The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 177: The Origins Of The Immortal Disease

Chapter 177: The Origins Of The Immortal Disease

Wang Xuan felt a chill of apprehension. Am I too being subtly coerced into joining this unexpected journey?

Peering into the inscrutable depths of the elder fox's intentions, he found himself unable to discern whether it harbored genuine benevolence or more calculating motives.

Wu Yin, with a soft sigh, lamented, "So Qinghan was here... it's my fault she's involved now." Initially, it was only she who had been abducted, but now, it seemed none of them could escape the situation.

"It's to the Immortals' cave, not a den of monsters and demons. A great opportunity awaits!" the young celestial fox interjected, casting a side glance at Wang Xuan and muttering, "You should break it off with him."

Under other circumstances, Wang Xuan might have felt compelled to educate the fox on how to show proper respect, but with the elder fox present, he restrained himself. This young fox was truly adept at cunning remarks, a trickster in its own right.

The elder fox levitated effortlessly into the air, soaring without unfurling its wings, like a streak of black lightning heading towards the distant mountain peak.

Wang Xuan's heart raced at the sight. It was his first time witnessing a creature ascend to the skies without the aid of wings, potentially the most formidable demon he had ever encountered in the modern world.

Even with his trump card, Wang Xuan doubted he could contend with the elder fox. The white tiger immortal from the great curtain had clearly stated that her silver hairpin was only effective against beings in the early stages of transcendence. Against a more powerful entity, it would likely be ineffective.

The immortals from the great curtain were constrained from directly intervening in the current world; the energy and 'weapons' they could send over were limited unless they were willing to pay a dire cost.

This predicament underscored Wang Xuan's urgency to advance into the transcendent realm and significantly bolster his own strength, fueling his determination to eventually confront the red-robed female demon. But now, with the presence of the elder fox, an unassailable obstacle had arisen.

"Take the opportunity to leave while the elder fox is away and hasn't shown any hostility," Wu Yin stood before Wang Xuan, a soft sigh escaping her lips. She urged him to avoid following them deeper into the Hidden Land, uncertain of the trustworthiness of the black fox clan.

"You, who have bullied me, can't leave!" the young celestial fox protested, prancing around Wang Xuan in an intricate dance of steps, its grudge from being previously bound still fresh in its memory.

Wu Yin approached the fox, trying to calm it and insisting on Wang Xuan's departure. "Little Celestial Fox!" she called gently.

"Stinky man!" the little black fox snorted disdainfully, turning its back to them, no longer paying any attention.

"Please go, and thank you for saving me," Wu Yin whispered, briefly embracing Wang Xuan before quickly pulling away. "Take care, Xiao Wang," she added softly.

Wang Xuan, however, couldn't bring himself to flee in such a manner. "I'll talk to the elder fox, see if we can reason things out," he resolved, knowing full well that escaping from an entity capable of floating effortlessly through the air was futile.

He looked towards the mountain peak where the elder fox had landed. Zhao Qinghan, unafraid, was gazing down towards them, likely having witnessed Wu Yin's tender embrace with him.

With determined strides, Wang Xuan made his way towards the peak.

"Break it off with him," the little black fox suggested to Wu Yin, swaying its body and batting its long lashes. "Look at that beautiful woman on the mountain. He's so besotted with her that he can't even think of escaping!"

"What are you talking about?!" Wu Yin was tempted to tug at its ears, but restrained herself, remembering its transcendent nature.

Grandmaster Ma was behaving compliantly, quietly and submissively acknowledging the elder fox's superiority over even the leaders of the flying horse herd, showing due deference.

Zhao Qinghan, despite facing a formidable demon, maintained her composure and calm, listening attentively to the elder fox's words without any sign of panic.

The elder fox expressed its approval of Zhao Qinghan, remarking, “Truly a descendant of the Celestial Immortals. Far more composed than ordinary mortals. Cultivation indeed requires a heart unperturbed by external distractions. Such a quality is essential.”

As Wang Xuan arrived atop the mountain and heard these words, he couldn't help but internally scoff. Zhao Qinghan's poise was a result of her upbringing in New World, shaped by exposure to myriad experiences; what did it have to do with being a descendant of Celestial Immortals?

"Can I refuse?" Zhao Qinghan asked the elder fox directly.

"You should not," the elder fox responded firmly, emphasizing that what was left by the Celestial Immortals for their descendants was their rightful inheritance and Zhao Qinghan was entitled to such fortunes.

