The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 236: Shakyamuni's True Scripture

Chapter 236: Shakyamuni's True Scripture

Qin Hong lost his composure. Historically dismissive of cultivators, he now harbored fear and concern about their potential to upend the financial dynasties. "Where is he now?" he inquired, setting his wine glass down with grave concern. Wang Xuan's sword aura had left a profound impression on him, haunting his dreams with visions of the young swordsman invading the Qin family.

"He's just nearby, separated from us by a small garden," came the report. Qin Hong was speechless, realizing the imminent proximity of this formidable figure. Despite his previous disdain for cultivators, both on New Moon and within the Qin family, he now dared not voice any reproach, aware of Wang Xuan's astral projection abilities.

In the Zhong family residence, Zhong Cheng expressed surprise, "The Sun family has secretly contacted Granduncle." Zhong Qing nodded, understanding the Sun family's immense pressure. "Unless they're resolved to trade their stronghold for Wang Xuan's life, they'll remain on edge, enduring extreme anxiety."

The night's developments were unpredictable as Wang Xuan's movements neared Kangning City, suffocating the Sun family with the looming threat of his potential invasion. News quickly spread that Wang Xuan had entered Pingyuan City, merely 370 miles from the Sun family's base.

This news shook the various powers. Wang Xuan's proximity was akin to a drawn but not fired arrow, a direct threat to the Sun family's bastion. The Sun family felt the acute discomfort of such a menacing presence close at hand.

Some elders watched coldly, eventually breathing a sigh of relief. Wang Xuan's actions, while not as aggressive as feared, still posed a significant threat. Had he attempted to force his way into Kangning City, they would have perceived him as overly aggressive and uncontrollable.

That night, Zhong Changming officially stepped in to "pacify" the Sun family and mediate the dispute between the young swordsman and them. This "pacification" was more a gesture for public optics than a sincere attempt at reconciliation.

Wang Xuan agreed to the mediation, maintaining a low profile. He professed a desire for a tranquil life, provided the Sun family restrained themselves, and expressed his aversion to conflict, opting instead to practice medicine across the land.

Zhong Cheng whispered, "I think Granduncle is basking in renewed glory. It's like a second spring for him."

Zhong Qing smiled, "Of course, with him in charge now and the Sun family covertly seeking his mediation, plus the prospects of extended life, his spirits have undoubtedly rejuvenated."

Zhong Changming, Zhong Yong's second son, now in his late seventies, had finally become the decision-maker of the Zhong family following Zhong Yong's retreat into a chrysalis-like coma.

"Xiao Qing, invite Wang Xuan over to our place sometime," Zhong Changming suggested pleasantly one evening to Zhong Qing and Zhong Cheng. The siblings instantly understood the old man's desire for longevity.

Late into the night, it was known that the Sun family and Wang Xuan had unexpectedly ceased hostilities, causing disappointment among many. Those in the special circles of financial conglomerates and major powers understood the temporary nature of this peace, aware that a resumption of hostilities could result in irreversible consequences for either party.

"In the calm before the storm, the predator bird folds its wings, and the ferocious beast lowers its head," mused Qian An in Suzhou.

Most ordinary people, unaware of these complexities, felt let down, yearning for a spectacle of the swordsman clashing with the super-wealthy and bringing down more battleships.

In Pingyuan City, Qin Hong pondered, "We need to lure Wang Xuan into space or away from the cities, maybe to a smaller town. A mid-sized battleship could then easily eliminate him." However, he quickly silenced himself, fearing he might be overheard by transcendental beings.

His words reflected a harsh reality: the financial dynasties could pose a significant threat to Wang Xuan under certain circumstances. For the time being, Wang Xuan would need to be exceedingly cautious in his travels and use of spacecraft. He found himself longing for the Song family's palm-sized dark golden boat, an artifact that would make his journeys safer and more convenient.

He wasn't in a hurry, knowing the head of the Song family, with only half a year to live, would likely seek him out soon.

"Qin Hong, go next door and meet Wang Xuan. Arrange for him to come over tomorrow morning," instructed an elder of the Qin family.

Qin Hong was taken aback, struggling to accept the task of meeting the once mere martial artist, now a formidable swordsman, something he'd never imagined doing. "Let's contact him tomorrow morning," he replied reluctantly, showing little interest in the task.

"Do it now; it might be too late tomorrow!" Qin Hong was sharply reprimanded by his grandfather. At ninety-three, the elder's deteriorating health fueled his yearning for renewed youth and extended life, his stern gaze enough to intimidate Qin Hong.

