The Eternal battle

Chapter 293: Feng Xiaoxiao

Chapter 293: Feng Xiaoxiao

After Sun Chiwei left, he went straight to his residence to get some things necessary for his journey and then walked out towards the Transition Array.

While on the way, he could notice a decrease in the numbers of people and even the Elders, usually this means that everyone is cultivating hard but he knows that everyone is going to the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave, since everyone who has the ability to use the Transition Array has already departed unless they are in isolated cultivation and don't know what's going on.

After all, with the tournament approaching, everyone wants madly more chances to prove themselves and get a good ranking to get more privileges.

Of course, Sun Chiwei doesn't need this because he's already at the top.

At least among all the known young generations, he is the undisputed best man and the third-best young generation overall, the only reason he's gone is to meet Shi Tu.

" Hello, isn't this Senior Brother? It's rare for a young sword saint not to be in the Sword Mountain. "

Sun Chiwei looked around to see a girl in a colorful dress approaching him with a radiant smile

" Princess of Wisdom? "

Sun Chiwei showed a slight smile and seemed to be on good terms with her.

The Princess of Wisdom humbly replied, " Young Sword Saint, please don't call me the Princess of Wisdom, in front of you I do not deserve all this praise. "

" Same for me, don't call me Young Sword Saint or Senior Brother, it's strange when the ranked first call the second like this, and I don't deserve to be called Young Sword Saint. "

Princess of Wisdom showed some surprise and said, "Can I understand from this that the Young Sword Saint has lost to someone at the sword? Who could it be? "

Sun Chiwei did not feel the need to hide such things and said frankly, " Jiao Lang "

" Jiao Lang? One of the currently famous Evil Trio? How did you meet him? "

" Evil Trio? "

" Don't you know? "

Princess of Wisdom looked a little surprised because this is hot news.

Sun Chiwei shook his head and said, " Feng Xiaoxiao, you know I don't care much about the news, I just came out of Sword Mountain after being defeated so I don't know much about what happened during my isolation. "

Feng Xiaoxiao smiled helplessly because she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to dig up information on the Title Talents as Alice asked her, but it seems that Sun Chiwei doesn't know much.

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't mind because she considered Sun Chiwei a friend so she walked to his side and seemed to want to accompany him.

Sun Chiwei didn't mind being with Feng Xiaoxiao, she's probably also going to the Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave, so it's best to talk while walking.

" It's like that ..."

Feng Xiaoxiao told him everything that happened from the appearance of the Title Talents to the actions of Shi Tu and his brothers and all kinds of rumors around them including the recent incident in the Knowledge Pavilion, the case of his death, Raskreia giving up trying to retrieve Shi Tu's body.

Of course, with Sun Chiwei's information, he was able to discern the truth behind most of what happened and was not too shocked by Shi Tu's actions.

" You didn't tell me, how did you meet Jiao Lang? "

Sun Chiwei's eyes narrowed slightly and said seriously, " Feng Xiaoxiao, by our friendship I will give you advice, do not mess with them, you are the Princess of Wisdom so you shouldn't make such a stupid choice. "

" Young Sword Saint, I don't understand what you mean? "

Sun Chiwei sneered and said, " You know what happened in the Knowledge Pavilion but don't you know that Jiao Lang went looking for me in the Sword Mountain? It's obvious that you are trying to lure me into talking more. "

Sun Chiwei stopped and looked at Feng Xiaoxiao, " I do not mind telling you, Shi Tu is my Master who taught me everything. He is not dead and is still alive, Arcana is his wife and Raskreia is his concubine, and both of them are Title Talents, Jiao Lang and Die Yingming are my Master's brothers "

" I don't know who asked you to gather information about Title Talents but they are just a small thing in front of Master, if you don't believe me let's go to Earth and Heaven Plunder Cave to meet Master, I believe that with your green eyes it wouldn't be difficult for you to realize how small you are in front of Master. "

Feng Xiaoxiao smiled innocently and said, " It seems that the Young Saint Sword has a misunderstanding here, I am not trying to gather information, but I try to make friends, I have already seen Die Yingming but I could not talk to him because he was with his wife, so I wanted you to help me assortment friendships "

Sun Chiwei showed his disdain and said, " Tsk, says that from the start, don't you know I hate that? "

Feng Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and said, "And miss seeing you upset like this? "

Then the two continued walking together.

" So, who asked you to gather information on the Title Talents? "

" Don't you believe me? "

" I believe you, but I don't think it's the whole truth. "

Feng Xiaoxiao seemed helpless and knew she had to be honest here.

" Alice "

" That savage girl? Tsk, so she even cares about recruiting talent? But you changed your mind right? "

Sun Chiwei was stunned for a moment but almost guessed what was going on, after all, he had extensive experience in planning for the good of the family and so on.

" Yes, you know my eyes are special, right? there is a prophecy in my clan of people who have heavenly support and are destined to rise to the top, when I first saw Alice I knew she had this support thanks to my eyes so I took the initiative to stick with her and make friends with her on the hoping to help my clan, even though she did not bother me since that day but she called me recently and asked me to collect information on the Title Talents who appeared, so of course, I have done my best to collect information but as soon as I saw Die Yingming and his wife realized immediately that both more supported than Alice, especially Die Yingming, I was unable to measure his Heavenly Support with my eyes "

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at Sun Chiwei and said, " Now, even you have Heavenly Support, although it is not an exaggeration. "

" So in short, you want the benefit? "

" Yes, I want to help my clan ascend again and for that, I am willing to do anything. My eyes are very special and I think they are very useful. "

Sun Chiwei sighed helplessly from human nature and couldn't blame Feng Xiaoxiao because he had once treated his sister like this.

" I hate to tell you this but you shouldn't be too hopeful, it depends on Master to decide whether you are useful or not. "

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