The Female Taoist Priestess’s Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 32: Driving a Pile

Chapter 32

Chen Dajun was an ordinary construction worker who mysteriously disappeared at the end of last year. No matter how people looked for him, he could not be found. At that time, the incident even made the news. Later, the person in charge of the project compensated Chen Dajun's family, and the matter was left unsettled.

However, no one knew that his death was not an accident, but someone had deliberately murdered him!

And the person who murdered him was the project manager of this overpass - Liu Qingshan.

The overpass had been under construction for over a year. When the project was nearing completion, problems occurred with the last bridge pier. No matter what methods were used, it could not be erected. They spent a whole month trying to deal with it.

Liu Qingshan had been working on construction projects for many years and certainly knew that when this kind of situation occurred, there must be supernatural causes that normal methods could not resolve.

With the year-end approaching, the workers' salaries and other expenses were considerable sums each day. Furthermore, his superiors were urging him to complete the project by the end of the year. So he invited a master to try to resolve this matter.

That master gave him an idea - live piling!

Live piling refers to the practice of burying living people at construction sites where accidents often occur during construction. It is equivalent to making sacrifices to ghosts and gods, similar to the practice of using living people to make sacrifices to river and mountain gods. This is done with the hope of reducing accidents at construction sites.

The process is terrifying and evil beyond description!

And the person Liu Qingshan chose was Chen Dajun. The reason was that Chen Dajun was honest and did not have many relatives. He only had a wife and a three-year-old child. Liu Qingshan thought he could easily settle the matter with some compensation money later!

So Chen Dajun was buried alive in the last bridge pier of this overpass. At this moment, his soul was shackled by his corpse, without even a chance for reincarnation!

"Haha, isn't it ridiculous? Just because I'm honest, I deserve to die? My mouth, nose, esophagus, stomach are all filled with cement. I'm pressed down tightly, surrounded by darkness everywhere. I'm in pain, I'm in pain!" Chen Dajun became more and more agitated, his entire body shrouded in black air.

Jian Xi was at a loss. She could only chant a tranquilizing spell, "Chen Dajun, you don't have much time left. The Underworld Messenger should be on the way."

"It doesn't matter, I know. Actually today I'm gambling. If he arrives before the Underworld Messenger, then I win the bet." Chen Dajun's bloodshot eyes looked at Jian Xi. He tilted his head to reveal a miserable smile. "Little Daoist, are you going to stop me?"

Jian Xi curled her lips into a smile and shook her head, taking a step back to indicate her stance.

If Chen Dajun did not have blood on his hands, perhaps she would have intervened, because that would also be saving him. But now...there was no need anymore. In any case, he would end up in hell, so he might as well drag his enemy down with him!

She did not cultivate kind deeds, so she would not advise others to be kind without experiencing their sufferings.

What she could do was to truthfully inform the police of the matter and reveal the truth. As for the rest, she chose to turn a blind eye.

She would surely be reprimanded later. No matter, her master had often been reprimanded in the past too. This time it would just be her turn!

Jian Xi gave He Qingchen a look. He had heard everything about Chen Dajun earlier. He could go and tell Gu Jinnan about it.

Gu Jinnan had been observing Jian Xi and He Qingchen's actions ever since they walked towards that bridge pier. However, they just stood in front of the pier without moving. Only that little girl, Jian Xi, said a few words to the air. If one did not pay close attention, one would think she was speaking to He Qingchen instead.

In just over ten minutes, He Qingchen finally moved and walked towards Gu Jinnan.

Gu Jinnan took two steps forward and anxiously asked, "What happened? Did little seven resolve it? Was it really a ghost?"

"Yes, the ghost's name is Chen Dajun," He Qingchen replied. His eyes were still watching Jian Xi from the corner.

The name sounded familiar to Gu Jinnan. "Chen Dajun?"

"Yes, it's the missing construction worker Chen Dajun from this site at the end of last year. He..."

He Qingchen recounted the story to him.

After listening to him, Gu Jinnan exploded on the spot. "Damn, harming people without regard! I'll go back and file the case right away. Later when Liu Qingshan arrives, I'll apprehend him directly!"

Just as he was about to take out his handcuffs, Liu Qingshan suddenly rose into the air the next second, eyes bulging wide open. With a cracking sound, his neck twisted and he died just like that!

This scene stunned everyone for a long time, because they all saw that without any external force, Liu Qingshan floated up, as if something was fiercely clutching his neck and dragging him into midair, before twisting his neck and breaking it!

Jian Xi did not witness this scene because He Qingchen had covered her eyes. By the time he removed his hands, Liu Qingshan was already lying limply on the ground.

Chen Dajun, who was standing next to Liu Qingshan, had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He did not turn back but just said, "Little Daoist, I won the bet, thank you."

"Don't thank me, don't ever thank me. It was because my cultivation was lacking, I couldn't stop you!" Jian Xi quickly waved her hands in refusal.

Chen Dajun was taken aback for a moment. Then seeing the White and Black Envoys of the Underworld approaching from a distance, he instantly understood. With his revenge fulfilled, he completely lost that vicious air about him. Scratching his head sheepishly he said, "The little Daoist is right. I've become an evil spirit already. How could you be my match!"

The approaching Black Envoy of the Underworld, Fan Wujiu, twitched his lips. Did they think he and the White Envoy were fools!

As they drew closer, time froze for everyone else except Jian Xi and He Qingchen. Even the ghosts Chen Dajun and Liu Qingshan became motionless.

He Qingchen inconspicuously shielded Jian Xi behind him. Xie BiAn waved the iron chains in his hands. "Old Black, you handle your business first. I want to have a 'talk' with little seven." He emphasized the word "talk".

Jian Xi shrank further behind He Qingchen.

Xie BiAn laughed in exasperation. "Where do you think you can hide? Do you think I can't do anything to you just because you're hiding behind this brat? Little seven~"

In the past whenever Xie BiAn reprimanded her master, Jian Xi would prepare tea beforehand and sweetly plead with him to stop scolding her master. But now there was no tea here!

"Jian Xi!" Xie BiAn directly called out her full name.

Left with no choice, Jian Xi slowly shuffled out from behind He Qingchen. But before she could take two steps, He Qingchen stopped her.

He looked straight at Xie BiAn, lips curving up politely. "Mr. Xie, have you finished drinking the last batch of tea leaves? I've prepared more top grade Pu'er tea. Tomorrow I'll have Xi Xi open the ghost gate and send them over to you."

Hearing this, Fan Wujiu, who had just finished binding Chen Dajun, also looked over. Of course He Qingchen could not leave him out. He smiled and added, "There are also two boxes of 80-year Maotai liquor."

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