The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 43: Attracted A Buddha

Chapter 43: Attracted A Buddha

Early in the morning, Pufa Temple appeared to be glistening in gold, bathed in the radiant light of the rising sun. The gentle and divine glow it emitted evoked a sense of reverence in those fortunate enough to behold its magnificence.

Wang Xuan, too, sensed the solemnity of the place. Regardless of his faith, he made sure to conduct himself properly in such a sacred space. His intention for visiting the temple today was to search for the peculiar Ascension Stones.

Although it was still early in the morning, there were already people offering incense. Throughout the year, the temple attracted a large number of visitors due to its immense significance in Buddhism.

The toll of a bell resonated through Pufa Temple, its deep and long peal reaching even An City in the distance. Accompanied by the rising sun, the sound of the bell brought an otherworldly calm upon those who heard it, as if it possessed the power to purge all the troubles of the world.

From a distance, Wang Xuan stood, silently observing the temple as it bathed in the gentle rays of the morning sun. He nodded solemnly, acknowledging the timeless influence of Buddhism that had persisted across dynasties. The atmosphere of the temple, the tolls of the bells, the lingering scent of incense, and the roof tiles gleaming in the sunlight had the power to soothe and bring tranquility to one’s mind.

“This ancient temple truly lives up to its reputation,” Wang Xuan thought to himself. He came here today hoping to witness the wonders left behind by the great sages.

As it was still early, Wang Xuan did not hurry into the temple. Instead, he leisurely walked around its perimeter, taking in the vastness and the grandeur of the building.

Ancient trees, ranging from thousand-year-old pines to centuries-old ginkgo trees, stood tall outside the temple. In the morning mist, illuminated by the sunlight, they appeared even more otherworldly, creating an enchanting aura.

“I sense mystery factors here,” Wang Xuan thought as he passed by these ancient trees. His heart filled with anticipation. The temple held many legends, often associated with the senior monks who had resided there.

Over the course of a thousand years, it was said that two senior monks had left behind their preserved bodies serving as testaments to their rigorous cultivation and pure heart. Wang Xuan had always been intrigued by the remains of such monks, desiring to witness them up close and verify their authenticity.

Moreover, Pufa Temple was known for its high number of senior monks who had left behind relics. Whether these relics were true or could be explained scientifically, they were all worthy of Wang Xuan’s exploration. He believed that if there were genuine relics, they would be similar to the Ascension Stones, containing the mysterious substances brought forth from the Inner Landscape by the great sages.

After completing a full circle around the temple, Wang Xuan was convinced that his journey would be worthwhile. Among the ancient trees outside, he had already sensed something peculiar. He could not help but wonder what awaited him inside the temple.

As the sun rose higher, more visitors arrived at the temple, yet it was not overcrowded. Wang Xuan finally made his way inside and noticed a large copper cauldron in the courtyard. The incense within never stopped burning, leaving behind ashes that nearly filled the cauldron to the brim.

He curled his lips, realizing that the two senior monks Old Chen had invited last time must have taken the incense ash from this very cauldron, then mixed it with water and sprinkled it on his body.

Wang Xuan walked over to the cauldron and offered a stick of incense as a gesture of goodwill. He then proceeded to explore the various halls of the temple. The layout of temples was usually standardized, starting with the Mountain Gate Hall, followed by the Heavenly King Hall, the Mahavira Hall, the Bodhisattva Hall, and finally the Dharma Hall with its collection of scriptures.

“Hmmm, interesting,” Wang Xuan remarked with a frown. Since entering the temple, he had found it increasingly difficult to sense the mystery factors.

He looked up at the Mahavira Hall, its interior decorated with intricate carvings and gilded splendor. The hall enshrined the Three Worldly Buddhas, radiating a golden light. However, Wang Xuan could not help but feel that something was amiss. The absence of the mystery factors within such an important place of Buddhism left him extremely perplexed.

Wang Xuan was impressed that the significantly more advanced techniques employed by the Buddhist Sect, certain secrets were beyond his comprehension as an outsider. He realized that he would need to progress gradually, patiently seeking answers. Unrushed, he continued his exploration of the Pufa Temple.

After walking through all the halls and searching every corner, Wang Xuan still found no trace of any mysterious substances. This left him wondering if it was possible that there was another dimension concealed within the temple, isolating the mysterious substance. If that were the case, then the Buddhist Sect was undeniably remarkable.

