The Emperor and the Knightess

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Marquis Seeze continued to yell at Lady Tory, “You stupid, stupid b*tch! You don’t know anything!”

“Yes, you’re right; I am stupid! I can’t help my emotions affecting my decisions! That is why I don’t care about your goals and your ambitions! I don’t want to know the ‘big picture’ you planned for this kingdom! All I want is not having to poison my friend!”

Marquis Seeze’s reasoning was not logical. This whole situation was ironic. If women were thought to be unable to make logical decisions because they were too emotional, then why did Marquis and the elders depend on Tory, a woman, to poison Lady Stra?

Marquis Seeze screamed that it was all Tory’s fault, but he was mistaken. It was true that Tory was the one who betrayed him, but it was going to be the emperor, Lucius the First, who was going to use the law to judge him. Despite this, Marquis Seeze continued, “You b*tch…! You…! How dare you…!”

The guards were holding the marquis. They could feel his arms shaking in anger. Marquis Seeze could not control his anger. All his life, he has been worried about being betrayed. He has always been wary of his son, his friends, and his grandson. He never even fully trusted Sir Bentier, who was his own heir. But despite his suspicious nature, Marquis Seeze never worried about his daughter, wife, and granddaughter betraying him. It was because he believed that women couldn’t do anything. All women were only good for bearing children and keeping their homes tidy.

But it seemed that he was wrong.

“Tory… How could you…!”

Marquis Seeze shook his cane and suddenly, the top of it came off, revealing a hidden knife underneath. He threw it at Tory as hard as it could. Although he was in his seventies, Marquis Seeze was diligent in taking care of himself. The guards were helpless to stop this sudden movement by this old man. Poliana covered Tory from behind and turned around to protect the lady with her own body. Tory was frozen in fear and they fell together as the knife pierced Poliana’s shoulder.


The pain was sharp, but all Poliana could think about was her career.

‘Is my shoulder going to be useless now? Would it be permanently damaged? But that would mean I will never be able to hold a sword! What should I do? Ok, I will just retire! I will return to my land and enjoy the hot springs for the rest of my life!’

As soon as she was done making her decision, Poliana suddenly realized that the pain she felt was came from a flesh wound, not from a broken bone. She immediately re-planned her future, ‘Huh? I think it’s just a simple flesh wound. Yes! Excellent! My bone is fine, which means I don’t have to retire! I will keep this position for the next 30 years! Awesome!’

The guards of the Second Division, who were holding Marquis Seeze, violently pushed their prisoner after they realized their superior was injured. Poliana quickly looked up to look at the faces of the guards. She was going to remember them and make sure to give them special training later for not doing their job properly.

The next thing Poliana did was to turn towards the emperor to make sure he was ok. Lucius the First was standing and frozen in place. Sir Ainno, despite what happened, was standing right beside the emperor and not moving at all to help her. Sir Ainno put his thumbs up for her.

Poliana stood up quickly and asked, “Lady Tory, are you alright?”

“Yes. Yes… Yes, yes… Y, yes…”

As soon as she was sure Lady Tory was unhurt, Poliana put her own thumbs up for Sir Ainno. Without saying a word, the two knights knew what each other was thinking.

Sir Ainno said to Poliana with his eyes.

-You are pretty good, huh?

Poliana told him silently.

-I am more impressed with you, Sir Ainno. You didn’t even move a muscle when that old man threw that knife.

Sir Ainno shook his head and pointed at Marquis Seeze. He sneered at her.

-If it were my guards, something like this would’ve never happened.

Poliana became angry because it was true. She turned towards the guards and shouted, “Marquis Seeze just attacked Lady Tory, the emperor’s wife! He has committed treason! Let the Third Division know to close down the castle gate and arrest everyone in Marquis Seeze’s household. That includes his servants as well as his family! Hurry up! Do it right now!”

“Yes, Sir Poliana!”

“Sir Poliana, how is your wound?”

“Stop fussing over me! Just do your job right now! This wound is nothing!”

It was just a flesh wound. Compared to all the other wounds Poliana suffered in her life, this was a very minor injury. The guards dragged the prisoners out of the banquet hall. Among the group were the members of Marquis Seeze’s family including Sir Bentier.

Poliana thought secretly, ‘I guess only a few people know about Sir Bentier’s loyalty to the emperor. It can’t be helped.’

But the emperor valued Sir Bentier, which meant that Sir Bentier was going to be released very soon. It was obvious that Sir Bentier knew this because he didn’t look very concerned as he was taken away.

When the members of the First Division came to arrest Tory, who was also a member of Marquis Seeze’s family, Poliana kicked them away.

‘Have they lost their mind?!’


After the guards took away the prisoners, the room became quiet. There were only those nobles who were on the emperor’s side, such as Duke Seki and the nobles from other colonies. Even Lady Tory’s maids who were clearly hired by Marquis Seeze were dragged away. Only a few of her maids, including Cekel, were left behind. They were frozen in fear, but Cekel was the first one who recovered. She bravely approached Tory to help her.

“Lady Tory, are you ok?”

With Cekel’s help, Tory stood up and looked around. Stra was surrounded by her own maids and she was arguing with them for some reason. The other nobles stared at Tory with contempt.

In the past, Tory was considered the perfect lady and the ideal match for the emperor. She did become the emperor’s wife and the unofficial head of the lady’s quarters in the castle. She was treated by many noblemen as the future empress.

But now… Those same noblemen who praised her were looking at her coldly. They were looking at her like she was a monster. This couldn’t be helped because Tory destroyed the sacred rule among the Acreian aristocracy.

‘I knew this was going to happen. I expected this.’


Tory knew she was never going to come out of this alive. She was, in fact, surprised that her plan worked out this well. The only unexpected damage was Poliana’s injury. Tory asked Poliana, “Marquess, are you alright?”

Poliana moved her wounded arm vigorously and replied, “I’m fine, Lady Tory. This is nothing. One time, I had to fight with a dagger sticking out of my body.”

Poliana’s guards protested, “Sir Pol! Stop moving your arm like that!” Poliana ignored them without a word.

Then suddenly, Stra escaped her maids and ran towards Lady Tory.


“No, Lady Stra! Stop!”

“Lady Stra! You mustn’t!”

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