abruptly, asked him in confusion.

“…A meeting, sir? We haven’t even received the project portfolio from the planning office yet.”

Since the department was newly established, they didn’t have any set work yet. Being told to hold a meeting under such circumstances naturally confused them.

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s have the meeting anyway. Everyone, gather up.”


His forceful tone made the employees exchange awkward glances before slowly shuffling towards the meeting room. Once seated, they avoided direct eye contact with Shin-woo, who stood at the center of the room. It felt as if this ‘parachute’ was already showing signs of abuse on his very first day.

Waiting patiently, Shin-woo played with a die in his hand before finally addressing them.

“For now, I’m the Director of Strategic Investment Operations, as well as independently in charge of investment planning.”

Typically, the Strategic Investment Operations Office would review projects passed down from the Strategic Investment Planning Office, getting involved only after final approval had been granted to begin investments. Due to the sheer size of MH Group, the sums involved in investments were substantial, and everything had to proceed cautiously.

Team Leader Kim Jong-soo took the initiative to raise a point.

“Then, how will you handle projects passed down from the Strategic Investment Planning Office? You’ll be overburdened with work.”

“That’s not the case now, is it? Like you said earlier, there are no portfolios that have come down yet. Are you planning to sit around and do nothing until then?”

“Well, that’s…”

The employees were seasoned professionals who had been working at MH Group for years. They were already preparing for the projects that would eventually come from the Strategic Investment Planning Office.

“My duties have been approved by upper management, so I expect your cooperation.”

“…But the Strategic Investment Planning Office will likely have issues with this.”

“And so?”

“Do you not know who the head of the Strategic Investment Planning Office is?”

“Who is it?”

Although Shin-woo knew full well, he pretended to ask out of ignorance.

Team Leader Kim Jong-soo let out a shallow sigh before explaining.

“It’s Director Myung Un-seok, who was previously in the Future Strategy Investment Planning Office.”

“Myung Un-seok…”

The surname “Myung” wasn’t common within the MH Group. Moreover, if employees were turning pale at the mention of this name, there could only be one reason.

“He’s the eldest grandson of the Chairman and the son of President Myung In-chul. You really didn’t know?”

The nuance behind his words was clear: Shin-woo, the son of Im Hee-yeon—an extramarital child—was fundamentally different in status from Myung Un-seok when it came to the inheritance hierarchy.

Of course, Shin-woo was well aware, but he didn’t let it show.

“Oh, I see. But what does that have to do with why I shouldn’t be handling this project? Especially since I have both the approval of Director Im Hee-yeon and the Chairman. Is Director Myung Un-seok higher in rank than them?”

“Well, no, but…”


When Shin-woo slammed his hand down on the desk, everyone flinched in surprise.

“From now on, none of you need to worry about conflicts of interest with the Royal family when it comes to how I work. If I choose to do something, I’ll do it, and if I don’t, it will be by my own choice, not because of external pressure.”

“Still, each department has its assigned responsibilities. If we clash with the Planning Office, we might end up being the ones to suffer.”

“Suffer how?”

At his calm question, Kim Jong-soo hesitated to answer.

Then, Team Leader Ji Young-sook, who had been sitting across from him, spoke up.

“The Planning Office handles the actual investment portfolio. They have exceptional information-gathering capabilities. We rely on the data they provide to carry out our investments.”

“Go on.”

“In the process, we regularly receive updates from the Planning Office. But if our relationship with them deteriorates over this, we might face complications in that flow of information, don’t you think so?”

She wasn’t wrong.

Shin-woo could understand that point, but it didn’t convince him.

“That’s why I said we’d conduct our own investment planning.”

“As I mentioned earlier, creating an investment plan requires extensive information. That kind of information can only be obtained from the Strategic Investment Planning Office.”

The company had regulations to prevent information leaks during projects, confining it to specific departments.

“So, you’re saying I don’t have access to that information?”

“Isn’t that true? No offense, but I heard… that you’re a former non-commissioned officer. You were only recently discharged from the military, right?”

It was obvious where that information had come from.

It was leaked by others in the family to undermine Shin-woo and his mother, Im Hee-yeon.

“Yes, I was a non-commissioned officer. Is that a problem?”

Ji Young-sook was momentarily at a loss for words, likely due to his brazen response.

Shin-woo glanced around the room at the other employees, all of whom wore similar expressions, and continued.

“Even if the project fails, I’ll take full responsibility, so there’s no need to worry.”

“It’s not as simple as you make it sound.”

“Exactly. How could all the responsibility fall solely on you, Director?”

Despite their objections, Shin-woo remained unfazed.

“If you’re unwilling, I can handle it myself. Or I can hire new staff who will follow my directions.”

In fact, through Song Tae-hoon, he’d already discussed the personnel allocation (T/O).

Any essential personnel could be recruited with that.

Hearing this, murmurs started circulating among the employees seated behind the team leaders.

“Is he suggesting we’ll be replaced?”

“What’s his deal?”

Their whispers were clearly audible to Shin-woo.

“I’m not going to force anyone to work with me if they don’t want to. I’ve understood your stance. The meeting ends here. I’ll handle the project myself.”

With that, Shin-woo left the conference room.

As soon as the door closed, the voices inside grew louder.

Team Leader Kim Jong-soo hurriedly followed him out.

“Director Baek Shin-woo! Investment projects aren’t something you can easily manage with just your military experience!”

Shin-woo turned his head slightly, his expression icy.

“And what do you know about me to say that?”

Kim Jong-soo, now visibly nervous, struggled to form a response.

