The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 114

The Day the Archmage Died (2)

Archmage Glokt is a character from the past, but he is mentioned quite often in the scenario of “Failed Swordsman of Sylvania.” This is because he left behind so many traces.

He has been recognized for his research achievements in various fields such as elemental science, monster ecology, herbal medicine, magic management, sensing principles, and elemental science. He also worked as a magician under the royal family to subdue monsters, worked as a mercenary for several years, and led a city-state on the border to a crisis. Such as rescuing the highest-ranking fire spirit, Theorpis, and the highest-ranking water spirit, Friede, at the same time… He truly lived the life of a hero.

After retiring, he followed the will of his teacher, the great sage Sylvania, and devoted himself to nurturing the next generation, and invested all of the assets he had accumulated throughout his life into education and academic research funds. It is said that he spent almost no money on himself.

Those traces clearly remain at Sylvania Academy.

Glokt’s magic theories remain in the Glokt Hall, one of the three buildings in the student center, and in the regular curriculum of the Glokt Scholarship Foundation, to which I was once indebted.

If Great Sage Sylvania is the person who founded the Sylvania Academy, it can be said that Archmage Glokt is the person who inherited the legacy and developed the academy into the world’s best educational institution.

There were also materials that I simply read from setting books, and when I came to this world, I memorized the great people’s stories until I could. This is because he is one of the characters that is treated as quite important in magic history subjects.

However, nothing is known about his final fate. At least historically.

Still… I knew roughly. This is because Lucy’s past is dealt with to some extent in .

When he thought he had lost all his assets and had done everything he could… he went into hiding in the huge mountain range of the Lameln region in the northwest of the continent.

He discovered Lucy, who had been abandoned in a monastery there, and took in and raised her. Recognizing the girl’s magical talent at once, he bestowed the blessing of the star, allowing her talent to blossom in an instant.

However, if there was something unexpected… Lucy’s magical talent was greater than Glokt thought.

Even if she had been left alone, she would have awakened her magical powers and made a name for herself as a wizard, but she ended up meeting a great wizard who would go down in history as her teacher… Possibilities met and a chemical reaction occurred, creating a gem with tremendous talent. That’s it.

Anyway, Archmage Glokt spends his twilight years in the Rameln Mountains.

While writing as a hobby and engaging in survival activities, she lives to polish the jewel of humanity called Lucy Mayril… and eventually, her life comes to an end.

Rainy Day. Shabby cabin.

Archmage Glokt was completely haggard, to the point where his past as a great man who commanded the world and led human history was in vain.

My back was bent and wrinkles were all over my body. Because of his bushy beard, half of his face can’t be seen, and his bleached white hair is dull and lacks any shine.

There is no family to watch over him. His wife, whom he met when he was young, lost her life while suppressing Theorpis, and all those he could call his companions also passed away.

After becoming a great man, all the people he met were either in awe of him or trying to take advantage of his fame. Those who stand at the top are always so lonely.

It was a long trip.

It was so eventful that if it were to be compiled into a book, it could easily turn into a huge adventure action epic.

Still, there was someone at the destination who would carry on the cause. With that alone, he could congratulate himself on having lived a fairly successful life.

At night, the sound of rain pattering against the roof of the cabin.

That’s how one wizard’s journey ended.

“And so my journey began. But now it is over.”

“It’s over…?”

At sunset.

The time zone that connects Aken Island’s lively daytime and calm nighttime.

The sky was dyed red, ready to face the long night ahead.

Lucy and I were walking together for a while as the eastern sky was gradually becoming dark.

Lucy was leading the way, holding my arm tightly and pulling me, and I was walking at an appropriate pace.

Lucy can use all kinds of lightweight magic to fly around, or if she uses magic more boldly, she can even travel long distances using space-based magic. There was also an experience where, when I made up my mind and poured out all my magic power, I was able to fly from the Ofilis Pavilion to the northern forest in an instant.

Nevertheless, Lucy walked slowly. It seems like he just wants to keep pace with me and also has a story he wants to tell while heading to his destination.

“You can just let go and walk for now. You’re not going anywhere.”

