The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 216: Quality Of An Earth Immortal

Chapter 216: Quality Of An Earth Immortal

The sunset was not somber but rather brilliantly red, casting its splendid hue across buildings and people alike, giving off a subtle mix of pink and golden light.

Qian An, aged seventy-five, appeared remarkably youthful for his years. Clad in a traditional practice garment and holding ancient scrolls, he exuded an air of detachment from worldly concerns.

Behind him stood a Daoist temple of modest size. Every brick and tile resonated with an ancient charm, bathed in a pale golden aura under the twilight sky. The temple, nestled amidst the mundane world, radiated a celestial aura.

Greeting Chen Yongjie and Wang Xuan with a warm smile, Qian An ushered them into the temple. "As one ages, the pursuit becomes less about worldly matters and more about inner peace," he remarked, his expression serene.

Nodding, Old Chen responded, "Indeed, ultimately, we all seek tranquility of the heart, though the journey varies. Some achieve their life's goals and retire to a pastoral life, finding solace in nature. Others face constant setbacks and hardships, struggling amidst life's turmoil, only to ultimately seek the same stillness of the heart."

With a chuckle, he added, "Old Qian, you are among the former, having attained a state of contentment. I, on the other hand, am still struggling in the worldly dust, unable to break free."

Qian An shook his head, "Old Chen, if I were in your shoes, I'd gladly trade places. The notion of inner peace is often a self-deception. If I were young and robust, would I choose this life? Everything boils down to the inevitabilities of aging; when the body can no longer strive, the mind settles."

"I think your attitude is quite positive," Old Chen remarked with a smile.

Qian An laughed, "My attitude, well... Look at the youthfulness and vitality around me. It's my way of reminiscing about the past. Being surrounded by them allows me to relive the joys of my younger days."

Wang Xuan glanced at Qian An's young and beautiful assistant, thinking to himself that though the old man's body might have aged, his heart certainly hadn't.

Old Chen replied, "That's enjoying life, I suppose. As for me, I'm still busy trying to protect myself. I've caught the attention of too many."

"You really are impressive, Old Chen. This recent incident has shaken quite a few. And you, Wang Xuan, with your youth and talents, are drawing increasing attention. You're already far ahead of where Chen Yongjie was at your age. The prospect of you becoming an Earth Immortal is very promising," Qian An observed.

Wang Xuan raised an eyebrow, commenting, "Who is trying to flatter me to death? I've just been stumbling along, only managing to reach this point by sheer luck and some spiritual herbs in the Hidden Land. It sounds like someone is setting me up."

Qian An smiled and said, "Don't be so modest, Wang Xuan, and don't underestimate the advisory teams of various families. Their interpretations of mythology are quite accurate. In fact, some are already suspecting that you're a transcendent. That image of 'Wang's Disdain' has made quite an impression."

As they entered the courtyard, the mysterious energy particles subtly vibrated in the twilight. Wang Xuan could clearly sense them, especially as people approached, stirring the air.

"Being compared to two transcendent beings is troubling. If this continues, I'm going to be in trouble," Wang Xuan remarked as he absorbed some of the particles into his body.

The fierce battle on the Yunwu Plateau had depleted some of their transcendent substances. Without regular replenishment from space, it would be unsustainable. The New World's surface was too devoid of various energies, nearly barren.

"But if every family has such relics, these would be sanctuaries, making space journeys unnecessary for gathering vital essence," Wang Xuan thought aloud.

"Being young, powerful, potentially transcendent, and still so humble, it's remarkable," praised Qian An. Not waiting for Wang Xuan to respond further, he added, "By the way, Wang Xuan, do you have a girlfriend? What do you think of my assistant here? She's young, beautiful, talented, already an entrepreneur with her own successful tech company while just in her sophomore year."

Wang Xuan was speechless, wondering if the old man was trying to play matchmaker at their very first meeting.

Late in the day, with the evening sky awash in a resplendent blend of reds, Old Qian, a man of 75 years but not showing his age, stood in his traditional practice attire, holding a scroll of ancient texts. Behind him lay an old Daoist temple, its every brick and tile steeped in history and bathed in a soft golden glow from the setting sun. The temple, nestled amidst the mundane world, radiated an air of mystique and serenity.