Since breaking into the realm of Grandmasters, the faint purple glow in Zhao Qinghan's eyes had become increasingly pronounced, instantly catching the elder fox's attention and convincing it of the need to bring her to the Celestial Immortal's abode.

Wang Xuan interjected, "Elder, what exactly can the Celestial Immortals leave for their descendants? On our planet, we have various scriptures ranging from the secret texts of the Taoist ancestral court, the Buddhist sutras of Shakyamuni, to the silver beast skin scrolls of the Pre-Qin sorcerers. We are not lacking in legacies."

The elder fox smiled subtly, "I have come to understand that your world has regressed, no longer a realm of transcendence. The cosmic energies have ebbed, and the laws of nature have decayed. The abodes of the Celestial Immortals, fallen from the void, are no longer suitable for cultivation."

Wang Xuan shook his head, countering, "While it’s true that the energy on our planet has become scarce, my family's patriarch has blazed a new trail, establishing a dojo in outer space. The cosmos is still rich in various energies, akin to the realms where ancient Immortals of ascension would ascend to the heavens to gather qi. Modern humans, through technological means, can ascend to the heavens and harness what is necessary."

"I am aware of what lies beyond the heavens," the elder fox responded, unswayed. "While there may be a plethora of cosmic energies, if it's not a transcendent realm, they remain sparse."

Wang Xuan extended his hand, insisting, "Look, our patriarch has innovated, bestowing us with such substances."

He displayed the mysterious factor, infusing it into Zhao Qinghan's body. Invisible to the ordinary eye, but unmistakable to the elder fox, its eyes widened in shock and surprise upon encountering this extraordinary essence.

The elder fox acknowledged Wang Xuan's words with a serious nod, impressed. "Indeed, your patriarch has opened an Inner Landscape, quite an extraordinary feat!"

However, it then shook its head, adding, "As for such top-tier energetic substances, they exist in the depths of the Hidden Land as well, within the Celestial Immortal's abode, where the Inner Landscape treasures reside. Moreover, you should know, the Celestial Immortal's disease isn’t easily cured. Only by undergoing a purification in the sanctified pools of the Celestial Immortal's abode can this affliction be resolved."

It explained that as long as Zhao Qinghan's strength was not too advanced, and she hadn't stepped into the transcendent realm, there was still a chance for a complete cure. Otherwise, the disease might still be passed on to future generations.

Hearing this, Wang Xuan felt conflicted.

Zhao Qinghan slightly shook her head at Wang Xuan, then stepped forward, "My reluctance to stay stems from not wanting to part forever with my family, to separate from those around me, to be divided by the cosmic sea, never to meet again. If cultivation means leaving behind all that is familiar and unforgettable, turning them into mere memories, even if one achieves ascension, what significance does it hold?"

"Cultivation isn’t about severing all ties with the mundane world," the elder fox patiently explained. "True cultivation doesn’t mean losing all genuine emotions, becoming as indifferent as glaciers or as numb as stones and earth. That’s not the way of true immortals but a deviation from the path."

It continued, explaining that receiving the fortunes of the Celestial Immortal would allow one to revisit their family, though it was advisable to return to the Hidden Land periodically to replenish the celestial blessings.

"What kind of fortunes?" Wu Yin, having climbed the mountain, couldn't help but inquire. Although she had been with the little celestial fox, she remained unclear about these matters.

She gracefully approached, taking Zhao Qinghan's hand, "I'm sorry, I've dragged you into this."

Zhao Qinghan shook her head, "Perhaps this is an opportunity."

She smiled and embraced Wu Yin, patting her back reassuringly, "There's no need to worry so much. Your heart is not at peace, full of tumultuous waves."

"Zhao, you’re too frank, saying such things!" Wu Yin playfully chided her.


Although their whispers were barely audible, Wang Xuan's exceptionally keen perception caught every word, leaving him speechless. The two women, having faced near-death experiences, shared a light-hearted joke in their reunion, a small moment of levity in the aftermath of their ordeal. However, their mirth quickly subsided, weighed down by the gravity of their situation, facing an ancient demonic fox that could determine the course of their destinies.

The elder fox spoke solemnly, "The so-called celestial fortunes are special elixirs prepared exclusively for those with Celestial Immortal lineage. They bloom and wither over many years, inaccessible to others. There are dozens of such rare medicines."

"Venerable Fox Immortal, how did the Celestial Immortal disease originate?" Zhao Qinghan inquired, keen to understand the root cause of the affliction.