After leaving the northern forest and passing through the living quarters, I arrived near the western coastal area. It means that we have already walked quite a long time.

As I passed through the living quarters on the way, my face started to itch because so many people around me were staring at me.

This is because the current situation in which Lucy was pulling me and I was being led was a sight that seemed quite strange even to the people around me.

Lucy is renowned as the most senior wizard in all of Sylvania and a rare genius wizard. Even though the face is not well known… it means that people who recognize it anyway will recognize it. This is especially true for Sylvania students.

It’s already uncomfortable to get so many strange looks as I pass by the living area, and I’m starting to feel numb after stretching my arms out for such a long time.

“It feels like I’m being dragged along because I’m doing this. That’s okay.”

As I added those words, Lucy quickly looked down at her arms and then looked at my face again.

His eyes are still blank, but he seems a little more emotional than before. Anyway, they say that if you know each other for a long time, your heart will somehow open up, and it’s just amazing that this girl who used to be like a talking doll is starting to look like a person.

Lucy relaxed her arms and twisted the ends of her pure white hair for a moment. Then she pulled down her large witch hat and nodded.

“So where are you going now…? Just tell me first so I can go somewhere…”

“The coastal area west of Aken Island. We’re almost there.”

“Isn’t that just the coast? Did you suddenly want to see the sea? It’s probably not like that.”


Lucy tried to say something, but it seemed difficult to explain so she just shook her head.

Then he flaps his excess sleeves and waves his hand in the direction he is going. I didn’t try to say anything, I just said that I understood and continued walking after Lucy.

“Do you know where that old man’s hometown is…?”

“Archmage Glokt? From what I learned in history class, I heard you are from the lawless region of Kohelton.”

Lucy shook her head.

“It’s just a place where that old man once spent his childhood.”


“The history books are wrong.”

This was another strange point. There is a person right around the corner who can confidently say that the book itself is wrong.

Lucy probably heard this from Glokt herself, so what she said is probably correct.


“This is Aken Island.”


As Lucy looked up at the sky while adjusting her hat, the early evening sky was wide open.

Several birds were disappearing into the distant forest, bathed in the setting sun.

From here on, it’s an area completely outside the scenario. And it is an area outside of history.

It is not in the setting book of , nor is it in the history books of this world. It was completely underground content.

“When that old man was going to study, there was no big school like this on Aken Island, and it was just filled with a few indigenous villages and monster tribes.”

“It must have been like that at the time. In the first place, the large-scale subjugation of the monster tribe on Aken Island also took place after Sylvania Academy was established.”

“Actually, there was Sylvania Academy at the time, but its scale was so small… it was embarrassing to even call it a school. They said it was just a building for private classes.”

A school established on Aken Island by the great sage Sylvania. It was a time when it wasn’t very famous and didn’t have the ability to recruit worthy students.

What kind of childhood Glokt had when he met Sylvania on Aken Island… neither Lucy nor I can know.

― ‘Sylvania Academy is a treasure created by my teacher, Sylvania Robester, who devoted her life to the advancement of learning.’

– ‘There are so many trials that have already been observed for this precious treasure. Of course, it would only have been visible to the eyes of Sylvania, a researcher of astrology.’

― ‘As the ground hardens after the rain, Sylvania Academy will overcome most trials on its own… but there will definitely come one trial that cannot be overcome except through your own strength.’

– ‘When that time comes, seeing this old man… will you please lend me your strength…? Lucy.’

“What was so fun about it was that he always told me stories about the time when he came to Aken Island to study, and even until the moment he died, he was worried about this school. He was such a stupid old man.”


“The hometown of that old man’s heart was this Aken Island. … Then there’s nothing we can do about it.”

What on earth does it mean that you can’t help it? As I was about to ask that question, I suddenly became speechless.

When I tried to imagine it on my own, I ended up guessing it.

As I said, from here on, the story is completely behind the scenes.

It’s a story that isn’t found in scenarios or history books… but I couldn’t help but look into it.

The archmage Glokt met his end in a hut in the Rameln Mountains at the northern tip of the continent. And Lucy was guarding next to him.

Although he was in mourning over the loss of his grandfather, his father and teacher, reality still moves on. Now all that’s left of Lucy is a shabby cabin without an owner and a cold corpse.