After all, this was no longer the Old Era; they were now in the new era of a brilliant technological civilization. A temple that held such a secret technique was just as prestigious as a Buddhist ancestral temple.

“I refuse to believe that I can’t find even a clue!” Wang Xuan persisted. He thoroughly searched every corner of the temple that he was allowed to explore, but to his dismay, he still found nothing. No clues could be found.

He was dumbfounded and began to question his own perception, wondering if there was some hidden power within the ancient temple that was inhibiting his abilities.

However, this was not the case. He carefully assessed his mental focus and discovered it to be remarkably strong. He could even hear the faint chirping of birds in the dense forest surrounding the temple.

Intrigued, he ventured outside and re-entered the forest, where the thousand-year-old trees stood tall. Once again, he sensed the presence of the mysterious substance.

“This ancient temple, this sacred Buddhist site… It’s truly impressive,” Wang Xuan mused as he returned to the temple. This time, he steathily explored areas that were off-limits. He even ventured deeper into the pagoda, where the bones and relics of the deceased monks were buried underground. Still, he found nothing.

Wang Xuan was astonished, struggling to believe that the Pufa Temple could still hold so many secrets in the present era. In his desperation, he went as far as removing two floor tiles, hoping to uncover something hidden beneath the ground. Yet, his efforts proved fruitless.

"Something is amiss,” Wang Xuan thought, his mind distracted as he aimlessly wandered through the temple.

He continued his careful investigation until the stars were visible in the sky. Frustrated with his lack of progress within the temple courtyard, he decided to observe from a higher ground, hoping to find some clues.

As he walked outside, he sensed something peculiar again. When he reached a higher ground, he spotted a pool in the distance. Although very faint, he could sense the presence of mystery factors coming from it.

He was surprised. Even from a distance, he was able to detect the mysterious substance. This indicated that it was no ordinary matter; there might be a significant discovery waiting to be made.

As he approached, he became certain that this place was truly special. The pool was adjacent to a stone wall, from which the mysterious substance was actually flowing out from. Its enigmatic aura surpassed even that of the ancient temple.

After carefully exploring the area, Wang Xuan was slightly disappointed. The mysterious substance was evenly distributed throughout the rock wall, lacking in intensity. He soon figured out how it was formed. Senior monks in ancient times had sat here for years, facing the wall. The remnants of their mysterious substance had permeated the rock wall. Unfortunately, the quantity was not substantial enough to create Ancesion Stones.

Undeterred, Wang Xuan leaped up and scaled the stone wall. Once at the top, he found a suitable spot to meditate. He believed that the senior monks must have sat in this very place back in the days.

Closing his eyes, he silently activated the core technique of the Early Qin master, hoping to find some answers. His perception sharpened, sensing the evenly distributed mysterious substance on the stone wall stirring and converging towards him.

However, this place was no different from his initial assessment. The mysterious substance was not dense enough to form anything extraordinary. Nevertheless, he persisted. He continued to sit, absorbing this rare substance with the help of the core technique. After all, it held great benefits for nourishing the body and mind, which were difficult to come by in the modern world.

Time passed, and the mysterious substance on the stone wall gradually dissipated. It became almost impossible to capture. Wang Xuan exhaled a breath of frustration and prepared to stand up.

A chilling sensation suddenly washed over him. There was something strange surrounding him. It seemed that while he absorbed the mysterious substance, something beyond his imagination had attached itself to him.

In an instant, he leaped to his feet, a foreboding feeling settling in his heart.

“Don’t tell me I have now attracted a great Buddha… I just got rid of a celestial beauty not long ago!” Wang Xuan hair stood on it end. His perception was sharper now than before, thanks to his increased strength and improved mental focus.

If things went awry again, he felt the need to reassess the truth about the ascension to immortality. Perhaps there was another possibility or explanation to it.

“Could it be that… they didn’t fail back then? Is there still a chance for them to reappear?!” Wang Xuan’s mind raced with this speculation. The deeper he delved into his thoughts, the more shocked he became. He felt that there was an unimaginable secret lurking in this world, one that could shatter the very fabric of reality.

Feeling very unsettled, he swiftly left the area and hurried toward An City. He needed to confirm whether he had truly attracted another old-timer or a Buddha to his side.

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