Wang Xuan nodded along, equally interested in the answer.

"In ancient times, several powerful beings resided deep within the Hidden Land. Capable of ascension, they nonetheless hesitated to leave the mortal realm. Over time, they began to suffer various ailments, the Celestial Immortal's disease being one, which subsequently infected their descendants."

Ultimately, those beings had to undergo a thunderous purification to address the disease, propelling them into the depths of the Great Curtain.

"So, because of their immense power, akin to Celestial Immortals, residing in the mortal world led to the Celestial Immortal's disease?" Wang Xuan pondered, sparking various thoughts. Could this also be related to the ancient covenants? But probably not, as those were meant to limit beings from beyond the Curtain.

For a moment, Wang Xuan was struck by the profound mysteries surrounding the true nature of ascension. Far from the descriptions in legendary tales and novels, even after eons, questions still surrounded the process of ascension.

Everyone seemed to be groping in the dark, without a definite path to follow, with even the methods of cultivation undergoing several changes over time.

"Venerable one, regarding ascension, does it involve unlocking higher levels of the spiritual world?" Wang Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"Ascension is too distant a concept for us to speculate on. When one reaches that stage, they will understand," the elder fox replied, not venturing too far into conjecture. However, it did reveal that mundane treasures and items beloved by ascendants could be taken along in their journey to transcendence.

"Does everyone destined for ascension, yet remaining behind, contract Celestial Immortal's disease?" Zhao Qinghan inquired.

The elder fox shook its head, clarifying, "Not necessarily. In earlier times, those who followed the path of physical cultivation, possessing formidable bodies, seemed immune to the disease. However, they too eventually departed."

Such revelations resonated deeply with Wang Xuan, corroborating the teachings of the first true form diagram inscribed on the stone tablet, which criticized the dangers of ascension for those with insufficient physical strength.

"You will find great benefits in the depths of the Hidden Land, receiving gifts from your ancestors," the elder fox assured them.

"Can you truly ensure our safe return?" Wu Yin asked cautiously, her skepticism inadvertently bordering on disrespect.

The elder fox nodded solemnly, "Our clan, tasked with guarding the Celestial Immortal's abode, once swore to look after their descendants. Once you receive your inheritance, we will honor your wishes."

In the past, when the Celestial Immortal's disease first erupted, there was no cure. Several powerful beings hastened to send their descendants away before ascending themselves. It was only later that, through communication across the Great Curtain, they provided the fox clan with solutions like planting miraculous herbs.

"Now, with an unprecedented surge in energy substances, our spaceships cannot land. How do we leave?" Zhao Qinghan posed her concern.

Wu Yin echoed the sentiment, questioning whether the elder fox was deceiving them, using their status as Celestial Immortal descendants to access the abode.

The elder fox smiled, understanding their thoughts. "It's good to be cautious, but if I intended harm, I wouldn't waste time talking. I'd simply take you by force."

It further explained, "The Celestial Immortal's abode contains a spaceship, crafted with celestial techniques. It can navigate through outer space."

Such a marvel? Wang Xuan and the two women were visibly moved.

The elder fox added, "Moreover, the surge of energy in the Hidden Land is temporary. In time, it should subside, restoring calm."

Wang Xuan, upon understanding the situation, made a decision. "I'll go to the Earth Immortal City, to find Old Chen and Old Zhong."

The thought of heading to the bustling city, a hub of extraordinary activities, reignited a spark of excitement in him. The prospect of meeting with these renowned figures from the Old World and learning from their wealth of experience was too enticing to pass up.

The little fox, with its newfound respect for Wang Xuan, agreed to guide him. It seemed to understand the significance of his journey, perhaps sensing the potential for pivotal encounters and crucial knowledge to be gained.

As for Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin, their path was set towards the deeper realms of the Hidden Land. They would embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of their celestial lineage and perhaps find the cure for the Celestial Immortal's disease.

Wang Xuan, with a renewed sense of purpose, set off towards Earth Immortal City. The city, known for its ancient ruins and the fierce battles of transcendent beings that took place in its outskirts, held the promise of untold secrets and powerful allies.

His mind was abuzz with possibilities and plans. He knew this journey to Earth Immortal City could be a turning point, not just for him, but perhaps for the entire balance of power within the Hidden Land and beyond.

With each step, Wang Xuan felt the weight of the responsibility he carried and the excitement of the unknown that lay ahead. This was more than a journey; it was a quest for truth, power, and perhaps, the key to his ascension.

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