There comes a time when you have to choose your own life. The time of being protected by someone in a cradle is over.

So what did Lucy want to do first? First, the teacher’s body had to be recovered.

It’s terrible and sad, but it’s not difficult. Lucy at that time would have already developed some level of magic skill. It would be a good idea to use some magic and bury the teacher.

But Lucy didn’t do that.

From this point on, I had to listen to Lucy’s explanation.


Lucy continued her story as she walked along the western coastal area. I just listened to Lucy, giving intermittent answers.

The body is covered with a blanket, tied tightly with leather straps, and kept under a constant freezing spell to prevent decomposition. And if you use floating magic well, you can transport it without difficulty, although the magic efficiency is not that great.

However, even if you keep doing this for just an hour, most wizards will get exhausted. It’s possible because you’re around Lucy.

I roughly packed all the food and miscellaneous items in the cabin into a leather backpack and set off for the Rameln Mountains.

The destination is… Aken Island, the southernmost tip of the continent.

A ray of goosebumps runs down my back.

Even if you open a map of the world, pick up a quill, and draw a straight line… it’s a distance that can only be reached if you draw it for a long time.

Starting from the Rameln Mountains, heading south and south.

After passing through the Great Forest of Urekle, the Great Lake of Aika, the Land of Pension, Crete, passing through the Plains of Meilan, passing the capital of Carpea, and crossing the Denkin Wetlands, you reach the border of the Cloel Empire. As it continues along the lower reaches of the Telden River, it passes by the commercial city of Oldeck and passes through the Counties of Aorn, Barony of Islan, Viscounty of Sale, Duchy of Rosstaylor, Marquis of Peder, and Counties of Tis.

Afterwards, cross the Zenit Mountains, cross the Dres River, pass through Margrave Jahoul’s territory, head southwest, pass through the Great Forest of Cranfell, and go a long way across the plains before you finally see the Mexes Bridge, which connects to Aken Island, in the distance.

I endured the journey by manifesting all the magic to maintain and move my teacher’s body, floating magic to transport it, and magic to maintain and move my own body.

“…How long did it take?”

“3 months. I was a bit lost.”

By the time we arrived, it would have been hard to see that he already had the appearance of a human being.

The place Lucy guided us to was a coastal cave that we had to go further into on the outskirts of the western coastal zone.

This is a cave that you can only find when you walk along the sea road and get close to the cliff area. The entrance was smaller than expected, so it was hard to notice.

When I went inside side by side with Lucy, the inside was quite large. It is unknown whether it is a natural cave or expanded by Lucy.

It was a cave, but the outside light leaked in from here and there through the cracks in the broken rocks, so the inside was bright.

After continuing for a while, the scenery is wide open again. The outer wall itself was completely destroyed, so the wide open sea was visible at a glance.

It is a quite sunny place with plenty of sunlight and a cool sea breeze that always keeps you cool, and the flowers blooming between the rocks are swaying here and there.

Along with the tomb, there is a tombstone roughly made of stone standing between them.

And there were various miscellaneous items placed in front of the tombstone. These are probably items that the owner of the tombstone had while he was alive.

“This place…”

“It was hard to find it based on the fragmentary testimony from a long time ago… but I still managed to find it after wandering around the island for a whole week.”

Lucy walked past the monument and sat down facing the sea.

“It is said to be a place where great magicians and great sages exchanged teachings and trained.”

This cave overlooking the sea was a place of memories buried in the distant memories of the dead archmage.

Could it be that the time when he was training his magic while bickering with his teacher was the scene he remembered at the end of his life, rather than when he was actively traveling around the continent?

At least that’s what Lucy thought, as the only towering tombstones were located in this open cave.

The Wind Blows. It is a humid sea breeze.

Lucy’s hair, beautifully tied into two braids, dances with the wind and takes on a strangely red color as it catches the light of the red sky in the late evening.

I calmly approached the tombstone and looked at the memorabilia placed there. These are miscellaneous items such as shabby walking sticks and old robes.


But among them, a book caught my eye.

A normal person would have been unable to help but swallow his breath.