Greeting Old Chen and Wang Xuan with warm smiles, Old Qian led them inside. "As I've aged, I've come to seek nothing but peace of mind," he remarked, his face calm and composed.

Old Chen nodded in understanding. "Ultimately, we all seek inner peace, though the journey differs. Some, after achieving their life goals, retreat to idyllic countryside, finding solace in nature. Others, battered by life's hardships, struggle to break free from turmoil, eventually seeking tranquility," he mused, adding with a laugh, "You, Old Qian, have found your peace. I, on the other hand, am still entangled in worldly struggles."

Contrary to Chen's words, Old Qian expressed a different sentiment. "If I were still in the prime of youth, strong and vigorous, would I choose this life? It's more a matter of necessity than choice – the inevitable retreat of an aging man."

Chen playfully retorted, "You seem quite content to me."

Old Qian's laughter echoed in response. "My heart, indeed! Look around – the youth and vigor that surrounds me are reminders of my younger days."

Wang Xuan glanced at the young assistant beside Old Qian, a pretty, youthful figure, and thought to himself that despite his age, Old Qian's heart remained ever young.

Seeing his granddaughter, Qian Qian, Old Qian teased, "This young man might become an Earth Immortal, a bridge from myth to reality. He's a rare talent, Qian Qian."

Wang Xuan didn't take it seriously, well aware that such jests were just Old Qian's way of creating a friendly atmosphere. When Qian Qian called him "Brother Wang" with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes, it was clear this was all in good spirit, nothing more.

Old Qian then introduced Qian Rui, a young man of the family, suggesting he could learn a lot from Wang Xuan about cultivation.

In the quaint temple, both the elders and the youth gathered, creating a harmonious setting orchestrated by Old Qian. He treated Old Chen and Wang Xuan with genuine warmth, without any airs of a financial tycoon.

"Old Chen, you can be assured of my support," Old Qian declared firmly. "Even if there are objections from other families, I'll stand by you and explain. Times are changing. Failing to accept transcendents will only lead to future troubles."

Old Chen revealed his simple desire for self-preservation. "I seek only peaceful cultivation. As long as my life of tranquility isn't disturbed, I aspire to be just an ordinary person, perhaps exploring the arts of longevity when free."

Old Qian turned to Wang Xuan and asked, "Wang, do you have a partner? Look at this young lady next to me – she's intelligent, beautiful, and successful. A perfect match, don't you think?"

Wang Xuan, speechless at Old Qian's sudden matchmaking, found the situation unexpectedly amusing. The young lady, Qian Qian, playfully rolled her eyes at her grandfather's words, making it clear that this was all in good humor.

"In this era of dazzling technology, even Earth Immortals aren't safe," Old Chen solemnly emphasized. "All I am is a law-abiding citizen with no desire to stir up trouble."

Old Qian nodded with a smile, acknowledging Old Chen's concerns. "I understand your position, Chen. It's just that some folks have different thoughts, like the fear of being decapitated by a transcendent during their travels."

Unsurprisingly, Old Qian voiced the concerns of certain factions within the financial and organizational elite, accustomed as they were to controlling everything. The emergence of such unpredictable elements like transcendents had naturally ruffled some feathers.

Old Chen shook his head, intent on clarifying a crucial point. "That's precisely what I wanted to discuss. Recently, I encountered a transcendent from the new art domain in the Yunwu Highlands. Although I inflicted heavy damage, he managed to escape. Their numbers and the depth of their concealment remain unknown. And this is just New Star. Who knows how many more powerful beings are lurking on that Super Star, the birthplace of new art? Financial dynasties and organizations need to be vigilant. I sense impending calamity."

Clear in his thinking, Old Chen realized the importance of not being the only exposed individual. It was crucial to bring those from the new art domain into the spotlight, encouraging major organizations to focus their attention and scrutiny on them.

Old Qian's reaction was serious and thoughtful, a clear sign of his deep concern. Both Wang Xuan and Old Chen could sense his fleeting emotional shift, catching glimpses of his thoughts. Although taken aback, it was evident to them that the Qian financial dynasty was not ignorant of the new art domain's anomalies and the support it received from major financial powers.

Their recent closeness to Old Chen, they understood, was part of a broader strategy of preparedness shared among various factions on New Star.

