The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 227: Traitor

Chapter 227: Traitor

Wang Xuan stood in contemplative silence, his gaze fixed on the shadowy figure and the distant warship in the night sky. The abrupt offer of allegiance from a supposed enemy was as unexpected as it was intriguing. It defied the conventional course of a transcendental showdown, prompting a mix of suspicion and curiosity in him.

"Why the sudden betrayal of the Sun family?" he pondered, scrutinizing the shadow's motives. In an era where myths faded and transcendent beings faced subjugation, his own rebellious spirit resonated with the idea of resistance.

"What led you to serve the Sun family initially?" Wang Xuan asked, his voice steady and devoid of emotion. The complexity of the unfolding events demanded caution; alliances could be beneficial, but traps lurked in hasty agreements.

The shadow recounted a tale of a fiery spirit, crushed by the overwhelming might of the Sun family a narrative mirroring Wang Xuan's own disdain for the tyrannical grip of the financial dynasties. "I was once like you, full of fervor and defiance. But my overconfidence was my downfall, leading me into the clutches of the Sun family," the shadow revealed.

Wang Xuan assessed the implications of this revelation. The ability to manipulate spirit fragments from ancient relics was no ordinary feat, indicative of substantial power. "How were you ensnared by them, and why remain bound?"

With a heavy sigh, the shadow spoke of the formidable power the financial conglomerates wielded in this unique age. "Underestimate them at your peril. As the era of transcendence fades, they have unearthed relics of immense power."

He shared a chilling encounter: "At the threshold of the Sun family's secret vault hangs a bell. It tolled of its own accord as I approached, ensnaring my soul and spirit, sealing my fate in their grasp."

For Wang Xuan, this revelation was a crucial insight into the hidden depths of the Sun family's power, a realization that would significantly influence his next moves.

Wang Xuan's gaze hardened as he queried the shadow about the ancient bell's activation. "Did a transcendent being set it off?" The idea that the Sun family possessed such formidable artifacts, even in an age of dwindling supernatural forces, was deeply unsettling.

The shadow shook its head, adding gravely, "I suspect it's a relic of the ancients, left behind in their hasty departure." His tone carried a hint of frustration. "Many financial dynasties are unaware of the terrifying power of the relics lying dormant in their vaults, capable of effectively annihilating transcendent beings."

With a sense of urgency, he warned Wang Xuan about the recent efforts of these dynasties to reawaken these ancient artifacts by infusing them with X substance and other materials gathered from hidden lands. "As time goes by, they're realizing the true potential of these objects. Approach them with utmost caution," he advised.

The shadow's willingness to share such crucial insights and cautionary advice suggested a genuine interest in collaboration. However, Wang Xuan remained skeptical, cautious to commit fully to this newfound alliance.

Earlier, the shadow's assault was fierce and unfeigned; the relentless attack of its spirit fragments would have overwhelmed a less skilled individual. The shadow, affiliated with the Sun family, must have known about the ancient lamp in Wang Xuan's possession and sought to deplete its substance. It likely hadn't anticipated Wang Xuan's ability to annihilate the collected fragments without exhausting the lamp's power.

Adapting to the situation, the shadow shifted its approach to collaborationa move both pragmatic and realistic. Reflecting on the broader context, the shadow expressed a poignant thought. "I often wonder if the cosmos itself is sentient, favoring technological civilizations over transcendents. This era provides fertile ground for the financial dynasties; as myths decay and transcendent legacies are unearthed by them, technology grows ever stronger while the transcendent fades. This age has granted them too much..."

Intrigued by the depth of the shadow's knowledge, Wang Xuan asked to meet its true form. The shadow seemed to possess insights into the full decay of mythological eras and the eventual disappearance of transcendent beingsknowledge that was both extensive and profound.

The shadow declined Wang Xuan's offer to meet face-to-face, explaining, "I'm lying in a jade coffin, inconvenient to leave the spaceship and approach you. It could also arouse suspicion from the Sun family."

He then assured Wang Xuan that as soon as he entered Kangning City, they could plot together, with the shadow providing defense plans of the Sun family and promising to act from within. "Just hold off that ancient bell for three minutes, and help me free one soul and two spirits," he proposed.

Wang Xuan, intrigued by the ancient division of soul and spirit, responded, "That bell captured your soul; I'm not sure I can withstand it."

The shadow insisted, "I think you're strong. To single-handedly destroy a Sun family base at your age, you're like those in ancient legends. I believe you can astral project, something other transcendents can't do."

Wang Xuan shook his head, downplaying his abilities, "That wasn't me. My family's patriarch intervened because the Sun family attacked me with their warship. I can't perform such feats. When I leave my body, my spirit can only wander within a few hundred meters."

"Who is your patriarch?" the shadow inquired hesitantly.

Wang Xuan replied ambiguously, "I don't know. He doesn't say much. He just occasionally visits me."

The shadow then requested Wang Xuan's help to approach his patriarch, "Could you ask your patriarch to help? To overturn the Sun family and free me."

Wang Xuan responded, "He's uninterested in worldly matters. He's preoccupied with something else, rarely appearing. He lets me train in the New World, and seldom interferes unless absolutely necessary."

Wang Xuan subtly misled the shadow, portraying a vague figure of a patriarch, potentially an escapee from a greater scheme. "He's worried about the full decline of mythology and is trying to find a solution," he continued.

After a moment's silence, the shadow spoke again, expressing a wish to meet Wang Xuan's patriarch, not just for his own liberation but to discuss deeper concerns shared by his deceased master.

Wang Xuan listened intently but remained outwardly composed. He sensed that this shadowy figure was not as straightforward as it appeared, and caution was necessary.