[Introduction to Aspect Magic – Author Glokt Elderbane]


He didn’t necessarily show that he was emotional. However, if you have studied magic at all, you will know everything.

When it comes to aspect magic… there can be no such thing as a ‘compendium’.

A field in which a clear system has not been established even though rare wizards have rushed into it and studied it for a long time. It is a realm of magic that is like a mountain that has not yet been conquered.

Until the moment of his death, Archmage Glokt was writing a book that established the magic of this aspect. Although it was not published in the end, the first draft has already been completed to some extent in the form of a book.

Its magical value is indescribable, even if it is converted into monetary value.

An old-fashioned travelogue in which Glokt visited the southern continent and studied the magic of that region was once sold for about 7,000 flen gold coins.

He said that Travels in the South would be his last work, but was he really gathering his last strength to prepare his final work?

As for this book, which is his posthumous work and contains an interpretation of aspect magic… I cannot measure its value in my opinion.

“You can take it. I know how to do everything anyway, so I don’t need it.”

Lucy, who was sitting holding her knees while looking at the sea… spoke thoughtfully.

This book is Glokt’s keepsake. I couldn’t give a careless answer because I understood very well what it would mean to Lucy.

However, Lucy spoke while looking at the sky.

“This is where my journey ends.”

From the Rameln Mountains to Aken Island.

It was a hellish journey just imagining it, but the reason I was able to complete it in the end was probably the regret left behind by my teacher.

“But I still haven’t lived even half of the life given to me. I may have to go on a new journey, or I may just continue to live like this. But… I plan to keep the promise I made to that old man.”

“A promise that you will keep it at least once if a crisis comes to Sylvania?”

“That is my last duty.”

The question of how he knew that was not returned. This is because I had already heard about Glokt’s will to Lucy.

That last promise is the reason why Lucy has not left Sylvania and can be said to be the last remaining spell in her life.

Only after keeping that promise will I be able to completely let go of Glokt…

“I am afraid of the ’emptiness’ that will come after I shake off all of this.”

For Lucy, she talks a lot.

However, the voice that appears to be completely blank and dazed still remains.

On the other hand, the sky I looked up at was still peaceful and beautiful.

As Lucy, who lived and watched Glokt’s twilight years up close, she realizes how scary it is to be thrown into this wide world without any reason to live.

You know it yourself. Lucy was born with ridiculously strong strength.

If he decides to do so, not only can he become the best wizard on the continent, but he may even be able to threaten the heyday of Sylvania and Glokt, who are known as rare wizards.

But what is the meaning of life if what remains at the end is nothing but nothingness?

That’s why the girl finds a reason to live. Just like the teacher did, he lives his whole life running away from the void.

The teacher had memories of this coastal cave and Sylvania. In the end, there were still quite a few memories worth reflecting on at the end of that life.

How far will Lucy be allowed to go? Sometimes it turns into anticipation, sometimes it turns into fear, and it constantly lies asleep, curled up on one side of the girl’s chest.

So, I have no choice but to become lazy.

I lose interest in the world and have no choice but to just go with the flow.

By coming to Aken Island and burying my teacher, the first journey of my life was to some extent completed.

At that point, the girl’s world was gradually becoming colorless.

Does coming to this grave make me feel depressed for some reason?

The girl sniffled, hugging her knees. But it’s not to the point of crying, I’m just a little depressed. Because it’s already happened.

Lucy speaks in a soft tone.

“It’s not a very pleasant story, and it wouldn’t be enjoyable to hear. If I come to a place like this again, it’ll just be a hassle…”

I, who was sitting quietly in front of the tombstone behind him, listened quietly without answering.

“I just wanted to show you.”

There is only one ordeal left in the life of the girl who quietly looks at the sky.

Once I go through that, I will be able to escape from the shadow and obsession of my teacher and lead my life fully.

However, a life without direction is like a ship lost in the ocean currents.

Since I didn’t know that feeling at all… I just sat with Lucy for a while.

The sun was setting in the western sky.

The sound of waves rising from time to time echoed against the walls of the cave.

Thanks to the cool breeze of late spring, I didn’t feel cold or hot even if I sat there for a long time.

It was a fortunate thing.

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