This meeting, initially framed as an opportunity for Old Chen to admire Old Qian's collection of ancient texts, revealed itself as a probing interaction, hinting at potential collaboration. The discussions, veiled in casual conversation, allowed each party to gauge the other, ensuring no conflicts of interest that might prevent a closer alliance.

"Come, Old Chen, Wang Xuan, take a look at my collection. Although I lack talent in the old arts and practice martial arts just to keep fit, I've managed to gather some noteworthy scriptures," Old Qian guided them into a hall filled with rows of bookshelves, each laden with various scriptures and texts.

Upon entering, Wang Xuan sensed a stronger surge of mystical factors. He was certain that this Taoist temple held profound secrets. The aura of a transcendent artifact was palpable, its energy fluctuations intense, suggesting that whoever ascended to immortality here must have been extraordinarily powerful.

"This temple was relocated from Mount Zhongnan in the Old World," Old Qian informed them.

Wang Xuan was moved. Mount Zhongnan was known as one of the cradles of Taoism!

Who might have ascended to immortality there? The clues were tantalizing.

He and Old Chen quickly examined the scriptures. There were various martial arts manuals and body cultivation texts, mostly practiced by mortals. A silent understanding passed between them; the truly rare and valuable texts from the Qian family's collection were not on display. It was clear that they were not in the habit of making unprofitable deals.

Nonetheless, Wang Xuan meticulously committed the texts to memory, scanning them with his powerful spiritual domain. He recognized that these manuals would be invaluable if the tide of transcendence were to ebb. Even now, they held significant value for refining his cultivation path.

"Old Chen, Wang Xuan, there's another shelf here with some different scriptures," Old Qian continued, "They're quite enigmatic, almost mythological. I'm not sure if they'll be of any use to you, but if you find something valuable, perhaps you could help an old man with his longevity quest. At my age, I'd like to live a few more years."

Old Qian spoke with a smile, his words turning more direct. He had valuable items but wanted to experience the longevity techniques discussed during their earlier gathering.

Both Wang Xuan and Old Chen chuckled. This was a planned "arrangement," and they were amenable to it. How else could they gain access to the private libraries of various families?

"I practice arts of warfare and destruction," Old Chen said. "Wang Xuan, however, specializes in longevity and life-preserving techniques. You should consult him."

In another hall, Wang Xuan and Old Chen were deeply moved. Although there were only six scriptures here, they constituted a complete cultivation system: the path of Golden Elixir! While they had practiced numerous old arts, their understanding of the specific scriptures related to forming a Golden Elixir was limited.

Regardless of whether they would pursue the Golden Elixir path in the future, these texts were invaluable for study and reference.

Wang Xuan invited Old Qian to sit down and began to channel the mysterious factors of the Taoist temple into his body. The effects were immediately noticeable. In just a short time, Old Qian's complexion became rosy, and by the end, he seemed to radiate a faint, crystalline glow.

Beside them, Qian Qian and Qian Rui were astounded. They witnessed a gentle light slowly coursing through their grandfather's body, accompanied by copious sweating. The old man hummed in comfort, his spine straightening and his previously clouded eyes now shining brightly.

"Is this real or just an illusion?" The two youths were so intrigued that they wished to experience it for themselves.

Throughout the process, Wang Xuan continually tapped on various parts of Qian An's body. This served as a cover for channeling the mysterious elements, although the method was indeed beneficial for stimulating blood circulation and enhancing the effects of the mysterious factors.

"It's miraculous," Qian An exclaimed, feeling rejuvenated and brimming with vitality. "I feel as if I've shed years off my age, and my spirit is extraordinarily vibrant."

Wang Xuan nodded, knowing his efforts in channeling the mysterious elements and revitalizing Qian An's aging meridians had been successful. With such visible results, he didn't mind harnessing more of these elements to improve Qian An's constitution further. This demonstration would likely have an astounding promotional effect, potentially unlocking the doors to the libraries of other elders.

"Little Wang, if you encounter any troubles soon, just ignore them," Qian An advised after experiencing the benefits. "Some people are restless with too many thoughts. Don't pay them any mind!"

Wang Xuan immediately understood. Some were trying to provoke him, seeking a breakthrough from him. Or perhaps, certain factions harbored deep suspicions and sought to unravel his secrets? He frowned, considering that if it was mere probing, it would be tolerable. But if anyone pushed too hard, compelling him to reveal his true strength, they might deeply regret it.

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