The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 94: Le Yao Yao’s plan

Chapter 94: Le Yao Yao's plan

Thinking of this, Nangong Jun Xi was jealous. His current expression was similar to a child who didn't get his candy. He had his sword-like brows knitted as he pouted his red lips. He looked very disappointed.

But no one else noticed Nangong Jun Xi's expression because their thoughts were all on the scooped heart tragedy.

There were so many unmarried maidens in the Capital, there was no way they could have guards surrounding all the homes and protecting each and every one of them.

In addition, they have no idea when or where the evil cult would appear. This plan would never work.

Unless, they gather all the maidens in one spot and lure the evil cult to appear. That would be like using the maidens as bait.

However, the families of the maidens would definitely not agree. In addition, this would be way too obvious. The evil cult wasn't stupid, they would know it's a trap.

How could they use the maidens as baits and not arouse their suspicions?

Suddenly, Le Yao Yao's mind lit up. She thought of something and clapped her hands as she cried out in alarm.

"Prince Rui, servant has thought of a way to capture the evil cult!"

"Humph? Based on your abilities?" The 7th Prince sneered.

After all, ever since they've met, the 7th Prince had a tendency to go against Le Yao Yao. This time was no different.

But everyone else in the Study thought otherwise. Because they were there when the little eunuch thought of tactics to solve the drought and flood issue even when the Imperial court had failed to do so.

Hence, Leng Jun Yu had a whole new level of respect towards Le Yao Yao and made the exception to allow him to stay in Ya Feng Ge.

Of course, that's what all the outsiders thought. Deep down, only Leng Jun Yu knew the real reason.

So currently, aside from Nangong Jun Xi, everyone was looking forward to Le Yao Yao's words.

"Hurry and tell us what you've thought of!"

Seeing how everyone was so excited, Nangong Jun Xi's handsome face was stunned. "Hey, you guys seriously think this servant thought of a plan?"

"Hey, 7th Prince, although servant has a lowly position, servant is not stupid. Obviously servant can also think of a plan. Why are you so surprised?"

"Junior brother, please do not interrupt for now. Xiao Tu Zi, what's your plan? Hurry and tell us."

"Prince Rui, if the evil cult is killing to manufacture the immortality pill, then they will still need to slaughter another sixty six maidens. If that is the case, we can use a move called attract the snake from its hole".

"Attract the snake from its hole?"

Everyone was speaking in unison. Although they somewhat understood what Le Yao Yao was saying, they still had their doubts.

After all, everyone had already thought of this. But in the end, they decided it wouldn't work.

"I know everyone thinks this wouldn't work, I thought so too. But hear me out."

"In the capital, we have an annual talent show, right?! Actually, we can take this opportunity to legitimately get the maidens to sign up. That way, the evil cult will not be suspicious. Also, I'm aware that every year, the talent show takes place for two days. On the first day, the maidens will be staying overnight at a place. Think about it, would the evil cult allow such an opportunity to slip? Where else would they get so many maidens all in one place? The evil cult would definitely strike that night!"

Le Yao Yao's analysis was very detailed, so everyone understood. But after hearing this, Mei couldn't help but share his concerns. "But now that the scooped heart issues have spread throughout the entire Capital, the families will definitely not expose their daughters. Where would we find these maidens?"

Xing chirped in from the side, "Yeah! Plus, let's say we manage to get the maidens, if the evil cult shows up, we will have difficulties protecting them even if we're around! Their lives may still be in danger."

Hearing their words, Le Yao Yao's face remained optimistic as she confidently smiled.

"Haha, I've thought about it. If we manage to gather the maidens, we can use another move called stealing the dragon and changing it into a phoenix!"

"Oh! I get it!"

"I understand Xiao Tu Zi's words! Xiao Tu Zi is saying that on the night of, we will secretly transport the maidens to somewhere safe and replaced them with our people. That way, we wouldn't have to worry about their safety! Brilliant! So brilliant!"

"Xiao Tu Zi, how did you come up with this? Oh God! You can be a strategist!" Xing was a very open guy, so he didn't hold back at all as he praised Le Yao Yao.

Although Leng Jun Yu's face remained the same, Le Yao Yao could see the slight praise gleam in his eyes. She knew the King of Hell was proud of her.

Seeing the King of Hell happy made Le Yao Yao felt happy. It was as if her heart had been poured with honey. It was so sweet

Knowing that she had the ability to help him made her feel very excited!

So, Le Yao Yao was no longer afraid of the King of Hell's cold pupils. She openly smiled brightly at Leng Jun Yu.

For years to come, Leng Jun Yu will still remember the first time Le Yao Yao smiled at him. It was captivating.

It was so gorgeous that his frozen heart was beginning to melt.

Hence, the naturally unsmiling Leng Jun Yu actually broke his custom and smiled back at Le Yao Yao in front of everyone.

Although in comparison, his smile was very faint, it was still enough to make all those present stare in astonishment.

"Oh God! The P-Prince is smiling!" Xing's eyes grew wide. He shouted in disbelief.

As for Mei, his facial expression wasn't nearly as exaggerated as Xing's, but his pupils showed he was touched. He lightly stated, "Miracles do happen."

Lastly, Nangong Jun Xi was also speechless. After all, he had grew up with Leng Jun Yu for all these years. He was the most familiar with Leng Jun Yu's personality.

In his eyes, his senior brother never smiled. He was always icy and cold; like a moving icy mountain.

While they were living in Tianshan, he had never once seen him smile.

But now, senior brother was smiling!

Oh God! Senior brother smiled? Could the Sun have risen from the West?

This was a miracle! A true miracle!

But while Nangong Jun Xi's heart was shaking, his attention shifted towards Le Yao Yao. Seeing how Le Yao Yao was smiling so splendidly towards Leng Jun Yu made his heart felt stuffed. He was very unhappy.

Because, he didn't like it when Le Yao Yao smiled at other guys.

Because, "his" smile was so attractive! It was very enchanting!

But he was smiling at someone else! Not him! Damn it!

"Then we shall follow Xiao Tu Zi's method. Firstly, we must." This time, Leng Jun Yu gave Mei and Xing a lot of instructions. After he was finished, the secret agents swiftly departed.

Currently, it was already night. Leng Jun Yu lightly sighed. Then, he used his hand to pinch the middle of his forehead. He looked exhausted.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao's eyes flickered and her heart ached for this man.

Although Prince Rui was a noble with unlimited wealth and incomparable power, he was so worn out.

The rumours all say he was cruel and heartless, but after getting to know him, Le Yao Yao realized that the King of Hell truly cared about his people. He treated his people like his sons. He placed all his efforts on improving the lives of his citizens. Aside from the drought and flood incident, he also personally got involved with the scooped heart mystery. This type of man was very admirable.

"Prince Rui, it is getting late. Since you have not eaten yet, why don't servant tell the kitchen to prepare dinner?!"


Hearing Le Yao Yao's caring reminder, Leng Jun Yu stopped rubbing the middle of his forehead as he took a look outside. He didn't realize it was already so late, "Wow, it's already night. Tell them to prepare dinner!"


Le Yao Yao instantly dismissed herself and went to the kitchen.

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