"The Sun family is indeed formidable, possessing ancient relics of immense power. They didn't know how to use them before, but they're figuring it out now. You should be careful. If possible, ask your patriarch to intervene. If he can free my soul and spirits, I'll be the first to launch an assault on the Sun family," the shadow's emotions were intense.

Wang Xuan nodded, inquiring how the shadow's spiritual fragments could travel such great distances, well beyond ten miles.

"These fragments come from beings of immense power. If you want to project further, find an ancient peach tree struck by lightning but still living. Use its heartwood to host your soul, and you can travel much further from your body," the shadow explained.

Surprised by this knowledge, Wang Xuan realized such materials would be hard to find. He then asked about the strength of other financial conglomerates.

"The financial families and major organizations on New World are all formidable, none of them simple. I was too arrogant and careless in the past," the shadow sighed, regretful. Even if some families didn't know how to activate ancient artifacts, just a little nourishment from super-materials could activate terrifying runes, defending autonomously. He had learned this the hard way when attempting to infiltrate the Sun family.

"I'll wait for your patriarch to act against the Sun family. If you go alone, I can only offer limited assistance," he concluded.

After discussing more plans, the shadow prepared to leave. Wang Xuan suddenly suggested, "What if you pretend to capture me and deliver me to the Sun family? I'm being closely watched, and reaching them by myself will be difficult and time-consuming."

"Sure," the shadow quickly agreed.

Wang Xuan, however, hesitated and retracted the plan. The shadow's swift agreement made him even more doubtful of its intentions.

Wang Xuan couldn't ignore the risk of the shadow being a double agent. If he was delivered to the Sun family on their warship, they could easily sabotage the journey and kill him.

Before departing, the shadow shared more insights. "The Sun family is convinced that the flame of mythology will extinguish completely in three years. They're determined to ensure that no transcendent beings rise to power and disrupt the current order within this time frame. They're consolidating and expanding their dominance and actively persuading other financial families to join their cause."

The night at the Sun family was tense as they awaited results. "Ghost Master is returning, unable to handle Wang Xuan," someone reported.

"Are the people from Superstar close? It's time to use our trump card," another person said with murderous intent. "Do they think our family lacks means? We've only shown a fraction of our power!"

The Sun family, internally united, decided to deploy part of their hidden resources to crush the transcendent beings and intimidate others.

Meanwhile, in the Song family's neighborhood, Wang Xuan, unable to resist the urge, let his spirit leave his body and ventured towards the Song residence. He remembered how the "Mad Little Song" had gone on a killing spree because of Ling Wei and even hired the Ashen Blood to attempt to kill him on Old World multiple times. Wang Xuan had a score to settle but had no intention of starting a war with another major family during these tumultuous times. His goal was simply to explore their secret vault.

Approaching the Song territory, he instantly recognized the heavily guarded area, shrouded in mist and mysterious runes. While these phenomena might be invisible to ordinary people, they were like beacons in the night to transcendent beings, unmistakably conspicuous.

The villa area, exclusive to the Song family, served as their stronghold. The heart of this domain was marked by a set of ancient buildings, each element hinting at hidden powers. Even the twin bronze lions guarding the entrance oozed a terrifying aura, saturated with transcendent substance.

Further intrigue was added by five small flags planted around the buildings, forming a complex network of peculiar patterns, signifying their extraordinary nature.

What truly astonished Wang Xuan was the presence of a golden tree, modest in height at just over a meter, planted in an ancient copper basin deep within the complex. Its brilliance, even from a distance and through barriers, was palpable to any transcendent being. The tree bore several golden birds, seemingly crafted from gold. Their eyes, flickering with runes, suggested a semblance of life on the verge of awakening.

Wang Xuan retreated swiftly, sensing a grave threat from the golden birds. They seemed designed to target spirit wanderers, capable of hunting and destroying souls. His unease grew with proximity.

"Does it only harm those who venture beyond their physical form?" he wondered. "Who empowered it with transcendent substance? Is it a protector for those who feed it, or does the Song family harbor a transcendent expert?"

Convinced of the Song family's possession of such a rare and potent relic, Wang Xuan hurried away. A fleeting glimpse was enough to recognize its immense power, undoubtedly a renowned treasure even in the ancient times.

Wang Xuan, upon hearing the whispers of unease from the neighboring residents about his proximity and his ability to venture beyond his physical form, felt a twinge of irony. "They're worried about me when they have 'Crazy Little Song' in their midst?" he mused silently, resisting the urge to correct their misconceptions.

Another voice chimed in, speculating, I think he wont dare to make enemies on all fronts, especially with his imminent clash against the Sun family.

Regretfully, Wang Xuan cast a final glance toward the direction of the Song family's secret vault before departing. His spirit returned to his body, and he promptly fell into a deep sleep, only a few hours remaining before dawn.

Upon waking, Wang Xuan retrieved his phone from a fragment of a blessed land and contacted Old Chen, advising him to be cautious. Old Chens spirits lifted when he mentioned that Guan Lin had arrived, bringing with him the 1.5-meter-long great black sword. Chen felt most confident and comfortable with this weapon, far more than any other treasure or artifact.

Guan Lin also brought news that stirred concern. The Sun family sent a spaceship to the Old World, likely aiming to bring your parents over, she relayed.

Meanwhile, at the Sun family estate, a figure donned a suit of armor imbued with runes, radiating a formidable transcendent power. Grasping a divine bell, ripples of energy pulsated around it, as if ready to shatter the very fabric of space. Setting the bell aside, he picked up a small, golden gourd, weighing it in his hand with evident affection.

Next, his attention turned to a five-colored wheel of light, its ethereal glow suggesting the power to tear through the heavens. In the family's secret vault, he carefully selected his weapons, preparing to hunt down the transcendent beings who posed a threat to the Sun family.

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