“I’ve been at this company longer than you have, at the very least. Besides, it’s not your personal money but company funds. You can’t just use it recklessly without certainty.”

“Team Leader Kim Jong-soo, you’re working hard for the company’s benefit.”

“…I’ve never worked carelessly before.”

Kim Jong-soo had worked at MH Group’s headquarters for 12 years and climbed to his current position as team leader. His loyalty to the company was high.

“But that doesn’t give you the right to reject the company’s decisions, does it?”


“No matter how much of an outsider I am, I was officially assigned the position of Director of Strategic Investment Operations. I also have the authority to make investment decisions, which has been approved.”


“If you’re dissatisfied, remain so. I will work according to the authority I’ve been given. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

After finishing his response, Baek Shin-woo entered his office.

Kim Jong-soo, left alone, let out a sigh. He soon rejoined the other employees and took his seat.


At the same time…

Myung Un-seok, the Director of Strategic Investment Planning, was seated in the office of his father, Myung In-chul, the President of MH Electronics.

“It’s your first day. How do you think it’s going?”

Seated on the sofa, Myung Un-seok’s face showed discomfort at the question. He had originally been the Director of Future Strategy Planning under the Business Planning Department. However, the departments had been reorganized, and his role had now been consolidated under the leadership of Im Hee-yeon at the Strategic Investment Headquarters.

“To be honest, it’s not great.”

It was the same feeling he’d had when his grandfather, Myung Joong-hwan, had announced Im Hee-yeon’s promotion during a recent family gathering. Back then, he’d kept quiet, unable to express his frustration because his father, Myung In-chul, and other senior family members had remained silent.

Myung In-chul understood his son’s position well.

“I can imagine.”

“Why did you tell me to work under Director Im Hee-yeon when you knew all of this?!”

Originally, Myung Un-seok had been slated to move to a completely different department to gain management experience. But the plan had changed drastically, leading to the current situation.

“Are you really asking because you don’t know?”

“How could I not know? You want me to keep an eye on the Strategic Investment Headquarters and Director Im Hee-yeon, right?”

“Is that all you think this is about?”

“What else is there?”

Myung In-chul’s expression turned more serious than ever. He stood up from his desk and walked over to the sofa to sit beside his son.

“You do know the scale of the projects that Director Im Hee-yeon has successfully led, right? I don’t like that woman, but I can’t deny her abilities.”

“…That’s true.”

MH Group had grown rapidly since Im Hee-yeon took over as the Director of the Strategic Investment Department and gained full operational authority. Her work efficiency was something that not only the two of them but also Chairman Myung Joong-hwan acknowledged, making it impossible to dismiss.

“You should learn from Director Im Hee-yeon. Chairman will be pleased if you show such growth.”

“Do I really have to go that far? Besides, I’m also annoyed that her son has been placed in the same position as me.”

That was his biggest complaint at the moment. Myung Un-seok had completed his middle and high school education abroad and graduated from Harvard with a business degree. He had since entered the Future Strategy Office and had been maintaining decent work performance.

“Do you think I like it? That kid even had a private meeting with the chairman. Who knows what was discussed there… but it seems Chairman has taken a liking to him. Of course, it’s also likely that he’s been placed there as a leash to control Director Im Hee-yeon.”

Not long ago, Im Hee-yeon had nearly driven Myung In-chul to the brink of losing his position. Of course, Myung In-chul had prepared for it, but all his plans had fallen through. Additionally, a project that Myung In-chul had been preparing privately had also collapsed, leaving him in a humiliating situation. Despite the disgrace, he was enduring it for the future.

“Do you really think Director Im Hee-yeon can be managed as Chairman intends? Just look at what happened to my father… If she really cared about MH Group, things wouldn’t have gone this far. Eventually, my father will become the Chairman of MH Group, right?”

“How would I know Chairman’s true thoughts?”

“Are you suggesting that my grandfather might consider my uncle or aunt as successors? That’s ridiculous.”

The second son, Myung Seong-cheol, managed MH Food and MH Retail, while the third daughter, Myung Soo-yeon, managed MH Hotels. Myung Un-seok knew that they, too, were eyeing the succession of Chairman Myung Joong-hwan. But ultimately, the final decision lay with the Chairman. Many believed that Myung In-chul, the eldest son and the current president of MH Group’s head office, overseeing both MH Electronics and MH Construction, would be the one to succeed him.

“That’s why you need to do well. Your uncle and aunt don’t have children who are in the company like you to back them up.”

Among the two, only Myung Seong-cheol was married and had two children: Myung Jin-seok and Myung Yoo-hee. They were 26 and 22 years old, respectively. Myung Jin-seok was the Planning Team Leader at MH Food, and Myung Yoo-hee was a third-year economics major at Korea University. Naturally, Myung Yoo-hee would also enter MH Group after graduation, but the gap between her and Myung Un-seok, who had already established his foundation, was inevitable.

“I’ll do as Father says for now.”

“Good choice. And don’t worry about that Baek Shin-woo guy. No matter what he tries, what could he possibly do?”

Myung In-chul had been investigating Baek Shin-woo for some time. What he found was that Shin-woo’s grades in elementary, middle, and high school were average, and he wasn’t a standout student. Even when asked, the teachers who had taught him couldn’t recall anything significant about him.

“Then what does Grandfather see in that kind of guy to place him in the same position as me?”

“As I said earlier, I don’t know the exact reason. The most plausible explanation is that he’s just a leash for Director Im Hee-yeon…”

“…I see.”

“In any case, just keep doing your job well. I’ll find the right time to promote you.”

Myung In-chul patted the slightly disheartened Myung Un-seok on the shoulder.


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