Qin Hongyuan, far from an ordinary elder, had been instrumental in Qin Hong's bold move to strike at the transcendents on the moon. It was his nod of approval that led to the financial dynasty's first daring probe into the strength of transcendents, with Qin Hongyuan leading the charge.

"Please calm down, Grandfather. I'm going!" Even though Qin Hong was assertive outside, he had to be deferential at home, respecting his grandfather's authority and not daring to say more.

Qin Hong's visit to Wang Xuan was marked by an amiable demeanor, presenting a warm and welcoming front. Wang Xuan, however, remained unperturbed, well aware of Qin Hong's true nature - outwardly cordial but disparaging and treacherous behind closed doors.

Yet, it was undeniable that Qin Hong was audacious, daring to order attacks on transcendents. He had a knack for making ruthless decisions at crucial moments.

Wang Xuan contemplated dealing with Qin Hong firmly when the opportunity arose, but for now, he decided against making another financial dynasty his enemy amidst these turbulent times.

Late at night, Wang Xuan's spirit ventured out to "stroll" around the Qin family estate. He was instantly on edge as he neared the Qin's secret repository in the depths of their garden. The place, bathed in Buddhist chants and divine light, contained something extraordinary.

Feeling his spirit getting drawn in and almost converted, Wang Xuan realized the grave danger posed by the financial dynasty's secret vaults to disembodied spirits.

He pondered the Qin family's numerous acquisitions, largely related to Buddhism. They had researched both the Moonlight and Fiery Sun Bodhisattvas, driven by their possession of Bodhisattva blood and bones. Their interest in the earthly immortality herb and offering the Sakyamuni's true scriptures as a reward further supported this connection.

"The spacecraft excavated from the moon, now partially deciphered, seems to contain methods targeting spiritual entities," discussed someone in a room.

Wang Xuan, deeply moved, listened briefly before his spirit withdrew back to his body.

In the early morning, accompanied by Qin Hong, Wang Xuan formally visited the Qin family. Their vast estate, nestled beside a serene lake and adorned with lush bamboo groves and a tea house, was where Wang Xuan met Qin Hongyuan for the first time.

"Worthy friend, how long do you think I can live, and what can be done to prolong my life? Please feel free to state any of your needs," Qin Hongyuan asked Wang Xuan, his sparse hair betraying his advanced age. Wang Xuan estimated that in his current state, Qin Hongyuan could live to around a hundred, but clearly, he was not satisfied with that.

"If the Qin family could lend me the Sakyamuni's True Scriptures for study, I believe I could be inspired to extend your life by at least ten years," Wang Xuan proposed, his words stirring even Qin Hong, who was visibly shaken by the prospect of gaining a decade of life.

Qin Hongyuan remained composed, yet his tightly clenched, color-drained fingers betrayed his inner excitement. Wang Xuan was genuinely intrigued by the Sakyamuni's True Scriptures, a paramount Buddhist text, promising a decade of life in return. Such a revered scripture would be out of his reach once the transcendents returned, making it a rare treasure in any era.

Revealing his capability to extend life by over ten years was a strategic move by Wang Xuan to prompt the elderly financial tycoons to make a 'rational' choice and align with him.

Before he even left the Qin estate, the news had spread like wildfire, astonishing the older members of the financial dynasties. The promise of an additional ten years of life was too tempting to ignore.

Qin Hongyuan, managing his emotional turmoil, calmly stated that the family was currently venerating the Sakyamuni's True Scriptures with ancient Buddhist relics and it would take over a hundred days before they could be removed.

Wang Xuan inwardly scoffed at the Qin family's pretense of piety, knowing their interest lay in studying the Bodhisattva's blood and bones. Clearly, the Qin family was even more reluctant to share the scriptures, sensing their immense value.

"Perhaps you would like to view other Buddhist texts?" suggested Qin Hongyuan. "Our family has amassed a significant collection of scriptures and relics from generations of revered monks."

Wang Xuan politely declined, expressing no interest in the other texts. He was particularly keen on pre-Qin golden bamboo slips, which the Qin family did not possess.

As for other treasures, the Qin family did not even broach the subject. The recent battles in Shepherd City and Jingyue City had heightened every major family's awareness of the paramount importance of such artifacts, too precious to be casually relinquished.

Wang Xuan knew that the true scriptures could be replicated, and sharing parts of them would be feasible.

"Is it possible to extend my life by ten years in one go?" Qin Hongyuan inquired earnestly.

Wang Xuan replied, "It's best to do it in several sessions for optimal results. However, if you're in urgent need, I can make an exception at some cost. But of course, I must first thoroughly examine the Sakyamuni's True Scriptures, which will likely inspire me."

Decisively, Qin Hongyuan said, "There are twelve pages of the true scriptures. Let Qin Hong bring me four pages first. Lets start with an extension of three to four years to gauge the effects."

Wang Xuan's spirit momentarily left his body, following Qin Hong for a distance before halting abruptly at the mysterious repository from the previous night, where mystical artifacts threatened to transform disembodied spirits.

Soon, Qin Hong presented four pages of gold leaf paper, void of text but engraved with images. Upon spiritual exploration, imprints came to life, reviving all engraved images in an instant. A towering Buddha emerged, magnificent and lifelike, unfolding a grand panorama in Wang Xuan's mind, revealing the profound mysteries of Buddhism.

Wang Xuan closed his eyes, committing the essence of the scriptures to memory while deliberately severing the image of the Buddha, focusing solely on the teachings and not the form.

"The Buddhist scriptures... they are somewhat terrifying," Wang Xuan mused internally, resolving to keep the teachings regardless of whether he would practice them, recognizing their supreme value.

"How do you feel, young friend?" asked Qin Hongyuan with genuine concern.

"The teachings are profound. I'll study them later. For now, let's focus on extending your lifespan," Wang Xuan suggested, proposing to conduct the ritual in the Qin family's ancient temple for an enhanced effect.

"May I ask why the Qin family has brought an ancient temple into their home?" Wang Xuan casually inquired, not expecting an answer.

To his surprise, Qin Hongyuan revealed, "Over a century ago, my father, following the advice of a sage, brought this ancient temple here." He did not elaborate further.

Wang Xuan's interest piqued, suspecting a deeper mystery, possibly linked to the enigmatic figures once active on New Moon, similar in their influence.

Leveraging the ancient temple, Wang Xuan tapped into its mystical essence hidden within the earth to enhance Qin Hongyuan's physique and vitality, infusing him with a palpable sense of robust life force.

This endeavor was not completed in a day. Wang Xuan devoted five days to the task, genuinely investing his efforts in Qin Hongyuan's rejuvenation.

During this time, Wang Xuan recharged the ancient lamp, the reactivated artifact bolstering his sense of security. News of his deeds spread rapidly, prompting numerous elders to eagerly seek appointments with him.

Elder Song Yun of the Song family grew restless, his patience wearing thin as other elders queued up before him. Taking matters into his own hands, he directly contacted Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan expressed his regrets, informing him that a short-term commitment wasn't feasible. He had significantly depleted his vital energy extending Qin Hongyuan's life and was already committed to other appointments.

"Hey, Wang Xuan, when are you coming back to Su City? Some folks want to rebuild your Life-Nourishing Hall for you. Others are eager to become your disciples," said Zhong Cheng during their conversation. Most importantly, Zhong Cheng's grandfather sought Wang Xuan's life-extending services.

"Yeah, about my Life-Nourishing Hall... I need to report it. Didn't the Sun family destroy those buildings last time? Did they compensate others? I need them to compensate me too!"

Zhong Cheng, stunned, wondered if he had misheard. He wanted to ask if Wang Xuan was serious about reporting the incident to the authorities.

"Little friend, why not just settle in Pingyuan City? I'll build you a Life-Nourishing Hall," offered Qin Hongyuan, still savoring the newfound vitality Wang Xuan had granted him.

Qin Hongyuan was discovering the joy of renewed life. He suddenly noticed the youth and beauty of his female assistant, feeling as if his eyes had been reopened to the world's beauty. Although he could only admire from afar, he felt rejuvenated.

He resolved to hand over the remaining Sakyamuni's True Scriptures to Wang Xuan for an additional decade of life, should his physical condition continue to improve.

However, Wang Xuan was close to fleeing Pingyuan City overnight. Relaxing his guard, his spirit roamed the city, where he encountered inexplicable and terrifying creatures lurking within this modern metropolis, chilling him to the bone.

Though unnerved, he was determined to uncover the truth. He had previously observed shadowy figures on the distant ridges of Hanwu Mountain from the high-rise buildings of Su City. What exactly was happening in these cities?

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